Grants Agenda Overview of Process: In order to generate a grants agenda to inform grant development at the college and district, the Dean of College Planning and Research reviewed the Program Reviews and Unit Plans that had been submitted to the College Planning Committee. This review led to the preliminary identification of strategic directions related to grant development and a list of key initiatives that might be included in grant proposals. This draft document was reviewed by Administrators at a Management meeting and edited as needed. Strategic Directions Related to Grants Background and Context of the College Student Diversity API serving institution HSI English Language Learners First Generation College Students Title III Themes Digital divide Disproportionate success rates Low income students Generation 1.5 students Millennial students Career development Access Equity Linguistic pluralism Strategy Areas 1. Pluralism/global education Student success Cultural competence Focus groups Student engagement 2. Technology Conversion to digital media/equipment Voc ed/CTE (SB 70) Workforce preparation (currency) Curriculum development Equipment 3. Distance Education Infrastructure Delivery system Pedagogy Quality Student support service development Program development to meet/reflect WASC standards 4. New Program Development Allied health Health and wellness Ag/equine Teacher prep Build/design/green technology Culinary arts 5. MAST Pipeline to 4 year schools Intersegmental coordination Teacher prep STEP Articulation with K-12 6. Professional development CASSL development/institutionalization Scholarship of teaching and learning Supporting the implementation and ongoing development of the assessment of SLOs Area BFS Grants Agenda 2007-2010 Support Needs Facility and Program Upgrade for CDC/ECE Accounting Lab Upgrade Computer lab upgrades/replacement Wireless Connectivity on Campus (also came forward in LRCT and C&T) Create a model classroom to support CDC program and licensing requirements. ($25,000) 10 workstations for Accounting Lab (ThomsonNOW, homework, spreadsheets, papers); tablet PC’s for Instructors, new software ($44,000) Strategic Interests Enhanced instruction and equipment to meet state and licensing requirements Upgrades to enhance instruction and expand access (updating software, expanding capabilities to provide real world examples) Need funding to upgrade/replace computers every three years – need to expand memory of other labs. Need Adobe Flash software and VPN technology Needed to keep the program current and up to date $25,000 for radios and license upgrades (not sure if that meets the need) To enhance access and instruction Welding equipment upgrade Purchase GTAW/GMAW/FCAW machines ($250,000) Vet Tech equipment and facilities upgrade Purchase digital radiography, ultrasound, dental equipment, anesthesia monitoring ($90,000) Mobile computer lab (also came forward in SME) 30 student mobile computer lab ($50,000) New and updated equipment is needed to reflect current industry best practices. Current equipment does not support educational and employment needs. New and updated equipment is needed to reflect current industry best practices. Current equipment does not support educational and employment needs. Current equipment does not support the enhanced need to integrate technology into the AMT program. Current facility does not support existing need. C&T Wireless connectivity on campus (also came forward in BFS and LRCT) $25,000 for radios and license upgrades Horticulture upgrade Soil mixer, soil blending system, pesticide applicator, cart, tractor, mini skid steer ($45,000) plus other facility upgrades (cost TBD) Current equipment does not support the enhanced need to integrate technology into the AMT program. Current facility does not support existing need. New and updated equipment and facilities are needed to reflect current industry best practices. Current equipment does not support educational and employment needs. Dollars to pay for translators of key matriculation and counseling materials To strengthen the effectiveness of the assessment and matriculation processes Secure funding to create a facility CRC currently has no place to show student art and/or to create and show exhibitions of art that could strengthen instruction and serve the community. To enhance program effectiveness and currency To enhance program effectiveness and currency To enhance program effectiveness and currency Counseling Translation project CVPA Art Gallery HSS Art/Ceramics equipment and facilities upgrade Theatre upgrade to seating, drapes and lights RTVF upgrade Digital upgrade for art/photography ESL/FL computer lab and software upgrade Replace aging and outdated equipment, e.g. Raku kiln, plate maker for printmaking, etc. New seating, drapes and lights Drapes, monitors, lighting instruments, portable cameras, Instant Replay machine. Updated Software with improved ADA abilities Software updates Add 35 seats (computers, furniture, software, etc.) to ESL lab and add 35 computers to the FL lab To enhance program effectiveness and currency. To increase access LRCT Network upgrade (switches, UPS, power generator) PE/Athletics Softball/baseball field upgrade SME (first two items are tied) Chemistry equipment upgrade and training Biology lab equipment upgrade Mobile computer lab (also came forward in C&T) $215,000 for new switches, UPS and power generator To enhance the infrastructure that supports the growing number of services and programs and institutional practices that utilize the computer networks on campus. Scoreboard, batting cages, fencing, bleachers, sheds To enhance safety, provide necessary storage, to enhance quality of program Chemistry instruments include: a high resolution capillary gas chromatograph (GC), ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometer (UVVis); a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR), a coupled gaschromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) biochemistry lab equipment including electrophoresis chambers & power supplies, PCR equipment, UV transilluminator & photodocumentation system, centrifuges, carts, pipetters, automatic chemical dispensing equipment, incubators, controlled temperature water baths, vortexer, orbital shaker, supporting items; botany & zoology microscope slides and specimens, light meters, pH meters, spectrophotometers, temperature probes, display and storage boxes; A&P models and charts, cadaver, microscopes, lab computer carts, lab carts; microbiology media production equipment, balances, hotplatestirrers, incubators, refrigerators, freezer for specimens, etc. 30 student mobile computer lab ($50,000) Program currency and quality, enhanced access Program currency and quality, enhanced access Enhanced student success and support of alternate teaching modalities in mathematics Potential areas of collaboration with specific industry groups, employers, K-12 or 4 year institutions? The Cosumnes Community Services District is interested in establishing a local paramedic and fire academy program in partnership with the college. New curricular or delivery directions? Business and Family Science Expand DE and online offerings Obtain NAEYC accreditation for the ECE program Develop a model ECE classroom Careers and Technology Pharmacy Tech program Green Building certificate Agritourism, equine management/science Enhance the Viticulture program course development in construction (with specific focuses) develop new courses in welding to meet industry need. Communications, Visual and Performing Arts Graphic Design Certificate Art History Program development Film production and Digital cinema program development Game design certificate and degree Library Development of information competency course PE and Athletics Development of athletic training certificate Development of personal trainer certificate Development of massage therapy certificate and program Humanities and Social Science Expand offerings in Asian/Asian American history and political science Vocational Spanish courses Science, Math and Engineering Enhanced utilization of computer assisted instruction in mathematics Enhanced access to individualized instruction in mathematics Is the college interested in being the center for something or for a particular discipline? We have already designated our Architecture and construction programs as programs of distinction. Enhanced support to strengthen these programs is an option as there will be enhanced opportunities afforded to these programs when the Winn Center is completed. Other needs Obtain support to continue offering the philosophy conference and/or other academic events on campus.