Heddleson Summer Internship with ISU Human Sciences Extension and Outreach

Heddleson Summer Internship
with ISU Human Sciences Extension and Outreach
Total of $3600 to be awarded for one to four grants
The Heddleson Summer Internship Program is designed to support student
experiences that
 Prepare individuals for a career in ISU Human Sciences Extension
and Outreach or community outreach
 Help individuals learn and gain hands-on experience with Extension
educational programming and delivery
Preferred Qualifications
 Exploring employment with ISU Human Sciences Extension and Outreach
 Community-focused; demonstrated successful experience in community
service learning projects (either required through coursework or volunteer
 Enjoys working with people and building teams and partnerships
Benefits to participating intern
 Working in professional team atmosphere associated with educational
program development and delivery
 Work with diverse (age, gender, economic class, ethnic) audience at the
community level
 Become familiar with county Extension office procedures, responsibilities,
and staff
 Develop skills in time management, prioritizing
 Participate in a high performing system where staff and community
volunteers work closely to achieve common goals
 Participate in network that will provide a variety of experiences, mentoring,
feedback, and clear communications throughout the internship
The applicant will:
 Be enrolled in an academic department/major within the College of Human
Sciences (Apparel, Events and Hospitality Management; Food Science
and Human Nutrition; Human Development and Family Studies;
Kinesiology or School of Education.)
 Be an undergraduate student with at least 60 credit hours (classified as
junior or senior) or at graduate student status at time of internship
 Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
 Desire the challenge of working in collaboration with an Extension and
Outreach program specialist on a project related to family life, nutrition and
Due: March 2
wellness and/or family finance; project should involve assistance with
program development, implementation or evaluation
Have already initiated conversations with individual Extension and
Outreach program specialist about interest in an Extension project in a
designated county for 6 weeks
Be eligible to receive the grant only once in college career
Need to provide own housing and operable vehicle; also have a valid
driver’s license
Laura Heddleson made a monetary gift to the ISU College of Human Sciences to
support students interested in work with ISU Human Sciences Extension and
Outreach, an area to which she dedicated most of her career. She grew up on a
farm near Strawberry Point, Iowa. In 1932, she earned her bachelor’s degree
from Iowa State University in home economics and in 1936 she transitioned into
work with Cooperative Extension. She was a home demonstration agent in
Mahaska County, teaching women in their homes how to sew, clean and
preserve foods. Over the years, she worked with Extension in Iowa, Illinois and
Kentucky. She retired in 1970 after more than 34 years in the profession. She is
now deceased.
Application deadline: March 2 for Summer Internships
Procedure for Selection:
The Program Director for Human Sciences Extension and Outreach will appoint a
committee (two year term) to review the applications and make
recommendations. The committee will include representation from Human
Sciences Extension and Outreach campus faculty, campus P&S staff, and
program specialists in the field. The committee will evaluate the applications and
forward recommendations, in rank order, to the Program Director by March 20.
Grantees will be notified by April 1.
Student Application: Heddleson Summer Internship with ISU Human
Sciences Extension and Outreach
Application Information
Due: March 2
Classification when internship begins:
End of sophomore year (60 credits earned)
End of junior year (90 credits earned)
Current Address:
Cumulative GPA (must be 3.0 or above):
Racial/Ethnic Information (optional):
Application Question:
How will this Extension and Outreach experience prepare you to meet your professional
Describe proposed project (need):
Identify proposed location (county Extension and Outreach office):
Identify proposed program specialist with whom you will work:
Submit Support form (attached) and letter of support from the program specialist
indicating willingness to work with you.
Application deadline: March 1 for Summer Internships
Student application, county support form and letter of support should be
submitted electronically by March 1 to:
Anthony Santiago, ISU Human Sciences Extension, ads@iastate.edu
Support for Summer Intern
___________ County/Region
Please check the following expectations that you would be willing to meet if an Intern is placed in
your county, with you.
Provide a workstation for intern
______ Facilitate the necessary and required paperwork involved with hosting an
Supervise the delegation of selected program responsibilities
Due: March 2
_______ Provide numerous experiences for the intern (accompany program
specialists to meetings, shadow field visits, participate in workshops,
media, etc.). Please give examples below of some activities and
experiences that your county/region might offer.
Acquaint interns with office procedures, responsibilities and staff
______ Provide a professional work and team atmosphere when working in and
outside the office
Help support the intern in the discovery and development of a summer
Actively mentor and guide the intern’s experience through regular
meetings, clear communication and honest feedback
Help develop the intern’s skills in time management, responsibility and
Introduce interns to clientele and stakeholders
Recognize that interns are not summer program support staff; and, respect
and treat Intern as junior colleagues in need of guidance and support
How our county/region will provide an outstanding experience for an ISU Human
Sciences Extension and Outreach Summer Intern:
Signature of professional staff member:
Student applicant should submit this signed form and a letter of support from county staff/program specialist
along with application OR form and letter may be submitted (separate from the application) by county
staff/program specialist via email to: Anthony Santiago, ads@iastate.edu
Due: March 2
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