Document 16054995

Thomas N. Bantivoglio Honors Concentration
Freshman Application
Instructions: Please save this document in Word with your full name (e.g., Smith,
JaneRUHonorsApp.docx), attach to an email, and submit to
Submission deadline is March 1, 2016.
Today’s date:
Rowan ID number:
Note: to apply to Honors you must already have been accepted to Rowan and received a letter from Honors and an ID
Full Name: _________________________________________________________________
Street Address
City, State, & Zip Code
Date of birth: _________________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________
Please note that we will be using this email address for communication regarding your application status.
High School name and address:
Unweighted GPA:
Class Rank:
________out of_________
AP Exams you have taken or will take:
SAT Math:
SAT Reading:
SAT writing:
Proposed major:
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Please respond to both essay prompts (approx. 500 words each):
ESSAY 1. The Honors Concentration’s motto is “think, thrive, share,” and is designed to signal that
Honors is for students who want to do more than excel at academics. Engaging with the quotation
below, craft a response that does the following:
1) advance an argument for the importance of Royce’s understanding of loyalty, and
2) explain how Royce’s idea might help you think, thrive, and share during your college career.
“The only way death is not meaningless is to see yourself as part of something greater: a family, a
community, a society. If you don’t, mortality is only a horror. But if you do, it is not. Loyalty, said Royce
‘solves the paradox of our ordinary existence by showing us outside of ourselves the cause which is to
be served, and inside of ourselves the will which delights to do this service, and which is not thwarted
but enriched and expressed in such service.’” Atul Gawande On Being Mortal (2014).
ESSAY 2. Tell us about the service activities in which you’ve been involved. What has been your level
of commitment (hours worked or office held), and what motivated you to volunteer with the
organization of your choice? What did you learn from your service involvement; what do you imagine
doing in the future at University; and what do you hope to gain from it?
Please send the recommendation form on our website to your recommender. We are unable to
accept other recommendations.
My recommendation will come from the following academic teacher:
Reference name:
Reference position (teacher, counselor, etc.):
Reference school address:
Reference school phone:
*Remember to save this document with your full name (Smith, JaneRUHonorsApp.docx)
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