Fun with Networks: Social, Sensor, and Shape-Shifting Phillip B. Gibbons Intel Research Pittsburgh DISC’08 / Graal’08 September 24, 2008 Slides (except those borrowed from colleagues) are © Phillip B. Gibbons Fun with Networks Social Networks – SybilLimit: Defending against Sybil Attacks in P2P Sensor Networks – Synopsis Diffusion: Robust in-network aggregation Shape-Shifting Networks – Claytronics: Aggregation in programmable matter 3 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Background: Sybil Attack Sybil attack: Single user assumes many fake/sybil identities – Already observed in real-world p2p systems Sybil identities can become a large fraction of all identities – “Out-vote” honest users in collaborative tasks 4 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 honest malicious launch sybil attack Background: Defending Against Sybil Attack Using trusted central authority (TCA) – Ties identities to human beings – Not always desirable: who to trust, privacy, etc. – Practice: Gmail accounts Much harder without a TCA [Douceur’02] – Resource challenges not sufficient – IP address-based approach not sufficient – Practice: Wikipedia IP blocking Widely considered real & challenging – 40 papers on sybil attacks, no distributed solution 5 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 SybilGuard/SybilLimit Basic Insight: Leveraging Social Networks SybilGuard [SIGCOMM’06, TON 2008], SybilLimit [Oakland’08] (with Haifeng Yu*, Michael Kaminsky) First to leverage social networks for thwarting sybil attacks with provable guarantees Nodes = identities Undirected edges = strong mutual trust – E.g., colleagues, relatives in real-world – Not online friends ! 6 * Primary author Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Attack Model n honest users: One identity/node each Malicious users: Multiple identities each (sybil nodes) sybil nodes honest nodes Attack edge: edge between honest node & sybil node attack edges sybil nodes may collude – the adversary malicious users Observation: Adversary cannot create extra attack edges 7 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 SybilGuard/SybilLimit Basic Insight Dis-proportionally small cut disconnecting a large number of identities But cannot search brute-force… attack edges honest nodes 8 sybil nodes Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 SybilLimit End Guarantees Completely decentralized Enables any given verifier node to decide whether to accept any given suspect node – Accept: Provide service to / receive service from – Ideally: Accept and only accept honest nodes – unfortunately not possible Bounds # of accepted sybil nodes (w.h.p.) (log n) per attack edge [up to On / log n attack edges] Accepts (1- )n honest nodes (w.h.p.) We also prove that SybilLimit is O (log n) away from optimal 9 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Example Application Scenarios If # of sybil nodes accepted is < n/2 Then applications can do byzantine consensus <n majority voting < n/c for some constant c secure DHT [Awerbuch’06, Castro’02, Fiat’05] … 10 … Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Identity Registration Each node (honest or sybil) has a locally generated public/private key pair – “Identity”: V accepts S means V accepts S’s public key KS – We do not assume/need PKI Every suspect S “registers” KS on some other nodes 11 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Registration Goals Ensure that sybil nodes (collectively) register only on limited number of honest nodes – Still provide enough “registration opportunities” for honest nodes K: registered keys of sybil nodes K: registered keys of honest nodes K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K honest region sybil region 12 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Acceptance Criteria Accept S only if KS is register on sufficiently many honest nodes – Without knowing where the honest region is ! – Circular design? We can use small cut against adversary K: registered keys of sybil nodes K: registered keys of honest nodes K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K honest region sybil region 13 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Key Idea Take random “walks” of w= (log n) hops – Honest nodes: likely to remain in honest region* – Sybil nodes: must cross an attack edge to reach honest region K K K • Register key at K K K K last hop of “walk” K K K K K * w = Social network’s K K K mixing time End up K at ~random edge in honest region honest region sybil region 14 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Random Route: Convergence f a b ad randomized b a routing table c b dc d c de ed f f e Random 1 to 1 mapping between incoming edge and outgoing edge Using routing table gives Convergence Property: Routes merge if crossing the same edge 15 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Implication of Convergence attack edge K honest nodes K K K Route length w sybil nodes Claim: There are at most w K’s per attack edge – Proof: By the Convergence property – Regardless of whether sybil nodes follow protocol Use 16 m independent instances of random routing Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Verification Procedure Earlier: Each node registers at m tails AB 1. request S’s set of tails 2. I have three tails AB; CD; EF V S 3.common tail: EF 4. Is KS registered? 5. Yes. V accepts S 17 EF F CD 4 messages involved Tails intersect + key registered Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Further Details in Paper Birthday paradox V & honest S share a common tail w.h.p. Limit on sybil Ks in honest region V& sybil S don’t share a common tail w.h.p. – Unless V has a tail in sybil region: Handled in paper How to estimate parameters: w & m Evaluation w/ real-world social networks – Friendster, LiveJournal, DBLP (Added sybil nodes) 18 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Conclusions (to Part I) Sybil attack: – Widely considered a real & challenging problem SybilLimit: Fully decentralized defense protocol based on social networks – Provable near-optimal guarantees – Experimental validation on real social networks Open Problem (in SybilLimit & Politics): Honest users not voting 19 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Fun with Networks Social Networks – SybilLimit: Defending against Sybil Attacks in P2P Sensor Networks – Synopsis Diffusion: Robust in-network aggregation Shape-Shifting Networks – Claytronics: Aggregation in programmable matter 20 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Wireless Sensor Network Aggregation Aggregate in-network over a tree – Each node sends 1 short message (saves energy) 70 % Nodes Included 10 3 1 2 7 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 Time 21 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 40 50 The Problem and the Goal Tree topology used to avoid double-counting Aggregation and routing are tightly coupled 712 33 51 1 1 1 34 1 1 Our goal: Decouple the two components – They can be independently optimized – Robust multi-path routing can be used – Can exploit the broadcast medium In contrast, a gossip approach requires point-to-point messages & explicit acks 22 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Synopsis Diffusion [with Suman Nath*, Srini Seshan, Zach Anderson, SenSys’04, TOSN 2008] Each node generates a small synopsis of its readings (SG) Starting with outer ring, each node broadcasts its synopsis Synopsis Fusion (SF): Each node in next ring combines all synopses it hears into its own synopsis SF must be order- and duplicate- insensitive (ODI) e.g., Compute count or sum using Flajolet-Martin’s distinct-values counting [Considine et al, ICDE’04] 23 * Primary author Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Example Topology: Rings SD Example: Uniform Sample of Size K SG(): Each node selects a random r in [0,1], and creates a synopsis (r, id, val) SF(s,s’): Output the K (r,id,val) triples from s U s’ with maximum r-values SE(s): Output the K val’s in s K=2: (.4,1,v1), {(.4,1,v1),(.7,2,v2)} (.7,2,v2), (.3,3,v3), (.8,4,v4) {(.7,2,v2),(.3,3,v3)} {(.3,3,v3),(.8,4,v4)} {(.7,2,v2), (.4,1,v1)} {(.7,2,v2),(.8,4,v4)} 24 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 {v2,v4} Key Challenge & A Solution Result SE S1 SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF Potentially large unknown set of combinations! SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SG SG SG SG SG r1 r5 r2 r3 r4 Aggregation Topology Key Result: Give 4 simple, locally testable properties for ODI correctness (necessary & sufficient) Makes topology independence tractable ODI Goal: S1 is always the same 25 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Order- & Duplicate-Insensitive Synopses Necessary & sufficient conditions 1. SF is commutative 2. SF is associative 3. SF is same-synopsis idempotent: SF(s,s) = s 4. If readings r and r’ are “duplicates”, then SG(r) = SG(r’) E.g., suppose use SF(s1,s2) = (s1+s2)/2, which of P1-P3 fails? P2: SF(2,SF(6,30)) = 10 but SF(SF(2,6),30) = 17 26 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Implications SF forms a semi-lattice Lattice property can tell if another ODI synopsis accounts for my synopsis 10111 E.g., SF is bitwise-OR 00101 Not true for non-ODI e.g., sum 6 4 Implicit acks (Listen to what parent sends to know if your message was “received”) Efficient adaptation to dynamic message loss, even when asymmetric links More robust routing 27 More accurate answers Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 ODI-Correct Algorithms Count, Count Distinct, Sum, Average, Standard deviation, Second moment, Uniform sample, k’th statistical moment, Quantiles, Frequent items, Range aggregates, Inner product queries For ODI-correct algorithms: Approximation guarantees = same 3 5 28 2 2 … … 3 5 2 2 Well-studied Streaming Model Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Synopsis Diffusion on Rings TAG (tree) Rings Adaptive Rings Flood 600 sensors in 20x20 Count query Scheme Tree (TAG) A. Rings Flood RMS Error 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Energy 41.8mj 42.1mj 685mj 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Loss Rate More robust than TAG 29 1 Almost as energy efficient as TAG Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Synopsis Diffusion vs. Tree Communication Approximation error error Number of Packets SD 1% 10-15% 1-3 Tree 60% 0-5% 1 Delta Tributary-Delta: run both simultaneously, depending on: • regional loss rate • accumulated aggregation [with Amit Manjhi, Suman Nath, ICDE’05] 30 Tributary Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Conclusions (to Part II) Synopsis Diffusion – ODI-correct algorithms + any multi-path routing Open Problems – ODI-correct subtraction – Use Synopsis Diffusion in other contexts: – P2P, mobile, etc. – ODI-correctness requires the same synopsis for all aggregation topologies – However, too strong: E.g., quantiles – always meets guarantees but answer depends on order – What is a formal framework for such scenarios? 31 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Fun with Networks Social Networks – SybilLimit: Defending against Sybil Attacks in P2P Sensor Networks – Synopsis Diffusion: Robust in-network aggregation Shape-Shifting Networks – Claytronics: Aggregation in programmable matter 32 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 The Vision: A Material That Changes Shape Large groups of tiny robot modules (106 -109 units), working in unison to form tangible, moving 3D shapes Not just an illusion of 3D (as with stereo glasses), but real physical objects Both an output device (rendering, haptics) & an input device (sensing) 33 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Suppose Software Could Control Shape Video: CMU Entertainment Technology Center 34 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Applications Product design Medical visualization Adaptive form-factor devices Telepario 3D fax Smart antennas Paramedic-on-demand Entertainment Etc. 35 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Claytronics [PIs: Seth Goldstein, Jason Campbell, Todd Mowry] Each sub-millimeter module (“catom”) integrates computing & actuation Key issues: – very high concurrency (106 -109 catoms) – nondeterminism & unreliability – efficient actuators, strong adhesion – power, heat, dirt – complex, dynamic networking (network diameters ≥ 1000, and changing topologies) 36 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Moving Catoms Without Moving Parts: Two Potential Actuation Methods Magnetic field one coil two assembled magnet rings 2 magnetic-field prototype catoms Electric field electrostatic latch design 37 completed latch Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Making Submillimeter Catoms patterned “flower”, including actuators & control circuitry 2 mold wafers bonded around 1 thinned logic wafer arms curl up due to stresses between layers Note: Both are early attempts [J. Robert Reid, Air Force Research Labs] 38 [Igal Chertkow & Boaz Weinfeld, Intel] Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Catom Design Actuation: Roll across each other (using electrostatics) under software control – Planned motion, Reactive motion Power: Form own power grid – Connected to external power source Communication: Between physically adjacent modules – Either electrical contact, capacitive-coupled connections, or free space optics (wire-like) – Simultaneously with multiple neighbors 39 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Aggregation Goal In order to self-organize into a desired shape, the catom ensemble must: – Be able to measure key aggregate properties (e.g., center of mass) – Coordinate their activities …in real time Diameter too large for standard hop-by-hop approach Ensemble too dense for longer range wireless 40 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Speculative Forwarding [with Casey Helfrich, Todd Mowry, Babu Pillai, Ben Rister, Srini Seshan] E.g., regular 2D grid Standard approach: (regular) gradient Our approach: • Hierarchical Overlay • Speculative forwarding on the long links 41 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Speculative Forwarding Each catom maintains incoming-tooutgoing link mapping (e.g., last used) Each bit along incoming wire sent on outgoing wire according to the mapping When accumulate header, check for miss-speculation Initial results are promising Many issues: • miss-speculations • creating overlay • shape changes 42 Aggregation deferred to nodes in the overlay Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Conclusions (to Part III) Shape-Shifting Networks pose a new problem domain for algorithmic research – Details are in flux; realizations years away – Key issues: scale, dynamics, soft real-time Open Problems – Much theory work to be done: Formal modeling, new algorithms, new insights, lower bounds, etc. – E.g., what is a robust, low-latency communication/aggregation scheme for catom ensembles? Brownian hole motion – Ensemble algorithmics: local algs Grow/consume holes 43 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08 Fun with Networks Social Networks – SybilLimit: Defending against Sybil Attacks in P2P Sensor Networks – Synopsis Diffusion: Robust in-network aggregation Shape-Shifting Networks – Claytronics: Aggregation in programmable matter 44 Phillip B. Gibbons, DISC’08/Graal’08