Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The causes of undercapitalisation are
Correct Answer Future earnings may be underestimated , Company following too
conservative policy for paying the dividends
Your Answer Company following too conservative policy for paying the dividends ,
Future earnings may be underestimated
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Question Subscription list of a public issue of shares shall be kept open for minimum
________ working days
Correct Answer 3
Your Answer 3
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Question ________ in liabilities involves outflow of funds
Correct Answer Decrease
Your Answer Decrease
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Question The Investment decisions are mainly concerned with
Correct Answer Application of funds
Your Answer Application of funds
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Question The following techniques can be used to delay cash payments
Correct Answer Payments can be made from a bank which is distant from the bank of
the company to which payment is to be made , Attempts should be made by the company
to get the maximum credit for the goods or service supplied , Avoid early payments
Your Answer Payments can be made from a bank which is distant from the bank of the
company to which payment is to be made , Attempts should be made by the company to
get the maximum credit for the goods or service supplied , Avoid early payments
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Question Till the sales revenue reaches the break even point, the company ________
Correct Answer incurs the losses
Your Answer incurs the losses
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Question Preparation of Financial plan at the time of company promotion is ________
duty of the finance executive
Correct Answer Non-recurring
Your Answer Non-recurring
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Question The ratio which indicates the extent to which the Owners' funds are sunk in
different kinds of assets is termed as
Correct Answer Proprietory ratio
Your Answer Proprietory ratio
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Question ________ is the summary of cash book or Receipts and Payments Statement
Correct Answer Cash flow statement
Your Answer Cash flow statement
Question Retained earnings or ploughed back profits is one of the best source of
raising long term funds for the company
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question When a company issues bonus shares, reserves of the company get reduced
and share capital of the company increases
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
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Question Top management who can accept or reject capital expenditure proposals may
be in the form of
Correct Answer Board of Directors , Executive committee , Management committee
Your Answer Board of Directors , Executive committee , Management committee
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Question The approaches to compute the cost of equity shares are
Correct Answer Dividend / Price Approach , Realised Yield Approach , Earnings /
Price Approach
Your Answer Dividend / Price Approach , Realised Yield Approach , Earnings / Price
Question Introduction of a heavy amount of debt capital in the capital structure will not
only reduce the valuation of the firm but will also increase the cost of capital
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Question Before the company can pay the dividend on Equity shares, it is bound to pay
the dividend on Preference shares
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Term loan represents a source of debt finance which is generally repayable in more than
one year but less than ten years represents a source of debt finance which is generally
repayable in more than one year but less than ten years
Lessee Not able to claim depreciation on asset Not able to claim depreciation on asset
Hirer Claims the depreciation on the asset Claims the depreciation on the asset
Retained earnings Residue left behind from earnings available to equity shareholders
after the payment of annual dividend Residue left behind from earnings available to
equity shareholders after the payment of annual dividend
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Uses of financial leverage are
Correct Answer It acts as a guideline in setting maximum limit upto which the
company should use the debt capital , It gives an indication regarding the extent to which
Earning per share may be affected due to every change in Earning before Interest and tax
Your Answer It acts as a guideline in setting maximum limit upto which the company
should use the debt capital , It gives an indication regarding the extent to which Earning
per share may be affected due to every change in Earning before Interest and tax , It
provides useful guidelines for determining the optimal capital structure
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The methods which consider the risk in capital budgeting decision are
Correct Answer Informal method , Risk adjusted discounting rate , CertaintyEquivalent approach
Your Answer Informal method , Risk adjusted discounting rate , Certainty-Equivalent
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Question Profit after taxes can be distributed among the owners of the company by
way of ________
Correct Answer dividend
Your Answer dividend
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Question Interest Coverage ratio is calculated as
Correct Answer Profit before Interest and taxes / Interest charges
Your Answer Profit before Interest and taxes / Interest charges
Question Internal rate of return indicates that the discounting rate at which net present
value is zero
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
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Question In ABC analysis C class consist of ________.
Correct Answer a very large number of items which are less important
Your Answer a very large number of items which are less important
Question Semi-variable cost is the cost which varies in direct proportion to the sales
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Question One of the most common methods to monitor the receivables on macro basis
is to calculate age-wise analysis of receivables
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
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Question Tangible net worth means
Correct Answer share capital plus free reserves
Your Answer Current assets less Current liabilities
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Question Assuming the current ratio is 2, in which cases would the current ratio
Correct Answer Purchase of fixed Assets , Borrow Money on an Interest bearing
promissory note
Your Answer Purchase of fixed Assets , Borrow Money on an Interest bearing
promissory note
Question Solvency ratios consists of current ratio and Price earnings ratio
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Revenue reserves represents
Correct Answer Accumulated retained earnings from the profits of normal business
Your Answer Accumulated retained earnings from the profits of normal business
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Question For the selection of the period for which capital expenditure budget should be
prepared , ________ a period may not be useful
Correct Answer Too long
Your Answer Too long
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Question The shares of the company can be bought back out of the following amounts
Correct Answer Free Reserves of the company , Share Premium Account of the
company , Proceeds of issue of any shares or other specified securities
Your Answer Free Reserves of the company , Share Premium Account of the company
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question From the following data, work out the Economic order quantity : Annual
Demand : 5000 units, Ordering cost Rs. 60 per order, Price per unit Rs. 100, Inventory
carrying cost is 15% on average inventory
Correct Answer 200 units
Your Answer 200 units
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Increase in average credit period to maintain sales in view of falling demand
can be indicated by
Correct Answer Debtors turnover ratio
Your Answer Debtors turnover ratio
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Increase in current liabilities decreases working capital increases working capital
Increase in liabilities inflow of funds inflow of funds
Decrease in liabilities outflow of funds outflow of funds
Increase in current assets increases working capital cash flow analysis
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Question The situation of watered capital may arise due to ________
Correct Answer Company pays higher price to the vendors of the assets transferred
Your Answer Company pays higher price to the vendors of the assets transferred
Question Economic Order Quantity model is a very useful model of determining the
order quantity
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The advantages of operating lease is
Correct Answer In an operating lease arrangement the equipment risk is transferred to
the lessor , It minimizes investment in equipment , Reduces expenditure on maintenance
Your Answer In an operating lease arrangement the equipment risk is transferred to the
lessor , It minimizes investment in equipment , Reduces expenditure on maintenance
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Question ________ in assets involves inflow of funds
Correct Answer Decrease
Your Answer Decrease
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Question The functions of a Finance Controller are :
Correct Answer Budgeting , Record Keeping , Annual Reporting
Your Answer Budgeting , Record Keeping , Annual Reporting
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Question The symptom of low capacity utilisation will be shown by
Correct Answer Fixed Assets Turnover ratio
Your Answer Fixed Assets Turnover ratio
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Question If a company decides to invite public deposits
Correct Answer It should publish an advertising in leading newspaper
Your Answer It should publish an advertising in leading newspaper
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Question The techniques of Analysis and Interpretation of financial statements are
Correct Answer Ratio Analysis , Cash flow Analysis
Your Answer Ratio Analysis , Cash flow Analysis
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Question Advantages of ABC Analysis are
Correct Answer A close and strict control is facilitated on the most important items ,
Helps in maintaining a high inventory turnover ratio , Optimum utilisation of the
available funds can be assured
Your Answer It enables to locate slow and non-moving items , A close and strict
control is facilitated on the most important items , Optimum utilisation of the available
funds can be assured
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Question The amount of profit earned after recovering the interest on long term
sources of capital is referred to as ________
Correct Answer Profit before taxes
Your Answer Profit before taxes
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Question Mr. A invested Rs. 10,000 in fixed deposit carrying interest @10% p.a.
compounded annually. Calculate the value of investment after two years
Correct Answer Rs. 12,100
Your Answer Rs. 12,100
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Question Increase in the amount of bills payable results in
Correct Answer Increase in cash
Your Answer Decrease in cash
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Question The assets held by a business which can be converted in the form of cash or
used during the course of normal operations is termed as
Correct Answer Current assets
Your Answer Current assets
Question Inadequate provision for depreciation may be the cause of overcapitalisation
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True