What works/what doesn’t work Anth2600 B (October 2001) Hülya Demirdirek Best/Worst What is working? Class discussion, except this doesn’t always work cause the readings are not completely; group work on selected topics The group discussions where we broke off into little groups to discuss what we were learning from the readings. It’s not as intimidating to talk in front of about 4 people instead of the whole class. The lectures and some discussion. The teacher-student interactions work. Trying to get us to participate works. Group work also elevates into good discussions about the topic we are learning, Group work (given that readings are done). Overhead and lectures from teacher so students can make actual notes. Giving examples - this helps students make connections. Today - for the first time I have had a taste of your expertise in these matters! Overheads outlining aspects from the articles. Lectures on articles with added personal experiences make it interesting. What isn’t working? Best The selected readings are well chosen, but too many in number. The text for this course is large and I know I will have to rely on some notes cause I will not be able to read all the required readings. Personally, I don’t find much interest in the readings - but that may be my fault in course selection, not the class itself. I wish I had a suggestion of how to motivate students to read...maybe a different text book! Getting frustrated with us when we don’t participate, because we are frustrated too and some people don’t talk because they’re shy and they won’t talk no matter what you say so it’s just frustrating for us as well. I don’t know - I’m listening This class incorporates individual thought and opinion. And you are fun to watch and listen to. Some of the discussion is surprising and interesting. Assigning certain people to read. Some of the articles are harder to understand, so if the entire class even made an attempt to read the article it would make for better discussions than from 3 assigned students. Instructor getting flustered because no one in class answers her. Not reading the essays or reading. Vagueness of class structure. Stopping lectures to ask us what works or doesn’t work. Trying to drag participation out of people. The class is long but we can’t change this, it’s just how it is. Worst Your personality. You’re a really sweet lady and The readings are really long and hard to you try really hard to make us happy. understand. I know we need something to learn from but I don’t read them because I get too frustrated with them. I like your input. Tell us what to read for next class. I am always behind an article for some reason. Tell us your agenda for next class. The best part of this class is being able to listen to other students ideas and thoughts and not just judge what they say. Everyone has an opinion, and everyone including the professor respects that. Instructor enthusiasm, knowledge of topics, and personality. There is nothing that is bad. Your sense of humor and nature in general. The time of day - this is my last class (3 in a row - no break). I like this class. It was me that was getting sleepy, and it has nothing to do with this class but rather that I work full-time and attend school full-time and I hade a presentation today so I was nervous and didn’t sleep well. My apologies. Personal anecdotes that you provide are interesting. Overheads on the net. Is to come to class, not really understanding what the article is about, and having the professor try to pressure some questions and answer session. The material needs to be clarified first, then we can discuss and comment. READINGS! - hard to understand, not in order, LONG readings - too many words that are not in my vocabulary. I like taking notes because I can learn it while I’m writing them and at home if I didn’t understand it in class. Overheads work/summary of articles really helps me/movies The overheads help a bit. Sometimes I hate trying to figure out the main points from the articles. Some are worse than reading art history articles. Energy you have and effort. On track of outline. Topics are interesting. The overheads. By using overheads I can understand things about the article that weren’t clear when I was reading it. They also help me understand what you are saying because sometimes I can’t understand you. Having the words to look at visually is very helpful to me. Summary of articles that are read. Discussion in class with feedback from other students and input from the teacher. Overheads in the class are good. They help a lot. Have overheads for every article and make them available online. I don’t like group work because I am shy and I don’t really learn much. Group work can also get off topic very easily. class discussion that goes no where. Having to constantly participate and not have lectures. A lot of confusion in the class because of lack of structure. Forced to read. I get incredibly bored in this class because discussions get me really confused. Lack of clarity about articles/exams/papers. Fact that there is no base to go from - no theories to start with. Sometimes I feel I am teaching myself from the overheads. I wish they were detailed or went further into the key points. I am constantly looking up words in the dictionary. A lot of reading TOO MUCH READING! With our other classes it is too much to read up to 3 stories in 2 days. Same as what works. Same as what doesn’t work When you just try to explain an article without anything visual. I get confused because I can’t understand some of the things you are saying. I am sitting with people who are very friendly and they help me understand things better. And also, that you are very considerate of us as a class and that you are concerned about how we feel. When we spend the entire time or a lot of time discussing things that do not have to do with class content. Why we aren’t reading, how we don’t discuss, etc. It wastes time. And TOO much reading, for such little time. Trying to decide how the class should be run and ways to make students get involved. Mainly go over material whether or not students have read it. If students are having problems they can come see the professor during office hours or make an appointment. There is a schedule and it should be followed whether students follow it, is their problem. All of the articles. There are way too many to know and read. I don’t think anything is the best. Stop wasting class time by asking questions as to how to have more class involvement or maybe assign questions. You are open to suggestions. You realize what the class needs and try to make everyone happy. I also like how you stay in touch with us via email. It is very easy to communicate with you. The articles. Some of them are very boring and difficult to read. Thaiss wasn’t bad but long boring articles like Cornwall and Lindisfarne make me not want to read them. If I don’t read them I don’t want to come to class for fear of not knowing what’s going on. This may be the reasons for the attendance problem. When you outline the articles and take the time to try and help us understand the difficult ones. The questions to think about in e-mails provide direction when reading. Discussing the articles does help a lot. (Talking about their main points). Your enthusiasm is great. It makes class interesting (also humor). It would be great if you could have the overheads on the Internet the day before so we could have them to make notes on rather than trying to copy it all down. I don’t think the assigned readings work because the people who are responsible are not speaking up and we all should be responsible now since will be for the final. I think it’s just that there is a lot of reading and people have 4 other classes. Actually it’s not specifically the amount of reading but it is pretty hard to digest and that makes it a lot. It’s not that I’m not interested, it’s just that it’s taking me longer to read that’s all. (I have a hard time with this kind of reading). I don’t like individual group discussion because I like to hear everyone’s views and opinions. I like your examples and asking for examples from the class. The overheads could be more descriptive rather than just one sentence dichotomies. Some of the readings are boring and hard to get through and sometimes there are a lot to read for each week. See what works Nothing is bad enough to be classified as worst. Class discussion when everyone has read the If the professor sends an e-mail saying: This articles and is not afraid of speaking up. The author thinks this way about something what do professor giving examples and stories about what you think about this issue? Maybe we could we are talking about is good too. have a class discussion about that. Overheads are really helpful. I think the reason why hardly anyone has read the articles is because we have a lot of them read and we are right in the middle of mid-terms for other classes. Don’t get so discouraged, all other classes are like this with turn out and participation of readings during this time of year. Just remember that we are paying for the education and if we don’t want to embrace the opportunity don’t worry your self about it. You the one getting paid to educate us. Do your best and don’t try to accommodate everyone. I already talked to you about the rest of my concerns. Today was the day I actually followed and understood. Before I start writing I was confused to the #1 is working, although I fear you are not I don’t have a problem with how this class is necessity of what we were doing here (writing satisfied with that. going. I think there is less verbal participation pros and cons). Providing overheads and discuss than you want because we may not understand simultaneously. the concepts clearly and do not wish to look foolish in front of the rest of the class. Overheads as a summary, because it makes the I don’t think that asking a select few to read the The option for open discussion or not (I really Some of the articles are difficult to understand or articles easier to understand and to talk about articles is good, because then the rest of the class enjoy your energy in class too)! to keep an interest in (but on the other hand some (and the questions being asked before the articles tends to not read the articles; therefore, less are interesting). Also, some of the questions are read). discussion in class. asked are hard to comprehend (perhaps the use of vocabulary??) Using overheads because it facilitates my understanding of the articles. Trying to keep up with readings when I’m stressed out with exams in all my other classes this week. Having visual aids for people who don’t learn well from lectures without visual aids. I think that overheads summarizing the articles help those that read get a better understanding. Stick with a plan. Most understand that not all the subject matter is going to be interesting. Do what you feel works best - we respect you and your knowledge in this area. Overheads and discussions - works about the readings. Assigned readings - people don’t do them doesn’t work. How the class has been structured since the midterm with the outline of the article, supplemented by discussion. Trying to understand lectures that are unstructured and thus, difficult to interpret. Sometimes I don’t understand the articles I read, and I don’t get much out of abstract, unstructured lectures which leave me with more to interpret. I need lectures to clarify and enhance my understanding of the articles not cloud it. Overheads are helpful, I wish there were more for people who learn like I do. I usually have my readings done, but my energy was focused on study for mid-terms in other classes this week. Last week the focus was on this class. I think that it must be understood that many of us have a heavy workload and sometimes do not have a lot of time to do all the readings. Your reaction to unresponsiveness! I don’t participate verbally but still understand and enjoy the class. Just because there is no discussion does not mean we don’t care. ings - get a are notes to go way I learn best mation you When we have to stop to do things like this - it is frustrating, annoying, and wastes time. The way you get so excited when you teach - it really is interesting to hear the examples you give - you give this class energy - makes it interesting. How sometimes school to learn participate all of days so please do e readings! It would be nice to get the notes before class so I can write over them to supplement them during class with what you talk about during the class. Different teaching then the norm. I’m here to learn and the environment in which it occurs effects how and what you learn. To me, a different environment is better and better prepares me for things outside the class room (the real world). When you give us a funny example of something because it is both funny and can then easily be remembered. You are considerate about people and try to be helpful. How you seemin yourself, for wha problems (lazine up or believe tha Your sense of humor. The readings are and hard to unde talking about how That people are n ask/discussion. I always understan answer or someo it. I usually have before I talk abou up my words. Lack of energy/in n understanding before reading ocus on. g to class so that The discussion because some/most of us do not like to talk out loud. You can’t expect everyone to be involved in the discussions. Some people don’t like to participate. You also can’t expect everyone to keep up with the articles, we have other classes and we determine what needs to get done at certain times. Too much reading. cussing articles Getting us to read the articles does not work, but people should be reading them any way. When you relate things from the articles to the everyday (gossip that you have). s class as it gets Nobody does the readings... we can’t discuss if nobody has read. There isn’t enough motivation to read. Maybe if there was even a question quiz once a week to make sure everyone reads the articles then maybe it will give motivation for people to read. Having to read two or three articles before class. This is because we (I) don’t get to finish reading them, because it is too many, I have other class assignments to take care of, thus if an article is being discussed, I don’t know what’s being said, because I did not get time to read it all. The class - some of the articles lack direct ties to the class (maybe I’m just missing something) Group discussions are the best. he exams. Your energetic approach to the class - your attempts to get the class to participate. Time wasted on this class and tim learning. We talk too muc The time of day ( for the day). I th (including me, an class, re just simp things). nd being able to something to in today’s ept. 11 was ent gender roles he media. learly outlining and talk about. ticle, asking for g the main r asking for uestion (short Trying to discuss articles that are difficult to read and understand in the first place. Relying on anyone to read the whole and all of the articles. Non-specific questions to try and answer half of the time. I am not sure what is being asked or what we are suppose to comment about. Group discussions once they get going and notes on articles so we better understand. Relying on speci expecting everyo seem to be worki assigned specific reading them! Students who don’t respond (not the professor’s fault) or the professor asking one question and giving up after 2 seconds. Professor responding to student input with short answers and asking for more feedback. Professor not reit them into differe answers to stude lost, and lose stu and points - find Asking peoples opinions of how you should run the class - we’re halfway through the semester now - just go with something. Where we’ve gone through the articles discussed main points, etc. All the time spen could/couldn’t be the readings. Pe are. iven before Group discussion - reading 5 articles a week (not gonna happen). Mid-term (I thought it was fair) and discussion week and video.