FM assgn :31: Hemant Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

FM assgn :31: Hemant
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The cost which varies in direct proportion to the sales revenue is termed as
Correct Answer Variable cost
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Variable cost
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The advantages of operating lease is
Correct Answer In an operating lease arrangement the equipment risk is transferred to the lessor , It
minimizes investment in equipment , Reduces expenditure on maintenance
Your Answer
It minimizes investment in equipment , Reduces expenditure on maintenance , In an
operating lease arrangement the equipment risk is transferred to the lessor
Select The Blank
In ABC analysis B class consist of ________.
Correct Answer relatively less important items
Your Answer
only a small percentage of total number of items handled but are most important in
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Undue increase in Gross Profit ratio may indicate
Correct Answer Over-valuation of closing stock , Consideration of non-sales transactions as sales
Your Answer
Under-valuation of closing stock , Consideration of non-sales transactions as sales
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Technical terminology used to invest in the current assets being
Correct Answer Working Capital Management
Your Answer
Cash management
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Assuming the current ratio is 2, in which cases would the current ratio decline
Correct Answer Purchase of fixed Assets , Borrow Money on an Interest bearing promissory note
Your Answer
Purchase of fixed Assets , Borrow Money on an Interest bearing promissory note
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Advantages of Debentures from company's point of view are
Correct Answer The specific cost of debt capital represented by debentures is lower than the cost of
preference or equity capital , Debenture financing does not result in dilution of control
Your Answer
The specific cost of debt capital represented by debentures is lower than the cost of
preference or equity capital , Debenture financing does not result in dilution of control ,
Debenture prices are vulnerable to increase in interest rates
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The combined or weighted average cost of capital of the various individual components
is termed as
Correct Answer Composite cost
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Component cost
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Statement of Sources and Application of funds are also referred to as
Correct Answer Balance Sheet
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Profit and Loss Account
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Advantages of factoring
Correct Answer The company can take advantage of the expertise of the factor in various fields ,
With the help of factoring the company can be relieved of administrative responsibilities
Factoring is the way in which the company can finance its requirement of Working
capital in respect of receivables
Your Answer
Factoring is the way in which the company can finance its requirement of Working
capital in respect of receivables ,
The company can take advantage of the expertise of the factor in various fields ,
With the help of factoring the company can be relieved of administrative responsibilities
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Advantages of ABC Analysis are
Correct Answer A close and strict control is facilitated on the most important items , Helps in
maintaining a high inventory turnover ratio , Optimum utilisation of the available funds
can be assured
Your Answer
A close and strict control is facilitated on the most important items , Helps in
maintaining a high inventory turnover ratio , Optimum utilisation of the available funds
can be assured
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Among all the intermediaries in Capital market, probably the most important and
significant intermediary is the
Correct Answer Merchant Banker
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Merchant Banker
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Indicate which of these are Profitability ratios
Correct Answer Operating ratio , Gross Profit ratio
Your Answer
Operating ratio , Gross Profit ratio
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The recurring duties of Finance Executive includes
Correct Answer Working Capital Management , Fixed Assets management , Control of funds
Your Answer
Control of funds , Working Capital Management , Fixed Assets management
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The return paid on own capital is
Correct Answer Dividend
Your Answer
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Ratio which measures the
profitability of the investments in
a firm
Return on Asset
Dividend Payment ratio
The relation of Net Sales and
Working Capital
Working Capital turnover ratio
Working Capital turnover ratio
The ratio which indicates the
Debtors turnover ratio
speed at which the Sundry
debtors are converted in the form
of cash
Debtors turnover ratio
The ratio which indicates the
Capital turnover ratio
efficiency of the organisation with
which the capital employed is
being utilised
Capital turnover ratio
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
External sources of funds are
Correct Answer Funds from long term loans , Sale of fixed assets
Your Answer
Funds from operations , Funds from long term loans
Select The Blank
The debt equity ratio of the company after such buy back of shares should not be more
than ________ except where the Central Government allows a higher ratio in case of
certain companies
Correct Answer 2:1
Your Answer
Reserve Bank of India appointed the Marathe Committee with the intention to recognize
the contribution made by the SSI Sector to the economy
Correct Answer False
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The amount of shares bought back by the company should not be more than ________
of total paid-up capital of the company and its free reserves
Correct Answer 0.25
Your Answer
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Retained earnings is a source of ________ finance
Correct Answer Internal
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Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Safety Stock
below which the actual stock
should not be allowed to fall
below which the actual stock
should not be allowed to fall
ABC Analysis
Vital few Trivial Many
Vital few Trivial Many
Bill of Materials
Details of the necessary materials Details of the necessary materials
as well as quantity of each item
as well as quantity of each item
Perpetual Inventory System
Maintenance of Bin Cards and
Stores ledger in order to know
about the stock in quantity and
value at any given point of time
Maintenance of Bin Cards and
Stores ledger in order to know
about the stock in quantity and
value at any given point of time
Select The Blank
Where share capital is not represented by the assets of equal value, the situation may
mean introduction of ________
Correct Answer Watered capital
Your Answer
Introduction of debt capital increases the risk of insolvency due to non-availability of
cash and variability of earnings available to equity shareholders
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
In funds flow statement, net decrease in working capital is shown on sources side
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
The requirement of Fixed Working Capital is unaffected due to the changes in the level
of activity
Correct Answer True
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Interest on overdraft is payable on the actual amount drawn and is calculated on
________ product basis
Correct Answer daily
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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
The collection programme of the firm consists of
Correct Answer Maintaining the state of receivables , Dispatch of letters to customers whose due date is
approaching , Telegraphic and Telephonic advice to customers around the due
Your Answer
Maintaining the state of receivables , Dispatch of letters to customers whose due date is
approaching , Maintaining record of bills payable
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The projects having Profitability index of less than ________ will be rejected
Correct Answer one
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Multiple Choice Single Answer
The traditional approach to financial management refers only to the procurement of
funds by
Correct Answer Corporate entity
Your Answer
Corporate entity
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Turnover ratios measures how efficiently the ________ are employed by the firm
Correct Answer Assets
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An organized collection of data according to logical and consistent accounting procedure
is known as
Correct Answer Financial Statement
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Financial Statement
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The sources of cash are
Correct Answer Cash from operations , sale of machinery , Issue of new shares
Your Answer
Cash from operations , sale of machinery , Issue of new shares
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The company granting credit may insist on giving the names of those who are currently
dealing with the company. This is termed as
Correct Answer Trade Reference
Your Answer
Past experience of the customer
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Fund based lending of banks include
Correct Answer Overdraft , Bills Purchased
Your Answer
Overdraft , Letter of credit , Bills Purchased
Select The Blank
________ is calculated on the basis of current profits and not on the basis of retained
Correct Answer Earnings per share
Your Answer
Earnings per share
Ratios can be expressed only in percentage
Correct Answer False
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The mathematical expression of ________ is ( Minimum level + Maximum level ) / 2
Correct Answer Average level
Your Answer
Average level
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The ratio of Market Price per share and Earning per share is termed as ________
Correct Answer Price earnings ratio
Your Answer
Price earnings ratio
The objective of funds flow statement may be to find out uses of loans raised by the
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
For the computation of Gross Profit ratio, manufacturing cost is to be considered in case
of manufacturing companies
Correct Answer True
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Multiple Choice Single Answer
Which important accounting ratios would be used by a shareholder who is examining his
portfolio and who is to decide whether he should hold or sell his shares in the company
Correct Answer Earning per share
Your Answer
Debt Equity ratio
Mortgage mode of security pertains to immovable properties like land and buildings
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
The operating profit is computed as Sales Revenue Less Variable Operating Cost Less
Fixed Operating cost
Correct Answer True
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Multiple Choice Single Answer
The details of Current Assets and Current liabilities are as follows : Sundry Debtors Rs.
40,000/-, Inventories Rs. 60,000/-, Cash in hand Rs. 1,00,000/-, Sundry creditors Rs.
80,000/-, Bills Payable Rs. 20,000/-. Calculate the current ratio if the creditors are paid
to the extent of Rs. 50,000/- out of cash in hand.
Correct Answer 3
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The amount of funds borrowed by one company from another company, then it is
termed as
Correct Answer Intercorporate deposit
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Commercial Paper
Undercapitalisation indicates sound financial position and efficient management of the
Correct Answer True
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