Part 1 ITEM NO. ___________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE REGENERATION ___________________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR PLANNING AND TOWN TWINNING ON MONDAY 6 JUNE 2011 ___________________________________________________________________ TITLE: CORE STRATEGY PRE-PUBLICATION CHANGES AND INTERIM HOUSING FIGURE CONSULTATION ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That approval be given to the Core Strategy Pre-Publication Changes document as set out in Annex 1 to this report and its use for public consultation over the period Monday 20 June 2011 to Monday 1 August 2011. 2) That at the same time, the city council consult on the use of the net housing requirement and phasing as set out in the Pre-Publication Changes document (Proposals C and D) on an interim basis until such time as the Core Strategy is adopted. ___________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: It is proposed that an additional consultation should take place on the Core Strategy in June/August 2011, before the Publication stage is reached in December 2011. This consultation will serve two main purposes: 1) 2) To allow people to suggest alternative options that are not in accordance with the Regional Strategy (legislation currently requires the Core Strategy to be in general conformity with the Regional Strategy, but the Government is proposing through the Localism Bill to revoke all Regional Strategies later this year, opening up new options for the Core Strategy); and To comment on the significant changes that the city council is proposing to make to the Core Strategy before it is submitted for public examination (including a new housing requirement for Salford) This ‘Pre-Publication’ consultation will help to ensure that stakeholders are fully involved in the Core Strategy process and to minimise the risks of the Core Strategy being found unsound at a public examination. It is also proposed to consult at the same time on using the housing requirement and phasing in the Pre-Publication Changes document on an interim basis until such time as the Core Strategy is adopted. This is because the Government’s proposed revocation of the Regional Strategy would leave Salford without an official housing D:\98943293.doc figure, and so there would be no basis on which to calculate the city’s five-year housing land supply. ___________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: None (Available for public inspection) ___________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: YES (item 42 on the May 2011 Forward Plan) ___________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 1. Background 1.1 In November 2009, the city council published a Draft Core Strategy covering the period 2007-2027. It had been intended that the Publication Core Strategy would be released in August 2010, prior to it being submitted to the Secretary of State for a public examination. However, progress has been delayed whilst the city council has been determining the most appropriate way to respond to the Government’s proposed revocation of the Regional Strategy and other changes to the planning system. 1.2 The proposal to revoke existing Regional Strategies is contained in Clause 89 of the Localism Bill. They would be revoked on the day of enactment, which is currently expected to be in November 2011. All of the options that the city council has previously considered as part of the Core Strategy process have been in general conformity with the Regional Strategy, as required by Section 24 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Similarly, the city council has advised others that any alternative options that they suggest should also be consistent with the Regional Strategy. 1.3 The revocation of the Regional Strategy will open up new options that have not previously been considered by the city council. Given that one of the tests of soundness at the public examination will be whether the Core Strategy represents the most appropriate option when considered against alternatives, it will be important to ensure that stakeholders have had the opportunity to suggest alternative options that are not necessarily in general conformity with the Regional Strategy before the city council produces its Publication Core Strategy. 1.4 It is also proposed that the city council should take advantage of the new freedoms that will result from the revocation of the Regional Strategy to identify its own housing requirement for Salford rather than continuing to use that set by the existing Regional Strategy. Furthermore, in order to minimise the potential for problems during the public examination process, and to maximise the amount of information that the city council has before finalising its proposals, it is considered advisable to consult on any significant changes that the city council wishes to make to the Core Strategy before it produces its D:\98943293.doc Publication version and submits it to the Secretary of State for a public examination. Some of these proposed changes result from the availability of new and updated information. 1.5 An additional public consultation period is therefore proposed, which would serve two main purposes: 1) 2) To allow people to suggest alternative options that are not in accordance with the Regional Strategy; and To comment on the significant changes that the city council is proposing to make to the Core Strategy before it is submitted for public examination 1.6 Even though the consultation relates to a relatively small number of issues rather than a fully revised draft Core Strategy, it is considered advisable that the public consultation period cover a six week period (from Monday 20 June 2011 to Monday 1 August 2011). 2. Proposed changes to the Core Strategy 2.1 The consultation document sets out a series of changes that are proposed to the Core Strategy compared to the draft version that was published in November 2009. The main changes are summarised below. Time period 2.2 The time period of the Core Strategy is being updated from 2007-2027 to 2010-2030, to reflect the availability of more up-to-date information and to ensure that there is at least a 15 year time horizon from the proposed date of adoption as required by Government guidance. Boundaries of the City Centre and the Regional Centre 2.3 The boundary of the Manchester/Salford City Centre within Salford is currently the Inner Relief Road. It is proposed that it should be extended along Chapel Street and the Crescent as far as the University, to reflect the city council’s ambitions and the scale of development proposed for this area. This would be similar to the incorporation of the Oxford Road Corridor within the city centre definition in Manchester’s Publication Core Strategy. 2.4 The boundary of the Regional Centre is being extended to include the Salford Innovation Park and the area to the north of Salford Quays that is likely to form an important part of MediaCityUK (east of Weaste Cemetery and south of Eccles New Road). This reflects the significant economic role of these areas, and is considered to be consistent with the approach that Manchester and Trafford have taken to the identification of the Regional Centre within their districts. Housing 2.5 A net housing requirement of at least 22,000 dwellings over the period 20102030 is identified, equating to an average of 1,100 dwellings per annum. This D:\98943293.doc is based on household forecasts for the city, whilst making an allowance for the extra households that would be generated by the city council’s economic growth ambitions. It also assumes a reduction in the proportion of properties in the city that are vacant, in accordance with the Private Sector Housing Strategy. This housing figure is significantly lower than the 1,600 dwellings per annum identified for Salford in the Regional Strategy (2003-2021), and the 1,688 dwellings per annum in the Draft Core Strategy (2007-2027). 2.6 An indicative phasing is included, recognising that housing delivery is likely to be slower in the earlier part of the plan period due to the impacts of the recession. This is important as it affects the calculation of the city’s five year housing land supply requirement. 2.7 A mix of 40.9% houses and 59.1% apartments is proposed. This is a much more even mix of dwellings than proposed in the Draft Core Strategy (28.1% houses and 71.9%), and responds to concerns by members and other stakeholders about the dominance of apartments in the supply of new housing as well as reflecting significant changes in the housing market over the last few years. 2.8 Around 43% of the new dwellings would be within the Regional Centre, 30% in the rest of Central Salford, and 27% in Salford West. This compares with a 50/30/20 split in the Draft Core Strategy. The change in distribution largely reflects the increased proportion of houses in the proposed supply. The table below compares the scale of housing provision proposed in different parts of the city with that identified in the Draft Core Strategy. Area Regional Centre Crescent Greengate Liverpool Street Ordsall Waterfront Salford Central Salford Quays Rest of Central Salford Broughton Park and Higher Broughton Charlestown and Lower Kersal Claremont and Weaste Eccles New Road Greengate North and Trinity Lower Broughton D:\98943293.doc Draft Core Strategy (2007-2027) Net Proportion dwelling of city total provision Proposed changes (2010-2030) Net Proportion dwelling of city total provision 600 4,000 400 1,450 2,800 7,600 1.8% 11.9% 1.2% 4.3% 8.3% 22.5% 600 1,500 200 1,000 2,100 4,100 2.7% 6.8% 0.9% 4.5% 9.5% 18.6% 500 1.5% 400 1.8% 1,950 5.8% 1,900 8.6% 650 650 1,100 3,550 1.9% 1.9% 3.3% 10.5% 500 300 700 1,500 2.3% 1.4% 3.2% 6.8% Area Ordsall Pendleton Salford West Eccles Irlam and Cadishead Swinton and Pendlebury Walkden and Little Hulton Worsley and Boothstown Draft Core Strategy Proposed changes (2007-2027) (2010-2030) Net Proportion Net Proportion dwelling of city total dwelling of city total provision provision 800 2.4% 500 2.3% 950 2.8% 800 3.6% 1,600 1,250 1,000 2,650 250 4.7% 3.7% 3.0% 7.9% 0.7% 1,800 600 800 2,100 600 8.2% 2.7% 3.6% 9.5% 2.7% Regional Centre total Rest of Central Salford total Salford West total 16,850 10,150 6,750 49.9% 30.1% 20.0% 9,500 6,600 5,900 43.2% 30.0% 26.8% Salford total 33,750 100.0% 22,000 100.0% 2.9 The figure for Worsley and Boothstown has been increased to reflect the fact that this is the main location in the city where there is the potential to secure higher value housing, helping to diversify the supply of new dwellings in Salford. However, it would still be a relatively low figure compared to that proposed for other areas of a similar size in the city. It is likely to require the release of greenfield land to accommodate around 300 dwellings. The city council will need to work with the local community and landowners to identify the most appropriate sites. Economic development 2.10 A net increase of 500,000m2 of office floorspace is proposed for the period 2010-2030. This is lower than the 650,000m 2 figure in the Draft Core Strategy due to the impacts of the recession and the large amount of floorspace completed over the period 2007-2010 (the first three years of the Draft Core Strategy period, when 86,942m2 of floorspace was completed). However, it still represents an ambitious target, above forecasts from the Greater Manchester Forecasting Model, supporting the aim to significantly enhance economic growth levels. 2.11 The provision of 400,000m2 of new industrial and warehousing floorspace is proposed (a gross rather than net figure). This is below the 460,000m2 figure in the Draft Core Strategy, due to a reassessment of the sites likely to come forward and the intention to no longer support the release of 40 hectares of Green Belt land at Barton for employment development. It is considered that the demand for and suitability of any such Green Belt proposal needs to be assessed in a Greater Manchester context, to ensure that there is no unnecessary development in the Green Belt. It would also seem appropriate to assess the actual impacts of the major development and transport D:\98943293.doc infrastructure proposals already permitted in that part of the conurbation before deciding whether to release further land for development. 2.12 It is estimated that approximately 420,000m 2 of existing industrial and warehousing floorspace could be redeveloped for other uses such as housing over the period 2010-2030, equating to around 119 hectares of land. This is lower than the figure of 130 hectares in the Draft Core Strategy due to the lower amount of new floorspace proposed that would offset the loss of existing floorspace, and updated job forecasts from the Greater Manchester Forecasting Model. Retail development 2.13 The new Salford Retail and Leisure Study has been used as the basis for estimating the amount of new retail floorspace that could be accommodated within the city centre, town centres and local centres over the period 20102030, taking into account the proposed scale and distribution of residential development. It has been assumed that an improvement in retail provision within these centres would enable a small increase in the proportion of Salford residents’ expenditure that is spent within the city. 2.14 The proposed scale of growth in most of the centres will be taken up by existing planning permissions and completions since April 2010. The main exceptions to this are: Swinton Town Centre – potential for a new medium-sized superstore or equivalent Pendleton Town Centre – potential for around 4,000m2 of comparison goods floorspace (in addition to that proposed in the new Tesco) Salford Quays (new town centre designation) – potential for around 11,000m2 of comparison goods floorspace, and a small amount of convenience goods floorspace Greengate – potential for around 4,000m2 of comparison goods floorspace, and a small amount of convenience goods floorspace Lower Irlam Local Centre – potential for around 3,000m2 of comparison goods floorspace, and a small amount of convenience goods floorspace 2.15 The Retail and Leisure Study will be published alongside the Pre-Publication Changes as part of the evidence base. Sustainable energy 2.16 The proposed approach is focused around ensuring that new developments move as far up the energy hierarchy as possible, with a strong emphasis on minimising energy demand. A diagram is included showing the main sustainable energy opportunities in the city, including district heating network development areas, but it is not proposed to require a specific technological solution in particular locations as this would be inflexible and would not take account of individual site circumstances or continual changes in the costeffectiveness of different technologies. D:\98943293.doc 2.17 The national targets relating to reductions in carbon dioxide emissions associated with new developments compared to the 2006 building regulations (44% reduction by 2013 and 100% reduction by 2016) have been included as local targets, to ensure that any potential changes at a national level do not weaken the city council’s efforts to significantly reduce overall carbon emissions from within Salford. 2.18 Maximum emission standards have been proposed for biomass-fired energy facilities, to ensure that they do not lead to a worsening of air quality in the city. This will help to protect public health. 2.19 The proposed changes seek to support the move towards an increased use of electric vehicles. This would involve all new residential garages and secure marked-out residential car parking spaces having to include an electrical socket suitable for charging electric vehicles. It is also proposed that nonresidential developments providing 200 car parking bays or more should provide rapid charging points in at least 3% of those bays. 3. Next steps on the Core Strategy 3.1 The responses to the consultation will be taken into account in the development of the Publication Core Strategy, which it is proposed will be approved at the full council meeting in November 2010. 3.2 The timetable for the rest of the Core Strategy process is set out below. Stage Pre-publication consultation Publication and period for representations Submission to the Secretary of State Public examination Adoption Dates June to August 2011 December 2011 to January 2012 March 2012 July to August 2012 January 2013 4. Interim housing figure 4.1 The proposed revocation of the Regional Strategy will leave Salford without any identified housing requirement in its development plan. This will create uncertainty and problems in determining planning applications, because the concepts of housing need and a five-year housing land supply are often at the heart of decisions on residential schemes. It is therefore important that the city council clarifies its position. 4.2 It is proposed that the housing figure and phasing contained in the PrePublication Changes document should be adopted by the city council on an interim basis until the Core Strategy has been adopted, as they are considered to be the most appropriate basis on which to calculate Salford’s five-year housing land supply. The consultation on the Pre-Publication D:\98943293.doc Changes document would double up as a consultation on this proposed interim figure, with this being explained in a separate covering letter rather than within the Pre-Publication Changes document itself. It is then anticipated that the interim figure would be adopted by full Council in November 2011. 5. Recommendations 5.1 It is recommended that: 1) 2) The Core Strategy Pre-Publication Changes document be approved for public consultation over the period Monday 20 June 2011 to Monday 1 August 2011. At the same time, the city council should consult on the use of the net housing requirement and phasing in the Pre-Publication Changes document (Proposals C and D) on an interim basis until such time as the Core Strategy is adopted. ___________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Local Development Framework ___________________________________________________________________ EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: See separate Community Impact Assessments in Annex 2 and Annex 4 to this report ___________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Medium – If the city council seeks to move straight to the Publication stage without this Pre-Publication consultation then there is a risk that the public examination might conclude that there has been insufficient opportunity for people to suggest alternative options or to influence proposals on key issues such as the scale and distribution of housing. If an interim housing figure is not adopted then it will make it more difficult to determine planning applications, as there will be no agreed basis on which to calculate whether additional housing is required. ___________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Local Development Framework budget ___________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by Nicky Smith (ext 3083) In view of the changes to be effected if the Localism Bill is enacted as proposed, it is important for the Council to take into account the new options which will be available once existing Regional Strategies are revoked. As the report states, this is an opportunity to invite representations from stakeholders at an early stage and will show that the Council has taken every opportunity to engage in consultation. ___________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by Stephen Bayley (ext 2584) Additional consultation will be funded from the Local Development Framework budget. D:\98943293.doc ___________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: Environment Directorate in relation to biomass policy ___________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: David Percival TEL. NO. 0161 793 3656 ___________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): All ___________________________________________________________________ Annexes 1. Core Strategy Pre-Publication Consultation Document 2. Core Strategy Pre-Publication Consultation Document Community Impact Assessment Screening Report 3. Core Strategy Pre-Publication Consultation Document Sustainability Appraisal 4. Proposed Interim Housing Figure Community Impact Assessment Screening Report 5. Proposed Interim Housing Figure Sustainability Appraisal 6. Core Strategy Housing Supply: Potential Sites from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and Windfalls Pre-publication Pre-publication CIA consultation 3 (3).doc (3).doc SHLAA Annex (3).doc D:\98943293.doc Pre-publication SA (3).doc Housing figure CIA (3).doc Housing figure SA (3).doc