UW-Eau Claire University Center Steering Meeting Meeting Minutes July 27, 2009 Alumni Room, Davies Center 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Beth Hellwig, Tim Lauer, Ray Maggi, David Hatton, Susan Harrison, Charles Farrell, Rick Gonzales ACTION ITEMS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS: Bray/Burt Hill Provide mechanical layouts. Change layouts to reflect restroom exit doors swinging out. Widen hallway by Alumni Room Add lounge to third floor women’s restroom Charles Farrell Provide inventory of current furniture to be used in new building. Committee Establish date for design team to make presentation to the Plan Commission Meet with biology and other pertinent departments regarding Little Niagara Discuss with Bray/Burt Hill dry land access options Discuss hooding with Bray/Burt Hill Set up meeting with Sciences Chancellor Meet with members of the community and City Council 1. Dr. Hellwig reviewed the agenda for the two meetings this afternoon. 2. The meeting minutes from the July 21 meeting were distributed and reviewed. 3. Questions were raised on whether the comments were the opinion of the committee or individual preferences. They were committee member’s individual opinions. 4. Explanation by David Hatton on what is going to happen at the 4:00 meeting. They have taken the information from the focus groups and incorporated them into their plans. They will also go through the history of the design process. 5. The purpose of this meeting is to go through plan and review changes Burt/Bray Hill made according to our last meeting. 6. The committee was supposed to determine which type of restroom to put by the front door. The committee decided to go with a one fixture family type for each restroom. 7. Concern was raised about the size of the Heritage Room. The Heritage will match exactly with the current configuration. 8. Some minor changes were made on first floor due to mechanical requirements. 9. Reviewed what the loading dock area will contain and what each bay will have in it. 10. Anytime there is a mechanical space the doors should open to the stairway if possible. 11. The current servery layout was shown. It continues to be refined. 12. Concerns were brought up at the last meeting about hooding in the servery. Bray/Burt Hill reviewed where they will go, mainly along the south edge of the servery. The building will need a lot of venting. 13. Ray Maggi explained the plans and how they include plumbing, mechanical, venting, heating and other items. These items are going on in the background but not everything is shown on the layouts as it would be difficult to clarify what is what. 14. Susan asked if there was any additional plumbing going into the concrete for future expansion. At this time there is none. Every food station has plumbing. 15. The bookstore is the updated version from Barnes and Noble. 16. There is a drywall partition between the two retail spaces. 17. Access from The Cabin to the servery was questioned. It has already been decided to have the touch screen to order food. 18. The main staircase was changed on the second floor. It does not go to the third floor. It was suggested that a curve in the staircase would be nice. Does it fit the architectural concept? Ray will take a look at adding a curve to the opening or to the staircase. 19. The egress stairways furnishing were discussed. Upgrade the finish of the stairway on the south east corner and the one by The Cabin. 20. It was asked if the conference room glass on the main hallway on third floor could be opaque. Another option was to put up a six feet wall and then glass to the ceiling. 21. It was asked if Bray/Burt Hill could slide the doors to the egress stairway back on the third floor. 22. Two offices and a meeting room were changed in the Student Senate area per a request from the last meeting. 23. Put in sink and sanitizer in both Student Senate and University Center break areas. 24. The media room is not a fixed setup. Charles hasn’t finalized the details of the room. The committee will need to discuss this at a future meeting. 25. Reviewed what Bray/Burt will present at 4:00 meeting this afternoon. 26. Event Services area was changed per the comments provided to the architects. 27. There is a small canopy over the patio on the second floor of The Cabin. 28. The fireplace exterior is mostly stone with some metal and then in the Alumni Room is stone again. 29. The meeting room on the third floor east end should have the ability to be split into two meeting rooms. 30. A small lounge was added outside the women’s bathroom on third floor. 31. A display area was added in the Alumni Room. 32. Display areas for students should be added on the second floor and possibly on the third in the main corridor and by the ballroom. 33. Charles needs to meet with Kim Way to discuss the Circle of Excellence wall. 34. Student Organizations display case area should be added on the main hallway of second floor. 35. Put slate on both bookend areas by the servery. 36. New layout has about 3200 square feet of storage on the 4th floor. The architect is trying to get either a catwalk or staircase to the northwest corner of the building. 37. Meeting adjourned.