NATIONAL BOARD FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION (NBTE), KADUNA, NIGERIA THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Engr. Dr. Nuru A Yakubu, FNIM,OON Welcomes Participants of the Regional Workshop on Revitalising TVET Provision in the ECOWAS Region Website: 19th August, 2009 1 Vision Our Vision is to uphold the ideals of a free, united and egalitarian society and promote quality technical and vocational education 2 Mission Our Mission is to promote the production of skilled and semi-skilled, technical and professional manpower, to revitalize and sustain the national economy and reduce unemployment and poverty through the setting and maintenance of high standards, provision of current and reliable information for planning and decision making, sourcing and disbursing of funds and adequate linkages with industry 3 Mandate Act 9 of 1977, Act 16 of 1985 and Act 9 of 1993 “… to advise the Federal Government on, and coordinate all aspects of technical and vocational education outside the universities….” 4 Mandate Act 9 of 1977, Act 16 of 1985 and Act 9 of 1993 to determine, after consultation with relevant bodies, the skilled and middle-level manpower needs of the country advise the Federal Government on the financial needs, both recurrent and capital, of polytechnics to undertake periodic review of the terms and conditions of service of personnel in polytechnics to receive block grants from the Federal Government and allocate them to polytechnics 5 Mandate Act 9 of 1977, Act 16 of 1985 and Act 9 of 1993 to advise on, and take steps to harmonize entry requirements and duration of courses at technical institutions to lay down standards of skill to be attained and to continually review such standards as necessitated by technological and national needs; to review methods of assessment of students and trainees and to develop a scheme of national certification for technicians, craftsmen, and other skilled personnel 6 Mandate Act 9 of 1977, Act 16 of 1985 and Act 9 of 1993 to collate, analyze and publish information relating to technical and vocational education; to consider any matter pertaining to technical or technological education as may be referred to it from time to time by the Minister; to carry out such other activities as are conducive to the discharge of its functions. 7 Mandate Act 9 of 1977, Act 16 of 1985 and Act 9 of 1993 In addition to the above, sections 8(1) and 8(2) of Act 16 of 1985, states as follows: “The responsibility for the establishment of minimum standards in Polytechnics, Technical Colleges and other technical institutions in the Federation shall be vested in the Minister after consultation with the NBTE and thereafter the Board shall have responsibility for the maintenance of such standards” 8 Mandate Act 9 of 1977, Act 16 of 1985 and Act 9 of 1993 Act 16 of 1985, continues: “The Board shall have power to accredit programmes of all institutions mentioned in subsection (1) above for the purpose of award of national Certificates and diplomas and other similar awards, and for entry into national and zonal examinations in respect of such institutions” 9 SUMMARY OF NUMBER,TYPE AND OWNERSHIP OF TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN NIGERIA INSTITUTION TYPE OWNERSHIP Federal State TOTAL Polytechnics Monotechnics Colleges of Agriculture Colleges of Health Technology Other Specialized Institutions 21 38 12 71 17 9 23 19 40 2 1 2 36 50 27 IEIs Sub-Total Technical Colleges VEIs 1 71 19 - 99 152 1 72 87 3 18 73 257 174 19 GRAND TOTAL 90 252 Private 108 450 10 The Structure of the Board The Board is organised into four departments namely: ◦ Programmes Department ◦ Finance & Supplies Department. ◦ Planning, Research & Statistics Department ◦ Personnel Management Department 11 Units Executive Secretary’s Office SERVICOM Anti-Corruption & Transparency UNESCO–Nigeria TVE Project Legal Services 12 Major Reform Activities Institutionalization of Quality Assurance System in polytechnics, monotechnics, technical colleges and VEIs & IEIs Enforcement of carrying capacities in polytechnics and enforment of 70:30 ratio in favour of science and technology based programmes 13 Major Reform Activities Establishment of Vocational Enterprise Institutions and Innovation Enterprise Institutions (ROADMAP): Provide a credible alternative to HE Widen Access to TVET Provide training in areas that are not in the conventional HE Institutions Private Sector-led TVET Training ◦ So Far 72 IEIs and 20 VEIs Registered ◦ 33 IEIs & 4 VEIs Granted Interim Accreditation ◦ 36 (19NID & 17NVC) Curricula & 3 common courses developed 14 Major Reform Activities Development of a National Vocational Qualifications Framework, NVQF (ROADMAP): NBTE spearheading the establishment of a NVQF in collaboration with other stakeholders; ◦ A structure for operations of vocational qualifications ◦ A system that recognizes skills and competencies acquired in a variety of ways (formal, informal and non formal) ◦ Enhances LLL and skills acquisition ◦ A structure which provides for recognition of skills training in the informal sector and ◦ Recognition of prior learning (RPL) 15 Curriculum Review and Re-alignment So far over 90 curricula at have been reviewed No of TVE Curricula as at May 2009 S/No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Qualification Post-HND HND ND NID Pre-ND ANTC ANBC NTC NBC NVC Total Number 11 81 61 19 1 40 4 40 4 17 278 16 Development of curricula in new and emerging fields: • Prosthetics and Orthotics • Paralegal Studies (VEIs/IEIs) • Early Child Care Management (VEIs/IEIs) • Networking and System Security (VEIs/IEIs) • Film and TV Production (VEIs/IEIs) • Graphic Design and Advertising 17 Collaborations and Partnerships UNESCO: Phase I Completed, Phase II Commenced Hosting of UNESCO-ILO Regional Workshop & Formation of WAATVET ETF: Ongoing interventions e.g. training of Polytechnic staff on entrepreneurship education, technical equipment and books for Technical Colleges among others, provision of surveying and geomatics equipment PTDF: Collaboration on Ekowe, Polytechnic; SAIT and qualifications framework ITF: Collaboration on Cooperative Education and qualifications framework ANAMMCO/IMT: Development and implementation of industry-linked training in Mechatronics 18 Collaborations and Partnerships MOUs with Professional Regulatory bodies on joint accreditation, eg COREN, CPN, TOPREC AfDB: Implementation of Skills Training & Vocational Education Project CAPA: Capacity building and sharing of resources World Bank: STEP-B Project British Council: PMI, Study tour on UK Education system GTZ : Study tour of German Dual Vocational Education System NBTI: Technology Incubation Sensitization Workshop 19 Other Reform Activities EDUCATION ROADMAP 2009 ◦ 3 Year B. Tech. Degrees in Polytechnics Implement the Presidential directives on B. Tech. by Polytechnics in core competencies Curricula to be more robust and Industry-based 5 Credits at SSCE + ND as a prerequisite for admission into B. Tech. 20 Other Reform Activities EDUCATION ROADMAP 2009 ◦ Establishment of the National Commission for Polytechnics NCP to replace NBTE and regulate B. Tech. in the Polytechnics in addition to the ND ◦ Establishment of the Commission for Vocational Education and Training (COVET) to coordinate NVQF, Technical Colleges and Other vocational/industry-based training 21 THANK YOU 22