Marks : a) b)

Marks : 2
These following factors determine the desire of risk
Capital or labour is the scarcest resource
Question Counterfeiter copy but with a difference that can be seen.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question It is designed to monitor a broad range of events inside and
outside the company that are likely to threaten a firm's strategy
Correct Answer Strategic surveillance
Your Answer Strategic surveillance
Select The Blank
Question The benefits of a change in process are defined in terms of
________ cost savings
Correct Answer Labour
Your Answer Labour
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The process of forecasting an organization's future demands
for and
supply of right type of people in right number is
Correct Answer Man-power planning
Your Answer Man-power planning
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Three important managerial qualities required for the
strategic management
Correct Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision
ability , Vision
Your Answer Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making
ability , Vision
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Magnitude of the decision outcome and scope of their impact on
decision maker's domain of activity is
Correct Answer significance
Your Answer risk
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The culture of a company is conveyed through
Correct Answer Rites , Myths , Rituals
Your Answer Rites , Myths , Rituals
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Degree to which the decision maker is accountable for the
of the decision is
Correct Answer accountability
Your Answer accountability
Question Acquisitions which are friendly are termed as "take-overs".
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question Business ethics is how personal norms do not apply to
activities &
goals of a commercial firm.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Empower people through great software anytime , any place, on
device'- Microsoft
Correct Answer vision
Your Answer vision
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question supplier & technological environment is concerned with
Correct Answer quality & no. of suppliers , logistics , raw material ,
trends and rate of change of technology
Your Answer quality & no. of suppliers , logistics , raw material
Select The Blank
Question Factors leading to personnel capability are________.
Correct Answer IR, OB
Your Answer IR, OB
Select The Blank
Question ________ models can be described as a system that describe how
pieces of business fit together.
Correct Answer Business
Your Answer Circular
Question Budgets are plans expressed in numerical terms usually in
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question Micro environment is the internal environment of a company.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The strategies which deal with the relative and restricted
for allocation of resources is
Correct Answer Funcational streategies
Your Answer Funcational streategies
Question Macro environment has got immediate impact on business.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The control process requires the following types of
Correct Answer Planned performance , Variances , Reasons
Your Answer Planned performance , Variances , Reasons
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Role of Chief Executive Officer Responsible right from formulation /
implementation to review of strategic management Link between company &
Role of SUB-level Executive More focussed on product line & responsible
for the
co-ordination between SUBs & Senior managements Important link between
strategizing & implementation
Role of consultants Hired for specialized for new business or expertise
for specialized for new business or expertise
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Knowledge of the relationships between choices, environment &
outcomes is
Correct Answer familiarity
Your Answer complexity
Select The Blank
Question A cycling accessory firm strive to become 'the nike of the
industry' is ________category of goal.
Correct Answer role model
Your Answer role model
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question CAP related to internal appraisal of firm stands for
Correct Answer competitive advantage profile
Your Answer competitive advantage profile
Select The Blank
Question Control should involve________ amount of information.
Correct Answer Minimum
Your Answer Maximum
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question How does 'structure' reduce external uncertainity arising out
human behaviour
Correct Answer Research and planning , Forecasting
Your Answer Research and planning , Forecasting
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question supplier & technological environment is concerned with
Correct Answer quality & no. of suppliers , logistics , raw material ,
trends and rate of change of technology
Your Answer quality & no. of suppliers , logistics , raw material
Select The Blank
Question ________ is a modern plant consisting of modules centered
around a
stage in the production process
Correct Answer Flotilla concept
Your Answer Flotilla concept
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A Large-scale community development project was funded to
farmers to use local resources effectively by
Correct Answer Asian Paints
Your Answer Asian Paints
Question Three C's affecting today's companies are customer,
competition &
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Program is a combination of
Correct Answer goals , policies , procedures
Your Answer policies , procedures
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Financial environment is concerned with
Correct Answer demand & supply of money, capital markets
Your Answer demand & supply of money, capital markets
Select The Blank
Question Factors leading to personnel capability are________.
Correct Answer IR, OB
Your Answer IR, OB
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The reasons for acquisition are
Correct Answer Increased market power , Increased diversification ,
Increased speed to market
Your Answer Increased market power , Increased speed to market
Select The Blank
Question Economics of scale requires ________.
Correct Answer high market share
Your Answer high market share
Select The Blank
Question Value chain analysis is an effective tool for ________.
Correct Answer internal analysis
Your Answer internal analysis
Select The Blank
Question ________ should have the ability to develop a visionto see
into the future.
Correct Answer Leaders
Your Answer Leaders
Select The Blank
Question Modern Accounting uses ________ as a unit of measure
Correct Answer Time
Your Answer Time
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Gap analysis Difference between desired and projected performance
between desired and projected performance
7-S Framework Skills, super ordinate goals, structure Skills, super
goals, structure
Alternate futures Option valuation model Fit well but low opportunities
Staffing Acquiring human resources Acquiring human resources
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Denominator management
Correct Answer cost reduction
Your Answer establish rapport with competitors
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Business is rated on which dimensions
Correct Answer Market attractiveness , Business strength
Your Answer Profit margin , Competition level
Question Adapter duplicate the leader and claim to be similar or even
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question Focused company is generally protected from competition.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Associated external agencies means
Correct Answer channel members, customers, suppliers etc.
Your Answer channel members, customers, suppliers etc.
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The preparation of ETOP involves
Correct Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors ,
impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of
impact of
each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.
Your Answer dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze
of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of
subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Vertical integration is concerned with
Correct Answer supply chain
Your Answer production process
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question These following factors determine the desire of risk
Correct Answer Strategies , Resources
Your Answer Resources , Time
Question Macro environment has got immediate impact on business.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False