Law Enforcement and Government Surveillance November 27, 2007 1

Law Enforcement and
Government Surveillance
November 27, 2007
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Homework 6
 Pick a software product and use the Microsoft Privacy
Guidelines to analyze this software.
• List all the applicable guidelines and try to determine whether/how
the software complies with each one by using the software and
reading its documentation. In the case of violations, what changes
would you recommend to comply with these guidelines.
 Pick a government program designed to gather
surveillance or intelligence data on US citizens
• Describe the program, including the kind of data collected, how it
is/was collected, and the government's intended use of this data.
• Describe the current status (Is it ongoing or has it been
terminated? If terminated, is it continuing under a new name or in
a new form?).
• Describe the privacy concerns raised by the program and any
protections proposed or put in place to mitigate these concerns.
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Preparing a short presentation
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Research and Communication Skills
Plan your talk
 Make an outline of what you want to talk about
 No need to present every detail of your paper
• Your presentation should motivate people who find it interesting to
read your paper
 Consider the background of your audience
• If they are experts, focus on the details of your research and
• If they are not experts, spend time on background and motivating
the problem
 Consider how much time you have (10 minutes
MAXIMUM + 5 minutes for questions)
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Research and Communication Skills
Structure your talk
 Outline
• Optional for short talks
 Background and motivation
• Sometimes you may want to lead with this
 Research methodology
• Or system design + evaluation
 Results
• You may not have them if this is a work in progress
 Related work
• Could also go after background or at end, optional for short talks
 Contributions
• Useful in job talk, probably no time in 10-minute talk
 Future work
• Optional for short talks
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Research and Communication Skills
Making slides
 Use easy-to-read fonts
 Avoid text < 20 pt font
 Use a simple slide design, no distracting background
 Use a color scheme with high contrast
 Avoid animation unless it helps illustrate your point
 Clipart can help make your points more clear and/or
memorable, but don’t let it distract
 Make figures and tables readable
 Don’t make too many slides (1-3 minutes/slide)
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Research and Communication Skills
Slide content
 Are slides lecture notes/handouts?
• For a class or tutorial, slides may double as lecture notes
 more content on slides
• For a research presentation, your paper is usually the “handout”
 less content on slides
 Don’t try to put everything on the slide
 Don’t include text unless you want people to read it
• If people are reading your slides they are not listening to you
 Keep text short
 Don’t put too much math on a slide
 Just include key points, examples, etc.
 A figure may be worth 1000 words
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Research and Communication Skills
 Make your slides in advance
 Practice
• Time yourself
• Get feedback from others
• Watch yourself on video
 Make sure you know how to hook your laptop up
to the projector, change screen resolution,
advance your slides, etc. (Mac users, bring your
 If you need to point to parts of your slides, decide
if you will use, mouse, stick, laser pointer, etc.
and bring it with you
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Research and Communication Skills
Giving your talk
 Dress neatly
 Stand up straight, hands out of pockets
 Don’t hide behind the podium
 Move around, but not too much
 Keep track of time
• Put your watch on podium, note clock in room, watch moderator
with time cards, etc.
 Face the audience, look at your audience, not just one
 Project your voice
 Don’t talk too fast
 Finish on time (or early!)
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Research and Communication Skills
Keeping your audience engaged
 Convey enthusiasm
 Inject humor
 Tell a story
 Ask the audience questions
 Modulate your voice
 Speak slowly
 Try to prevent your audience from getting lost
• Provide ample background
• Define important terms up front
• Don’t get into highly technical details unless that’s what
your audience expects
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Research and Communication Skills
Handling questions
If you have a strict time limit,
leave time for questions or avoid
taking them
Answer clarification questions quickly
Suggest that questions that will require
lengthy answers be taken off line
Don’t get flustered by critics or questions
you don’t know the answer to
• Stay calm, diffuse the question, keep going
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
 Please bring your laptop to class on Thursday
with the IBM P3P editor installed, and come on
time - we will be doing an in-class activity
 Paper drafts are due on Thursday
 Poster fair is next Tuesday
 Class will be cancelled on Thursday, Dec 6 (use
the time to work on your project)
 Papers will be due Dec 13 at 10 am (via email
and hard copy slid under my office door)
 Project presentations will be Monday, Dec 17 1-4
pm, Porter Hall A22
• presentations should be 8-10 minutes
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •
Beyond the Patriot Act
Privacy Policy, Law and Technology • Carnegie Mellon University • Fall 2007 • Lorrie Cranor •