Clinical Biochemistry Department, UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY TEST INFORMATION Unique document number PD-CB-411 Document name Clinical Biochemistry Test Information Version no. 21 Produced by Dr Gill Rumsby Approved by Dr Gill Rumsby Date active September 2015 Date for review August 2017 or as necessary Comments This issue replaces all previous versions. UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 1 of 35 Clinical biochemistry test information GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL ENQUIRIES: 020344 79405 (x79405); email: CLINICAL ENQUIRIES: Call the number above and ask for the duty biochemist. Alternatively email and someone will deal with your enquiry (Monday-Friday 0900-1700). Out of hours ask for the on-call biochemistry consultant via the switchboard. REQUEST FORMS: The request forms have an attached bag for insertion and sealing of the blood samples. Labels on urine bottles should be completed with the patient details and time of start and end of collection. The accompanying request form should be securely attached to the 24-hour urine bottles. It is strongly advised that requests are restricted to one sample type per form. Request forms must always be fully and legibly completed. The case number, surname, forename and date of birth must be recorded accurately for all patients. Using patient identification labels is very desirable providing they are legible. The location of the patient with consultant’s name or approved code must be included for the return of results. Please clearly state the tests required using their full names or widely accepted abbreviations only. If it is only possible to obtain a small sample, the order of priority for the tests requested should be indicated. Where special conditions are required for a valid result, information on timing, fasting, protocol and drug doses should be written on the request form. LABELLING OF SAMPLES: The Department will NOT analyse samples that have inadequate identification. All specimens MUST be labeled with the surname and two other items of identification from: Hospital number Date of birth Forename SAMPLE CONTAINERS: The sample types for each of the tests are included in the tabulated information later. TEST AVAILABILITY: Not all of the more esoteric tests listed are available within UCLH. Those for which UCLH has to pay to be analysed elsewhere are subject to particular scrutiny and are likely to be refused unless a clear clinical justification is provided. Test name beginning with (Ctrl click): A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 2 of 35 Blood: The main vacutainer tube used is the gold top (SST, clotted blood with gel separator). Others needed for certain tests are: red top (plain clotted blood), , purple top (EDTA anticoagulant), grey top (fluoride preservative) and green top (lithium heparin anticoagulant). Usually many tests can be done from one sample, eg one 5mL gold top tube is sufficient for U/E, LFT, bone profile and more. However, the volume stated is that which must normally be sent even if requesting the individual test on its own. Paediatric samples: the tube top colours given above do not apply to paediatric containers. Usually white tops are plain but other lids will vary with manufacturer. Staff should familiarize themselves with the preservative content prior to bleeding the patient. Urine: Random and early morning urine samples should be collected in 50 mL Sterilin containers. Plain containers for 24 hour urine collections are available by ordering from Supplies. Acidified containers for 24hr urines, containing concentrated hydrochloric acid, are available from Clinical Biochemistry reception. Please check the following Test Information table if you do not know which type of container is needed. Faeces: Random samples should be collected in 50 mL Sterilin containers. CSF: Plain sterile containers from CSSD (grey fluoride tube must be used for CSF glucose) Sweat: A special collection system is used by the Children’s Outpatients Department at UCLH Other fluids, Calculi etc: Sterilin or other suitable container. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: Please adhere to the instructions, so that the risk to all staff is minimised. There is a legal obligation to observe these precautions. UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 3 of 35 Needle Stick Injuries: Current guidelines must be followed so as to avoid stick injuries to those taking, transporting and processing samples. Specimens for analysis must not be sent to the laboratory in the original syringe. . Infection Risk: General requirements and good practice: Do not contaminate the request form with the sample. Ensure that the container is correctly sealed so that it does not leak in transit. Do not stick samples to the request form with tape, use the bag. Dangerous Pathogens Specimens containing certain viral pathogens (ACDP Category 4) cannot be handled by the laboratory. Do NOT send samples containing or suspected of containing these pathogens to the laboratory. Phone the Help Desk in advance if in doubt. Specimens must be regarded as potentially infected if they come from the patient categories below. Only request tests which are essential to the management of these disorders: Known to be HbsAG positive. With known or suspected viral hepatitis or with jaundice of unknown cause. With known AIDS or HIV positive, or relevant risk groups. Frequently transfused – including haemophilia. Known to be drug addicts. With known or suspected brucellosis, typhoid or paratyphoid A infection. With known or suspected tuberculous meningitis (CSF only) or tuberculosis of the urinary or gastrointestinal tract (urine or faecal specimens only). With known or suspected amoebiasis (faecal specimens only). With pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO). Radiation Hazards: Urine (particularly) may be radioactive following imaging / nuclear medicine procedures. Urine collections known or suspected to be highly radioactive must not be sent to the laboratory. The name of any administered isotope must be stated on all samples of urine on both the first and second day after an imaging procedure. The laboratory monitors samples and will refer all radiation safety violations back to the requester. Serious violations will be referred to the Radiation Protection Advisor. TRANSPORT OF SAMPLES: Samples from the main hospital site should be sent by pneumatic tube (PTS) system. Please note some tests require samples to be carried to the laboratory immediately, with or without other precautions (eg on ice). Routine transport pick-ups cannot not be used for such samples. Other sites collect from designated pick up points. REQUESTS FOR URGENT ATTENTION: During normal working hours all urgent requests must be arranged personally by the requesting doctor telephoning the Clinical Biochemistry Help Desk (UCLH ext 79405, or direct dial 0203 44 79405), except where there is prior agreement. REPORTING RESULTS: Within the laboratory computer system the patient is identified by the case number. As soon as a request is registered in the computer it is listed as PENDING when viewing on any ward, clinic or departmental terminal. As soon as the result is approved for reporting it is also available on any enquiry computer. Printed reports are not usually issued. DYNAMIC FUNCTION TESTS: Please see test information and specific test request forms on Insight http://insight/departments/medicineboard/pathology/biochemicalmedicine/ClinicalBiochemistry/Pages/default.aspx UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 4 of 35 CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY TESTS TEST Acetylcholinesterase (erythrocyte) Acid load test Acid maltase SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5 mL whole blood purple or green top Timed urine samples Follow dynamic test protocol on intranet Blood spot or whole blood (heparin) REFERENCE RANGE See report Acid phosphatase, total 5ml blood gold top tube 2.6 – 6.2 U/L ACTH 4ml blood purple top tube – kept cold, centrifuged immediately <46 ng/L (9am) Acyl carnitine profile 4 mL purple or green top tube (paediatrics use orange top Li/hep tube) 4mL gold top Positive or negative 4mL gold top Ref range not yet established Adalimumab antibodies Adaluminab drug levels Addictive drug screen Adrenaline AFP AGXT gene analysis (primary hyperoxaluria type 1) Alanine aminotransferase Alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase Albumin, serum 4 mL blood purple top tube 5ml blood gold top tube 20 mg liver (frozen) 5ml blood gold top tube 10-50 IU/L (Male) 10-35 IU/L (Female) 19.10 – 47.9 μmol substrate transformed per hour per mg protein 28 -44 g/L (0 – 4 Days) 38-54 g/L (4 Days – 14 Years) 32-45 g/L (14 -18 Years) 34-50 g/L (>18 Years) UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 AVAILABILITY / NOTES All requests reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Cardiff Toxicology Sample requires special or immediate action. Transport to lab immediately, routine transport not suitable. Urine pH after oral ammonium chloride For diagnosis of Pompe’s disease. Sample must be sent to reference lab promptly therefore do not take blood on a Friday. Analysed at GOS All requests reviewed by Chem Path senior medical or scientific staff. Not for routine use in prostate cancer – see PSA instead. Analysed at Royal Free Hospital, phone 0207 830 2991 Sample requires special or immediate action. Transfer to lab immediately and on ice. Routine transport not suitable. Batched for analysis on selected days. N.B. Cannot be requested retrospectively Analysed at Neurometabolic Unit, 0207829 8716. Results available within 7 working days For monitoring patients on Adalimumab (antiTNF) Analysed at Royal Devon and Exeter 01392 402948 For monitoring patients on Adalimumab (antiTNF) Analysed at Royal Devon and Exeter 01392 402948 See Drug Screen See Catecholamines See Alphafetoprotein Molecular Urology test. For diagnosis of primary hyperoxaluria type 1 24 hour availability Molecular Urology test. For diagnosis of primary hyperoxaluria type 1 24 hour availability September 2015 Page 5 of 35 TEST Albumin, urine (“Microalbumin”) SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 10ml random urine Alcohol (Medical cases only) 2ml blood light grey top tube Aldosterone, blood 4 mL purple or gold top tube Aldosterone synthase gene analysis Alkaline Phosphatase, Total 4 mL blood purple top tube Alkaline phosphatase Isoenzymes 5ml blood gold top tube Alkaline phosphatase, Placental CSF 1 mL CSF Alkaline phosphatase, Placental serum 5ml blood red top tube <0.5 U/L (Non-smokers) <1.5 U/L (Smokers) 5 mL blood green or purple top tube Patient should be on caffeinefree diet On treatment, plasma oxypurinol <100 umol/L 5ml blood gold top tube 0-6 kIU/L (In hepatoma, a positive diagnosis is only likely with a level >500 kIU/L) Allergen specific IgE Allopurinol Alphafetoprotein as tumour marker 5ml blood gold top tube REFERENCE RANGE 0-2.8 mg/mmol creatinine Clinically significant results: Diabetics:>3mg/mmol Non-diabetics:>30 mgl/mmol Values up to 46 mg/L may arise endogenously AVAILABILITY / NOTES Usually 24 hour availability 1000-3500 pmol/L (1-3 Months) 400-1500 pmol/L (3-12 Months) 250-950 pmol/L (Adult, ambulant) 150-550 pmol/L (Adult, recumbent) Batched for weekly analysis. Steroid Endocrinology test New assay and ref ranges from 1/11/2014 Molecular Urology test. For diagnosis of aldosterone synthase deficiency 24 hour availability 0-250 IU/L (0-5 Days) 0-449 IU/L (5 -180 Days) 0-462 IU/L (180-365 Days) 0-281 IU/L (1-3 Years) 0-269 IU/L (3-6 Years) 0-300 IU/L (6-12 Years) 0-390 IU/L (Male 12-17 Years) 0-187 IU/L (Female 12-17 Years) 40-129 IU/L (Male >17 Years) 35-104 IU/L (Female >17 Years) Female Male liver <73U/L <68U/L Biliary <13U/L <8U/L Bone <71U/L <77U/L UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests 24 hour availability. Legal limit for driving – 800mg/L (units changed from mmol/L to mg/L on 29/06/2015 Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Analysed at Royal Free Hospital PD-CB-411 v21 Requests are individually reviewed. For diagnosis of pineal germinoma Samples referred to Charing Cross 0203311 1443 Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Analysed at Northern General Hospital Sheffield, phone 0114-271 5725. See RAST Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Viapath 02071881266. 24 hour availability. September 2015 Page 6 of 35 TEST Alphafetoprotein, CSF Alpha SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 1 mL CSF aminoadipic semialdehyde (antiquitin) Alpha-1 antitrypsin, total Random urine Alpha-1-antitrypsin, faecal 10g stool sample (concurrent serum AAT sample also required) 5ml blood gold top tube Alpha-1 antitrypsin phenotype 5ml blood gold top tube REFERENCE RANGE AVAILABILITY / NOTES 24 hour availability. <1 kIU/L (Adult) may be slightly higher in newborn period but less than 12 kIU/L See report 0.9-2.2 g/L (0-6 months) 0.8-1.8 g/L (6 months – 1 year) 1.1-2.2 g/L (1-5 years) 1.4-2.3 g/L (5-10 years) 1.2-2.0 g/L (10-15 years) 1.1-2.1 g/L (15-18 years) Interpretation on report Must be frozen on receipt. Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at ICH 02079052108 24h availability Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at St George’s Hospital Interpretation on report Performed automatically if total AAT below 0.9g/L. Analysed at Northern General Hospital Sheffield, phone 0114 271 5552. 4.0-21.9 nmol/h/mL Requests are individually reviewed. Must be sent same day for processing so do not collect on a Friday or at weekends. Analysed at GOS Enzyme lab. 0207405 9200 Molecular Urology test for diagnosis of 5α-reductase deficiency Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at University Hospital Birmingham, 0121 371 5999 Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Tubes available from lab. Analysed at SAS Trace Element laboratory, Guildford Microbiology test run in Clinical Biochemistry Alpha galactosidase 4mL blood green top Do NOT collect on a Friday 5α reductase 2 gene analysis Alpha subunit (pituitary peptide common subunit) Aluminium 4 mL blood purple top 5 mL blood red or gold top 5ml blood white top tube <0.4 umol/L (Subjects without CRF) <2.2 umol/L (Low risk CRF patients) Amikacin 5ml blood gold top tube For interpretation contact microbiology and/or refer to micro guides on intranet Amino acids, Blood Amino acids, Urine 5ml blood green top tube 5ml fresh random urine Interpretation on report Interpretation on report Aminophylline Amiodarone 5ml blood gold top tube Amiodarone 0.5-2.0 mg/L Desethylamiodarone 0.5-2.0 mg/L Interpretation on report UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests Batched for analysis on selected days Qualitative screen. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. N.B. Rarely useful as a screen for metabolic disorders. See Theophylline Time to steady state: 1 week (if loaded) Ideal sampling time: Pre dose Analysed at St Helier 020 8296 2661 PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 7 of 35 Ammonia TEST SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 4ml blood purple top tube REFERENCE RANGE Premature neonate <150 umol/L Term neonate (0-31 days) <100 umol/L 1 month-<14y < 40 umol/L >14y 11-32 umol/L Ammonium chloride Test Amylase Amylase (isoenzymes) 5ml blood gold top tube 5 mL blood gold top tube 28-100 IU/L See report Androstenedione 5ml blood gold top tube Angiotensin converting enzyme Anion gap Antenatal screen (Down’s) Anticonvulsants Anti-mullerian hormone 5ml blood gold top tube 1.4 -11.5 nmol/L (Female) 2.0-10.0 nmol/L (Male) <1.1 nmol/L (Prepubertal) 8-52 U/L calculation 12-20 mmol/L 5 mL blood gold top Reference ranges (10th – 90th percentiles): 20 – 29 years: 13.1 – 53.8 pmol/L 30 – 34 years: 6.8 – 47.8 pmol/L 35 – 39 years: 5.5 – 37.4 pmol/L 40 – 44 years: 0.7 – 21.2 pmol/L 45 – 50 years: 0.3 – 14.7 pmol/L 5ml blood gold or purple top tube 1.10-2.05 g/L (Male) 1.25-2.15 g/L (Female) Apolipoprotein B 5ml blood gold or purple top tube 0.55-1.05 g/L (Male) 0.55-1.25 g/L (Female) Apolipoprotein E genotype 4 mL whole blood purple top Apolipoprotein E phenotype 5 mL blood purple top tube Antitrypsin - 1 Apolipoprotein A1 UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests AVAILABILITY / NOTES 24 hour availability. Sample requires special or immediate action. Transfer to lab immediately, preferably on ice. Routine transport not suitable See Acid load test in dynamic function test folder 24 hour availability Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 4 weeks. Analysed at Gt Ormond St 0207 829 8662 Daily Calculated from (Na+K)-(Cl+bicarbonate). Not available from Clinical Biochemistry – contact Antenatal clinic See individual drugs Note method change to Roche AMH 02/02/15. Results on average 25% lower than previous method (Beckman Gen II). To discuss, contact x72954 or x72972. See Alpha-1 Antitrypsin For specialist lipid clinic use only. Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Royal Free Hospital, phone 02077940500 bleep 1595 (Duty Biochemist) Method change 24/9/2008 For specialist lipid clinic use only. Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. For specialist lipid clinic use only. Analysed at Royal Free Hospital, phone 02077940500 bleep 1595 (Duty Biochemist) Method change 24/9/2008 Lipid Clinic only. Analysed at University of Wales, Cardiff 02920747747 x8350 For specialist lipid clinic use only Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available in 8 weeks.. Analysed at University of Wales, Cardiff 02920747747 x8350 PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 8 of 35 TEST Aquaporin 4 antibodies SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5ml blood gold top tube REFERENCE RANGE Negative or positive Arsenic 4 mL blood purple top (plastic tube) or 20 mL random urine (preferred) 5ml blood gold top tube Plasma: <133.5 nmol/L Urine: <534 nmol/L Aspartate aminotransferase B12, see vitamin B12 Barbiturates Base excess Bence Jones protein 0-37 IU/L (Male) 0-31 IU/L (Female) AVAILABILITY / NOTES For ?neuromyelitis optica. Specific request form required. Contact lab. Analysed at the Immunology Dept., Churchill Hospital, Oxford Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 2 weeks. Analysed at Trace metal lab, Guildford 01483 259978. Exclude high seafood diet for 5 days prior to sampling Approved research studies only 25ml urine (EMU) None detected in normal subjects See Drug Screen See Gases Batched for analysis on selected days. Advisable to send concurrent blood sample in Red top tube for serum protein electrophoresis also. 4 mL purple top tube Full report issued Molecular Urology test 5ml blood gold top tube 5ml blood gold top tube 0-2.3 mg/L 22-29 mmol/L 5ml blood gold top tube <14 umol/L 24 hour availability 24 hour availability See Gases Run weekly. This test is for total bile acids. Bile acids (for ?primary metabolic disorder) Bilirubin, blood, total random urine Refer to report Analysed at ICH 5ml blood gold top tube 24 hour availability Bilirubin, blood, conjugated Bilirubin, urine, bile pigments Biotinidase 5ml blood gold top tube 10ml random urine 5 mL blood green top tube or serum (minimum 2 mL) 10ml random urine 0-137 umol/L (<1 day) 0-239 umol/L (1-3 days) 0-20 umol/L (≥4 days) 0-5 umol/L Bilirubin is not normally found in urine. 3.9-18.9 nmol/mL/min Negative in normal individuals Batched for analysis on selected days Beta carotene, see carotene 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 genetics Beta-2 microglobulin Bicarbonate (TotalCO2) Standard bicarbonate Bile acids (Total) Urine- qualitative screen (Labstix) Blood in faeces 2g stool sample 24 hour availability Daily service if received by noon Mon to Fri For multiple carboxylase deficiency only. Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at GOS Daily service if received by noon Mon to Fri BNP see NT-proBNP Bone Profile Includes: calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, albumin Buprenorphine 5ml blood gold top tube Random urine 24 hour availability Refer to report UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests Sample must be taken as soon as possible after exposure Referred to Birmingham City Hospital PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 9 of 35 Busulfan TEST SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 4 mL purple top tube CA 15-3 5ml blood gold top tube REFERENCE RANGE No ref range. Multiple points for investigation of pharmacokinetics 0-25 KIU/L CA19-9 5ml blood gold top tube 0-27 KIU/L CA125 5ml blood gold top tube 0-35 KIU/L Cadmium, blood 4 mL purple top tube (plastic) <27 nmol/L non-smokers <53 nmol/L smokers Cadmium, urine 25 mL random urine <1.0 nmol/mmol creatinine Caeruloplasmin 5ml blood gold top tube Calcitonin 4ml red top or gold top tube required ON ICE (see notes) 0.15-0.30 g/L male 0.16-0.45 g/L female No ref range for <1y <5.0 ng/L (female) <8.4 ng/L (Male) Calcium (albumin adjusted) 5ml blood gold top tube 2.20-2.60 mmol/L Calcium, urine 24hr urine collected in bottle with acid 10 mg minimum 0.08-0.79 mmol/mmol creatinine 2.5-8.0 mmol/24h Random faecal sample <60 ug/g faeces (not applicable for neonates) Carbamazepine 5ml blood gold top tube Therapeutic range 4-12 mg/L (please note, units changed to mg/L occurred on 13/8/12) Carbamazepine (free) 5 mL blood red top tube Carbamazepine epoxide 5 mL blood red top tube Calculus (urinary and other sites) Calprotectin (faecal) AVAILABILITY / NOTES Must be prearranged via duty biochemist. Analysed at GOS 24 hour availability. For monitoring breast cancer treatment Not suitable as a screening test 24 hour availability. For monitoring pancreatic carcinoma Not suitable as a screening test 24 hour availability. For monitoring carcinoma of the ovary Not suitable as a screening test Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 2 weeks. Analysed by Trace Metal lab, Guildford 01483 259978 Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 2 weeks. Analysed by Trace Metal lab, Guildford 01483 259978 24 hour availability Change in reference range 08/03/2013 Sample requires special or immediate action. Transfer to lab immediately on ice (must be separated and frozen within one hour of draw). Routine transport not suitable. Daily analysis. For monitoring medullary carcinoma of the thyroid. Assay change to Siemens Immulite Feb 2015. 24 hour availability Ref range change March 2014 Usually 24 hour availability Molecular Urology test. Analysed daily Batch assay, includes total carbamazepine. Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 Batch assay, includes total carbamazepine. Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 See Bicarbonate See Gases Carbon dioxide – Total Carbon dioxide – pCO2 UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Viapath 02032993856 Usually 24 hour availability. Ideal sampling time: pre dose. Time to steady state 2-4 weeks (initiation), 3-4 days (dose change) PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 10 of 35 TEST Carbohydrate transferrin deficient SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5 mL blood gold top tube <2.6% REFERENCE RANGE 5ml blood gold top tube 0-3.4 ug/L 5mL blood gold top tube (protect from light) 0.19-1.58 umol/L Carbon monoxide Carcinoembryonic (CEA) antigen Cardiac enzymes Carnitines, see acyl carnitine Carotene, beta Catecholamines, urine Please note: no longer recommended. See metanephrines, urine Catecholamines, plasma Please note: no longer recommended. See metanephrines, plasma C1 esterase inhibitor (mass assay) 0.15 – 0.35 g/L 5ml blood gold top tube 40-150% Ceramide trihexosides urine <0.03 mg/mmol Chitotriosidase 5 mL light green top or purple top <150 nmol/h/mL Chloride, blood Chloride, sweat 5ml blood gold top tube Sweat Special collection containers are issued only via the lab 5ml blood gold top tube 98-107 mmol/L <40 mmol/L (Normal) 40-60 mmol/L (Equivocal) >60 mmol/L (Positive) <5.0 mmol/L Cholesterol – Total inhibitor For patients with documented low vit A concentrations. Requests are individually reviewed. Analysed at St Helier 0208 2962804 Not routinely available. Plasma/urine mets are more sensitive and specific. Analysed at Epsom & St Helier Hospital. No longer offered. Request plasma metanephrines 5ml blood gold top tube C1 esterase (functional) AVAILABILITY / NOTES Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 2 weeks. Available for patients of Dr Bradley T15 and PPW patients only. Analysed at Viapath 0203299 3856 See Gases. No service in Biochemistry, refer to ITU for analysis on blood gas machine 24 hour availability. For monitoring carcinoma of the colon / rectum Not suitable as a screening test see Creatine Kinase UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Request C3 and C4 concurrently.N.B. If C4 normal, deficiency is unlikely. Analysed at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital 0121 424 2105 Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Request C3 and C4 concurrently.N.B. If C4 normal, deficiency is unlikely. Analysed at Sheffield Northern 0114 271 5552 Requests are individually reviewed. For dx and monitoring of Fabry’s. Analysed at ICH Requests are individually reviewed. For monitoring of Gaucher’s disease Analysed at Gt Ormond St Hospital 02072429789 x2114 24 hour availability Sample requires special or immediate attention. Transfer to lab immediately, routine transport not suitable. 24 hour availability PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 11 of 35 TEST Cholesterol (HDL), High density lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL), Low density lipoprotein Cholinesterase (activity and phenotyping) 5ml blood gold top tube REFERENCE RANGE 0.9-1.5 mmol/L (Male) 1.2-1.7 mmol/L (Female) < 3.5 mmol/L 5ml blood gold top tube See report 4 mL blood purple top. Use plastic cannula and/or second draw. Discard first 10 mL 4 mL blood purple top tube Fasting and rapid separation required 4ml blood purple top tube MHRA/2010/33 cut-off of 7ppb corresponds to 134 nmol/L chromium Citrate 24hr urine collected in plain bottle or bottle with acid, or 10ml random urine 0.60-4.8 mmol/24 hour (Male) 1.30-6.0 mmol/24 hour (Female) 0.04-0.33 mmol/mmol creatinine (Male) 0.11-0.55 mmol/mmol creatinine (Female) Clobazam + metabolite 5ml blood red top tube Clonazepam 5ml blood red top tube Clozapine (Clozaril) 4 mL blood purple top Special request form required See report Cobalt 4 mL blood purple top Use second draw (i.e. discard first blood) MHRA/2010/33 cut-off 7 ppb corresponds to 119 nmol/L Chorionic Gonadotrophin Chromium Chromogranin Ciclosporin SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5ml blood gold top tube Chromogranin A <60 pmol/L Chromogranin B <150 pmol/L Dependent on patient type, dose route and clinical application. UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 AVAILABILITY / NOTES 24 hour availability Calculated from other results (Friedewald formula) Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks Inhibition studies will be reported where relevant Analysed at Cardiff Toxicology See HCG For metal-on metal hip replacement monitoring. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Analysed at Royal Free Hospital Fasting sample. See gut hormones Sample requires special or immediate attention. Transfer to lab immediately, routine transport not suitable. Same day service if received by 11.00 Monday to Friday and by 08.00 Saturday. No Sunday service. Ideal sampling time: pre dose Samples analysed at Royal Free Hospital Molecular urology test. Batched for analysis on selected days Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 Predose sample Refer to Novartis monitoring service 08457698269 Analysed at Kings (0203299 3856) For metal on metal hip replacement monitoring. Requests individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Analysed at Royal Free Hospital. September 2015 Page 12 of 35 TEST Collagen type 1 cross-linked C telopeptide (CTX) SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 4 mL blood purple top Fasting, rapid separation REFERENCE RANGE (Children males and females) <1 month 0.44-2.27 ug/L 1month -1year 0.20-2.31 1-9 years 0.15-0.82 Males 9-14y 0.23-1.24 14-17y 0.24-1.73 17-19y 0.10-0.79 Females 9-11y 0.30-1.0 11-13y 0.33-1.7 13-15y 0.14-1.20 15-19y 0.05-0.58 AVAILABILITY / NOTES Sample must be sent to lab without delay for separation. Requests individually reviewed. Analysed at Norfolk and Norwich Cannot be requested retrospectively Adult Males and pre-menopausal Females (20-50y) 0.1-0.5 ug/L Collagen type 1 N-telopeptide (see NTX) Complement (C3 and/or C4) Copper Cortisol C-peptide 5ml blood gold top tube 5ml blood white top tube or C3 0.90-1.80 g/L C4 0.10-0.40 g/L 0-4m: 1.4-7.2 umol/L 4-6m: 3.9-17.3 umol/L 6-12m: 7.9-20.5 umol/L >12m: 11.0-22.0 umol/L 24hr urine collected in plain bottle 5ml blood gold top tube (LiHep accepted for paediatric samples only) <1.0 umol/24h 24hr urine collected in plain bottle 5ml blood gold or red top tube ON ICE (and 2mL light grey top tube for concurrent glucose level and yellow top for insulin) 0-250 nmol/24h Usually 24 hour availability Requests individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. White top tubes are available from lab. Analysed at Royal Free Hospital 24 hour availability. See also dynamic function tests Change to Roche GenII method (ID-GCMS aligned) 23/9/15 06.00-10.00 142-497 nmol/L Urines are batched for analysis on selected days Sample requires special or immediate action. Transport to lab immediately on ice with concomitant glucose and insulin. Routine transport not suitable. All requests reviewed by senior staff. Investigation of spontaneous hypoglycaemia. Glucose level must always be measured at same time. Analysed at Royal Surrey Hospital, 01483406715 Cannot be requested retrospectively 260-650 pmol/L (Fasting) UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 13 of 35 TEST C-Reactive Protein SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5ml blood gold top tube Creatine and guanidinoacetate 5 mL blood green top tube or urine Must be sent on ice Creatine kinase – Total 5ml blood gold top tube Creatine kinase Isoenzyme Creatinine Creatinine clearance CRF test CRP Cryoglobulins – MB 5ml blood gold top tube 5ml blood gold top tube or REFERENCE RANGE 0-3.2 mg/L (0-2 Days) 0-1.6 mg/L (2-8 Days) 0-5.0 mg/L (>8 Days) Plasma creatine: 10-100 umol/L Plasma guanidinoacetate: 0.8-3.1 umol/L Urine creatine 0-4y 6-1200 umol/mmol 4-12 17-720 umol/mmol >12y 11-240 umol/mmol urine guanidinoacetate 0-15y 4-220 umol/mmol >15y 3-78 umol/mmol 38-204 IU/L (Male) 26-140 IU/L (Female) 0-4.9 ug/L (Male) 0-2.9 ug/L (Female) 21-75 umol/L (0-60 Days) 15-37 umol/L (60-365 Days) 21-36 umol/L (1-3 Years) 27-42 umol/L (3-5 Years) 28-52 umol/L (5-7 Years) 35-53 umol/L (7-9 Years) 34-65 umol/L (9-11 Years) 46-70 umol/L (11-13 Years) 50-77 umol/L (13-15 Years) 66-112 umol/L (Male >15 Years,) 49-92 umol/L (Female >15 Years,) 24hr urine collected in plain bottle 24hr urine collected in plain bottle and 5ml blood gold top tube Follow dynamic function test protocol 7.0-21.0 mmol/24h Reference range for adults only 70-152 ml/min 5ml blood Red top tube maintained at 37°C For cryofibrinogen include 4ml blood purple top tube maintained at 37°C In normal subjects no cryoproteins are present. AVAILABILITY / NOTES 24 hour availability For inherited disorders of creatine deficiency only All requests reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Cambridge Biochemical Genetics 24 hour availability 24 hour availability 24 hour availability 24 hour availability Blood Cortisol after injecting CRF UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 See C-Reactive Protein Sample requires special or immediate action. Transfer to lab immediately, while maintaining sample at 37°C. Routine transport not suitable. Batched for analysis on selected days NB 37°C is blood temperature. Do NOT put blood samples into hot water. September 2015 Page 14 of 35 TEST CSF profile (CSF protein and glucose) CSF IgG CSF lactate Cyclosporin, see ciclosporin Cystic fibrosis genotyping SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 0.5 ml CSF plain tube (gold top/gel is not suitable) and 0.5ml CSF light grey top tube REFERENCE RANGE CSF protein 0.13-0.40g/L 0.5ml CSF light grey top tube CSF lactate 1.1-2.4 mmol/L See Oligoclonal proteins 24 hour availability Cystine/homocystine, Urine, Screen Cystine/homocystine, Urine, Quantitative Cystine/homocystine, Blood Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) 7-Dehydrosterols Deoxy-cortisol, 11 10ml urine (EMU) Not detected Originator must refer patient directly to Regional Genetics Lab at Gt Ormond St. We do not forward samples. Molecular urology test Batched for analysis on selected days 24hr urine collected in plain bottle 5ml blood green top tube 5ml blood gold top tube 41-415 umol/24h Batched for analysis on selected days Full report issued 0.4-13.4 umol/L (Male) 0.26-11.0 umol/L (Female) Batched for analysis on selected days 24 hour availability Dexamethasone suppression test Follow dynamic function test protocol Diazepam 5 mL blood red top tube (predose) 5ml blood gold top tube Digoxin 4 ml blood purple top tube AVAILABILITY / NOTES 24 hour availability Includes appearance, protein and glucose Random urine 5mL gold /red top tube 7-13 nmol/L (9am) 0.9-2.0 ug/L (0.5-1.0 ug/L in heart failure) Note: change of units implemented 16/7/12 Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) 5ml blood Red top tube Diuretic screen Dopamine See Drug screen, diuretic <0.27 prepubertal <0.6 nmol/L (Adult Female) 0.32-1.64 nmol/L (Adult Male) UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests Results available in 7 days For diagnosis and monitoring of 11β-hydroxylase deficiency only. Requests are individually reviewed by Clin Biochem senior medical or scientific staff Analysed at Royal London 02032460383 Blood Cortisol after oral dexamethasone. See DFT information Blood and urine Cortisol after prolonged (4-6 days) stepped-dose dexamethasone Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Cardiff Toxicology 24 hour availability. Ideal sampling time: at least 6 hours (may be up to 24 hours) after last dose, oral or iv. Time to steady state: 7days Requests are individually reviewed by Clin Biochem senior medical or scientific staff. Analysed at Royal London 02032460383 See Catecholamines PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 15 of 35 TEST Drug Screen: Drugs Addiction SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 25ml random urine Negative Drug Screen : Diuretic Screen 25ml random urine Negative Drug Screen: Laxative Screen 25ml random urine Negative Drug Overdose Samples 25ml random urine with 5ml blood red top tube and 2ml blood light grey top tube 25ml random urine with 5ml blood Red top tube and 2ml blood Light grey top tube : Drug Overdose: toxicology screen of Save Urgent eGFR Calculation Elastase (faecal) 1g (almond-size lump) faeces in plain pot Electrophoresis Proteins Electrophoresis Proteins ELF test – Serum – Urine REFERENCE RANGE AVAILABILITY / NOTES Usually 24 hour availability Screens for: Opiates Cocaine Methadone Benzodiazepines Amphetamines Barbiturates Cannabis Requests are individually reviewed. Samples referred to Birmingham City Hospital Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks Analysed at Birmingham City Hospital The laboratory will store these samples to be available for the Coroner Interpret with regard to UK CKD guidelines >200 ug/g normal <5-100 ug/g indicates severe pancreatic insufficiency 100-200 ug/g indicates moderate insufficiency Urgent screening must be agreed with a senior member of the laboratory staff. Full clinical details and all current drug treatments will be required. It is very unusual for urgent toxicology to be clinically useful. See also Paracetamol, and Salicylate Calculated from creatinine in all patients >18y. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks Analysed at Gt Ormond St 02078297806 5ml blood gold top tube Batched for analysis on selected days 25ml urine (EMU preferred) Batched for analysis on selected days See also Bence-Jones Protein Referred out test. For Camden & Islington CCG only 5 mL blood gold top tube For interpretation see C&I algorithm Erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase Ethanol 5mL EDTA (purple top) blood 7524-13323 U/L Ethosuxemide 5 mLblood red top tube UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests Referred out test. Analysed at Cardiff Toxicology See Alcohol Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 16 of 35 TEST Everolimus SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 4 mL blood purple top tube Fatty acids, essential (includes C15-22) Felbamate 4 mL blood purple top tube Ferritin 5ml blood gold top tube Flecainide 5 mL blood gold top tube or green top Predose sample 5ml blood gold top tube Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Folate REFERENCE RANGE 5 mL blood red top tube Fractional Phosphate Reabsorption 5 mL blood gold top tube or green top 10ml random urine with 5ml blood gold top tube Free light chains (serum) 5 mL blood gold top tube Free T3 Free T4 Fructosamine 5ml blood gold top tube Gabapentin 5 mL blood red top tube Galactose-1-phosphate 5 mL blood green top tube AVAILABILITY / NOTES Requests are individually reviewed. Analysed at Analytical Toxicology Unit, St George’s 0208 7679686 Test no longer available. Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 24 hour availability. Iron + IBC preferred as first line tests for anaemia Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Royal Hallamshire Hospital, 0114 2713905 Male 30-400 ug/L Female 13-150 ug/L Male: 1.5-12.4 IU/L Female: 3.5-12.5 IU/L (Follicular) 4.7-21.5 IU/L (Mid cycle) 1.7-7.7 IU/L (Luteal) 25.8-134.8 IU/L (Post menopausal) 4.6-18.7 ng/mL 24 hour availability Normal 0.8-1.44 Requires serum and urine creatinine and phosphate results. Usually 24 hour availability. Free kappa 3.3-19.4 mg/L Free lambda 5.7-26.3 mg/L Kappa:lambda ratio 0.26-1.65 4.0-6.8 pmol/L 12.0-22.0 pmol/L 215-264 umol/L (Non-diabetic) 264-320 umol/L (Well-controlled) 320-476 umol/L (Poorly controlled) 0.1-0.57 umol/g Hb UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks Only for monitoring diabetic control in patients with an abnormal haemoglobin (invalidating HbA1c) Analysed at East Surrey Hospital 01737768511 x1691 Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 Requests individually reviewed. Results available in 5 weeks. Analysed at GOS 02072429789 x2509 September 2015 Page 17 of 35 TEST Galactose-1-uridyl phosphate SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5 mL blood green top tube REFERENCE RANGE Normal 20.2-46.4 umol/h/g Hb Carrier: 10.2-21.4 umol/h/g Hb Affected: 0.2-3.9 umol/h/g Hb Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) 5ml blood gold top tube 20-183 IU/L (0-30 Days) 20-155 IU/L (31 days to 3 months) 10-130 IU/L (3- 6 months) 10-71 IU/L (Male) 6-42 IU/L (Female) Gases 2ml blood (heparin syringe on ice) NOT AVAILABLE IN BIOCHEMISTRY Gastrin (Fasting essential) 2 X 4ml blood purple top tube ON ICE (see notes) <40 pmol/L Gentamicin 5mL gold top tube Glucagon (Fasting essential) 4ml blood purple top tube (see notes) Microbiology test (analysed in biochemistry) See intranet guides for interpretation <50 pmol/L Glucose 3ml blood light grey top tube or 0.5ml CSF light grey top tube or 5ml fresh random urine 3ml blood Light grey top tube Follow dynamic function test protocol 4ml blood purple top tube Glucose (oral) tolerance test Glycated (HbA1c) haemoglobin AVAILABILITY / NOTES For investigation of prolonged conjugated jaundice. Please do not request on Friday or over weekend. Requests individually reviewed. Results available in 5 weeks. Analysed at GSTS 020 7188 2591 Results unreliable unless at least 120 days post transfusion 24 hour availability This test NOT AVAILABLE within Clinical Biochemistry Lab – do NOT transport sample to lab. Take directly to ITU or A/E. Note for safety, needle MUST be removed before transporting sample. Sample requires special or immediate action (see Guidance note #19). Transport to lab immediately, on ice. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks Off Omeprazole for 2 weeks; H2 blockers for 3 days and antacids for 1 day. Analysed at Charing Cross 0203383 5914 3.9-5.8 mmo/L Sample requires special or immediate action. Transport to lab immediately, on ice. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Analysed at Charing Cross 24 hour availability. 2.2-3.9 mmol/L Not detected For interpretation see dynamic function test protocol Blood and urine glucose after 75g oral load 4.0-6.0 % total Hb 20-42 mmol/mol (IFCC) Batched for analysis on selected days. For monitoring established diabetes. UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 18 of 35 TEST SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS See Primary hyperoxaluria metabolites See Primary hyperoxaluria metabolites Glycerate Glycolate Glycosaminoglycans mucopolysaccharides) Glyoxylate reductase REFERENCE RANGE Molecular Urology test. Batched for analysis on selected days. (see Gonadotrophins GRHPR gene (Primary hyperoxaluria type 2) Growth Hormone (GH) See Mucopolysaccharides 20mg liver biopsy, frozen 49-213 nmol NADP formed/min/mg 4 mL blood purple top tube Full report issued 5ml blood red top tube Gut hormones 2x5mL purple top tubes on ice. Patient must be fasting and off treatment (see notes) Haptoglobin HbA1c HCG 5ml blood gold top tube Pulsatile secretion means that random sampling has little value A random value >6.7 ug/L tends to exclude GH deficiency VIP <30 pmol/L Pancreatic polypeptide <300 pmol/L Gastrin <60 pmol/L Glucagon <50 pmol/L Somatostatin <150 pmol/L Chromogranin A <60 pmol/L Chromogranin B <150 pmol/L 0.3-2.0 g/L 5ml blood gold top tube 0-3 IU/L HCG, CSF HCG, pregnancy test 1 mL CSF 5ml random urine <1 IU/L (adult) HDL cholesterol Hexosaminidase (Tay Sachs) AVAILABILITY / NOTES Molecular Urology test. Batched for analysis on selected days. 8 mL blood green top tube Batched for analysis on selected days. Samples require special or immediate action (see Guidance note #19). Transport to lab immediately, on ice. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks For gastrin must be off Omeprazole for 2 weeks; and H2 blockers for 3 days. Includes gastrin, glucagon, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide, VIP, chromogranin A and B. Analysed at Charing Cross 0203383 5914 Usually 24 hour availability See Glycated haemoglobin 24 hour availability 24 hour availability Not out of hours. For ?ectopic out of hours, send blood in gold top tube for HCG (A&E and some wards carry supply of Clearview Easy pregnancy testing strips) 24h availability 0.9-1.5 mmol/L (Male) 1.2-1.7 mmol/L (Female) Refer to report UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests Molecular Urology test For diagnosis of primary hyperoxaluria type 2 See FSH and LH Molecular Urology test Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff, results available within 2-4 weeks. Analysed at Gt Ormond St 02074059200 x5076 PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 19 of 35 TEST 5-HIAA HMMA HOGA1 gene (primary hyperoxaluria type 3) 3-hydroxybutyrate (blood ketones) 11β-hydroxylase genetics Hydroxycholecalciferol 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate Hydroxyprogesterone (17) 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 genetics Homocysteine IA2 antibodies SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 24h urine (acid collection or can be acidified on receipt in lab). See notes for patient preparation REFERENCE RANGE 0 – 42 umol/24h Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff, results available within 2-4 weeks. Analysed at Royal Free Hospital. Request Urine Catecholamines Molecular Urology test 4 mL blood purple top tube Full report issued 2 mL green top (heparin) or orange top paediatric tube 4 mL blood purple top tube mmol/L (adults <200 umol/L, infants <400 umol/L) See Primary hyperoxaluria metabolites 5 mL gold, red or green top tube 4 mL blood purple top tube 4 mL green top tube (gold top can be used but need to separate samples rapidly, see notes) 5 mL blood gold top tube AVAILABILITY / NOTES Avoid the following for 3 days prior to collection: Bananas, plantain, plums, pineapple, tomatoes, kiwi fruit, avocados, dates, pecan/hickory nuts, walnuts Nicotine and smoking Cough and antihistamine preparations, along with nasal sprays/drops Full report issued As part of investigation for unexplained hypoglycaemia in children Note change in units from 1/08/2013 Molecular Urology test See Vitamin D ≤5 days M+F <3.0 nmol/L ≤16y M + F <4.0 nmol/L >16 y M <5.0 nmol/L >16 y F <5.0 nmol/L (result may be higher in luteal) Carriers for 21-hydroxylase deficiency may show higher values Full report issued Steroid Endocrinology test. Daily analysis. Preliminary results on urgent samples can be available same day of sample receipt with confirmation by 1100 next day. Urgent samples should first be discussed with senior staff and arrive in the lab by 1100 5-12 umol/L Needs rapid processing. Mark form ‘urgent’ Levels increase with delay Neurometabolic laboratory test Refer to report Request are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at King’s College Hospital Immunology. Molecular Urology test IGF1, see insulin like growth factor UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 20 of 35 IGF1BP3 TEST SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5 mL blood gold or red tube REFERENCE RANGE 0-2y 0.5-2.9 mg/L 3-4 y 0.8-3.4 mg/L 5-6y 1.0-3.8 mg/L 7-8y 1.1-4.3 mg/L 9-10y 1.3-4.6 mg/L 11-12y 1.6-5.0 mg/L 13-14y 2.1-5.3 mg/L 15-16y 2.5-5.4 mg/L 17-18y 2.4-5.4 mg/L 19-20y 2.3-5.3 mg/L 21-40y 1.7-5.2 mg/L 41-60y 1.3-4.8 mg/L 61-80y 0.7-4.4 mg/L >80y 0.5-4.3 mg/L Immunofixation Immunoglobulins – G, A, M 5ml blood gold top tube Immunoglobulin D 5 mL blood gold top tube 2.3-14.1 g/L (IgG 0-1 Years) 4.5-9.2 g/L (IgG 1-4 Years) 5.0-14.6 g/L (IgG 4-7 Years) 5.7-14.7 g/L (IgG 7-10 Years) 7.0-16.0 g/L (IgG >10 Years) 0-1.0 g/L (IgA 0-4 Years) 0.3-3.0 g/L (IgA 4-10 Years) 0.5-3.6 g/L (IgA 10-14 Years) 0.5-3.5 g/L (IgA 14-20 Years) 0.7-4.0 g/L (IgA >20 Years) 0-1.5 g/L (IgM 0-4 Years) 0.2-2.1 g/L (IgM 4-10 Years) 0.3-2.4 g/L (IgM 10-14 Years) 0.2-2.6 g/L (IgM 14-20 Years) 0.4-2.3 g/L (IgM >20 Years) 2-100 kU/L Immunoglobulin – E (total) 5ml blood gold top tube Immunoglobulin (IgG subclasses) 5 mL blood gold top tube subclasses See Paraprotein typing and quantitation Usually 24 hour availability <15 kU/L (0-1 Years) <60 kU/L (2-5 Years) <90 kU/L (5-9 Years) <200 kU/L (9-15 Years) <100 kU/L (>15 Years) Age specific for each sub-class. See report UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests AVAILABILITY / NOTES Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Guildford 01483406715 PD-CB-411 v21 Rarely required. Analysed at Northern General 24 hour availability Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff, results available within 3 weeks. Analysed at Northern General, 0114 271 5552 September 2015 Page 21 of 35 TEST Infliximab antibodies SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5 mL blood gold top tube REFERENCE RANGE Positive or negative Infliximab drug levels 5 mL blood gold top tube Trough sample 5 mL blood gold top tube Reference range not established Inhibin B Insulin 5ml blood gold top tube (and 2mL light grey top tube for concurrent glucose level) Insulin antibodies 5 mL blood gold top tube Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) 5mL blood gold top tube Insulin tolerance test Follow dynamic function test protocol 5 mL blood red or green top. Urine (random) Calculation 5ml blood gold top tube Iodine Ions difference Iron and Iron Capacity (IBC) Binding Males: 25-325 ng/L Females: day 3 <273 ng/L Otherwise <341 ng/L Post menopausal <5 ng/L 2.6-24.9 mIU/L Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 3 weeks. Analysed at Charing Cross 0208 846 1415 Refer to report 2m-5y 6-8y 9-11y 12-15y 16-20y 21-24y 25-40y 41-50y 51-60y 61-75y Female 4.4-22.3 10.4-31.7 11.4-51.9 24.5-66.3 34.8-61.2 19.4-43.2 16.1-39.8 12.6-35.5 12.9-33.0 11.8-28.6 Units nmol/L Male 3.6-14.8 7.1-26.8 11.1-32.3 15.0-64.8 32.1-62.6 24.4-52.0 16.3-39.3 11.6-31.3 12.2-30.0 12.7-29.3 24 hour availability. For investigation of spontaneous hypoglycaemia. Glucose level must always be measured at same time. Please note: assay unlikely to detect insulin lispro,aspart,glargine or determir Request are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Royal Surrey County Hospital, 01483 259978 Batched for analysis on selected days Change of method to Diasorin on 18/12/2012 Glucose, Cortisol and Growth hormone after injecting insulin (hazardous) Requests are individually reviewed Analysed at Southampton See Anion gap 24 hour availability 10.6-28.3 umol/L (Iron Male) 6.6-26.0 umol/L (Iron Female) 41-77 umol/L (IBC) Saturation 20-50% (Male) Saturation 15-50% (Female) UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests AVAILABILITY / NOTES For monitoring patients on Infliximab Analysed at Royal Devon and Exeter For monitoring patients on infliximab PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 22 of 35 TEST SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 24hr urine collected in plain bottle Iron, Urine Ketones (qualitative) Ketones (blood), see hydroxybutyrate Labstix REFERENCE RANGE 10ml random urine AVAILABILITY / NOTES Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Analysed at Guildford, 01483259978 24 hour availability. See also “Labstix” 3These sticks are widely available for local clinical use – includes pH, Protein, Blood, Glucose, Ketones, etc 24 hour availability. Sample must be transported to the lab immediately. 24 hour availability N.B. Assay change from 4/4/2011 with significant change in ref range Lactate 3ml blood light grey top tube 0.5-2.2 mmol/L Lactate dehydrogenase 5ml blood gold top tube Females 135-214 IU/L Males 135 -225 IU/L Children ( up to 15) 120 – 300 IU/L Lamotrigene 5 mL blood gold top Laxative Screen Random urine, 20 mL Negative LDL Cholesterol Lead (inorganic) 4ml blood purple top tube < 0.5 umol/L (Normal) >3.0 umol/L (Toxic) Lead, urine (organic) 20 mL random urine or 5 mL paediatric urine <0.1 umol/24h or see report if random Levetiracetam 5 mL blood red top LHRH test Follow dynamic function test protocol 5 mL gold top tube 13-60 IU/L Restricted use. For ?acute pancreatitis, use amylase 5ml blood gold top tube See individual components 24 hour availability 5ml blood gold top tube 5ml blood gold top tube 0-0.3 g/L 0.6-1.0 mmol/L (at lower end for maintenance therapy and the elderly) Usually 24 hour availability Usually 24 hour availability. Time to steady state: 4 – 7 days. Ideal sampling time: 12h after night time dose (trough level). Urgent analysis usually available for overdose cases. Do NOT use light green top tube – lithium heparin anticoagulant. Lipase (Trial use only) Lipid profile (fasting) Inc:Cholesterol , Triglycerides, HDLchol, LDLchol, & Chol/HDL ratio Lipoprotein (a) Lithium UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 Requests are individually reviewed Analysed at West Park, Epsom 01372 734720 See Cholesterol (LDL) Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks Analysed at Guildford, 01483259978 Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 2 weeks. Analysed at Trace Element lab, Guildford 01483 259978 Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 FSH, LH after injecting LHRH September 2015 Page 23 of 35 TEST Liver profile Inc: Albumin, Bilirubin, Alkaline Phosphatase, ALT Luteinising hormone (LH) SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5ml blood gold top tube Macroprolactin 5ml blood gold top tube Magnesium Magnesium, Urine Mannose binding lectin 5ml blood gold top tube 24 h urine collected in bottle with acid 4 mL blood purple top (plastic canula or if using needle, discard first 10 mL) 5 mL gold top tube Mercury (inorganic) 25 ml random urine Mercury (organic) Metanephrines, plasma 5 mL purple top tube 2 x 4 mLpurple top tubes, ON ICE Metanephrines, urine 24h urine (acid collection or can be acidified on receipt in lab) Methotrexate 5ml blood gold top tube umol/L Dependent on patient type and dose route. Methylmalonic acid 2 mL gold/purple/green top tube Methylmalonic acid Methylhistamine Microalbumin 5 mL urine 10 mL random urine Normal: up to 0.29 umol/L 0.30-0.74 umol/L suggests B12 deficiency >0.74 umol/L consistent with overt B12 deficiency <30 umol/mmol creatinine Manganese 5ml blood gold top tube REFERENCE RANGE AVAILABILITY / NOTES 24 hour availability 1.7-8.6 IU/L (Male) 2.4-12.6 IU/L (Follicular) 14.0-95.6 IU/L (Mid cycle) 1.0-11.4 IU/L (Luteal) 7.7-58.5 IU/L (Post menopausal) 24 hour availability Assayed weekly. Routinely assessed if prolactin >700. See Guidance note 23 on intranet 24 hour availability Usually 24 hour availability 0.6-1.0 mmol/L 2.5-8.5 mmol/24h Refer to report 0-5y: 0.6-4.0 mg/L >5y: 1.0-4.0 mg/L <50 nmol/L <30 nmol/L Normetanephrine 120-1180 pmol/L Metanephrine 80-510 pmol/L 3-methoxytyramine <180 pmol/L Refer to report 0-2.8 mg/mmol creatinine UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 2 weeks. Analysed at Trace Element lab, Guildford 01483 259978 Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff Analysed at Northern General Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. For cases of suspected exposure to mercury vapour or inorganic mercury salts Analysed at Guildford, 01483259978 Analysed at Guildford, 01483259978 Sample must be sent to lab immediately. Routine porter is not suitable. Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff, results available within 2-4 weeks. Some drugs affect measurement: please list drug history. Plasma metanephrines sample preferred. Analysed at Epsom & St Helier Hospital. Daily service, including Saturday and Sunday. Sample must be received before 2pm. Analysed in Neurometabolic Unit 020344 84716 Analysed at GOS Test no longer available. SeeTryptase See Albumin, urine September 2015 Page 24 of 35 TEST Microglobulin (2) Mucopolysaccharides 5ml random fresh urine Individual reports given Muscle enzymes Mycophenalate Myoglobin 5 ml blood gold top 10ml random urine Individual reports given NAG (N-acetylglucosaminidase), urine 10 mL random urine <1y : 2-27 U/mmol 1-5y 2-22 U/mmol 5-10y 2-10 U/mmol 10-16y 2-12 U/mmol Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) Neurone specific enolase 1 mL heparinised blood (green top tube); orange paediatric tube 5 ml blood gold top Noradrenaline NT-proBNP 5 ml blood gold top NTX (collagen telopeptide) SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 1 Occult blood Oestradiol Olanzapine Oligoclonal proteins (CSF) N- REFERENCE RANGE 0.1-0.6 mmol/L For investigation of hypoglycaemia <12.5 ug/L Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 1 week. Analysed at Northern General 0114 2715552 See Catecholamines, Urine For primary care and Heart Hospital use ONLY. Requests from other sources should contact the duty biochemist Heart failure unlikely <47 pmol/L Raised levels:47-236 pmol/L (echocardiography within 6 weeks) High: >236 pmol/L (echocardiography within 2 wks) 20 mL random urine, ideally 2nd morning void collected between 8-11am Female: 5-65BCE/mmol creatinine Male: <51 nmol BCE/mmol creatinine The least significant change is 40% 5ml blood gold top tube Male: 44-146 pmol/L Female: 46-607 pmol/l (Follicular) 315-1828 pmol/l (Mid-cycle) 161-774 pmol/l (Luteal) <201 pmol/l (Post menopausal) 4 mL blood purple top tube preferred, gold top can be used 1ml CSF Plain tube with 5ml blood red top tube AVAILABILITY / NOTES See Beta-2 Microglobulin Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks Analysed at Gt Ormond St, 0207829 8662 See Creatine Kinase For suspicion of toxicity. Analysed at St Georges 02087679686 Qualitative stix test. Usually daily service. CK is a more sensitive marker of muscle damage Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Gt Ormond St 02078298662. Usually requested with retinal binding protein. for GPs, see guidance at Information for GPs Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 4 weeks. Analysed at Charing Cross For monitoring patients on bisphosphonates suggest 3-6 monthly intervals See Blood (faeces) 24 hour availability Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Viapath, King’s College 02032998656 Individual reports given UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests Neuroimmunology test PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 25 of 35 TEST Organic acids (screen) SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5ml urine fresh random REFERENCE RANGE Individual reports given Orotate Urine (random) <5 umol/mmol creatinine Osmolality 5ml blood gold top tube 5ml random urine 285-295 mosmo/kg 300-900 mosmo/kg Oxalate, Plasma 4ml blood purple top tube <10 umol/L (Non-fasting) Oxalate, Urine 24hr urine collected in bottle with acid 100-460 mmol/24 hour (adults, for children correct for BSA) Ox/cre ratio: 0-6 months <291 umol/mmol 7-23 months <220 umol/mmol 2-4 years <143 umol/mmol 5-11 years <76 umol/mmol 12 -17 years <44 umol/mmol 18+ female <45 umol/mmol 18+ male <33 umol/mmol AVAILABILITY / NOTES Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks Analysed at Gt Ormond St 02074059200 x5229 Requests are individually reviewed. Results are available in 3-4 weeks Analysed at Gt Ormond St 02074059200 x5229 usually 24 hour availability Molecular Urology test. Sample requires special or immediate action. Transport to lab immediately. Routine transport not suitable. Molcular Urology test. Batched for analysis on selected days Ref range change for ox/cre ratio from 1/10/14 Oxcarbazepine 5 mL blood red top tube Oxygen Pancreolauryl Test Paracetamol 5ml blood gold top tube 10-30 mg/L and 5ml blood red top tube No paraprotein present. Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 See Gases Test withdrawn 24 hour availability Analyse ONCE ONLY at 4 – 12 hours after the overdose (state time of overdose) Batched for analysis on selected days and 25 mL urine (EMU preferred) Individual report issued See Bence-Jones Protein 5ml blood gold top tube 1.6-6.9 pmol/L 24 hour availability. Samples must be transported to the laboratory within 2 hours of venepuncture Cannot be added retrospectively Blood catecholamines before and after pentolinium suppression Paraprotein typing quantitation, Serum Paraprotein typing quantitation, Urine Parathyroid hormone Pentolinium Test Light green top tubes Follow dynamic function test protocol pH Blood UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests See Gases PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 26 of 35 TEST Phenobarbitone SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5mL fresh random urine transported to lab immediately 5ml blood gold top tube Phenobarbitone (free level) 5 mL blood red top tube Phenytoin 5ml blood gold top tube Phenytoin (free) 5 mL blood red top tube pH Urine REFERENCE RANGE Therapeutic range 10-40 mg/L (please note, units changed to mg/L occurred on 13/8/12) Therapeutic range 10-20 mg/L (please note, units changed to mg/L occurred on 13/8/12) Phosphatase Phosphate 5ml blood gold top tube Phosphate 24hr urine collected in bottle with acid 4ml blood green top tube Phytanate Phytosterols 5 mL blood green or red top tube Piracetam 5 mL blood red top tube Pituitary Function Test Follow dynamic function test protocol on intranet 25mL random fresh urine Protect sample from light Porphobilinogen, Urine (for screening & quantitation) 1.45-2.91 mmol/L (0-10 Days) 1.45-2.16 mmol/L (10 Days-2 Years) 1.45-1.78 mmol/L (2-13 Years) 0.87-1.45 mmol/L (>13 Years) 13-42 mmol/24h AVAILABILITY / NOTES See Acid load test or Labstix Usually 24 hour availability. Ideal sample time: pre dose. Time to steady state: 3 weeks Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 Usually 24 hour service Ideal sampling time: (oral) Pre-dose, (IV) 6 hours post-dose. Time to steady state: (oral) 2 – 4 weeks on initiation, 7 days on change of dose, (IV) 6 hours Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 See Acid Phosphatase See Alkaline Phosphatase 24 hour availability 24 hour availability <10 umol/L See Fatty acids, long chain Refer to report Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Sample requires immediate action. Transport to lab immediately, routine transport not suitable. Analysed at Institute of Child Health, Prof Clayton 02079052664 Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 Blood glucose, cortisol, growth hormone after iv insulin (hazardous) Sample requires special or immediate action. Transport to lab immediately, protected from light. Usually daily service for screen if received by noon Mon to Fri. Quantitation if required at University Hospital of Wales 02920743565 UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 27 of 35 TEST Porphyrins, Urine (for screening & quantitation) SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 25mL random fresh urine Protect sample from light Porphyrins, Blood 4mL blood purple top tube Protect sample from light Porphyrins, Faeces Faeces (fresh random) Protect sample from light Potassium Potassium, Urine 5ml blood gold top tube 24hr urine collected in plain or acid bottle or 10 ml random urine 5 mL blood red top tube 3.5-5.1 mmol/L 25-125 mmol/24h 5 mL random urine Urine samples from non-pregnant females generally contain <10 mIU/mL hCG. On the first day of the missed period the levels of maternal hCG are normally 50-250 mIU/mL. The minimum detection limit of the strip is 25 mIU/mL. Reported as: not detected or Positive Pregabalin Pregnancy Urine test “Routine”, Pregnancy test ?Ectopic See HCG Primary hyperoxaluria genetics, see AGXT, GRHPR, HOGA1 Primary hyperoxaluria metabolites REFERENCE RANGE AVAILABILITY / NOTES Sample requires special or immediate action. Transport to lab immediately, protected from light. Usually daily service for screen if received by noon Mon to Fri. Quantitation if required at University Hospital of Wales 02920743565 Sample requires special or immediate action. Transport to lab immediately, protected from light. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Analysed at University Hospital of Wales 02920743565 Sample requires special or immediate action. Transport to lab immediately, protected from light. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Analysed at University Hospital of Wales 02920743565 24 hour availability 24 hour availability Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 Batched for analysis on selected days 24 hour availability Acidified urine: random or 24h Glycolate excretion 140 – 620 mol/24h (adults, correct to 1.73m2 for children) Age related ranges for glycolate:creatinine ratio: Under 1 year: 1 – 49 mol/mmol 1 - 4 years: 2 – 54 mol/mmol 5 - 11 years: 1 – 68 mol/mmol >12 years: 14 – 57 mol/mmol Glycerate:creatinine ratio <100 mol/mmol HOG:creatinine ratio <11 mol/mmol DHG:creatinine ratio <40 mol/mmol Primidone UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests Analyses glycolate, glycerate, hydroxyoxoglutarate, 2,4dihydroxyglutarate For evaluation of patients with raised urinary oxalate See Phenobarbitone PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 28 of 35 TEST Procollagen type I aminoterminal peptide (P1NP) SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5mL blood purple top or gold top tube Fasting preferred Procollagen III peptide 5 mL blood gold top tube Progesterone 5ml blood gold top tube Progesterone – 17OH Prolactin 5ml blood gold top tube Prostate specific antigen 5ml blood gold top tube Protein, Total 5ml blood gold top tube 0.5ml CSF Plain tube 24hr urine collected in plain bottle or 10 ml random urine Protein selectivity PTH PTHrP (PTH related peptide) Purines, plasma REFERENCE RANGE Adult male (19-65) 20-76 ug/L Pre Menopausal Women (19-50) 19-69 ug/L (Paediatric reference range available and will be shown on reports) 0-2y M 10-50, F 10-50 ug/L 2-4y M 5-15, F 5-15 ug/L 5-10y M 5-10, F 5-10 ug/L 11-14y M 5-10, F 8-15 ug/L 15-19y M 8-20, F2-8 ug/L 20-65y M 1.7-4.2, F 1.7-4.2 ug/L 0.7-4.3 nmol/L (Male) Female: Follicular 0.6-4.7 nmol/L Periovulatory 2.4-9.4 nmol/L Luteal 5.3-86.0 nmol/L Post menopausal: 0.3-2.5 nmol/L AVAILABILITY / NOTES For monitoring bone resorption. Restricted availability Analysed at Norfolk and Norwich Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 4 weeks. Analysed at Northern General 0114 271 5552 24 hour availability See Hydroxyprogesterone, 17 24 hour availability 86-324 mIU/L (Male) 102-496 mIU/L (Female) NO RANGE (Female) 0-1.4 ug/L (Male 0-40 Years) 0-2.0 ug/L (Male 40-50 Years) 0-3.1 ug/L (Male 50-60 Year) 0-4.1 ug/L (Male 60-70 Years) 0-4.4 ug/L (Male >70 Years) 63-83 g/L 0.13-0.4 g/L 0-13 mg/mmol creatinine 24 hour availability 24 hour availability See Electrophoresis, Urine protein See parathyroid hormone 5 mL blood collected in prearranged special tube Refer to report 4 mL purple top tube Refer to report UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests Special collection procedures apply. It is rarely necessary to measure this hormone. Please call the laboratory (send away test reviewer) to discuss this test request prior to taking blood. Analysed at Norwich, 01603 287945 Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Viapath Guy’s and St Thomas’ 02071881265. Do not send on a Friday PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 29 of 35 TEST Purines, urine SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 24h urine in plain bottle Pyruvate, blood 45-150 umol/L Quetiapine Add 1 volume blood to 5 volumes 0.46M perchloric acid (available from lab) on ice. Mix vigorously before sending to lab on ice. 4 mL blood purple top tube Quinine 5 mL blood gold top tube Refer to report Rast 5 mL gold top tube Reducing substances 10ml random fresh urine Negative results with urine samples from healthy individuals. Batched for analysis on selected days Renin 4 mL blood purple top tube. 4-12 nmol/l/hr (1-3 months) 2-6 nmol/l/hr (3-12 months) 2.2-7.70 nmol/l/hr (ambulant adult) 0.5-3.9 nmol/l/hr (recumbent adult) Steroid Endocrinology test Change of assay and ref range from 1/11/2014 <1 week 3.0-967 ug/mmol cre 1wk-6 mo: 1.5-448 ug/mmol 6mo-2y : 2.7-103 ug/mmol 2-5y : 4.5-89 ug/mmol 5-10y : 5.0-41 ug/mmol 10-16y : 3.9-32 ug/mmol Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at GOS, 0207 829 8662 Usually requested with NAG 5ml blood gold top tube 5mL blood gold top tube Therapeutic range 0-300 mg/L 0-1.8 ug/L 4ml blood purple top tube 4ml blood purple top tube Full report given Full report given 24 hour availability Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Sheffield 0142715552 Molecular urology test Molecular urology test Retinol binding protein Riboflavin, see Vitamin B2 Salicylate SCC antigen (squamous cell ca antigen) Sco1 gene analysis Sco2 gene analysis Sample requires immediate transfer to laboratory. Routine transport not suitable. DO NOT send on ice. 10 mL random urine, must be frozen quickly REFERENCE RANGE 50-200 ug/L UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests AVAILABILITY / NOTES Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Guy’s and St Thomas’ 02071881265. Patients should be on caffeine free diet Only required for the investigation of lactic acidosis. Analysed at GOS Email duty biochemist for special tubes required ( Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Kings College 02032994133 Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Kingspath Sample time: Ideally pre 4th IV dose Specific allergen must be stated. Non specific requests will not be sent. Immunology test PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 30 of 35 TEST SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5 ml blood white top tube (LiHep accepted for paediatric samples only) Selenium Sertraline 4 mL blood purple top tube or white top tube Serum amyloid A Not routinely available Sex Hormone Globulin (SHBG) Binding 5ml blood gold top tube REFERENCE RANGE 0-6m: 0.4-0.7 umol/L 6m-6y: 0.6-1.2 umol/L >6y: 0.8-2.0 umol/L 16-55 nmol/L (Male <50) 19-83 nmol/L (Male ≥50) 27-146 nmol/L (Female <50) 22-142 nmol/L (Female ≥50) 12-20ng/mL at trough or 4-12 ng/mL if on ciclosporin aswell (trough sample) AVAILABILITY / NOTES Requests individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. White top tubes are available from lab. Analysed at Royal Free Hospital. For compliance Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Cardiff Toxicology 029 2071 6893 If ?AA amyloidosis, contact National Amyloidosis centre at Royal Free Hospital. 24 hour availability Ref range change 5/8/13 Sirolimus (rapamycin) 4 ml blood purple top tube Sodium 5ml blood gold top tube 135-145 mmol/L Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Harefield 01895 828967 Trough level preferred. 24h post dose +/- 4h 24 hour availability Sodium, Urine 24hr urine collected in plain or acid bottle or 10ml random urine 40-220 mmol/24h Usually 24hr availability 24h urine collected in plain bottle or random sample from child (minimum 10 mL) Newborns, take sample after 5 days. 5 mL blood green top tube or urine, protect from light Full report given Steroid Endocrinology test Squamous cell antigen (see SCC) Steroid profile Sterols Stone Sugars, Urine Sugars, Faecal 10mL fresh random urine 5g stool sample (walnutsized), transported to lab immediately Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at ICH (Prof Peter Clayton) 02079052664. Samples require special or immediate action. Transport to lab immediately, routine transport unsuitable. See Calculus Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. N.B. Sugar must be in the diet to be detected Analysed at Gt Ormond St., 02074059200 x5225 Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. N.B. Sugar must be in the diet to be detected Analysed at Gt Ormond St., 02074059200 x5225 Full report given Full report given Full report given UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 31 of 35 TEST Sulphite, urine sulphocystine) Sulphonylureas (or Surf1 gene analysis Sweat test Synacthen test SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS Urine, send to lab on ice immediately after collection 5mL gold top (preferred) or random urine 4ml blood purple top tube Tacrolimus Follow dynamic function test protocol 4ml blood purple top tube Tay Sachs Testosterone See hexosaminidase 5ml blood gold top tube Thallium 2 x 4 mL purple top tube (do not separate) or 30 mL random urine 5ml blood gold top tube Theophylline REFERENCE RANGE Refer to report Negative Full report given Dependent on clinical application. Same day service if received by 10.00 on weekdays and Sunday, NOT Saturday. Ideal sampling time: pre dose. Not valid during IVinfusion. 7.6-31.4 nmol/L (Male >18Y) 0-1.8 nmol/L (Female) Refer to report 24 hour availability 5.0-13.0 mg/L (< 1 month) 10.0-20.0 mg/L (>1 month) Note change of units implemented from 16/7/12 Thiamine, see Vitamin B1 6 Thioguanine nucleotides (6TGN) 4 mL purple top tube Thiopentone 4 mL purple top tube Thiopurine methyl transferase (TPMT) 5 mL purple top tube Thymidine Thyroglobulin Whole blood (EDTA) or urine 5ml blood gold top tube High: >150 mU/L Normal: 68-150 mU/L Low: 20-67 mU/L Deficient: <10 mU/L N.B. change in units from 6/8/10 Refer to report <0.9ug/L (post thyroidectomy) Thyroglobulin antibodies 5 mL blood gold top tube Interpreted in context with thyroglobulin result Thyroid Hormones, inc. TSH and FT4 Thyroid peroxidase antibodies AVAILABILITY / NOTES For sulphite oxidase/molybdenum cofactor deficiency Analysed at Gt Ormond St., 02074059200 x5225 Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Guildford 01483406715 Molecular urology test See Chloride Blood cortisol after injecting ACTH (Synacthen) TGN therapeutic range 235-450 pmol/8x10e8 RBC MeMP levels >5700 pmol/8x10e8 RBC reported to increase risk of hepatotoxicity Refer to report Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 2 weeks. Analysed at Trace Element lab, Guildford 01483 259978 Usually 24 hour availability. Ideal sampling time: Pre dose or (Oral – Rapid release) 2 – 4 h post or (Oral – Slow release) 8h after dose or (IV infusion) 6h after start. Time to steady state: (Oral) 2 days. Restricted use only. For non-compliance or failure to respond to azathioprine. Requests are individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Viapath GSTS (purine lab) 02071888008 For assessment of non responsive to azathioprine Request individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at GSTS 020 7188 8689 Request individually reviewed by senior staff. Results available within 1 week. Analysed at Birmingham City Hospital. 0121 5075353 Results unreliable unless at least 120 days post transfusion Referred out test. Analysed at Viapath GSTS For monitoring diagnosed thyroid carcinoma only Analysed in house from November 2012 Analysed simultaneously with thyroglobulin. See individual tests 5 mL blood gold top tube 0-34 IU/mL UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 32 of 35 TEST Thyroid receptor Ab (TrAb) SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5 mL blood gold top tube REFERENCE RANGE Index <20 is normal Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Thyroxine (Free-T4) Tiagibine 5 mL blood gold top tube 5 mL blood gold top tube 5 mL blood red top tube 0.27-4.20 mIU/L 12.0-22.0 pmol/L Topimirate 5 mL blood red top tube Total CO2 Toxicology screen 5 mL random urine Transferrin, Blood Transferrin, CSF Transferrin) Transaminase TRH test (Asialo- AVAILABILITY / NOTES Requests individually reviewed. Analysed at Royal Victoria Newcastle. 01912824559 24 hour availability 24 hour availability Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 See Bicarbonate Rarely sent for analysis. Users requiring addictive drug screen, please request specifically Not available. Request Iron + IBC instead. See Asialo-transferrin, nasal fluid, See Neuroimmunology tests. See Alanine aminotransferase TSH after injecting TRH. This test is rarely required now that sensitive TSH assays are available 24 hour availability 5 mL blood gold top tube Triglyceride (fasting) 5ml blood gold top tube <2.3 mmol/L Tri-iodothyronine (Free-T3) Trimethylamine (TMA) 5ml blood gold top tube Random urine, acidify on receipt in the lab 24 hour availability Request individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Sheffield Children’s Hospital 0114 271 7445 Troponin T 5mL blood gold top tube 4.0-6.8 pmol/L Urine TMA 2.5-10.9 umol/mmol creatinine Urine TMA-n-oxide: 17.0-147.0 umol/mmol Ratio TMA/oxide: 0.05-0.21 <14 ng/L Trypsin, immunoreactive Guthrie card (blood spot) <60 ug/L whole blood Tryptase 5 mL blood gold or purple top tube 2-14 ug/L 5 mL blood gold top <1.0 U/L negative 1.0-1.5 U/L borderline >1.5 U/L positive 266-474 umol/L (Male) 175-363 umol/L (Female) 1.2-5.9 mmol/24h Request individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at Addenbrookes Hospital, 01223257130. For the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis up to 6 weeks of age Samples must be taken <1h, 3 and 24h after the anaphylactic event. Give time post event on the form. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Analysed at Sheffield Northern 01142715552 To predict neonatal thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy. Requests individually reviewed by senior staff. Analysed at RVI, Newcastle 0191 282 4559 24 hour availability TSH receptor (TRAb) antibodies Urate (uric acid), Blood 5ml blood gold top tube Urate (uric acid), Urine 24 h urine collected in plain bottle UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests 24 hour availability. Note: change of units to ng/L December 1st 2014 24 hour availability PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 33 of 35 TEST SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS 5ml blood gold top tube Urea, Blood Urea, Urine REFERENCE RANGE 1.4-4.3 mmol/L (0-1 Year) 1.7-8.3 mmol/L (>1 Year) 170-580 mmol/24h Urobilinogen Valproate 24 h urine collected in plain bottle or 10 ml random urine 10ml fresh random urine 5ml blood gold top tube Vancomycin 5 mL blood gold top tube Very long chain fatty acids, see fatty acids 4ml blood green top tube Fasting if age >18/12 Vigabatrin 5 mL blood red top tube Vitamin A 1.05-2.27 umol/L Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 5ml blood red/gold top tube Protect sample from light 2 mL purple top. 2 mL purple top Vitamin B6 phosphate) 2 mL purple top. Protect from light 15-73 nmol/L Vitamin B12 5 mL gold top or green top tube 191-663 pg/mL Vitamin D, 25-OH 5ml blood red or gold top tube Vitamin D 1,25 (calcitriol) 5ml blood gold top tube (EDTA and heparin also acceptable) 5ml blood red/gold top tube <25 nmol/L is 25-OH Vitamin D deficient 25-50 nmol/L is insufficient 25-OH vitamin D >200 nmol/L consider reducing vitamin D dose 43-143 pmol/L Vitamin E Vitamin K VMA (HMMA) (pyridoxal Negative in normal patients. <100 mg/L (please note, units changed to mg/L occurred on 13/8/12) For interpretation contact microbiology and/or refer to micro guides on intranet See report 24 hour availability Urea may be used to determine if a wound drain fluid is urine Daily service if received by noon on Mon to Fri Usually 24 hour availability. Ideal sampling time: pre dose. Time to steady state: 3 days Analysed in Clinical Biochemistry for Microbiology Sample must be sent urgently for separation within 2 hours of collection. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks Analysed at Gt Ormond St 02074059200 x5225 Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 Transport to lab immediately, protected from light. Batched for analysis on selected days. Analysed in Neurometabolic Unit Sample must be frozen as whole blood Analysed in Neurometabolic Unit Analysed in Neurometabolic Unit 66-200 nmol/L 174-471 nmol/L 11.5-46.4 umol/L Not offered, see notes UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests AVAILABILITY / NOTES 24 hour availability PD-CB-411 v21 Batched for analysis on selected days Requires rapid transport to the lab. Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks Analysed at Norfolk and Norwich Analysed in Neurometabolic unit Transport to lab for immediate separation and freezing. Measured indirectly by International Normalised ratio (INR) No longer available, see Catecholamines, Urine September 2015 Page 34 of 35 TEST Water deprivation test White cell enzymes SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS Follow dynamic function test protocol Unseparated 5 mL light green tube REFERENCE RANGE Full interpretative report given Zinc 5mL TEKLAB (white top) tube (LiHep accepted for paediatric samples only) 11-18 umol/L Zinc (urine) Urine, 24h. Collect into acid washed container 5 mL blood red top tube 1.5-11.0 umol/24h Zonisamide UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust / Clinical Biochemistry tests AVAILABILITY / NOTES Osmolality during water deprivation and after DDAVP (hazardous) Requests are individually reviewed, results are available in 2 to 4 weeks. Analysed at Gt Ormond St. 02077626751 Requests individually reviewed. Analysed at Royal Free Hospital. Analysed at the Pharmacology and Therapeutic unit, Chalfont 01494 601 423 PD-CB-411 v21 September 2015 Page 35 of 35