What’s in a Number 1? The DRIVER, The DOER. The COMMAND SPECIALIST 1’s are: action oriented decisive problem solvers direct assertive demanding risk takers forceful results oriented agitators determined independent self-reliant competitive adventuresome When 1’s speak, they: •Are faster and louder •Speak with more statements •Focus on tasks •Use facts and data •Speak in a monotone 1’s display physical qualities such as: •pointing at others •leaning forward to speak •use of direct eye contact •closed hands •rigid posture •controlled facial expression 1’s are recognized by behaviour such as: •reacting quickly •making a great effort to get involved •showing little concern for being cautious in relationships •working in the present time frame •acting directly •a tendency to reject inaction •needing excitement •being personal In order to grow 1’s must LISTEN When a 1 is under stress, they: Become AUTOCRATIC Need POWER On a good day, a 1 is seen as: •Strong willed •Independent •Practical •Decisive •efficient On a bad day, a 1 is seen as: •Pushy •Severed •Tough •Dominating •Harsh 1’s need to learn: •HUMILITY, FEELINGS, LISTENING TO OTHERS, TO FOLLOW • 1s measure progress through results. They are goal-oriented and may run over people to get there •1s must be allowed to know the score, to get competitive situations and win (or appear to win) •1s need leaders that allow them freedom to do things their way •1s always want to save time. As a result, they come across as busy and efficient •1s receive approval and support from getting the job done well and on time •1s are most effective in positions of authority and responsibility •1s rely on the power of their competence. They know they’re strong enough to “wing it” •1s are excellent at jobs that allow them to organize. When a 1 works with another 1: They must first agree in advance on goals, allow each other freedom to work within in agreed upon limits, allow each other to wine and be in charge When a 1 works with a 2: The 1 must be more open about him/herself and his/her emotions, relax time constrictions, give 2s, incentives, let the 2 win, provide the 2 with public recognition, loosen up, play. When a 1 works with a 3: The 1 should show personal concern for the 3, provide the 3 with details and specifics, acknowledge the 3s contributions, be supportive of 3’s efforts and accomplishments, build a relationship. When a 1 works with a 4: bring facts and logic in writing, be patient while the 4 evaluates, assist a 4 in coming to decision, work with the time limits. Consumer Marketer Product Understanding the consumer is the starting point the process involved when individuals or groups select, use, or dispose of products, services, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires. Problem/Need Recognition CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Feedback Information Search Evaluation of Alternatives Purchase Decision Consumption PROCESS Stages in Consumption Process • Pre-Purchase •Purchase •Post-Purchase What is Marketing? Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational needs. Why is it important to Understand Consumer Behaviour? R. J Reynolds Eclipse cigarettes What do we need to know about Consumers to understand their behaviour? Which iron weighs more? Which shirt saves you more money? Which shirt do you pay too much for? This can of Nestogeno was sold in Peru Charles Lindberg Mackenzie King Larry Ellison Agatha Christie