Extending Our Reach – Training Agricultural Professionals to Facilitate and Teach Price Risk Management in a Marketing Group Setting Bret Oelke and Bill Craig, University of Minnesota and Dale Carter, Agricultural Consultant Extending Our Reach – Training Agricultural Professionals to Facilitate and Teach Price Risk Management in a Marketing Group Setting Extending Our Reach…….. Objectives Understand the need to expand access for producers Recognize the U of M format Learn the process used to replicate the University format Outline the training and support provided to nonUniversity facilitators Price Risk Management Education Why the need? Limited staff to manage and facilitate groups Increasing demand due to Minnesota Master Marketer, Winning the Game and other marketing programs delivered by University Staff Measurable financial impact on group participants (Texas A&M mature marketing group survey) Sponsor requests Texas A&M Mature Marketing Group Survey Fig. 5.3 Minnesota Marketing Clubs 2003 Survey- Adoption of Marketing Skills Skill Adoption Pre Marketing Club Post Marketing Club Percent Increase Marketing plan? 35% 92% 163% Written marketing plan? 11% 54% 391% Determine costs of production? 57% 84% 47% Profit and/or growth needs? 48% 73% 52% Fundamental Analysis? 58% 95% 64% Seasonal price information? 63% 97% 54% Technical analysis? 30% 76% 153% Texas A&M Mature Marketing Group Survey Fig. 5.4 Minnesota Marketing Clubs 2003 Survey- Average Mastery Level on Scale of 1-7 (1=low) Pre Marketing Club Post Marketing Club Percent Increase Production risk management tools? 3.9 5.2 33% Marketing tools to manage price risk? 3.3 5.1 55% Hedging with futures? 3.2 4.9 53% Hedging with options? 2.9 4.7 62% Texas A&M Mature Marketing Group Survey Fig. 5.5 Economic Impact – Minnesota 2003 Marketing Club Survey Results Average impact Total Impacts Club members with impacts per operation Average - All Crops 155 $13,673 Average - All 28 $37,975 Livestock Average Per 156 $20,401 Operation Price Risk Management Education University of Minnesota marketing group format Master Marketer curriculum used initially to provide background to group participants On-going material developed by Regional Extension Educators Regional Educators facilitate and teach regularly along with guest speakers Fee based program (per session or per farm annually) Price Risk Management Education Meeting format 90 to 120 minutes 12 to 16 session per year Formal presentation first Research based (limit opinion and don’t “advise”) Informal discussion Have a reason to meet (not just to socialize) Benchmark marketing plans Price Risk Management Education Market material used Commodity futures prices for grains and livestock Energy futures Options Local prices USDA report information and summaries Price Risk Management Education Price Risk Management Education Price Risk Management Education Sale Increments Amount Tool Price Default Date % 10,000 Bu. HTA or Futures $ 2.52 22-Mar-06 10.53% 10,000 Bu. HTA or Futures $ 2.61 12-Apr-06 10.53% 20,000 Bu. HTA or Futures $ 2.69 10-May-06 21.05% 20,000 Bu. HTA or Futures $ 2.79 24-May-06 21.05% 15,000 Bu. HTA or Futures $ 2.88 7-Jun-06 15.79% 10,000 Bu. HTA or Futures $ 2.97 21-Jun-06 10.53% 10,000 Bu. HTA or Futures $ 3.08 5-Jul-06 10.53% $ 2.79 95,000 Total Bu. Minimum acceptable price $ 2.52 $/Bu. Ave. $/Bu. 100.00% Price Risk Management Education Training the Trainer Minnesota Master Marketer Program Participating in existing groups Price Risk Management Education Supporting the Trainer Provide localized presentations Benchmark marketing plans developed with group participants tracked by facilitator Work with local sponsor to recruit participants Conference call and email support Price Risk Management Education Sponsors Local businesses and/or farm organizations Provide access to customers/members Support facilitator In some cases provide meeting space Price Risk Management Education Other important issues Facilitators should not have an “agenda” Need to have support of local Agricultural Businesses and/or farm organizations Open communication and clear expectations of participants, facilitators, and sponsoring organizations Price Risk Management Education Thank you! Bret Oelke - Regional Extension Educator, Agricultural Business Management oelke002@umn.edu Bill Craig - Regional Extension Educator, Agricultural Business Management craig030@umn.edu