FM assgn :30: Grace Select The Blank Question

FM assgn :30: Grace
Select The Blank
Retained earnings is a source of ________ finance
Correct Answer Internal
Your Answer
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The advantages of operating lease is
Correct Answer In an operating lease arrangement the equipment risk is transferred to the lessor , It
minimizes investment in equipment , Reduces expenditure on maintenance
Your Answer
In an operating lease arrangement the equipment risk is transferred to the lessor , It
minimizes investment in equipment , Reduces expenditure on maintenance
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Limitations of Average collection period
Correct Answer Average Collection period assumes that the credit sales are evenly spread throughout the
year. In practical circumstances, credit sales are not evenly spread throughout the year ,
The amount of credit sales made by company or the normal credit period offered by the
company are not available in the published financial statements
Your Answer
The amount of credit sales made by company or the normal credit period offered by the
company are not available in the published financial statements , Not proper cost benefit
analysis made by the company
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The projects having maximum positive Net present value will be ranked ________
Correct Answer highest
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Net Present value considers ________ from the project throughout its life
Correct Answer cash inflow
Your Answer
cash inflow
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Share Premium account is shown on the liability side in the balance sheet under the
Correct Answer Reserves and Surplus
Your Answer
Reserves and Surplus
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The function of the underwriter is to
Correct Answer provide a protection to the company in the situation of investors not fully subscribing to
the issue of the securities
Your Answer
provide a protection to the company in the situation of investors not fully subscribing to
the issue of the securities
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Utility of cash flow analysis
Correct Answer Helps in efficient cash management , helps in internal financial management , Discloses
the movements of cash
Your Answer
Helps in efficient cash management , helps in internal financial management , Discloses
the movements of cash
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Advantages of factoring
Correct Answer Factoring is the way in which the company can finance its requirement of Working capital
in respect of receivables , The company can take advantage of the expertise of the factor
in various fields , With the help of factoring the company can be relieved of
administrative responsibilities
Your Answer
Factoring is the way in which the company can finance its requirement of Working capital
in respect of receivables , The company can take advantage of the expertise of the factor
in various fields , With the help of factoring the company can be relieved of
administrative responsibilities
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Indicate which of these are Profitability ratios
Correct Answer Operating ratio , Gross Profit ratio
Your Answer
Operating ratio , Gross Profit ratio
Current ratio and Acid test ratio are categorised under liquidity group
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
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________ is more useful to the management as a tool of financial analysis in short
Correct Answer Cash flow analysis
Your Answer
Fund flow analysis
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If the size of the issue is more than Rs. 100 crores, the issue is required to be rated by at
least ________ credit rating agencies
Correct Answer two
Your Answer
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Situation of capital rationing may involve problems in the form of
Correct Answer Project Indivisibility , Mutually dependent project , Multi period projects
Your Answer
Project Indivisibility , Mutually dependent project , Multi period projects
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The external users of financial statements are
Correct Answer Lenders , Suppliers
Your Answer
Lenders , Suppliers
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Working Capital is computed as
Correct Answer Current assets - Current liabilities
Your Answer
Current assets - Current liabilities
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Receivable management is also called as
Correct Answer Trade Credit management
Your Answer
Trade Sales management
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The rate of return which computes the average annual yield on the net investment in the
project is known as
Correct Answer Accounting rate of return
Your Answer
Return on investment
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The company which pays a fixed amount of dividend irrespective of the fluctuations in
income is categorised under
Correct Answer Stable Dividend policy
Your Answer
Stable Dividend policy
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As per the II method suggested by the Tandon committee, the borrower should finance
________ of current assets out of long term funds and the banks provide the remaining
Correct Answer 0.25
Your Answer
A systematic maintenance of perpetual inventory system enables to locate slow and nonmoving items and to take remedial action for the same
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
In case of lease transactions, neither the assets side nor the liabilities side of the balance
sheet of lessee gets affected
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
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The current ratio of a company is 2:1 ; Which of the following suggestions have no effect
on the ratio
Correct Answer Cash collected from customers , Bills Receivable dishonoured , Purchase stocks against
Your Answer
Issue of new shares , Purchase stocks against cash
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In ABC analysis A class consist of ________.
Correct Answer only a small percentage of total number of items handled but are most important in
Your Answer
a very large number of items which are less important
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A decrease in current liabilities
Correct Answer increases working capital
Your Answer
does not affect working capital
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The basic objective of ________ management is to reduce the operating cash
requirement to the minimum possible extent without affecting the routine transactions.
Correct Answer Cash
Your Answer
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Return of Shareholders funds being much higher than the overall return on investment
can be judged by
Correct Answer Debt Equity ratio
Your Answer
Debt Equity ratio
Debt Service Coverage Ratio is one of the most important ratios calculated by the
bankers of financial institutions giving long term finance to the organisation
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
It is only after crossing the break even point that the profit generating capacity of the
company starts
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
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The ratio which compares the dividend per share with the market price of the share is
termed as
Correct Answer Dividend yield ratio
Your Answer
Price earning ratio
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Interest on overdraft is payable on the actual amount drawn and is calculated on
________ product basis
Correct Answer daily
Your Answer
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The cost of equity shares may be decided on the basis of yields actually realised over the
period of past few years which may be expected to be continued in future also as per the
Correct Answer Realised Yield Approach
Your Answer
Realised Yield Approach
Internal rate of return considers time value of money
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
The lessor is the nominal owner of the asset as the possession and economic use of the
asset rests with the lessee
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
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As per the Tandon committee, variations between the projected figures and actuals may
be permitted to the extent of ________
Correct Answer 0.1
Your Answer
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Fixation of Inventory levels are based on the following propositions
Correct Answer There has to be a constant watch on the actual stock level of various kinds of materials
so that proper action can be taken , The various levels fixed are not fixed on a
permanent basis and are subject to revision regularly
Your Answer
There has to be a constant watch on the actual stock level of various kinds of materials
so that proper action can be taken , The various levels fixed are not fixed on a
permanent basis and are subject to revision regularly
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A company cannot make the public issue of equity shares unless
Correct Answer It has made an application for listing of these equity shares in the stock exchange
Your Answer
It has made an application for listing of these equity shares in the stock exchange
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Shortcomings of Debentures from company's point of view
Correct Answer The debenture interest and capital repayment are obligatory payments , Debenture
financing enhances the financial risk associated with the firm
Your Answer
The debenture interest and capital repayment are obligatory payments , Debenture
financing enhances the financial risk associated with the firm
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Normal Usage * Lead time for
emergency purchases
Danger level
Danger level
Maximum lead time * Maximum
Re-order level
Re-order level
Reorder level + Re-order quantity Maximum level
- ( Minimum usage * Minimum
lead time )
Maximum level
Re-order level - ( Normal usage * Minimum level
Normal lead time )
Minimum level
The assumptions of capital structure theories is that Corporate Income Tax does not exist
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
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Advantages of letter of credit to the Exporter
Correct Answer He is assured to get the payment for the goods exported by him, if he satisfies all the
terms and conditions specified in the letter of credit , He can get the advance pending
against export proceeds receivable from the importer from its local bank
Your Answer
He is assured to get the payment for the goods exported by him, if he satisfies all the
terms and conditions specified in the letter of credit , He can get the advance pending
against export proceeds receivable from the importer from its local bank
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In case of Mortgage, the party in whose favour the interest is so transferred is called
Correct Answer Mortgagee
Your Answer
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Advantages of Debentures from Investor's point of view
Correct Answer They earn a stable rate of return , They are protected by the various provisions of the
debenture Trust Deed , They generally have a fixed maturity period
Your Answer
They earn a stable rate of return , They generally have a fixed maturity period
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The ratios computed that indicate the efficiency of the organisation to use the various
kinds of assets by converting them in the form of Sales is categorised under
Correct Answer Turnover group
Your Answer
Turnover group
When a company issues bonus shares, reserves of the company get reduced and share
capital of the company increases
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Nayak committee
to recognize the contribution made to recognize the contribution made
by the SSI sector to the economy by the SSI sector to the economy
Dahejia committee
to examine the extent to which
credit needs of industry and trade
are likely to be inflated and how
such trends could be checked
Chhore committee
to review mainly the system of
to review mainly the system of
cash credit management policy by cash credit management policy by
Marathe committee
to review the credit authorization
to review the credit authorization
Secured Premium notes did not carry any interest during the first three years
Correct Answer True
Your Answer
to examine the extent to which
credit needs of industry and trade
are likely to be inflated and how
such trends could be checked