Newcastle University Equality Analysis in Decision Making

Newcastle University Equality Analysis in Decision Making
For use when developing new, or reviewing existing, Policies and Procedures;
and when assessing the potential impact of projects and reorganisations.
Guidance is available on the Equality and Diversity website
Name of the Policy/Procedure/Project
Relevance to Equality
Describe how the piece of work is relevant to equality
Equality Analysis findings and issues which were considered
Describe key points from the analysis and issues that were addressed.
Recommended consultation
Date consultation completed
Action taken as a result of the Equality Analysis
No Action needed – no change to the Policy/Procedure
Policy/Procedure was adjusted – state how
The Policy/ Procedure has been removed from use
Policy/Procedure/Project Owner
Please email to or Post to HR Adviser (Policy and Projects),
Human Resources, Level 4, King’s Gate.