University of Nevada, Reno Spring 2009 Department of Geography Instructors: Gary Johnson

University of Nevada, Reno
Department of Geography
Geography 409/609
Spring 2009
Instructors: Gary Johnson
Assignment 1a
The purpose of this assignment is to refresh your skills that were learned when you began
the study of GIS.
Each student will be given a paper map and locations of related data found on the
Your assignment will be to find the total acres of older quaternary alluvium debris
flow(Qd) at an elevation over 4300 ft.
To accomplish this assignment you will need to digitize (in ArcInfo or ArcMap) and
attribute the arcs and polygons on the paper map given to you. You will need to
transform the paper map to the same projection of the DEM found on the internet. Then
you will need to do the query to find the geologic unit/units being looked for and find the
total acres of the selected unit/units.
1. The paper map only has 5 registration points, you will need to figure out the
sixth location by extending an x and y line until they intersect.
2. All geology will need to be attributed (arcs and polygons).
3. The final map will be in the projection of:
State Plane, units of feet, central zone (4626), datum NAD27
Final product will be a page size map showing the Shaded Relief or the topography as a
background with the geology and faults in the foreground and the selected unit/units
highlighted and acreage noted. Use your cartographic skills to add all necessary elements
to the map.
Due date is Feb. 20th
Grading standard: 30 points total (5 points each)
1. Quality of line work (5 point)
2. Accuracy of attributing (5 point)
3. Correct projection (5 point)
4. Cartographic elements (5 points)
5. Correct acreage within 10% (5 points)
6. Metadata on geology theme (5 points)