


Tiffany Dowell

Asst. Professor & Extension Specialist – Ag Law

Texas A&M Agrilife Extension

(979) 845-1941 tdowell@tamu.edu

The Biggest Ag Law Issue In Texas

• Texas Legislature listed water as “a major issue” last session.

• Texas A&M University Water Initiative.

• Survey of 90 Texas county extension agents.

• 80 listed water as “extremely important.”

• 73 ranked water as a top need for extension education and programming.

Knowledge Is Power

• In order to limit risk, must first understand the risk.

• A lot of misinformation, especially about water.

• Education is key.

Keys to Water Law Education

• The Language

• The Law

• The Agencies

• The Ownership

• The Interplay

• The Alternatives

• The Current Events

The Language

“How do I measure water with a ruler?”

• Know your audience and gauge their experience.

• Explain terminology (i.e. acre-foot).

• Stay away—far, far away—from legal jargon.

• Be aware of sensitive issues.

The Law

“But that creek runs across MY land!”

• Most people do not really know the water law in their state.

• Give a detailed explanation of the law as it applies to various types of water.

• Laws differ among states—just because someone knows what happens in Colorado does not mean they know the law in Texas.

Texas Water Law Basics

• State owns surface water in defined water courses.

• A citizen must obtain a permit to use water in most instances.

• Governed by prior appropriation.

• Exemptions for domestic/stock ponds.

• Landowner owns groundwater beneath property.

• Has the right to reasonably capture and produce groundwater.

• Major limitations: common law and Groundwater Conservation


• Exemptions for domestic, livestock, rig supply for oil and gas exploration and drilling, and mining.

The Agencies

“I don’t care anything about railroads, I need to talk to someone about an oil well!”

• Important to know what agencies are in charge of water.

• Texas: TCEQ, TWDB, GCDs, ISC…

• Try to make contacts at the agencies.

The Ownership

“You mean it is possible to buy land without the water?”

• People pay surprisingly little attention to deeds when they purchase land.

• If deed is silent, know what rights pass with property.

• People must understand what rights they own.

• Explain the difference between ownership and rights of use.

The Interplay

“But this is Texas!”

• Water-related consequences of oil and gas boom.

• Right of oil company to use water

• Trespassing

• Contamination

• Eminent domain of water.

• Environmental issues.

The Alternatives

“That water is not drinkable anyway.”

• Desalination

• New production methods

• Agriculture

• Oil and gas

• Purchase of water rights

The Current Events

“Wait just a minute here, honey, you are telling me that the birds won?”

• Few people know about current litigation.

• Very interested at presentations.

• Keep it simple!

• Be sure to include “why does this matter” information for each case.

“ The Whooping Crane Case”

• Facts: 23 cranes died, environmental groups sue under ESA.

• Court sided with Plaintiffs, prohibit

TCEQ from issuing more permits.

• TCEQ appealed to 5 th Circuit.

• Why does this matter?

• Federalism principles

• Causation issue under ESA

• Limits permit issuance

• There are other endangered species

“The Underground Trespass Case”

• Facts: EPS drills deep subsurface injection well. Rice farmer neighbors claim subsurface trespass.

• Jury found for EPS. Court of Appeals found for farmers. Currently pending at Texas Supreme Court.

• Why does this matter?

• Property rights v. oil and gas.

Would be first recognition in US.

Possibility of contamination.

Potential for desalination.

Treaties and Compacts

• Texas v. Mexico

• 1944 Treaty regarding rivers along border.

• Mexico not providing required amount of water.

• Political pressure, bills pending in Congress.

• Texas v. New Mexico

• 1938 Compact regarding Rio Grande

• Too many diversions/new wells in NM.

• Lawsuit filed in Supreme Court.

Thank you!

Tiffany Dowell

Asst. Professor & Extension Specialist – Ag Law

Texas A&M University Agrilife Extension tdowell@tamu.edu

(979) 845-1941

Blog: http://agrilife.org/texasaglaw
