SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 3 February, 2010 Meeting commenced: 4.00 p.m. “ ended: 7.04 p.m. PRESENT: Steve Hopkins (Primary Schools Governors) - in the Chair Schools Members Special Schools Martin Hanbury Secondary Schools Head Teachers and Senior Management Team Members Steve Aveyard, Phillip Harte and Pat Wilford Secondary Schools - Governors Sheila Hamnett Primary Schools Head Teachers and Senior Management Team Members Sandra Slack, Joe Bourke and Ann McQuirk Primary Schools - Governors Catherine Provoost, Paula Howe and Joe Martin Non-School Members Salford LA Councillor Margaret Morris The 14 - 19 Partnership Jon Stonehouse Teacher Trade Unions Judith Elderkin R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf030210.doc SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 3 FEBRUARY, 2010 Non Teacher Trade Unions Carole Culshaw Officers 1. Paula Summersfield Rob Sides Tony Ryan Nikki Anderson - Vin Joseph Mike McHugh - Principal Group Accountant Management Accountant School Improvement Advisor (ICT) Study Support & Learning Outside the Classroom Co-ordinator Democratic Services Manager Senior Democratic Services Officer APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Norbert Potter (Faith Communities) and Elizabeth Haddock (Academy). 2. MEMBERSHIP OF FORUM The Chairman provided details of new members, appointed since the last meeting of the Forum, as follows Sheila Hamnett (Secondary Schools - Governors) February, 2010 to January, 2014 Ann McQuirk (Primary Schools - Head Teachers and Senior Management Team Members) February, 2010 to January, 2014 Councillor Norbert Potter (Faith Communities) February, 2010 to January, 2014 Jon Stonehouse (The 14 - 19 Partnership) February, 2010 to January, 2014 (Interim) RESOLVED: (1) THAT details of the new membership be noted. (2) THAT a revised membership list be published on the Salford Schools Forum Website. (3) THAT members of Forum liaise with their constituent groups regarding the content of the Salford Schools Forum Constitution and report any comments at the next meeting of this Forum. 2 R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf030210.doc SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 3 FEBRUARY, 2010 3. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS The minutes of the meeting held on 30 September, 2009, were approved as a correct record. 4. MATTERS ARISING (a) Forum Support - Update from Chairman The Chairman provided details of a meeting he had attended, held on 18 January, 2010, with the Deputy Director of Children’s Services and the Democratic Services Manager, at which the following proposals and actions had been discussed (1) The Principal Group Accountant will be the lead officer from Children’s Services to support the technical work of the forum. (2) A bi-annual meeting to take place between the Chairman and Lead Member for Children’s Services. Action - Forum Democratic Services Officer. (3) A quarterly review meeting to take place between the Chairman, the Democratic Services Manager, the Principal Group Accountant and Deputy Director of Children’s Services to review key issues, opportunities and next steps. Action: Forum Democratic Services Officer. (4) A business plan should be set for a 12 month cycle with an annual review / report. Action: Chairman, supported by the Principal Group Accountant and the Forum Democratic Services Officer. (5) A clear framework will detail the service level for administration at an agreed cost. Action: Chairman and the Democratic Services Manager. (6) Review and clearly define the roles and remit of Schools Forum, with supporting Terms of Reference and inclusion of the above items. Action: Chairman and the Democratic Services Manager. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the proposals be approved. 3 R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf030210.doc SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 3 FEBRUARY, 2010 (2) and that an update report on the work to implement the actions be submitted for consideration at the next meeting of this Forum. (b) Forum Support - Report of the Democratic Services Manager The Democratic Services Manager submitted a report providing details of a proposal, produced following detailed discussions with the Chairman of the Forum and the Deputy Director of Children’s Services, to create a specialised service for the Forum. The main purpose, under the management of the Democratic Services Manager, would be to provide full time administrative services to the Salford Schools Forum. Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including The service currently provided to the Forum The development of a framework detailed in 4(a)(5) above. The opportunity to commission any required work which was not included in the framework detailed in 4(a)(5) above. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the recommendation, as detailed in the report now submitted, be refused. (2) THAT subject to the development and implementation of a framework, detailed in 4(a)(5) above, the servicing of the Salford Schools Forum remain in its current form. (3) THAT the opportunity to commission any required work which was not included in the framework detailed in 4(a)(5) above, be noted. 5. DISADVANTAGE SUBSIDY - ALLOCATION OF FUNDING FROM THE TRAINING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Nikki Anderson submitted a report providing details of (a) the allocation and distribution of Disadvantage Subsidy Funding during the pilot project in 2009 / 2010, and (b) proposals for the allocation of the Disadvantage Subsidy Funding during the extension of the project in 2010 / 2011. She provided details of - categorisation of pupils who were able to access the funding - work undertaken to identify families and young people who might benefit from the funding 4 R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf030210.doc SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 3 FEBRUARY, 2010 - the guiding principles of expenditure (projects for which the funding can and cannot be used) - levels of funding available for projects in 2010 / 2011. - testimonials from schools and other users as a result of the funding. Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including - confirmation that the funding was allocated to schools or clusters of schools. - the administrative process for allocation of the funding. - records of the number of children making use of the services provided by the funding. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted. (2) THAT an update report in respect of this matter be included on the Agenda for the meeting of Forum in February, 2011. 6. HARNESSING TECHNOLOGY GRANT - 2009 / 2010 Tony Ryan presented a report providing details of the proposals for the allocation of the Harnessing Technology Grant funding in 2009 / 2010. Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including - the ‘retention’ section of the funding and its use. - the purpose of the Harnessing Technology Grant. - links between the use of the funding and the uptake of the ICT Managed Service RESOLVED: (1) THAT, subject to an amendment to the allocation formula to remove schools in receipt of Building Schools for the Future ICT funding, the recommendations within the report, including Option 5, be approved. (2) THAT details of the revised allocations, subject to the changes referred to in (1) above, relating to the Harnessing Technology Grant for 2009 / 2010, be provided to schools. 7. FORUM RESOLUTIONS - UPDATE Mike McHugh submitted an update report providing details of the resolutions made by the Salford Schools Forum since the meeting held on 31 January, 2009. 5 R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf030210.doc SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 3 FEBRUARY, 2010 Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including (a) Item 91 - Dedicated Schools Grant - Non-Delegated Schools Budget - Year End Position 2008 / 2009 RESOLVED: THAT an update report in respect of this issue (Dedicated Schools Grant - Non-Delegated Schools Budget), be submitted at the next meeting of this Forum, including details of - (b) (1) the impact on budgets of an increase in cases of Special Educational Needs (SENs) within the city (2) details of any work being undertaken to examine a diversion of funding to ‘mainstream’ schools to tackle cases of SEN. (3) cost implications of specialist ‘out of city’ SEN provision. Items 71, 72 and 73 - Formula Review RESOLVED: (1) THAT, in respect of item 71, it be noted that Paula Hassall is the Lead Officer with responsibility for Formula Review. (2) THAT, in respect of item 72, an update report be submitted at the next meeting of this Forum. (3) THAT, in respect of item 73, it be noted that this action has been undertaken. 8. DECISIONS OF LEAD MEMBER RELEVANT TO FORUM Mike McHugh provided a copy of the Decision Notice published on behalf of the Lead Member for Children’s Services approving the revised Constitution for the Salford Schools Forum. RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted. 9. EARLY YEARS FUNDING UPDATE Paula Summersfield submitted a report providing details of proposals following a review and consultation process for the Early Years Funding Formula. Judith Elderkin provided further information on the work which had been undertaken by a working group to assist with the development of the formula review. 6 R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf030210.doc SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 3 FEBRUARY, 2010 The Chairman, on behalf of the Forum, placed on record his thanks to Paula and the team for the work which had been undertaken in reviewing the formula. RESOLVED: THAT the Salford Schools Forum supports the findings of the Early Years Funding Formula Review and the proposal to implement form 1st April 2010. 10. EMTAS FUNDING 2009 / 2010 A report was submitted providing details of the EMTAS Funding allocation for 2009 / 2010. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 11. SCHOOL BALANCES AND DEFICIT MANAGEMENT RESOLVED: (1) THAT a briefing paper outlining the role of (a) the Local Authority (LA) and (b) the Salford Schools Forum, in determining action relating to school closures and schools balances be submitted at the meeting of this Forum to be held in May, 2010. (2) THAT an update report relating to work being undertaken with schools to combat deficit budgets be submitted at the next meeting of this Forum. 12. FORMULA REVIEW Minute 7(b) above refers. 13. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: THAT the next meeting of this Forum be held on Tuesday 23 March, 2010, in a Committee Room at the Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, at 4.00 p.m. 7 R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf030210.doc