A Syllabus Rubric CORE SYLLABUS CONTENT Missing Present 0 1 Exceptional 2 Maximum Score Course Information Course Name and Number Course Description Location Meeting Dates and Times Textbook and Supplemental Readings Learning Outcomes and Content Areas Calendar of Activities Includes photo of textbook cover and/or link to purchasing information for textbook or to additional readings Department approved learning outcomes and course content areas are listed in the beginning of the syllabus Due dates for all assignments included 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Instructor and Campus Support Information Professor Name Office Location and Hours (Part time faculty should list mailbox location) Contact Information- Email and/or Phone Welcome Statement and/or Teaching Philosophy Statement Information on Campus Resources 2 2 2 Communicates passion for teaching and the discipline; Shares beliefs about and approaches to teaching and learning Encourages use of services and includes phone, location, and/or links to Counseling and Career Service, Academic Advising, Registrar, Library, Learning Center and Tutoring Services, Disability Services, Weather Closing Information 3 3 Score CORE SYLLABUS CONTENT Missing Present Cont. 0 1 Assignments and Grading Information Due Dates for Assignments Assignment Information Rationale for Assignments Grading Information on Assignments Overall Grading Scale for Course Exceptional 2 Detailed, clear explanation of assignments included Purpose of assignment clearly articulated; Connections between assignment and learning outcomes is explicit Includes rubrics that explain how assignments will be graded Includes visual graphic of how much assignments count toward final grade Maximum Score 2 3 3 3 3 Policy Information Academic Conduct Policy Academic Integrity Policy Participation Policy Disability Policy Late and Missed Work Policy Registrar Policies Total Core Syllabus Content Score Positively phrased statement about professional behaviors (i.e. To foster a productive learning environment, the College requires that all students adhere to the Code of Student Conduct which is published in the college catalog and website.) Positively phrased statement that emphasizes the importance of integrity and defines dishonest actions; Includes potential consequences for dishonest actions The value of and expectations related to class participation is explained. Information about how to access accommodations is provided in the beginning of the syllabus (i.e. If you need accommodations due to a disability, contact Disability Services in Edison Hall Room 100, 732.906.2546.) Open to discussing serious issues that may arise. Link to registrar’s website with important dates such as withdrawal 3 3 3 3 3 3 61 Score OVERALL SYLLABUS Needs Work 1 Satisfactory 2 Exceptional 3 Maximum Score In addition to effective use of headings and putting course information before policies, attention is drawn to important points (larger fonts, visual images, etc.) 3 Visual tools such as images, charts, graphs, and SmartArt were used to enhance the visual organization and appeal 3 Statements are positively phrased (“It is expected that we will all engage in academically honest behaviors.”) Explicit statements about your belief in your students to complete the challenging course tasks; Explanations about why students should be excited about the course Statements encouraging students to reach out to professor or other supports; Links to helpful resources 3 Organization Content Flow and Emphasis on Important Points Lack of headings or other organizational tools Visual Appeal Little to no use of tools such as font size, color, or images Headings used to identify sections; Course information such as learning outcomes and course content areas is listed before policy information Some tools such as larger font size or bolded text were used to visually organize content Tone Positive language Statements assume that Statements are mostly students will misbehave or not neutral in nature act professionally (ex. “Don’t plagiarize”) Motivation Information in syllabus is all factual in nature General statements about the value of the course Support No mention of resources or encouraging of students to reach out for help Students are provided with information on how to access support on campus or other resources for help with completing tasks Total Overall Syllabus Score 3 3 15 Score