31ST MARCH, 2003
PRESENT: Councillors Antrobus and J. Murphy
M. Brooks, C. Edwards, J. Spink, A. Westwood and M. Willetts
Employee Self Service and SAP Development
Presentation by Geoff Topping/Adrian Jones/Nick Wright, with specific reference to:
Employee Self Service
Manager Self Service
Other Portal Developments
Employee Portal
Other Potential Developments
Other SAP Functionality
Procurement Developments
The system can be integrated with Outlook.
The need for the timesheet system to be replaced was noted.
Update regarding the meeting with G-MAPPS to be provided at the next meeting.
Additional Service Delivery to NPHL – Reorganisation of Customer Services
Regular updates to be provided in relation to this matter.
196 Station Road
APPROVAL to refurbish the above premises to enable the relocation of the
Occupational Health and Safety Unit from Chaseley Field, which is to be sold.
Salford Advance
Proposals agreed in principle – a further detailed report to be produced in consultation
with Personnel Services.
Preparatory recruitment measures to be initiated whilst detailed business case/
structure negotiations are undertaken and external grant confirmed.
National Citizen Relationship Management (CRM) Academy
Overview circulated.
Away Day
17th April not viable – Cabinet members to be consulted regarding their availability on
30th April with a view to the Away Day being held on that date, at the rising of Cabinet.
Customer Services Monthly Update
Reference was made to:
Council Tax – reduction of arrears.
NPHL – training needs of recently recruited staff currently being identified.
Contact Centre Visits – ALMO Local Board members have been invited via the Chairs
to visit the Centre.
Customer Satisfaction – suggested that comments regarding the Call Centre be
displayed outside the Council Chamber on the day of the next Council meeting.
NHS LIFT - update to be provided at a future meeting.
Community Telematics:
Web Content:
Maura Brooks to provide a breakdown regarding the age range of the
people who have received training.
Discussion took place around security issues – John Spink to speak to
Don Simpson regarding work that has previously been undertaken.
Presentation to be received at a future meeting regarding the new design
for the web site.
Suggested that comments regarding the web site be displayed outside
the Council Chamber on the day of a future Council meeting.
Appendix 5 – Salford Direct: External Services Counter Performance February 2003 –
the possibility of a meeting being held in order to consider the Library Plan, Cultural
Plan and Leisure Strategy was suggested.