English Grammar Quiz for Elementary Students

Quiz No. 1 A
Name :………………………………………………………………………………….. Class 1 / ….. Date :
/ 11 / 1431H
A- Do as shown between brackets:
1- I ………………………..……… ( not talk ) on my mobile at school.
( Correct the verb )
2- Do you like kabsa? Yes, ………………………………
( Complete )
3- I am very bad ……..…. remembering names.
( Put a preposition )
4- you / usually / send emails / to your friends / Do ?
( Re-arrange )
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- We like getting lots of homework.
( Change the sentence to mean the opposite )
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- I sometimes wait for my friend's brother. ……………… ( Correct the verb in the sentence )
B- Choose the correct word(s):1- I'm not very ( good - bad – interested ) in science .
2- How often ( do – does – is ) you use your mobile?
3- I ( lives - live - living ) in Tabouk.
4- He ( like – liking – likes ) swimming.
B- Choose the correct word(s):
1- It ( never – always- often ) snow in Saudi Arabia in summer.
2- My friends ( hardly – often – sometimes ) ever write letters.
3- I ( get - wait – look ) up at 6 in the morning.
4- My favourite sport is ( English – football – bananas ).
5- ( We – She – I ) am a Saudi student.
E- Complete the missing letters in the following words:1- fun_y
2- unt_dy
3- re_ding
4- alway_
5- hone_t
With my best wishes. Mr. Raheel . Tabouk
Quiz No. 1 B
Name :………………………………………………………………………………….. Class 1 / ….. Date :
/ 11 / 1431H
A- Do as shown between brackets:
1- My grandpa…………………………….……..( not send ) me emails.
( Correct the verb )
2- Do they like kabsa? No, ………………………………
( Complete )
3- I am very good ……..…. playing football.
( Put a preposition )
4- you / usually / use your home phone / How often do ?
( Re-arrange )
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- My cousin doesn't speak English.
( Change the sentence to mean the opposite )
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- She always gets on with me when I'm late. …………… ( Correct the verb in the sentence )
B- Choose the correct word(s):1- I'm not very ( good - worried – interested ) in math .
2- How often ( do – does – is ) your father use his mobile?
3- She ( lives - live - living ) in Jeddah.
4- I
( like – liking – likes ) swimming.
B- Choose the correct word(s):
1- I ( speaks - speaking – speak ) two languages.
2- My favourite sport is ( English – football – bananas ).
3- ( We – She – I ) are Saudi good engineers.
4- It ( never – always- often ) snow in Saudi Arabia in summer.
5- My friends ( hardly – often – sometimes ) ever write letters.
E- Complete the missing letters in the following words:1- p_tient
2- he_pful
3- pho_ography
4- some_imes
5- hone_t
With my best wishes. Mr. Raheel . Tabouk
Quiz No. 1 C
Name :………………………………………………………………………………….. Class 1 / ….. Date :
/ 11 / 1431H
A- Do as shown between brackets:
1- We ……………………….. ( not use ) computers at school.
( Correct the verb )
2- Does she sleep early? Yes, ………………………………
( Complete )
3- I am very interesting ……..…. science.
( Put a preposition )
4- your best friend / often / text you / Do ?
( Re-arrange )
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- You live near my house.
( Change the sentence to mean the opposite )
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- I sometimes wait for my friend's brother. ……………… ( Correct the verb in the sentence )
B- Choose the correct word(s):1- I'm not very ( happy - bad – interested ) at science .
2- How often ( do – does – is ) you get up early?
3-Ali ( lives - live - living ) in Taif.
4- They ( like – liking – likes ) reading stories.
B- Choose the correct word(s):
1- ( We – She – I ) is a Saudi doctor.
2- My friends ( hardly – often – sometimes ) ever write letters.
3- I ( get - wait – look - ) up at 6 in the morning.
4- My favourite sport is ( English – football – bananas ).
5- It ( never – always- often ) snow in Saudi Arabia in summer.
E- Complete the missing letters in the following words:1- send c_rds
2- helpf_l
3- re_ding
4- skateboar_ing
5- hone_t
With my best wishes. Mr. Raheel . Tabouk
Quiz No. 1 D
Name :………………………………………………………………………………….. Class 1 / ….. Date :
/ 11 / 1431H
A- Do as shown between brackets:
1- We ……………………...……… ( go ) to the mall at the weekend.
( Correct the verb )
2- Do they like fishing? Yes, ………………………………
( Complete )
3- I am very bad ……..…. remembering names.
( Put a preposition )
4- you / often / use / the internet / Do ?
( Re-arrange )
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- I tidy my room every day.
( Change the sentence to mean the opposite )
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- What time do usually wait for on Thursdays? …………… ( Correct the verb in the sentence )
B- Choose the correct word(s):1- I' m not very ( good - bad – interested ) in mathematics .
2- How often ( do – does – is ) you use your mobile?
3- We ( lives - live - living ) in Tabouk.
4- He ( like – liking – likes ) swimming.
B- Choose the correct word(s):
1- It is ( never – always- usually ) very hot in Europe in summer.
2- My friends ( hardly – often – sometimes ) ever write letters.
3- She ( gets - waits – looks ) after her baby.
4- My favourite school subject is ( English – football – bananas ).
5- ( We – She – I ) am a Saudi student.
E- Complete the missing letters in the following words:1- untid_
2- out_oing
3- scien_e
4- intern_t
5- ten_is
With my best wishes. Mr. Raheel . Tabouk