Impact of New England Transfer the Farm Program Workshops

Impact of New England
Transfer the Farm Program
Presented at the 2009 National Extension Risk
Management Education Conference
Reno, NV March 31-April 1, 2009
Bob Parsons
University of Vermont
Mike Sciabarrasi
University of Vermont
Demand – Program Addressing
Regional Education Needs on
Farm Transfer/Transition Issues
All New England States
Aging farmers on small farms
Complicated by high real estate values
Regional concern to preserve farmland
Complex – 2 different issues
– Estate Planning
– Business transition
Result: Regionally Supported Project
• Generously funded by the Northeast
Center for Risk Mgmt Education
• Combined effort and cooperation:
Extension of Connecticut, Maine, New
Hampshire, and Rhode Island
• Land For Good, Land Link – Vermont,
and Maine
• Cooperating attorneys
• Bottom line: One state could not do the
program alone!
What Did We Do 2005-2008?
• Conduct 26 workshops for 792
participants in 6 New England states
– 15 TTFI for 511
– 9 TTFII for 244
– 2 TTF II for 37
• Met individually with 85 farm families
• Provided financial support for 21 families
Workshop Agenda for “Transfer
The Farm I” Workshop
Communication and setting goals
Retirement, estate & business basics
Nuts & bolts – Legal aspects & methods
Creative alternatives
– Land Link, Conservation Easements
• Farm panel – their experience
• 1 day, 9-3:30
Retirement & Transfer Basics
View of the issues and considerations
Retirement planning
Health and income needs
Implication of taxes
Methods of transferring assets
Business organizations
Business transitions
Legal Aspects of Transfers
Attorney is essential
Opportunity for free legal questions!
Probate, estate, and taxes
Wills, inheritance, & heirs
Protecting assets
Conflict of interest between
• Leave lots of time for Questions!
First Hand Experience
• Farmer panel gives hope and confidence
that transfer/transition plan can be achieved
• Folks willing to openly discuss
• Get multiple views – Parent, child, in-law
• Get success and horror stories
• Gives courage to move forward
Transfer The Farm II – Farmers
Wanting Business Transition
• Retirement income
• Medicaid and farm ownership
• Compare business organizations
and trusts
• Ingredients of a business agreement
• Conclude with a decision case
Medicaid and Health Issues
• Long term care “scares the hell out of folks”
– Will we have to sell the farm to pay the home?
• Medicaid complicated and changing yearly
• Long term care insurance? Affordable?
• Issue garners great attention!
Reference Material for Workshop
• Checklist for ingredients of LLC agreement
• Limitations of LLC
– Does it provide limited liability?
– Preventing “piercing the veil”
• Checklist of post-LLC tasks
Key Points of Interest on LLC
• Key elements folks want to know:
– Protect against divorce
– Maintaining and handing over control
– Including non-farm heirs but no control
• Passing ownership through the LLC
• Does it really protect against liability?
So What Were the Results???
• Sex: 53% male, 47% female
• Age well distributed:
– 10% < 35, 25% >65
– 30% age 56-65, 34% age 36-55
• 61% sole proprietor, 19% partnerships
– 20% LLC, Trust, Corp
• 71% have retirement account
What Done in Previous 5 Yrs?
13% had done NOTHING
27% written or updated a will
33% attended another workshop
69% discussed with family
39% met with professional on issues
32% had met with ag professional
13% altered business to include children
People Liked the Programs
• 95% Satisfied with the workshops
• 98% Satisfied with workshop organization
• Family Communication turned out highest
rated section
• Legal Aspects 2nd – folks liked the lawyers!
• Creative solutions least popular
Workshop Increased Understanding
of the Issues…
Communication - from 30% to 88%
Retirement planning - from 25% to 75%
Business transition- from 16% to 77%
Estate planning -from 20% to 80%
Health and Medicaid - 5% to 85%
Business Agreements – 9% to 90%
Note: on a scale of 1 to 5, answer 4 or 5
Follow-up Program with
Workshop Participants
• Set up farm visit with farmers
• Offer aid for professionals (lawyer, acc’t)
– Provide $150 stipend
• Met with 85 families 2005-2008
– Across New England
– By 5 participating extension and 2 non-profit
Follow-up Meetings
Each situation was unique
Topics widely varying
Met at home or extension office
Offered follow up professional assistance
– Odd – only 21% took professional offer!
– Others did use professional help
– Some did not move forward
What Have Participants Done
Since Workshop?
Survey – 56% return
72% files or updated will
70% have reviewed deeds
62% have discussed process with family
47% had determined basis with tax advisor
18% set up planning entity (LLC, trust)
So What Have We Learned?
• Issue “ain’t goin’ away” as farmers
average age gets older
• Workshops work to get issues covered
• Clientele want one-on-one consulting
– Fear of not knowing exactly what to do
• Greater need “out there” but not reached
– Lenders, others identify folks needing help
Issues for Extension
• Declining Extension Resources
– Can we put time into one-on-one?
– How much effort to one family?
• Declining meeting attendance – do different?
• Addressing those in need but not reached
– Innovative thinking needed
– Technology - but older folks don’t use internet
• How to include professionals/others?
Thank You!