SLO/SAO Assessment Reporting Dialogue Agenda and Summary Student Services/Student Support Programs Semester:________


SLO/SAO Assessment Reporting Dialogue Agenda and Summary

Student Services/Student Support Programs

Semester:________ Program: ___________________

Participating Members: ___________________________________________________


What critical student learning and/or service area issue(s) and associated SLO(s)/SAOs were assessed?

2.a. What tools were used to assess student learning during the previous semester. Mark all that apply by indicating the number of faculty/staff who utilized that assessment strategy.

_____Direct observation of actions and performance

(e.g. interactions during a counseling visit, activities during a club meeting)

______ Analysis of program records

______ Student/employee assessments (surveys, reflective journals, etc.)

_____Assessment of student task results (e.g. completeness of student financial aid forms, student success at registration at orientation, etc.)

_____Analysis of student work (e.g. student projects

______ Guided discussions among students and/or employees (group or individual)

______ Other (please explain) as a part of a campus cultural event, etc.)

2.b. Please list the courses and/or activities in which the SLO/SAO assessments occurred (add rows as needed):


3.a. What did you learn from your outcomes assessment or what impacted the success of your assessment activities?

Over for more!

3.b. What changes, if any, are planned based on your outcomes assessment? Please check any appropriate boxes and submit the indicated information.

Proposed Changes Brief Description- Required for checked items Anticipated


Date (semester, year)

Use of new or revised methods of interaction with students (e.g. new methods for counseling sessions, changes to orientation, etc.)

New materials for students

Development of new methods of evaluating student success at completing tasks or achieving outcomes

Planned purchase of new equipment or supplies needed for modified student activities

□ modified job descriptions, requests for new positions)

Changes in staffing (e.g.

Involvement in professional development about best practices for this type of class/activity

Conduct further assessment related to the issue and outcome

Unable to determine what should be done


SLO/SAO Assessment Reporting Dialogue Agenda and Summary

Student Services/Student Support Programs

Semester: Spring 2010 Program: LESA (Languages and English Studies Achievement)

Participating Members:

Suzanne, Anh Dung, Malik, Marcella, James


What critical student learning and/or service area issue(s) and associated SLO(s)/SAOs were assessed?

 Students have difficulty completing the forms for the national LESA scholarships.

Note - we originally planned to assess recruitment methods - however, we found that completion of the scholarship forms was a more serious problem than we had expected and so we focused on assessing outcomes related to that issue. We will follow up with the other issues in future assessment reporting periods.

2.a. What tools were used to assess student learning during the previous semester. Mark all that apply by indicating the number of faculty/staff who utilized that assessment strategy.

5 Direct observation of actions and performance

(e.g. interactions during a counseling visit, activities during a club meeting)

3 Analysis of program records

2 Student/employee assessments (surveys, reflective journals, etc.)

_____Assessment of student task results (e.g. completeness of student financial aid forms, student success at registration at orientation, etc.)

2 Analysis of student work (e.g. student projects as a part of a campus cultural event, etc.)

_______Guided discussions among students and/or employees (group or individual)

4 Other New handouts were developed that are helpful in answering FAQs about the forms. A short survey is being developed that will ask students what parts of the forms cause the most difficulty. We are planning an increased use of peer helpers early in the semester when forms are being filled out.

2.b. Please list the courses and/or activities in which the SLO/SAO assessments occurred (add rows as needed):


Observation of students during scholarship application workshops

Review the records of scholarship application and ranking sheets

Review of scholarship application evaluation forms

3.a. What did you learn from your outcomes assessment or what impacted the success of your assessment activities?

Peer-to-peer assistance in filling out forms was effective if the peer helpers were students who had successfully filled out the forms previously. Handouts with FAQs were also useful.

Over for more!

3.b. What changes, if any, are planned based on your outcomes assessment? Please check any appropriate boxes and submit the indicated information.

Proposed Changes Brief Description- Required for checked items Anticipated


Date (semester, year)

Use of new or revised methods of interaction with students (e.g. new methods for counseling sessions, changes to orientation, etc.)

Spring 2011

X New materials for students

X Development of new methods of evaluating student success at completing tasks or achieving outcomes

Planned purchase of new equipment or supplies needed for modified student activities

□ modified job descriptions, requests for new positions)

Changes in staffing (e.g.

Involvement in professional development about best practices for this type of class/activity

Revise and refine the FAQ document. Develop enhanced training for peer mentors.

Develop a short survey that asks students what parts of the forms cause the most difficulty

Spring 2011

Conduct further assessment related to the issue and outcome

Unable to determine what should be done

X Other We are planning an increased use of peer helpers early in the semester when forms are being filled out.

Spring 2011

SLO/SAO Assessment Reporting Dialogue Agenda and Summary

Student Services/Student Support Programs

Program: Student Mental Health Clinic Semester: Fall 2009

Participating Members: Dr. Martinez, Serena C., Malik T., Joanna W.


What critical student learning and/or service area issue(s) and associated SLO(s)/SAOs were assessed?

Students referred to the clinic often misunderstand the services that are available confused about their need for the services provided by the MHC. Student use of the clinic rises sharply in the two weeks preceding finals, ability of MHC staff to effectively see all students in a timely fashion. These two issues are both related to

Program SLO 2 “Students will become effective at recognizing their need for mental health services and appropriately choosing to access the MHC”. The second issue is related to SAO 1 “Staffing will be scheduled to meet student demand”.

2.a. What tools were used to assess student learning during the previous semester. Mark all that apply by indicating the number of faculty who utilized that assessment strategy.

_____Direct observation of actions and performance

(e.g. interactions during a counseling visit, activities during a club meeting)

4 Analysis of program records

2 Student/employee assessments (surveys, reflective journals, etc.)

_____Assessment of student task results (e.g. completeness of student financial aid forms, student success at registration at orientation, etc.)

_____Analysis of student work (e.g. student projects

2 Guided discussions among students and/or employees (group or individual)

_______Other (please describe) as a part of a campus cultural event, etc.)

2.b. Please list the courses and/or activities in which the SLO/SAO assessments occurred:


Reviewed student utilization log

Guided discussions with faculty/staff making referral to the clinic

Student survey of students using the clinic

3.a. What did you learn from your outcomes assessment or what impacted the success of your assessment


Student referral and utilization of the mental health services peaks during week 6, decreases and then increases again at the end of the semester. Faculty/staff are confused about the referral process. Many students who are referred never make it to the center. Students who use the center are pleased with the services, although frustrated with the lag time to appointments.

Over for more!

3.b. What changes, if any, are planned based on your outcomes assessment? Please check any appropriate boxes and submit the indicated information.

Proposed Changes

X Use of new or revised methods of interaction with students (e.g. new methods for counseling sessions, changes to orientation, etc.)

X New materials for students

□ methods of evaluating student success at completing tasks or achieving outcomes

Planned purchase of new equipment or supplies needed for modified student activities modified job descriptions, requests for new positions)

Development of new

Changes in staffing (e.g.

Involvement in professional development about best practices for this type of class/activity

Brief Description- Required for checked items

Develop a more effective triage system

Develop orientation materials about our service and the referral process and disseminate to faculty and staff



Date (semester, year)

Fall 2010

Spring 2010 – development

Fall 2010 - dissemination

Conduct further assessment related to the issue and outcome

Unable to determine what should be done

X Other Change staffing patterns to enhance access at peak times

Spring 2010
