The VOCALS Regional Experiment Aerosols, clouds, and precipitation in southeast Pacific stratocumulus Robert Wood Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington Global sea-surface temperature October 25th 2007 10 15 20 25 30 ISCCP inferred St/Sc amount Twomey Albrecht Rich marine habitats, few continental ones… SeaWIFS Ocean Color Tarapacá, Atacama Desert Net primary productivity of Humboldt current 3 tC ha-1 yr-1 Net primary productivity of boreal forests 2-8 tC ha-1yr-1 rainfall [mm] Iquique annual precipitation 1899-2003 20oS Longitudinal cross-section at 20oS 85oW 65oW SST anomaly from zonal mean ERBE net cloud forcing A coupled problem • Correct prediction of stratus properties is important for the correct prediction of the climate over the tropical warm pool – connections with ITCZ through both ocean and atmosphere Yu and Mechoso 2001 Precip [mm day-1] 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 SST Biases in Coupled Models • SST Biases in NCAR CCSM (Collins et al. 2006) Ocean surface heat budget Net heat input into ocean at center of stratus sheet > 50 W m-2 Must be corresponding cold water transport from somewhere Annual Heat Fluxes 20oS, 85oW W/m2 250 Net SW 200 Net LW 150 Sensible 100 Latent Net Heat 50 0 -50 -100 -150 Bob Weller, WHOI Mesoscale ocean eddies • Mesoscale ocean eddies form in coastal upwelling regions and propagate westward • Their impact on the heat, nutrient, and freshwater budgets is poorly known • They are not resolved in coupled GCMS Simulation from Penven et al. (2005) Mesoscale ocean eddies Height SST Eddies impact SST and can be observed using altimetry courtesy Shang-Ping Xie, University of Hawaii 14-year animation of eddies identified using satellite altimetry (courtesy Dudley Chelton, OSU) Clouds and cloud processes ERBE -SWCF (W m-2) NCAR GFDL Clouds in Global Models GMAO Annual mean Control run Atmospheric models Why this Uncertainty? resolution of ~5m required to resolve inversion! ~12K! Free-tropospheric T set by ITCZ θe 2,000km ~1km BL T set by local SST Drizzle is important over the SEP Mesoscale variability in stratocumulus 200 km Pockets of Open Cells (POCs) Mesoscale stratocumulus structure • Cloud albedo strongly dependent upon open/closed cells Open Cells Closed Cells Satellite Low albedo • Strong precipitation associated with open cell structure 100 km High albedo • Open cells form in clear marine environment – potential anthropogenic impacts Strong drizzle Ship Radar Weak drizzle Drizzle and cloud droplet concentration EPIC data, Bretherton et al. (2004) POCs and Aerosols • Strong reductions in accumulation mode aerosol concentration • New nucleation • Links between aerosol microphysics and cloud macrophysics? Global cloud droplet concentration (MODIS, annual mean 2001-2004) Cloud Microphysical Variability MODIS Cloud Droplet Concentration (SON 2001-2004) 0 100 200 300 400 Cloud droplet concentration [cm-3] Smelter locations The VAMOS Ocean-Cloud-AtmosphereLand Study Aim: to promote activities leading to improved understanding and model predictions of the SEP coupled system on diurnal to interannual timescales THE VOCALS STRATEGY VOCALS Regional Experiment (REx) VOCALS-Rex will collect datasets required to address a set of issues that are organized into two broad themes: • Aerosol-cloud-drizzle interactions in the marine boundary layer (MBL) and the physicochemical and spatiotemporal properties of aerosols • Chemical and physical couplings between the upper ocean, the land, and the atmosphere. VOCALS-REx Platforms NSF C-130 DoE ASP G-1 NOAA Ronald H Brown CIRPAS Twin Otter The aircraft DoE ASP G-1 CIRPAS Twin Otter NSF C-130 Chemistry and aerosols, cloud microphysics, turbulence Remote sensing and cloud imaging Chemistry and aerosols, cloud microphysics, turbulence, radar/lidar remote sensing Radar remote sensing, microphysics, turbulence Aerosols, cloud microphysics, radiative measurements NERC Dornier 228 UK FAAM BAe-146 The Ships IMARPE José Olaya NOAA Ronald H Brown VOCALS-REx Platforms and Sampling Aircraft: NSF C-130 CIRPAS Twin Otter DoE G-1 UK BAe-146 NERC Do 228 Ships: NOAA Ronald H Brown José Olaya Land sites: Iquique Paposo VOCALS-REx Cross-Section Sampling Combined NOAA Ronald H Brown and NSF C-130 Missions - direct evaluation of GCM lower tropospheric structure Flight-plan for C-130 POC-Drift missions Operations Bases • Arica (Operations Center) – C-130, G-1, UK 146, Do228 • Iquique – CIRPAS Twin Otter, Sounding station • Paposo – Ground station for aerosol characterization