Application for an Athena SWAN Gold award: Institute of Health & Society, Newcastle University Action Plan: May 2014 – April 2017 Action Description of action Action taken already and outcome at April 2014 1 Baseline Data and supporting evidence 1.1 Include Athena SWAN Included in 2014-15 award as a key objective in strategic plan which is the Institute’s strategic approved at University plan level Further action planned at April 2014 Responsibility Timescale Start date Success measure To be included in each annual strategic plan Institute Director Ongoing Mar 2014 Inclusion in the annual strategic plan each year Progress by April 2017 Mar 2015 Mar 2016 1.2 Monitor gender balance in UG student applications, offers and successes Data collected and distributed to FMS Institutes Continued monitoring of gender balance in UG applications, offers and successes Institute Manager; Faculty Athena SWAN coordinator; Assistant Registrar (UG Medical Education) Ongoing 1.3 Monitor gender balance in applications and acceptances to the MSc in Public Health and Health Services Research and the MSc in Social Science and System established as part of Silver action plan and implemented Process in place and will continue monitoring MSc Degree Programme Director; MSc administrator Ongoing Mar 2017 Sept 2011 Sept 2011 Record of gender split in UG applications and offers Record of gender split of applications and acceptances to the MSc 45 1.4 Health Research To undertake a staff and PGR student survey on working in IHS Staff survey undertaken in 2012 Feedback provided at a IHS staff meeting and results available on IHS intranet 1.5 1.6 Review PDR completion rates annually Monitor representation of IHS staff on internal and external committees Annual completion rate reported to FMS Executive Board Undertake a staff and PGR student survey every two years SAT; IHS Executive Board; PGR student tutor Target of 100% to be reached (98% in 2013); if not reached, understand why and act upon any modifiable reasons Deputy Institute Manager Staff survey of committee involvement undertaken in 2010 and followed up in 2012 Monitor representation Deputy Institute Manager Oct 2014 Oct 2014 Oct 2016 Jan 2015 2014/16 surveys completed with good response rate (>70%) Results analysed by SAT working group, results discussed by IHS HRG and any specific issues acted upon Feedback to staff and students at IHS staff meetings and at a PGR support group meeting PDR completion rate reviewed by IHS EB annually Jan 2016 Within next nine months Jan 2017 Dec 2014 1.7 Redesign of staff exit interview form Examples identified on internet and amended for IHS use Form redesigned to ensure relevance to HIS in 2013 Institute Manager Commence AY 2014-15 Oct 2014 1.8 Undertake exit interviews with staff All staff leaving IHS invited to take part in an exit interview since System designed to hold this information Institute Manager Ongoing Jan 2012 Record of committees IHS staff contribute to No committee overload for any individual IHS staff member A new form where all questions are relevant for IHS staff and can be answered by leaver Record information from interviews on why staff leave IHS 46 2012 Annual review of reasons for exiting Record any actions suggested and take these on board where agreed Record of annual staff turnover 2 Undergraduate and postgraduate students 2.1 Gain information on how MBBS selection panels are constituted and identify staff interested in being part of the panel 2.2 Hold an annual MSc lunch (funded by IHS) for students to meet IHS staff during their induction week Ongoing Understand how panels are constituted to see if IHS staff could be more involved. If so, identify IHS staff who would like to be on the panel by email from the Head of Teaching & Learning Lunch to be held annually Head of Teaching & Learning Within next 24 months May 2016 Record information on panel members and those IHS staff interested in serving on the MBBS selection panel More IHS staff on MBBS selection panels MSc Degree Programme Director; MSc administrator Ongoing Sep 2013 Annual MSc lunch held during induction week Sep 2014 Sep 2015 2.3 Review data collection system on PGR students Review system, refine and add to (e.g. collect first PGR student tutor; Deputy PGR Within next three months Sep 2016 Oct 2014 New system in place 47 destination data) 2.4 Provide extra ‘buddying’ for overseas PhD students 2.5 Inform new PGR students that they are aligned to an IHS research theme or methodology group during their induction 2.6 Inform current PGR students that they can apply to research theme/group funds for small amounts of funds to support their research or conference attendance (if not available from studentship) Reinstate circulation by email of a PGR student newsletter 2.7 2.8 Update PGR webpage on the IHS website All overseas PhD students offered extended ‘buddying’ at induction PRES every two years and in-house survey every alternate year to assess satisfaction student tutor; PGR student administrator PGR student tutor; PGR student administrator Commence AY2014-15 Oct 2014 Record uptake of extra ‘buddying’ on PGR data system Increased satisfaction with induction process evidenced PRES and inhouse survey All research themes and methodological groups to have an up- to- date list of their PGR students Current PGR students know which research theme/methodological group they belong to and are invited to attend theme/group meetings Not all students may know about this Make this part of the induction process through discussion with supervisors PGR student tutor; PGR student administrator; PGR student supervisors Commence AY2014-15 Oct 2014 All students informed by supervisors PGR student supervisors; PGR student tutor; IHS Finance officer With immediate effect May 2014 Increase in applications to research theme/methodological group funds reported to IHS HRG Newsletter was being circulated but there is a need to review before reinstating Review content of newsletter through brief survey on content to PGR students Update webpage Deputy PGR student tutor; PGR student support group Commence AY2014-15 June 2014 Redesigned PGR student newsletter circulated every semester Deputy PGR student tutor; PGR student administrator Commence AY2014-15 Nov 2014 Updated PGR webpage and process in place for annual updating aligned to annual IHS website Webpage exists but needs updating Ensure annual update 48 update 2.9 2.10 Offer PGR student support sessions Organise an annual PGR student research day Covered by IHS web maintenance plan initiated Jan 2014 Support sessions in place from Apr 2013 Previously taken place on an ad hoc basis 3 Key career transition points, appointments and promotions 3.1 Appoint research staff to Ongoing an open-ended contract when possible PGR student tutor to offer a monthly (first Tues) slot when students can ‘drop in’ for advice and support PGR student tutor; PGR student administrator; Head of Teaching & Learning Ongoing Research day to be held annually Deputy PGR student tutor; Postgraduate tutor; Postgraduate administrator; IHS PGRs Commence AY2013-14 Institute Director; Institute Manager; Faculty HR Chair of IHS Human & Other Resource Group Deputy Institute Manager; Faculty Athena SWAN coordinator Ongoing 2009 Reduction in the number of research staff on a fixed-term contract Within next 12 months Feb 2015 No staff turnover as a result of external funding contract ending Ongoing May 2014 Record data on job offers and acceptances by grade and gender More staff to be on open-ended contracts 3.2 Review IHS redeployment process to ensure research staff continuity in contracts Use of internal redeployment process to secure research staff contracts in place Review process to ensure optimum system in place 3.3 Monitor offers and job acceptances by grade and gender Data recorded Continue to monitor data on gender balance in job offers and acceptances Apr 2013 June 2014 Advertise regular slot to all PGR students by email Act on any issues raised by taking to IHS Teaching & Learning Committee PGR student research day held annually Evaluation of study day through feedback form 49 3.4 3.5 3.6 Provide even better clarity on expectations of role and responsibilities when recruiting academics All recruitment documents to have IHS Athena SWAN logo, webpage, ECU Athena SWAN webpage and flexibility in working pattern highlighted Review staff induction process, provide written guidance on what is expected from induction and develop a web-based version Information provided in advert and at interview Ongoing - IHS Athena SWAN logo, link to ECU Athena SWAN webpage and flexibility in working pattern highlighted on job adverts Induction process in place Increase information on specific role and responsibilities Institute Manager; IHS Director With immediate effect May 2014 Link to IHS Athena SWAN webpage included in job adverts Institute Manager; Faculty HR department Ongoing Apr 2015 Review process to ensure all relevant information is being provided at induction Deputy Institute Manager; IHS technical support team Review to take place within next 12 months Jan 2016 Produce written guidance on what should be discussed during induction and develop a checklist Ensure staff know exactly what the role they are coming to entails and have as much information as possible for them to make an informed decision before taking up an appointment No member of IHS staff leaving because of bad fit to role All IHS job adverts to include link to IHS Athena SWAN webpage New induction handbook Written guidance on induction which includes an induction checklist A web-based version of the induction process Develop a webbased version of 50 the induction handbook 3.7 3.8 Review PDR form and process every two years Refine PDR 360o feedback Reviewed on an ad hoc basis KPIs, University and FMS objectives added to allow alignment of personal objectives to University objectives 360o feedback included in PDR process from 2012 Form based on NHS document 3.9 3.10 Provide some basic training on completing forms and giving and receiving feedback Sign off of all PDR forms by IHS director (academic and research) and manager (admin and clerical) To identify a training provider and investigate training Review PDR forms to identify anyone who could be considering applying for promotion Staff informed that they can put themselves forward for promotion (started 2012) Ongoing All PDRs signed off by IHS director (academic/research) Institute Manager; IHS Director Within next six months Nov 2014 Review takes place every two years Nov 2016 Changes to PDR documents recorded Update of PDR form Brief survey of those who have included 360o feedback in their PDR to assess process Institute Manager Within next six months Sep 2014 Survey undertaken and recommendations included in feedback process New 360o feedback form developed based on survey 360o feedback used as part of PDR process All staff receive individual written feedback on progress in PDR feedback Proactive consideration of staff at right stage in career for promotion in addition to individual staff members putting IHS Director; Institute Manager Ongoing May 2011 IHS Director; Institute Manager Ongoing May 2014 All PDR forms to have been signed off by Institute director or manager and written feedback provided Increase in staff at gaining promotion 51 and IHS manager (support staff) Since 2012 process in place to review promotion documents by internal promotions committee and feedback given to optimise chances of promotion themselves forward Process in place for two years- review process through feedback from those who have experienced it Check they are upto-date and complete 3.11 Review of promotion documents by internal committee 3.12 Ensure all University promotion documents held on the IHS intranet are upto-date University promotion documents held on intranet 3.13 Advertise Faculty promotion and PDR workshops on IHS intranet Ongoing 3.14 Hold sample CV’s for all academic, research and admin levels in a IHS shared folder for those considering promotion 3.15 Design and run leadership training courses all academic staff Review and evaluate leadership training course Internal leadership training course tailored to staff in IHS developed and offered to, and completed, by senior staff Institute Director; Institute Manager; Deputy Institute Manager; Head of Teaching & Learning; IHS Research Lead Deputy Institute Manager Deputy Institute Manager Gain permission from staff to use CV, set up folder and store CV’s Institute Manager Roll out to all IHS staff Institute Manager; IHS Director; NU Staff Development Unit Review to July take place 2014 before 201415 promotion round Review of internal promotions review completed and any changes to process made Check will take place before next promotions round Ongoing Oct 2014 Up-to-date forms on intranet Apr 2011 To take place before 2015-16 promotion round Ongoing July 2015 Faculty promotion and PDR workshops advertised on IHS intranet Sample CVs held on IHS shared folder Oct 2011 Record uptake of leadership course Record feedback from attendees and amend 52 course as necessary 3.16 Offer 1:1 coaching to staff 1:1 coaching offered 12 staff have already taken advantage of this training Evaluate 1:1 coaching 3.17 Establish an Early Career Researcher Association with financial support from IHS Support for this received from email to ECRs Design and undertake an evaluation through a feedback form ECR Association to hold meetings/events every other month ECR Association organising committee formed Institute Manager; IHS Director; NU Staff Development Unit Ongoing ECR Association organising committee; SAT chair; IHS HRG Ongoing Jan 2012 Jan 2015 Mar 2014 Record of uptake of 1:1 coaching Record of staff evaluation of coaching and any actions taken Continuation of ECR Association Meetings/events to take place every other month Attendance recorded First meeting held in March 2014 Feedback to IHS HRG via SAT chair on activities or any issues identified Annual report to IHS HRG on how funds have been used 3.18 Continue with an Institute budget for staff to apply to with agreement from line manager for training, conference attendance and for open access publishing Financial support for career development activities by pooling non-allocated resources has been in place since 2004 Continue Institute Manager; Line managers; IHS HRG; IHS Finance Officer Ongoing Jan 2004 3.19 Maintain a list of staff who act as mentors and the number of mentees to avoid overload Staff undertake mentoring but no data currently collected Information to be recorded Institute Manager Within next 12 months Apr 2015 Set up list via email to all academic staff Apr 2016 Update list annually 53 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 Inform all academic and research staff that they can be supported to find a mentor Work with FMS to ensure that mentoring activity is included in the workload allocation model Some staff act as mentors and some have mentors Set up an annual Equality and Diversity seminar All staff to be informed through a presentation at IHS staff meeting Discussions with FMS about mentoring activity being included in the WAM Annual seminar Provide guidance for maternity leave returners and line managers on returning from maternity leave and keep on a shared folder University guidance on maternity leave held on central website Trial text messaging those on maternity leave to maintain light touch IHS manager sent a weekly text to deputy manager while she was Develop IHS specific guidance on managing return to work Trial with two more staff (academic and research) and get SAT; Institute Manager Within next 12 months Apr 2017 Feb 2015 Institute Manager; Faculty Athena SWAN project officer; Deputy Director of Faculty Operations Chair of SAT; Faculty HR advisor (equality and diversity) Within next 12 months May 2015 Mentoring activity included in workload allocation model Within next 12 months Feb 2015 Equality and Diversity seminar held annually IHS Human & Other Resources Group; Faculty HR advisor (equality and diversity); SAT maternity working group Deputy Institute Manager; Presentation on mentorship at an IHS staff meeting Feb 2016 Within next 12 months Within next 12 months Feb 2017 Apr 2015 Apr 2015 Guidance produced and held on IHS shared folder and Athena SWAN webpage Guidance used at meeting with maternity leave returner, Institute manage and line manager Further feedback gained on value 54 contact on maternity leave in 2013 feedback on value Institute Manager 3.25 Set up meetings with maternity returner, line manager and the Institute manager on return from maternity leave Deputy Institute Manager; Institute Manager; Line managers Deputy Institute Manager Sept 2014 Introduce a ‘buddy’ system for those returning from maternity leave Within next six months Sept 2014 Record offer and uptake of ‘buddy’ to maternity leave returner 3.27 Any changes to the workload allocation model are discussed with maternity leave returners Meeting to be held between the maternity returner, line manager and the Institute manager Set up offer of a ‘buddy’ for maternity leave returners Discuss any changes with maternity leave returner Within next six months 3.26 Meeting currently takes place with maternity leave returner and Institute manager but line manager not always present ‘Buddy’ in place for all new starters but not for maternity leave returners Workload allocation model is explained to all new academic staff Within next 12 months Feb 2015 Record that discussion has taken place 3.28 Offer of a phased return to work for staff on maternity leave Scope feasibility of reducing duties e.g teaching, admin, on return from maternity leave Ongoing Continue to offer Institute Director; Institute Manager; Line managers Institute Manager Ongoing Apr 2011 IHS Human & Other Resources Group; Head of Teaching & Learning; Institute Manager Within next 18 months Nov 2015 Phased return taken up by maternity leave returners Discussion by HRG and decision on feasibility reached Institute Manager; University Estates Within next 24 months 3.29 3.30 Identify a place for breastfeeding Discussion on how to enact reduction in duties for first three months on return from maternity leave University is currently working with the Estates department to identify private places throughout the If feasible to be introduced within next 18 months Identify a private area within the Baddiley-Clark Building where mother’s can Offer to all staff on maternity leave if value demonstrated Record that meetings have taken place and any decisions reached Jan 2016 If feasible, introduced in 2016 May 2016 Private area identified for mothers to breastfeed on return form maternity leave 55 3.31 Introduce a system to collect information on paternity leave 3.32 Introduce a system to collect information on adoption leave 4 Career advice and support 4.1 Provide opportunities for paid student work placements and internships within IHS 4.2 4.3 Add information on work placement opportunities in the MSc course handbook and tell MSc students of this opportunity in induction week Address workload concerns University System in place System in place breastfeed System set up to record this information System set up to record this information Deputy Institute Manager Deputy Institute Manager Ongoing May 2011 Record of requests for paternity leave Ongoing May 2011 Record of requests for adoption leave Ongoing Jan 2012 Record number of work placements and gain feedback from students through brief survey at the end of the placement Oct 2014 Information present in MSc course handbook Opportunities first offered in 2012 Annual offer of eight work placements/ internships MSc Degree Programme Director; Institute Deputy Director No information currently available MSc Degree Programme Director; MSc administrator 2012 staff survey identified workload was a concern for some staff Incorporate information in MSc handbook; Brief presentation during MSc induction Include questions on this in 2014/16 staff surveys Two additional IHS EB meetings convened in 2012 to discuss this Encourage staff to discuss with line managers at PDR Workload addressed at two IHS staff meetings Rolling out resilience training IHS Director; IHS Manager; Line managers; IHS Human & Other Resources Group ; SAT working group Ongoing Apr 2012 Prepare brief presentation for induction week Include questions in 2014/2016 staff survey and act on issues raised Record of discussion at PDR All staff to have attended resilience training 56 4.4 Review internal peer review process for funding applications Internal peer review system in place Review process by brief survey to academic/research staff IHS Research Lead; IHS Deputy Research Lead Within next 12 months Mar 2015 4.5 Annual writing workshop for early career researchers Presentation given on writing for publication held in Mar 2014 Writing workshop to be held annually IHS Research Lead; Early Career Researcher Association IHS Director; IHS Finance Officer Ongoing Mar 2015 4.6 Provide funds managed by IHS research theme and methodological group leads for discretionary use including supporting staff career objectives Scope introducing committee shadowing for academic and research staff Ongoing 4.8 Pay University PhD registration fees for staff members who register for a staff PhD Ongoing 4.9 Provide advice and support to staff and students applying for fellowships Ongoing support to IHS staff and students as well as those from the Faculty through 4.7 Continue and replenish on annual basis Discuss feasibility of doing this with staff, identify committees who would agree to this and prepare brief report with recommendations Continue to pay fees for those staff who want to do a PhD in recognition of importance of attaining a PhD for career development Continue Monitor numbers applying for Ongoing Institute Manager; Committee chairs; SAT working group Mar 2016 Sep 2011 Review of process completed and changes made to peer review process if recommended Writing workshop held annually Provide annual breakdown of how funds are spent to IHS HRG Jan 2016 Report on whether this is feasible or not and whether it should be implemented Institute Director Ongoing Jan 2006 Increase in number of staff registered for a PhD Institute Research Lead Ongoing May 2012 Record of number of staff/students and applying for fellowships and successes by 57 reviewing CVs, commenting on applications and conducting mock interviews 5 Culture, Communications and Departmental Organisation 5.1 Director’s update to be Introduced in 2011 circulated by email every six months 5.2 IHS Human & Other Ongoing Resources Group and IHS Executive Board minutes circulated to staff via the IHS intranet fellowship and success by gender 5.3 Review SAT membership annually SAT membership reviewed in 2013 5.4 SAT to meet bimonthly 5.5 IHS Athena SWAN webpage to be updated monthly and reviewed annually Meetings were quarterly until April 2013, bimonthly thereafter Updated on an ad hoc basis Review membership on an annual basis Continue to meet bimonthly 5.6 SAT activities to be reported back at each IHS staff meeting Agenda item for every IHS staff meeting 5.7 Notes from SAT meetings to be circulated via IHS intranet Set up working groups within the SAT to take 5.8 Continue to circulate Director’s update Continue to circulate meeting minutes gender Institute Director Ongoing Jan 2011 Email circulated every six months Institute Manager; Human & Other Resources Group secretary SAT Ongoing Jan 2013 Minutes from IHS HRG and EB meetings circulated within three weeks of meeting April 2015 Record of membership and changes Chair of SAT Ongoing April 2013 SAT meet bimonthly July 2014 IHS Athena SWAN webpage up-to- date SAT administrator; SAT Notes not currently circulated beyond SAT Webpage to be updated monthly Website reviewed annually Continue to present on SAT activities at each IHS staff meeting Notes circulated via IHS intranet Individuals nominated to take forward To identify and form further SAT members to self- SAT Ongoing SAT With immediate effect With immediate Update presentation on SAT activities at each staff meeting May 2014 Notes circulated via IHS intranet May 2014 Establishment of working groups for 58 forward specific actions 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 SAT member to attend each North East Athena SWAN regional meeting IHS SAT to contribute to organisation of regional meeting to be held in Newcastle in June 2014 Design and display a poster in IHS on respect and dignity in the workplace Provide information on University networks Establish a Listening forum of all staff to meet three times a year Hold an annual staff meet and greet event outreach activities, staff survey, website within the SAT Ongoing working groups nominate effect SAT member to attend regional meetings and feedback to SAT SAT Ongoing specific actions May 2013 SAT member to attend regional meeting June 2014 Design and display poster There is a spotlight on each network at every IHS staff meeting Ongoing First one held in Oct 2013 Continue highlighting University networks at IHS staff meetings Feedback from group to be shared at IHS staff meeting and issues arising discussed at IHS HRG Hold annually Deputy Institute Manager Institute Manager; SAT Aug 2015 Poster displayed Ongoing May 2011 Each network introduced at successive IHS staff meetings Institute Director; IHS Human & Other Resources Group Ongoing Jan 2013 Meetings held and feedback given at staff meetings SAT administrator Ongoing Oct 2014 Record of issues discussed and actions agreed in HRG minutes Meet and greet meeting held annually Oct 2015 5.14 Develop a programme of Ongoing outreach Develop a SAT Outreach Oct 2016 July A programme of 59 outreach activities for 2014-17 5.15 Discuss the appointment of an IHS communication officer with FMS activities including mini medical school (2012), events at the British Science Festival (Nov 2013) ‘meet the scientist’ event at the Centre for Life (Apr 2014) Ongoing and agreed by FMS (Jan 2014) programme for next three year Six monthly meetings between SAT outreach working group and IHS Engagement lead Meeting discussions and actions reported back to IHS EB through IHS Engagement lead Appointment of an communication officer to review and improve all forms of communication within IHS (outreach); IHS Engagement lead; IHS Executive Board Institute Director; Institute Manager activities ongoing 2014 Six monthly meetings to start within next three months Appoint officer within next 12 months outreach activities developed Meetings held every six months Meeting discussions and action recorded in IHS EB minutes Mar 2015 Communication officer appointed Key to Action Plan: AY2014-15 = Academic year 2014-15 EB = Executive Board FMS = Faculty of Medical Sciences HRG = Human & Other Resources Group IHS = Institute of Health & Society KPI = Key Performance Indicator 60 MSc = Masters in Science NU = Newcastle University PDR = Performance and Development Review PGR = Postgraduate research student PRES = Postgraduate Research Student Survey SAT = Self assessment team UG = Undergraduate WAM = Workload Allocation Model 61 Application for an Athena SWAN Silver award: Institute of Health & Society, Newcastle University Action Plan (May 2011- April 2014) – updated in April 2014 Action Description of action Action taken already and outcome at April 2011 Further action planned at April 2011 Responsibility Timescale Start date Success measure Progress by April 2014 Monitor gender balance in applications to the MSc MSc course administrator FMS admissions office Commence monitoring for AY201213 Sept 2011 Record of gender split of applications to the MSc Completed and data collection ongoing Monitor gender balance in applications, offers and successes Institute manager FMS admissions office Commence monitoring for AY201213 Sept 2011 Record gender split in applications and offers Completed and data collection ongoing No interviews currently done All staff leaving IHS invited to take part in an exit interview Institute manager With immediate effect May 2011 Collect information via interview on why staff leave IHS Implemented from Jan 2012 ‘Buddy’ system open to all PhD students but provide for longer Offer extended ‘buddy’ system Postgraduate tutor Commence AY2011-12 Oct 2011 When requested, extra ‘buddying’ to be provided All overseas students offered extended period of ‘buddying’ 1 Baseline Data and supporting evidence 1.1 Monitor gender Gender balance in applications balance on to the MSc in Public those accepted Health and Health onto the MSc Services Research course is monitored 1.2 Monitor gender No balance in information undergraduate student currently applications, offers available to and successes IHS 1.3 Undertake exit interviews when staff leave IHS 2 UG and PG students 2.1 Provide extra ‘buddying’ for overseas PhD students 62 3 Key career transition points, appointments and promotions 3.1 Monitor offers and job No data Collect data acceptances by grade currently on gender collected balance in job offers and acceptances 3.2 Design and run No internal Set up an leadership training course internal courses specific for currently leadership senior and junior staff available training course tailored to staff in IHS 3.3 Introduce a ‘buddy ‘Buddy Set up a system’ for those system’ in ‘buddy returning from place for all system’ for maternity leave new starters maternity but not for leave maternity returners leave returners 3.4 Set up meetings with No such Initiate a maternity returner, meeting meeting line manager and the currently between the Institute manager on takes place maternity return from maternity returner, line leave manager and the Institute manager 4 Career advice and support 4.1 IHS director to identify Currently When signing staff who should be staff put off PDR thinking about themselves forms, the IHS applying for promotion forward to be director will considered review for promotion whether the Deputy Institute manager With immediate effect May 2011 Collect data on offers and acceptances Completed- data is collected centrally and analysed at Institute level Institute manager IHS director NU staff development unit Within next 12 months Oct 2011 Establish bespoke leadership training courses Established and being rolled out to all staff Institute manager Within next six months Sept 2011 Extend the ‘buddy system’ to maternity leave returners ‘Buddy system’ offered to all maternity leave returners Institute manager Within next six months Sept 2011 Record that meetings have taken place and decisions reached Maternity leave returners offered meeting with Institute manager. More work needed to enact 3-way meeting IHS director To start from AY2012-13 Oct 2011 Record who the IHS director has had discussions with and record New system put in place to review staff lists annually by Institute Director and Institute Manager to identify 63 person should be considering promotion 5 Culture, Communications and Departmental Organisation 5.1 Introduce a system to Currently A system will collect information on data not be set up to adoption leave collected record this information 5.2 Make sure all staff are Currently Have a aware of University staff find out spotlight on networks about these each network networks at an IHS staff through meeting informal routes Deputy Institute manager With immediate effect May 2011 Institute manager With immediate effect May 2011 outcome staff at right career stage and encourage to apply Establish a system to record adoption leave Each network introduced at successive IHS staff meetings System established and recording this information Presentations at staff meetings completed Key to Action Plan: MSc = Masters in Science FMS = Faculty of Medical Sciences AY2012-13 = Academic year 2012-13 AY2011-12 = Academic year 2011-12 IHS = Institute of Health & Society NU = Newcastle University PDR = Performance and Development Review 64