University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Pandemic Preparedness Plan Last Updated: 7-23-09 D:\219516584.doc Page 1 I. Purpose. The purpose of this plan is to provide the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire with strategies and guidance during a pandemic influenza. This plan was developed with other emergency response partners in Eau Claire County ensuring a coordinated and integrated City/County response. II. Goals A. Limit the number of illnesses and deaths. B. Preserve continuity of essential functions and services. C. Minimize social disruption. D. Minimize economic losses. III. Planning Assumptions Susceptibility to the pandemic influenza virus will be universal. Illness rates, absenteeism, incubation period, treatment modalities, and specific prevention strategies will be determined by the virulence and other characteristics of the virus. Response to a pandemic will require cooperation with the UW-Eau Claire Emergency Planning Committee and the Eau Claire City-County Health Department (ECCHD). Guidance for action will be obtained from local, state, and national officials, including UW-System, ECCHD, Wisconsin Division of Health, and Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Emergency Operation Centers(EOC) and Continuation of Operation Plan (COOP) will be activated as directed. Specific planning assumptions can be referenced in each department’s COOP plan. Table 1. Number of deaths, hospitalizations, outpatient visits and illnesses during a Moderate and Severe Pandemic Influenza Scenarios. Numbers are based on a 25% attack rate or in other words, 1 out of every 4 individuals will be affected somehow. The exact number of individuals affected is not known. This data came from the Eau Claire City-County Health Department’s Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan. Jurisdiction Eau Claire County Health Outcome Deaths Hospitalizations Outpatients Ill, no medical care Moderate Pandemic (1968 - type) 63 278 12,406 23.286 Severe Pandemic (1918 - type) 518 2283 11,062 9423 IV. Plan Activation. This plan will be activated based on communication from the Chancellor’s Office in consultation with the Eau Claire City-County Health Department who will monitor the status of a pandemic influenza. V. Who’s In Charge? The County Emergency Operation Center (EOC) will be responsible for coordinating a County response during a pandemic. Each agency must have a line of succession that can make decisions for their agency. Three individuals at UWEC that have the authority to make decisions about activation of elements of the plan and to coordinate essential services: 1. Brian Levin-Stankevich, Chancellor, 715-836-2327, 2. Patricia Kleine, Provost/Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs, 715-836-5962 D:\219516584.doc Page 2 3. Beth Hellwig, Vice Chancellor Student Affairs, 715-836-5626, VI. Who will coordinate internal and external communications? This is called a Public Information Officer (PIO). Every organization should have a PIO, commonly referred to as a spokesperson. In a pandemic influenza, it will be critical that messages to the media and the general public are coordinated with the Eau Claire City-County Health Department. As a pandemic escalates, the County will likely open a Joint Information Center (JIC). A JIC is where PIO’s from various agencies can meet and coordinate messages. Before a JIC is activated, the PIO should coordinate messages with the PIO from the Eau Claire City-County Health Department. Strategies include: A. Press releases B. Web site C. E-mail D. City Watch Notification System Two people at UWEC who will be responsible for internal and external communications: 1. Mike Rindo, Director University Communications, 715-836-4742 2. Judy Berthiaume, Director News Bureau, 715-836-4745 VII. Who will monitor illness in the agency? It is important that every staff person be able to recognize signs and symptoms of influenza. When an individual presents with signs and symptoms of influenza, that person should not attend on campus classes or come to work, and should consult their health care provider. Strategies include: A. Collect and send symptom surveillance data to ECCHD. B. Collect and send influenza-like illness (ILI as defined by CDC) statistics to WI Division of Health and CDC. C. Implement guidelines to modify the frequency and type of face-to-face contact among employees and students (i.e. use of surgical masks as warranted) Student Health Service (SHS) will monitor illnesses in coordination with public health officials: 1. Laura Chellman, Director, Student Health Services, 715-836-5954, 2. Theresa Teselle, Clinic Nurse Manager, 715-836-5953, 3. Dr. Mark Williams, Senior Physician, 715-836-4311, VIII. Who will be responsible for instructing staff? People who work at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire should receive information about how to protect themselves and their families during a pandemic influenza. The best way to do this is to train and educate staff about social distancing and infection control measures. Strategies include: A. Encourage annual influenza vaccination for employees B. Purchasing hand wash sanitizer and utilizing it in strategic locations throughout campus C. Distribute posters on hand hygiene and cover your cough D. Provide special information page on UWEC’s website E. Mass email campus community regarding status of pandemic, signs & symptoms to be alert for, steps to take if symptomatic, and prevention strategies D:\219516584.doc Page 3 F. Conduct exercises in conjunction with Campus Emergency Planning Committee Two people to help coordinate education on campus: 1. Laura Chellman, Director, Student Health Services, 715-836-5954, 2. Theresa Teselle, Clinic Nurse Manager, 715-836-5953, IX. What services are critical to provide even during a pandemic? These services are often related to services of life, safety and health Services determined to be essential were identified in UWEC’s Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) and are listed in column 1 below. Some challenges in maintaining these services during a pandemic are mentioned in column 2. The third column identifies possible ways to overcome these challenges. And finally, the last column lists resources needed to maintain essential services. Essential Service Chancellor’s Office Challenges Lack of staffing depth for pandemic coordinator Strategies Pandemic flu exercises Inter-agency agreements Well trained EOC Resources / Help Needed Access to county and state level resources Transportation Emergency Operations Team Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan Dining Services Isolation and quarantine locations Agreements with multiple vendors Uneven delivery of supplies Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan Local food vendors and restaurants Quarantine/Isolation plans and training Stockpiling of supplies Housing / Residence Life Isolation and quarantine locations Agreements with multiple vendors Uneven delivery of supplies Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan Eau Claire County Health Department Staffing Quarantine/Isolation D:\219516584.doc Page 4 plans and training Facilities Management Specialization of staff Stockpiling of supplies Cross training of Relationships with personnel private companies Lean staffing lines Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan Multiple sources of electricity, fuel, etc. Communications Learning & Technology Services Ability to communicate message in information saturated environment Consolidate messages with other PIO’s Lean staffing lines Continuity of Operations(COOP) plan Specialization of staff Cross training of personnel Dependency on external networks County and state level PIO’s Pre-script messages UW System Continuity of Operations(COOP) plan Redundancy of hardware Written procedures Human Resources Business Services D:\219516584.doc Maintaining communication with system and state offices Continuity of Operations(COOP) plan involving other UW campuses UW System Maintaining electronic communication with banks Maintain communication with system Share resources with other UW system campuses UW System Maintaining communications with vendors Continuity of Operations(COOP) plan Page 5 University Police Ability to maintain 24 hour patrols Pandemic flu exercises Local, county, and state law enforcement and national guard Continuity of Operations(COOP) plan University Police (cont’d) Memorandums of understanding Identify alternate sources of those able to provide patrols Student Health Services Limited staffing Traditional delivery means increase risk of transmission Maintaining communication Implement triage system Local health clinics and county public health Continuity of Operations(COOP) plan Share resources with other UW system campuses X. What services can be temporarily suspended during a pandemic? All University operations not listed above as an essential service can be temporarily suspended in order to free up staff resources to concentrate on critical services or help support Eau Claire County’s response to the pandemic or to limit spread of the illness. XI. How will you operate with staff shortages? A pandemic may cause staff absenteeism near 40% because of illness, peoples staying home to take care of ill family members, or people staying home for fear of being infected in the workplace. Strategies to help address concerns and handle absences include: A. Secure non-essential volunteer list B. Cross train staff to perform other jobs C. Train volunteers to perform jobs normally handled by staff D. Encourage vaccination E. Allow and facilitate working from home where possible F. Mandatory sick leave for ill staff D:\219516584.doc Page 6 XII. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Pandemic Influenza Planning Committee A. Dr. Beth Hellwig, Committee Chair, Vice Chancellor Student Affairs/Dean of Students B. Terry Classen, Director, Facilities Management C. Craig Mey, Director Learning and Technology Services D. John Baltes, Director, Loss Prevention and Safety E. Chris Kirchman, Sargeant, University Police F. Laura Chellman, Director Student Health Services G. Mike Rindo, Special Assistant to Chancellor, Univ. Communications H. David Gessner, Assistant Chancellor Budget and Finance I. Chuck Major, Director Housing/Residence Life J. Sodexo-Dining Services K. Karl Markgraf, Director International Educatio L. Student representative XIII. Plan Approval. This plan shall be reviewed and updated annually. A copy of this plan will be provided to the Eau Claire City-County Health Department. XIV. Appendix The Appendix shows the planning and possible responses to the levels of a possible pandemic. D:\219516584.doc Page 7 Appendix UW-Eau Claire Pandemic Influenza Planning and Response Last Update: July 23, 2009 Level 1: Confirmed cases of human-to-human transmission (equates to World Health Organization Alert Level 5) Level 2: Suspected cases on campus or suspected/confirmed cases in the Northwest Region of Wisconsin Level 3: Confirmed cases on campus (consider what essential personnel should report to campus) Department/Func tion Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs & Dean of Students (Pandemic Coordinator)* Level 1 o o o o o o Chancellor* o o o Provost D:\219516584.doc o Level 2 (in addition to Level 1) Review Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Identify a pandemic response team with well defined roles and responsibilities for preparedness, response, and recovery planning Monitor status of pandemic flu via the World Health Organization (WHO) Update Cabinet on planning activities and changes in WHO alert levels Communicate and benchmark with other colleges Assist other departments with planning efforts as requested Determine which administrative units will provide essential operations Based on U.S. State Department recommendations, recommend campus community not to travel to affected countries Consider restricting movement on and off campus for activities/athletic events Establish a plan for the continuity of o o Activate Emergency Response Operations Evaluate information on institutional effects and determine which non-essential functions are to be suspended Level 3 (in addition to Levels 1-2) o Maintain contact amongst all team members o Consider recommendin g temporary closure of buildings and suspension of student and academic activities to the Chancellor o Provide oversight for student, staff and faculty family notification if appropriate o Consider temporary suspension of classes or closure, including shutting off utilities if necessary Page 8 student learning during an outbreak of pandemic influenza Assistant Chancellor for Budget and Finance* Communications* o Establish a budget to procure resources needed for pandemic flu response o o Develop a business continuity plan Issue communications to campus community regarding status of disease spread, self protection and university response o o o o Dining Services* o o o o o o Housing and Residence Life* o o D:\219516584.doc Develop Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan Train essential personnel on risks and response Alert Student Health Services when encountering students with flu-like symptoms Identify potential rooms and/or buildings to be used for quarantined students. Stockpile additional food stuffs and water Ensure that food delivery process is planned and delivery supplies are on hand Follow business continuity plan (as outlined in COOP) Alert Student Health Services when o o o Work with Student Health Services to compose communications for the campus community regarding signs/symptoms, protocol for referral of suspected cases Write scripts for phone tree Write and record bulletins and updates on University’s Emergency Information Hotline Work with Student Health Services along with Eau Claire City/County Health Department to determine if faculty and staff and their families should report all flu cases and to whom Set up dining command center Enact emergency phone contact tree Identify meal delivery need and method for quarantined students o o o Set up housing command center For meals provided by o Organize phone banks if necessary (phone banks can refer callers to emergency services, take messages, support rumor control) o Establish a Media Relations Center: coordinate press releases, and manage new teams and interviews, etc. o Publish messages on a periodic basis on UWEau Claire web front page o Activate quarantine plans from Level 2 in coordination with the Eau Claire City/County Health Department o o Activate emergency phone Page 9 o Housing and Residence Life* (cont’d) o encountering students with flu-like symptoms Identify potential rooms and/or buildings to be used for quarantined students and students who have no available home to go to. Consider use of FEMA trailers in the event of needed quarantine during regular school year. Notify current occupants in spaces that will be needed of the potential for them to move their belongings o o Sodexho (or other meal provider), identify meal delivery system for quarantined students Establish means on housing web site by which displaced students may report their temporary address Prepare staff for possible university/residence hall closure contact tree and other communicati on as directed in COOP o Identify student events where confirmed patients have attended o Implement hall closing/quara ntine plans as needed and coordinated by health and university officials Communicate with parents of suspected cases and explain procedure Establish phone triage lines/communication systems for Student Health Services Initiate poster, e-mail campaign on selfprotection Work with Eau Claire City/County Health Department to compose communications for the campus community regarding signs/symptoms, protocol for referral of suspected cases and work with the director of University Communications to disseminate this information Coordinate mass vaccination with Eau Claire City/County Health Department if available Work with International Student o Arrange counseling services including critical incident stress management for essential staff o Student Health Services and Counseling Services* o o o Develop a business continuity plan Communicate with Eau Claire City/County Health Department and Western Wisconsin health officials regarding pandemic planning including mass vaccination Establish policy on transporting individuals to the hospital o o o o o o o D:\219516584.doc Page 10 o Student Health Services and Counseling Services* (cont’d) University Police* o o o o Learning & Technology Services* o o o o o International Education o o D:\219516584.doc Train officers on safety issues regarding pandemic flu Alert Student Health Services when encountering students with flu-like symptoms Train and fit essential personnel for respirators Coordinate with Office of Loss Prevention and Safety a plan for any hazardous material cleanup o Develop a business continuity plan Work with Communications office to assess needs for webpage support Assess supplemental telecommunications/computing/hard ware/software needs Develop plan for adding volunteers to public email addresses Develop plan for distributing phone calls to homes or phone banks o o o Services regarding travel restrictions or suspensions. Work with Housing and Residence Life and Dining Services regarding identifying ill students, possible quarantine or isolation, adequate cleaning, Counseling Services sessions, etc. Provide essential personnel with respirators Implement policy on transporting individuals to the hospital Work with Student Health Services to arrange transportation to mass vaccination clinics when available Purchase/contract for supplemental telecommunications/c omputing hardware/software needs o Secure buildings & post signage o If necessary Add additional phone lines to emergency team operations area, quarantine areas and media relations center o Assist with email message distribution o Provide guidance for forwarding phones and setting up bounce messages Work to ensure that all international travel restrictions are enforced (work with Student Health Services and Eau Claire City/County Health Department) Based on U.S. State Department recommendations, advise the Page 11 Facilities Management* o o Loss Prevention & Safety* o o o Human Resources* o o o o Chancellor if international student travel to and from the campus should be suspended (work with Student Health Services and Eau Claire City/ County Public Health Department) Identify building ventilation systems and establish a respiratory protection plan Review Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan Identify risk exposures for which insurance can and cannot be obtained including associated financial impact Identify steps that must be taken to monitor and protect insurance coverage Benchmark risk management response and insurance coverage options with peer universities Review Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan Monitor faculty and staff entering from effected regions Prepare a call-off policy Identify personnel available for telephone support work o Communicate with UW System Office of Safety and Loss Prevention on evolving campus issues o Monitor levels of absenteeism o Stand by to shut off utilities as directed by the Chancellor under the advisement of the pandemic response team o Assess actual risk/insuranc e claim issues o Consider activating call-off policy Departments marked with an asterisk are considered to be those with essential personnel. Which staff members are to report to work will be determined by departmental continuity of operations plans. D:\219516584.doc Page 12