Cosumens River College Academic Senate Retreat 12 September 2008 11:00-2:30

Cosumens River College
Academic Senate Retreat
12 September 2008 11:00-2:30
Present: Duffy, M., Nye, J., Hodgkinson, G. Wellsfry, N. Coughran, S. Parker, G. Fortin,
C., Van Patten, C., Braden, K., DuBray, D. Violett, L. Woodcock, M. Wassmer, D., Gale,
L., Farley, R., Welkley, D. Smith, M., Carter, C., Bernardo, C., Schubert, R., Oxman, R,
Mathias, D.
Guests: Esposito-Noy, C. Wallace, D., Yamamura, W., Wathen, C.
Call to Order—The meeting was called to order at 11:18 am.
 Oct 20, CRC and CSUS will co-host a symposium on personal and professional
 English Dept. will host poetry reading featuring R. Garcia in October
 Oct 29 there will be speakers from RIES on campus. They will facilitate an
evening discussion on child development topics
 Sept 25, Comm 480, Honors in Political Campaign Communication will host a
symposium on activism, political and otherwise
 On Sept. 26, M. Morales will facilitate a Political Debate viewing with discussion
to follow
 Enrollment is up, CRC is very close to 15,000
 Textbook Scholarship drawing is scheduled for 9/17/08
 Planning Summit will take place on 10/10/08 at Casa Garden
 The 3rd Annual CRC-CSUS Center for Practical and Professional Ethics Fall
Ethics Symposium: Personal and Professional Integrity in Business will take place
on the CSUS campus on October 20, 2008
Action Item—Approval of the minutes from 9 May 2008: Minutes approved by
Shared Governance Committees—Management is interested in reviewing the shared
governance committees. Nye, Farley, Wellsfry, Braden will work on this task.
 Accreditation—Wellsfry reported that accreditation is off to a good start. All
committees are fully staffed. The tri-chair leadership approach is working well.
All sub-committees have started work. Please respond to the accreditation survey
if you have not done so already (committees will use results as evidence). First
rough draft should be completed by the end of the semester. By mid May, the
final draft of the self study must be finished so that it can go to the Board. The
visit will take place in Oct 2009.
Faculty Prioritization—Nye, Duffy, Hodgkinson and Schubert will work on
editing the current document and will bring proposed revisions back to the senate.
Honor Code—Schubert reported that AIC relies on ed code and learning
objectives to ground their work. They have been working to integrate academic
integrity into the community not simply to get “students to follow the rules.” (see
attached doc). This committee also convened last year to hear three disciplinary
appeals and worked on a template to make facilitating these events more
transparent. Faculty commented that links to AI should be more accessible
CRC Foundation Fundraiser—Nye reported that he needs volunteers so that
people can easily sign up to be a walker/jogger/donor, etc. Proceeds from this
fundraiser will go to the Alpha academy and the CRC annual fund. The goal is
$3,000. “Hawk-a-thon” was proposed as a name for this fundraiser.
Updates & Discussion
Basic Skills—the focus is on Math, English and ESL. Progress has occurred in crossdiscipline discussions and in coordination. There has been great collaboration between
academic and student services areas. On budget, Esposito-Noy presented a quarterly
report. The bulk of money for the first year has been used for coordination.
Grade Change Resolution—The call for an investigation on this issue will result in an
audit to take place this semester. District-wide, this issue is also being examined. For
example, district auditors are examining the issue of safety and our online grading
New Graduation Competency Requirements—The District Curriculum Coordination
Committee is working on updating reg language so that we are in compliance.
Desire to Learn—Teachers that used D2L over the summer report that this is going to be
good in the long run, that there is a bigger learning curve than expected (its taking about
15 hours to convert a class), and there needs to be more support. Action: J. Nye was
directed to ask Greg whether or not he feels he is receiving adequate support from the
district towards implementation efforts and ask Bill about contract language on
access/limits regarding our access to D2L staff.
Outcomes Assessment Taskforce—85% return rate on the outcomes assessment form.
Faculty reported that assessment discussions within their departments were successful.
Adjunct rep’s reminded faculty that FT faculty need to reach out to their adjunct
colleagues for feedback.
Faculty Forum Follow-up—The body discussed reviewing the document produced at the
last forum via a faculty-wide, solutions–based discussion. It was also suggested that we
use IBA in moving forward. Action: J. Nye is directed to send Forum document out for
faculty feedback.
College Planning Committee-the issue of program review was discussed: All PROFs
were reviewed. PROF has been revised and is being piloted. The review cycle has been
changed to four years. Accreditation is keeping this committee vary busy.
Professional Development Committee—Feedback from Fall convocation was, for the
most part, excellent. This group is working on the continued development of CASSL.
Budget Committee—This committee is in the process of reviewing its charge. This is the
slow year for budget.
Social Responsibility Committee—Facilitated the film series, working on voter
registration, and had some fantastic speakers last year! Earth Day was also an
opportunity for committee engagement. This year they hope to work on issues related to
student mental health as well as education and opportunity related to non-profit work.
This committee also hopes to run a philanthropy faire.
The meeting was adjured at 2:39 pm.