Part 1 ITEM NO. ___________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE REGENERATION ___________________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR PLANNING ON 17 AUGUST 2010 AND LEAD MEMBER FOR ENVIRONMENT ON 23 AUGUST 2010 ___________________________________________________________________ TITLE: IRWELL RIVER PARK: CRESCENT MEADOWS – PHASE 2 MEADOW, WOODLAND AND WETLAND WORKS ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Lead Member for Planning is recommended to: 1. Approve the Phase 2 proposals for the Crescent Meadows, costing £117,796.40 out of the total available funding of £175,750. The works will consist of fencing at the Meadow Road entrance, meadow and woodland planting and wetland creation, to be implemented between October 2010 and March 2011; 2. Approve that Urban Vision enter into negotiations with Salford City Council’s appropriate partner contractor to obtain a target cost for constructing the works on site; 3. Authorise the Strategic Director for Sustainable Regeneration to enter into contract for these works, upon written confirmation of the availability of the Setting Scene for Growth programme funding; and 4. Note that the approved Phase 1 proposals for the laying of footpaths at the Crescent Meadows have been completed, at cost of £57,953.60. Of this sum, £44,953.60 has been paid and a final claim for the works will be submitted shortly. That the Lead Member for Environment is recommended to: 1. Approve the Phase 2 proposals for fencing at the Meadow Road entrance, meadow and woodland planting and wetland creation at the Crescent Meadows, on land owned by Salford City Council (SCC) and managed by the Environmental Services Directorate; and 2. Approve the maintenance arrangements to be carried out by the Environmental Services Directorate, as set out in this report. 1 ___________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Irwell River Park will create an 8km sustainable transport corridor which will connect £3 billion of economic investment between Salford Quays and Crescent Meadows. The Meadows is the northern anchor of Irwell River Park, and is a key project within the Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company Business and Investment Plan 2009-2010. The total of £175,750 funding from Community Forests North West (CFNW) Setting the Scene for Growth was approved by Lead Member for Planning and Lead Member for Environment on 2 nd February 2010. At this stage, that funding agreement is conditional on CFNW receiving funding from the Forestry Commission and is at risk of withdrawal. Expenditure may therefore be at the City Council’s risk. The Phase 2 works will consist of fencing at the Meadow Road entrance, meadow and woodland planting and wetland creation. The proposals will improve the accessibility, biodiversity and attractiveness of the site. Approval is sought for the implementation of the Phase 2 proposals between October 2010 and February 2011, which combined with the Phase 1 works will cost up to £175,750. ___________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: None (Available for public inspection) ___________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: YES ___________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 1.0 Background 1.1 Irwell River Park will create an 8km sustainable transport corridor which will connect £3 billion of economic investment between Salford Quays and Crescent Meadows. The underlying rationale for Irwell River Park is to transform the waterfront connecting Salford, Manchester and Trafford providing inspirational waterside spaces, connections and place-making and deliver new cultural, leisure and sustainable transport routes, and promote excellence in environmental quality. 1.2 Since 2007 and the bid for Big Lottery funding, the Irwell River Park project has been fully supported by not only key partners such as the three authorities, funding bodies and key developers, but also by the local communities which in particular this proposal would benefit. 1.3 Crescent Meadows is a key project in the approved Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company Business and Investment Plan 20102011. 1.4 Lead Member Approval was granted on 2 February 2010 for Phase 1 to be implemented, at a cost of approximately £55,000. The Phase 1 footpath works have now been completed. The Phase 2 works will 2 complete the Setting the Scene for Growth proposals to significantly improve a large existing public open space at the northern anchor of Irwell River Park and a key gateway to the Irwell Sculpture Trail. It will provide an immediate resource for local communities in Broughton and Irwell Riverside, and will generate confidence in the future of the site and Irwell River Park as a whole. 1.5 Setting the Scene for Growth is a fund managed by Community Forests North West Ltd on behalf of the Northwest Regional Development Agency and the Forestry Commission. 2.0 Details 2.1 The attached plan at Annex 1 shows the Phase 1 footpath and the Phase 2 proposals. Shallow ponds with gently sloping sides will be created at the southern end of the Meadows, surrounded by marshy areas to discourage public access to the water’s edge. Willow coppices will be established on one side of each of the ponds and these will be managed by being cut down to the ground every 2 to 3 years. Small groups of native trees will be planted inside the new perimeter path and a line of more formal planting along the main entrance path. The boundary with Meadow Road will be secured with 1m high railings, maintenance gate and pedestrian access controls, to allow disabled access but deter motorcycles. Grass areas will be managed to allow the development of wildflower meadows, with wide mown paths through them. An area of close mown grass at the north end of the site will allow outdoor events to be held in this location if required. The proposals will also consist of visitor facilities such as seating and signage. 2.2 Planning permission is not required as this work, which is permitted development by the City Council, on its’ own land. 2.3 The Phase 2 proposals will: 2.6 Secure the site with attractive, accessible and sustainable perimeter treatments; Improve accessibility and increase usage by creating a network of surfaced and unsurfaced paths; and Increase the attractiveness and interest of the site by improving the existing woodland habitat on site, diversifying the grassland and creating new woodland and wetland habitats. The long term vision for the Meadows was generated through substantial officer-level involvement from a range of key partners. The Setting the Scene for Growth proposals are a step towards the long term vision, and have been accepted by the Irwell River Park Strategic Steering Group. The proposed design has been presented to and supported by the Chapel Street Regeneration Forum and Chapel Street Business Group. In order to manage expectations, more detailed engagement with community groups is proposed only once Lead Member approval has 3 been secured, and NWDA funding has been confirmed. Therefore a series of information sessions will be held in September and October to confirm that the current designs remain acceptable. This could involve the use of the Salix Homes consultation bus at various locations, in combination with presentations to both Chapel Street groups and community groups in Lower Broughton. The consultation approach will be agreed with a number of parties including Countryside Properties who have entered into a Development Agreement with Salford City Council covering the Crescent Meadows site. Community Committees will also be informed of the proposals and existing structures of meetings will be used where appropriate. 3.0 Future Management and Maintenance 3.1 Grounds Maintenance Section, Environment Directorate have confirmed the existing annual cost of maintaining the site is £4,400 per annum. This includes the maintenance of the Phase 1 Setting the Scene for Growth works which were completed in April 2010. 3.2 The total figure of £175,750 approved Setting the Scene for Growth proposal includes £14,000 Establishment Costs to contribute towards the uplift in maintenance costs for five years following practical completion of Phase 2 of the works. This equates to an annual additional maintenance sum of £2,800 per year for five years. 3.3 Subject to securing the external funding, the total available maintenance budget for each of the first five years is therefore £7,200, which the Environment Directorate has confirmed is sufficient to maintain the site. 3.4 Following five years, the Environment Directorate has confirmed it will be able to maintain the site from within existing budgets. 3.5 The Management and Maintenance Arrangements for the Phase 2 works will include cutting of the meadow areas annually using a forage harvester, with all mowings to be removed from site. Wide mown paths will be maintained through and around the edges of the meadows by gang mowing regularly during the growing season. The wetland areas will be inspected regularly from a Health & Safety perspective and any excessive weed/algae growth removed. Coppicing of willows will be carried out on a 3 year cycle, with one third of the areas being cut down to the ground annually. The new tree planting will be maintained under the contract with the chosen Partner Contractor for the first twelve months and thereafter by the Environment Directorate, to allow the new planting to be guaranteed for the first year. 4.0 Complementary Projects 4.1 The Setting the Scene for Growth works at the Meadows are part of a wider programme of improvements to the area, which together have and will continue to put in place real and lasting benefits for the local 4 community and wider area as set out below: Three large mounds have been present to the north east of the site for a number of years, deposited by the Environment Agency under their duty to reduce flood risk and maintain the river bank. Two of these mounds consisted of material dredged from the river bed including rubble and pieces of metal, with a third consisting of top soil. The mounds represented a health and safety risk for users of the site, obstructed visibility at the site entrance, restricted views to the river and reduced the accessibility of the site. Following discussions on site with the Urban Regeneration Company, Environmental Services Directorate and Urban Vision’s Landscape Architect, the Environment Agency have graded out the mounds and covered with top soil. The Environment Agency will shortly seed the area with a grass and wildflower mix. The north eastern corner of the Meadows has been significantly improved as a result, with the entrance from Meadow Road opened up with clear views into the site and of the river. The works have improved the accessibility and useability of the Meadows for the local community by making it more attractive, increasing visibility and perceptions of safety. The project will complement the Crescent Meadows Woodland Management Plan which is currently on site and is three years into a five year programme of planned maintenance works to the trees and landscaping including the treatment of invasive weeds to improve biodiversity and develop different types of ecosystems. The works will be complemented by match funding which Red Rose Forest has secured from English Nature through the “Setting the Scene for Nature” project. This will provide ¼ of a person’s working time plus £11,000 a year to spend on increasing the number and diversity of users of the site, enabling volunteer involvement, and providing gateway improvements. (This additional funding is dependent upon match funding being provided through the Setting the Scene for Growth works). 4.0 Procurement 4.1 Subject to Lead Member approval, Urban Vision will enter into negotiations with Salford City Council’s appropriate partner contractors to obtain a target cost for constructing the works on site. 5.0 Financial 5.1 The funding for Phase 2 has been confirmed insofar as this is possible within the wording of the Grant Funding Agreement (see below). Given the current cuts to public funding, written confirmation has been requested before any further expenditure by Salford City Council. CFNW understand that this will be forthcoming by the end of August. Forestry Commission have confirmed that they will pay all claims submitted to 5 them for approved expenditure incurred before any notification of any changes in the funding arrangements. 5.2 Funding will be drawn down by Salford City Council expending up to the value of the Agreement, and providing evidence of defrayal to Community Forests North West Ltd to claim this value back. 6.0 Conclusion 6.1 Lead Members are asked to approve the report and implementation of the works, subject to confirmation of external funding. No contract will be entered into until confirmation is received in writing that the external funding is secure. Following written confirmation of funding, Lead Member is asked to delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Sustainable Regeneration to approve entering into any contracts. ___________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Salford City Council Unitary Development Plan (adopted 21 June 2006); and Irwell City Park Planning Guidance (adopted by Salford City Council March 2008). ___________________________________________________________________ EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: The Phase 2 proposals will further improve the accessibility of the site for the benefit of all members of the local community. ___________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Medium. The payment of funding by CFNW is dependent upon it receiving the requisite funding from the Forestry Commission. Therefore if Salford City Council is expending monies in advance, then at the current time there is no guarantee, even with the benefit of a signed GFA, that it will be able to recover such expenditure. ___________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Setting the Scene for Growth is a partnership between Northwest Development Agency and the Forestry Commission. It should be noted that the payment of funding by CFNW is dependent upon it receiving the requisite funding from the Forestry Commission. Therefore if the City Council is expending monies in advance at the current time there is no guarantee, even with the benefit of a completed GFA, that it will be able to recover such expenditure. ___________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by: Ian Sheard x 3084 Date Consulted: 18/6/2010 Comments: It is noted that the payment of funding by CFNW is dependent upon it receiving the requisite funding from the Forestry Commission, and therefore if the City Council is expending monies in advance, then at the current time there is no 6 guarantee, even with the benefit of a completed GFA, that it will be able to recover such expenditure. Existing easements, including the easement for access by the Environment Agency to their meter house on the river and for the telecom cable supply to it, will be maintained. ___________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by: Alison Swinnerton x7423 Date Consulted: 18/06/2010 Comments: Crescent Meadows forms part of the approved Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company’s Business and Investment Plan. The project will be funded by a grant from Setting the Scene for Growth; expenditure will occur during the financial years 2009/10 and 2010/11. The maintenance costs have been identified and can be met from within the maintenance arrangements set out above. However, there is a phrase within the GFA which states that “CFNW shall have no liability to make any payment to the Applicant if the related sums are not received by it from the (Forestry) Commission for any reason”. Therefore there is no guarantee that Salford City Council would be able to recover the expenditure. ___________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: The Environment Directorate is supportive of the Phase 2 proposals. ___________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Tim Hewitt TEL. NO. 0161 686 7416 ___________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Broughton Crescent Meadows Ph2 - press release.doc ___________________________________________________________________ 7 ANNEX 1 – PROPOSED PHASE 2 WORKS (including Phase 1 footpath works now implemented) 8 9