Document 16059187

Mgmt 3821
Assignment #1
Due: Jan. 18, 2001
Preliminary Assignment
I would like to know a bit more about you and your background. Please send me an email
response so that I can have your address. Put the class name or number in the Subject
(e.g., Visual Basic or 3821) so I know which class you are in. If you are also taking Mgt
3830 (Database), you can send a single email and mention in the email you are in both
If you prefer to use an off-campus email address, please send your email from that
address. However, all class mailings go to your university address because that’s how
Information Services maintains their lists.
Your email should include:
Your name (as you prefer to be called in class)
Student number
Return email address
Web page address (if you have one that is useful/interesting)
Are you a Part-time or Full-time student?
Do you have an IS-related job (either full or part time)?
For those who are full time students:
Planned major (MIS, Computer Science, other?)
Planned term of graduation
Brief summary of programming experience/courses
e.g., Pascal, QBasic, HTML, C, Java, JavaScript, …
Visual Basic or VBA?
What are your objectives for this course?
How do you see this course fitting in with your larger goals?
Is there anything you would like to know about this course?
This assignment is due on January 11, 2001. There will be a 10% deduction from your
Assignment #1 grade if this is not submitted.
Mgmt 3821
Assignment #1
Due: Jan. 18, 2001
Calorie Counter (p.118, Question 3.1)
Create the program described in Question 3.1 (Calorie Counter) with a few additional
features listed below:
 Include a title at the top with your name as part of it, e.g., “Kasey’s Kalorie
 Near the top of the Form, add a TextBox control that allows input of the food or
meal name
 Add an image that would be an appropriate for this type of program (and
remember to include the image file when you submit your assignment)
 When the Print button is selected:
o all CommandButton controls should be hidden
o after printing, the CommandButtons should be displayed again
 Provide brief ToolTips for all the CommandButtons
 Colour the background
 Use some different (and reasonable) colours, fonts and sizes for TextBoxes and
 Automatically maximize the Form to fill the screen on opening
All controls should have proper names following the Microsoft naming conventions and
the Tab order should be appropriate. Be sure the form module and each procedure has
some clear comments, similar to those in the text (e.g., p.114-116). Ignore the “Folder”
line (p.114). Alternatively, you can use the Microsoft commenting convention for
modules. Your program should also follow all the good programming practices discussed
in the first two weeks of class or in the assigned text readings.
Save all your project files with appropriate names. When your project is ready to submit,
compress all your files into a single zipped file without the path. There should be only
one project (vbp) file in your submission. The zipped file should be named
A1<YourName> with the last name first, e.g., Email this zipped file
to me at least 30 minutes prior to the start of class. I will confirm that I received your
assignment and was able to run it, either by email or in class.
The printed submission, due at the start of class, should include:
Sample Printout of the Form
VB Code (normally printed within VB)
All printouts should be in portrait mode using standard 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper. There is no
need for colour printing or a separate cover sheet. The code printout should have no
wrapped lines and should use white space, indenting, etc. to make it readable.
This is an individual assignment. Please consult the syllabus if you are unsure what
this means.