What Does it Take to be Successful in a Producer Owned Business?

What Does it Take to be
Successful in a
Producer Owned Business?
By Marsha Laux
Iowa State University Extension
Value Added Agriculture Program
Success = _______
(you fill in the blank)
Define Success
Is it just $$$$?
Know where you are going – be specific
Goals – timelines – plans
If Profit, then what level, when?
Specific for your business plan
Re-evaluate life’s priorities as it relates to
your producer-owned business
Unique Selling Proposition?
Comparative or
Better than
Cheaper than
Different than
_______ than
Is it all about the PRODUCT?
Product sell itself?
Better than, different than,…… how?
Competitive positioning
Packaging, labeling, pricing, brand
Delivery, ease of transaction, availability
Margins, service, market share
Customer relations
Telling a story with your product
Food is Big Business
$800 billion spent on
Adding 50-80 million
people in US by 2020
Add another $200
billion to food
“With $800 billion in
food sales, I can
easily get 1/1000 of
a percent!”
Verify & Test
Who are your customers?
Test market – customer focus groups
Letters of interest from customers
Validate your idea
Go sell something --- sales trump surveys
every time
Specific & quantitative
Key Questions:
Can you make a business case?
Is this fad, growth or highly competitive?
Will you have revenue diversity?
Can you execute a good business model?
Will your actual business structure make
Can you convince a stranger to buy or
invest in your product or idea?
Know thy competition!
Research, research,
research…… PLAN
Who are you going to
replace in the market?
Identify parallel
customer choices
Time, Money, Family,
Social & cultural
Eat out, dine in
What is the value of your product?
Priced comparatively…
What is your advantage?
Know yours and
competitors margins,
costs, prices
Constantly scan other
products – how do you
Review & modify
Be ready to adapt
Revisit your business plan
Be paranoid about the market!
(at least adopt a healthy paranoia)
Listen to what the
market is telling you
Great marketers are
great listeners
Don’t ever assume
you know it all or
Be tenacious
What is your business model?
How do you make money?
By being the most efficient
By buying cheap inputs
Deliver cheaper
Perception is REALITY
Value is created in distribution
and via marketing, NOT in
Know the “Numbers”
Have a sound knowledge of the
financial dynamics of your business
Don’t need to be a CPA, but know&
focus on key results areas:
Gross margins, return on investment
Monthly fixed costs
Cash flow
Plan to which business measures you
will manage to!
Cash is LIFE &
Lack of Cash is DEATH!
Know and understand your cash flow
Plan for the ebbs & flows
Work with your banker, your CPA, revisit
your business plan
Have enough capital!
(and then some…)
It doesn’t work without enough
working capital……..
Plan for the unexpected
The biggest cause of failure is
inadequate capital
Go accrual – review your ratios
Don’t do this for the bank, do it for
yourself and your business!
Your business is a reflection of YOU
True entrepreneurs take things
Take the blame and the credit
Success or failure
Determined by what you do, how you
Your willingness to adapt, to fight for
what you want
Refusal to make excuses – make it
Plan, Plan, …. EXECUTE!
Create action plans
Strategic objectives
Know where you are going
How are you going to get there?
Detailed budgets
Assign responsibility
Work on timelines --- “DEAD”-lines
Anticipate what will
happen --- plan for the
Do you have a fallback
Contingencies will help
make your business a
If you fail to plan you
plan to fail!
Get your mental focus right
Focus on priorities
Is your ladder leaning
against the wrong wall?
Peter Drucker: replace
“achievement” with
By contributing, you are
keeping your focus where it
should be – your customers,
family, employees,
shareholders & industry.
Without a fire in
the belly, you will
not be successful
Passion – be
willing to fight for
what you must
believe in:
Contact Information:
Marsha A. Laux mlaux@iastate.edu
Iowa State University Value Added Agriculture
Agricultural Marketing Resource Center
1111 NSRIC
Ames, Iowa 50011-3310
Phone: 866-277-5567
Fax: 515-294-9496
Thank you!