Draft 5-21-08 creatively

Draft 5-21-08
Program Review and Forecast
Guideline for Getting Started on PrOF
Background and Context: The purpose of program review is to periodically evaluate the
changes and assess various indicators of program effectiveness to creatively plan for the
future. Although many of these plans can be implemented at the program level, many of the
plans need institutional support or have college wide impact. For this reason, the PrOF
process also informs the writing of unit plans as well as planning and resource allocation at
the college level.
At the college, there are three types of programs, each of which is expected to undergo the
program review and planning process every four years. Please use the PrOF form
corresponding to the function of your program. These functions are delineated below:
o Instructional Programs: These are programs in which the major interaction between
students and CRC faculty/staff occurs in credit-granting courses. Examples include
programs from Business to Social Science and departments from Accounting to Work
Experience. In the catalogue, these are usually called “Areas of Study”.
o Student Support / Student Services Programs: These are programs in which CRC
faculty/staff work directly with students in a variety of settings other than credit granting
classes. The catalogue defines student support services as those which “…assist students
with career decision-making, problem resolution, and goal achievement” (catalog p.9).
This includes a wide range of services such as Assessment Services, Counseling, DSPS,
EOPS, CARE, Heath Services, Library, Math Center, Reading Writing Center,
MESA/CCP, Student Development, Tutoring, etc.
Instructional Support / Administrative Services Programs: These are programs that
indirectly support teaching and learning. They include Admissions and Records,
Bookstore, Business Services, CASSL, Financial Aid, Planning and Research Office,
Custodial Services, Instruction Office, etc.
The PrOF process is framed around the major strategy areas in the district and college strategic
plans. Definitions of these areas are given below to provide a context for your work.
CRC College Strategy Areas
I. Access & Growth
As a community-based institution, CRC strives to be responsive to the growing communities of
the Greater Sacramento region. To meet the challenges of population growth, we pursue new
delivery approaches to provide a high level of access to education. We also provide
comprehensive support services to assure access by reducing or eliminating significant barriers
and by promoting diversity. We are committed to ensuring that students from a wide variety of
backgrounds have an equal chance to achieve their educational goals.
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II. Student Success and Teaching and Learning Effectiveness
Our primary goal is to promote student success. This success is reflected in students’
performance as well as in their later achievements in education and the workplace. We also look
at the intellectual skills that students develop while at the College, such as critical thinking and
the ability and desire to engage in lifelong learning. Student success also measures the education
of the whole person for engaging in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. In
support of this success, we are committed to providing the highest quality instructional programs
in transfer, vocational and general education, using the best current and emerging instructional
methods and technologies. CRC promotes flexible teaching and learning methods to support the
success of its diverse student population.
III. Organizational Effectiveness
Organizational effectiveness includes the College structures, processes and resource issues that
impact the effectiveness of programs/services, including internal partnerships and/or crossdisciplinary programs/services. These organizational processes play a critical role in student
success and overall institutional effectiveness. The College will continually improve its
organizational processes in order to enhance its institutional effectiveness and ensure its fiscal
accountability and integrity.
IV. Community, Economic & Workforce Development
We seek to promote the health and economic vitality of the region. As a community resource,
CRC contributes to community life through partnerships, training, staff involvement in civic
affairs, and College programs open to the public. CRC also supports economic development
through their occupational programs and partnerships with social and civic organizations,
business, labor, and industry.
How to Proceed
The PrOF process includes the examination and discussion of program data, strengths, growth
areas and the creative ideation of possible activities to strengthen the program in each of the
applicable strategy areas. It is expected that all members of the program will engage in the PrOF
process – particularly in designing recommendations for the future. Programs are encouraged to
use each of strategy areas in the PrOF; however, if after some discussion, the strategy area does
not apply, please indicate NA for the first question in that section and proceed to the next
Once the program has been reviewed in the individual strategic areas, you will be asked to
outline recommended activities and resources needed for implementation over the next four
years. You will also be asked to comment on any college-wide implications from your review.
Draft 5-21-08
Program/Service Review Report
Program (or Service) Overview and Forecast (PrOF)
Instructional Programs
PROGRAM/SERVICE REVIEW LEAD (Dept. Chair, Lead Faculty, Supervisor, Manager, etc):
List of Participants/Contributors:
When your PrOF is completed, please email it to your supervisor/manager for incorporation into
the Unit Planning process and to the Dean of College Planning and Research for posting and
college wide analysis.
Draft 5-21-08
Program/Service Overview and Forecast (PrOF)
Instructional Programs
If you completed a program/service review in the last cycle, please review and edit the following
program/service description from your previous PrOF. If this is your first PrOF, please describe
the programs/disciplines/services included in this review and the rationale for grouping them
together (for example: Spanish, Sign Language and Vietnamese are grouped together because
they have the same program student learning outcomes.
Program Identification:
Describe key accomplishments, program/service changes or new program/service
initiatives over the past four years. You may wish to consult your last program review and
unit plans as you do this. In particular, think about what you have done to enhance your program
in the following strategic areas: student access, growth, student success, teaching and learning
effectiveness, organizational effectiveness, or community and economic development (see
Guidelines to Getting Started for definitions as needed). Examples might be: changes in
scheduling, new delivery modes, new services, new courses developed, new degrees/certificates
developed, new evaluation methods, new/revised processes, new materials, new
equipment/supplies, etc.
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ACCESS AND GROWTH (see Guidelines to Getting Started for a definition of this
strategic area as needed). In this section you will be asked to review numerical and
descriptive information related to access and growth and think about trends and
patterns and differences between your program/service data compared to the collegewide data to identify a) program strengths, b) program needs, and c) planning ideas to
strengthen your program in this area.
Data sources:
Access and growth data for your program and links to other data sources are located at:
Please consult the College Research Office web page for other special studies that may
be relevant to your program:
Other numerical or descriptive information you have about the use and growth of your
program or service.
A. Briefly list observations from the data and other numerical or descriptive
information that indicate program/service strengths with respect to access and growth.
(Note: responses should include the data element and its relevance…for example: enrollment in English
has grown by 25% over the past four years which has enhanced productivity and enabled us to hire new
full time instructors).
B. Briefly list observations from the data and other numerical or descriptive
information that indicate program/service areas that may need a response or change
over the next four years with respect to access and growth. (Note: responses should include the
data element and its relevance…for example: Nutrition 300 courses are closed within four days of the start
of registration so students cannot complete their program requirements in a timely manner.)
C. Based on the previous discussion of strengths and needs, briefly list planning ideas that
could be employed to strengthen your program/service in the area of access and growth.
(Note: responses should include the relevant need and strategy…for example: To enhance access to
Nutrition 300, work with the Dean to enhance scheduling, obtain release time to create online sections,
and work with the VPI to increase departmental FTE.)
D. If you used numerical or descriptive information that was not provided by the research
office, please list these sources below:
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Guidelines to Getting Started for a definition of this strategic area as needed). In this
section you will be asked to review numerical and descriptive information related to
student success and teaching and learning effectiveness of your program and think
about trends and patterns and differences between your program/service data
compared to the college-wide data to identify a) program strengths, b) program needs,
and c) planning ideas to strengthen your program in this area.
Data sources:
Access and growth data for your program and links to other data sources are located at:
Please consult the College Research Office web page for other special studies that may
be relevant: http://www.crc.losrios.edu/Faculty_&_Staff/Research_Office.htm
Other numerical or descriptive information you have about the student success or
teaching and learning effectiveness in your program or service.
A. Briefly list observations from the data and other numerical or descriptive
information that indicate program/service strengths with respect to student success
and/or teaching and learning effectiveness. (Note: responses should include the data element and
its relevance…for example: student success increased by 10% in basic skills classes between Fall 2005 and
Fall 2008, which means more students are able to enroll in college level courses and achieve their
educational objective.)
B. Briefly list observations from the data and other numerical or descriptive
information that indicate areas that may need a response or change over the next four
years with respect to student success and/or teaching and learning effectiveness. (Note:
responses should include the data element and its relevance…for example: student success in the first
college level course in math is very low, which lowers productivity, increases demand for these courses,
and prevents the department from growing in other areas.)
C. Based on the previous discussion of program strengths and needs, briefly list planning
ideas that could be employed to strengthen your program/service with respect to student
success and/or teaching and learning effectiveness. (Note: responses should include the need and
the strategy…for example: Enhance success rates in the first college level courses in math by working with
the research office to compare the success rates of students who met the prerequisite by completing a CRC
course to students who met the prerequisite through the assessment process. Conduct department meetings
to discuss the findings and devise strategies to address what is learned.)
D. If you used numerical or descriptive information that was not provided by the research
office, please list the sources below:
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E. Your Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and/or Service Area Outcomes (SAO)
from your previous PrOF are below. Edit, delete or complete the information on the
applicable table(s) as needed. Add or delete rows as needed. If no changes were made,
please indicate that in the space provided.
Program SLOs
Program SAOs
____ No changes were made this review cycle to the program/service outcomes
F. The Program SLO or SAO Alignment matrix from your previous PrOF is below. Edit or
complete the table(s) as needed. Add or delete columns as needed. If no changes were
made, please indicate that in the space provided.
Courses or
Non-Course Activities
P-SLO 1:
P-SLO 2:
P-SLO 3:
P-SLO 4:
P-SLO 5:
P-SAO 1:
P-SAO 2:
P-SAO 3:
P-SAO 4:
P-SAO 5:
____ No changes were made this review cycle to the program/service SLO/SAO matrix
Draft 5-21-08
Outcomes Assessment Plan
Review the program student learning or service area outcomes assessments submitted by
your program over the last program/service review cycle located at
http://www.crc.losrios.edu/plso-assess as well as other local outcomes assessment information
and respond to the following:
Briefly summarize the program assessments conducted over the past review cycle and
what was learned or changed as a result of these assessments
What program/service outcomes have NOT been assessed over the last review cycle?
Briefly discuss your assessment plan for the next four years (what you will assess,
when you will assess the outcomes, and how you might assess the outcomes).
Draft 5-21-08
G. If your program is an instructional program, the Course Review status report from Socrates
is below. Please complete the last column of the table. Note: Academic Senate Good
practices require all courses to go through a full review at least once every six years.
Curriculum Review Table
Last Full Review
Next Full Review Date
interactions with other programs and services on campus (see Guidelines to Getting
Started for a definition of this strategic area as needed). In this section you will be asked
to review numerical and descriptive information related to organizational effectiveness
to identify a) program strengths, b) program needs, and c) planning ideas to strengthen
your program in this area.
Data sources:
Access and growth data for your program and links to other sources of information are
located at: http://www.crc.losrios.proforgeffectiveness.edu
Please consult the College Research Office web page for other special studies that may
be relevant: http://www.crc.losrios.edu/Faculty_&_Staff/Research_Office.htm
Other numerical or descriptive information you have about the organizational
effectiveness of your program or service.
Draft 5-21-08
A. Briefly list observations from the data and other numerical or descriptive
information that indicate program/service strengths with respect to organizational
effectiveness. (Note: responses should include the data element and its relevance…for example:
enhanced collaboration and communication has increased usage of the math center by 10%.)
B. Briefly list observations from the data and other numerical or descriptive
information that indicate program/service areas that may need a response or change
over the next four years with respect to organizational effectiveness. (Note: responses
should include the data element and its relevance…for example: survey data indicates that a significant
number of students are still not aware of Math Center services.)
C. Based on the previous discussion of program strengths and needs, briefly list planning
ideas that could be employed to strengthen your program/service with respect to
organizational effectiveness. (Note: responses should include the need and the strategy.…for
example: In order to strengthen student utilization of the Math Center develop new promotional
materials, encourage all math instructors to include a reference to the Math Center on their syllabus,
and have Math Center staff make classroom presentations to targeted classes.)
D. If you used other numerical or descriptive information in your review that was not
provided by the research office, please list the sources below:
external partnerships (see Guidelines to Getting Started for a definition of this strategic
area as needed). In this section you will be asked to review numerical and descriptive
information related to community, economic and work force development to identify a)
program strengths, b) program needs, and c) planning ideas to strengthen your
Data sources:
Access and growth data for your program is located at:
Please consult the College Research Office web page for other special studies that may
be relevant: http://www.crc.losrios.edu/Faculty_&_Staff/Research_Office.htm
Draft 5-21-08
Other numerical or descriptive information you have about how your program
contributes to community, economic and workforce development.
A. Briefly list observations from the data and other numerical or descriptive
information that indicate program/service strengths with respect to community,
economic and workforce development. (Note: responses should include the data element and its
relevance…for example: student placement in jobs is strong and has strengthened the connections
between our program and the industry sectors it serves.)
B. Briefly list observations from the data and other numerical or descriptive
information that indicate program/service areas that may need for a response or
change over the next four years with respect to community, economic and workforce
development. (Note: responses should include the data element and its relevance…for example:
advisory committee meeting minutes indicate that industry participation in the advisory group has
diminished over time, which threatens program effectiveness and could impact VTEA funding and
accreditation of the program.
C. Based on the previous discussion of program strengths and needs, briefly list planning
ideas that could be employed to strengthen your program/service with respect to
community, economic and workforce development. (Note: responses should include the need
and the strategy.…for example: Strengthen the advisory group by obtain 20% reassigned time for the
lead faculty member to network with industry members to increase the number of people on the advisory
team and to enhance participation of current advisory group members).
D. If you used other numerical or descriptive information in your review that was not
provided by the research office, please list these sources below:
Draft 5-21-08
Local, short-term program planning : Review the planning ideas you previously
identified in Section C of the four planning areas (Growth/Access; Student Success &
Teaching/Learning Effectiveness; Program/Service Organizational Effectiveness; and
Community, Economic and Workforce Development). Please identify the ideas you
plan to implement in the next four years below:
Planning Agenda Item # 1.
Planning Agenda Item #2.
Planning Agenda Item #3.
Long Term or Broader planning agendas: Please identify any long term planning
agenda items for your program or identify any unit/college-wide planning agenda
items based on your PrOF.
In the previous section, you identified planning agenda items you hope to implement in
to improve your program. In this section, you will list the curriculum changes and
resource requirements needed to implement those planning agenda items. This
information will be used in college planning.
Summarize the changes in curriculum needed to implement your planning agenda items.
The curriculum table will be used to update the college’s educational master plan.
Curriculum Requirements
List Courses/Programs
Brief Rationale for Recommended Action
New Courses:
New Programs:
Deleted Courses
Deleted Programs
Draft 5-21-08
Please complete a resource requirements table for each planning agenda item listed in
section I above and indicate the approximate cost. The resource requirements tables from
the programs in your unit will be used to produce the unit plan. Copy and paste as needed
to complete a chart for each Planning Agenda Item!
Resource Requirements
Planning Agenda
Item #1
Item or Description
Approximate Cost
Priority (A – urgent, B – high,
C – important)
Item or Description
Approximate Cost
Priority (A – urgent, B – high,
C – important)
related equipment
Non-Computer related
New faculty
New classified staff
New student help
Other (research, release
time, professional
development, grants)
Planning Agenda
Item #2
related equipment
Non-Computer related
New faculty
New classified staff
New student help
Other (research, release
time, professional
development, grants)