Good Morning! Please check-in at the back table to your right. On one Post-It note, write down two things you KNOW about Mars/Mars exploration and add it to the large KNOW Post-It on the wall. On a second Post-It note, write down two things you WANT TO KNOW about Mars and add it to the large WANT to KNOW Post-It on the wall. Remember your homework? How is Mars depicted in science fiction? Enjoy some breakfast! Welcome Andy Shaner, Public Engagement Lead Christine Shupla, Education Lead Space Science activities for child and tween library programs Free, fun, hands-on Activities on Jupiter and the Solar System The Juno mission arrives at Jupiter this July 4! A few of the other Explore modules Join the Facebook group We post resources, events, trainings, and news. Share your own ideas and activities! Explore Mars Bringing Mars science and exploration into your communities Funding for this training comes from the ChemCam instrument onboard NASA’s Curiosity rover Explore Mars Goal: Bring Mars science and exploration activities and resources to public librarians and their communities. Explore Mars Objectives: 1) Introduce public librarians to comparative planetology and basic geologic characteristics of Mars. 2) Discuss the appeal of Mars as a potential place for current or past habitability. 3) Model how advances in spacecraft technology have aided in our evolving views of Mars as a place. Explore Mars 4) Model activities designed for use in libraries that communicate Mars science and exploration. 5) Facilitate discussions of integrating training information and activities into programs.