Part 1 ITEM NO. __________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE CITY TREASURER __________________________________________________________________ TO BUDGET AND EFFICIENCY GROUP ON WEDNESDAY, 4TH MAY, 2011 __________________________________________________________________ TITLE: APPLICATION FOR CAPITALISATION DIRECTION 2011/12 __________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That members approve the application for a capitalisation direction from the Secretary of State of £8m for 2011/12. __________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report sets out the detailed assumptions used in determining the amount of a capitalisation direction to be applied for in respect of statutory redundancy costs to be incurred in 2011/12. __________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Budget Report to Council 2nd March, 2011 (Available for public inspection) CLG guidance re Capitalisation Directions 2011/12 __________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: No. A decision on this matter does not constitute authority to incur expenditure but to seek a direction from the Secretary of State to capitalise expenditure which might otherwise be met from revenue. __________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: See below __________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Budget Strategy __________________________________________________________________ EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable __________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: High if capitalisation not approved. A successful capitalisation direction will help to mitigate the financial risk to the Council by spreading the revenue impact over more than one financial year. An unsuccessful application, or a much scaled-down direction, will require funding to be met from unearmarked reserves, which are close to the minimum level based on the risk assessment undertaken for the 2011/12 revenue budget. __________________________________________________________________ D:\99195018.doc SOURCE OF FUNDING: A capitalisation direction will permit redundancy costs being charged to capital and funded from either prudential borrowing or capital receipts. __________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS : Not applicable __________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS : Supplied by John Spink, City Treasurer __________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: Not required in this instance __________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: John Spink TEL. NO. 793 3230 __________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): None specifically __________________________________________________________________ D:\99195018.doc REPORT DETAILS Headline Savings and Job Losses The revenue budget report to Council on 2 nd March 2011 identified a requirement to make savings in expenditure of £39.915m and would require the loss of 592 jobs in 2011/12 through a combination of voluntary early retirement (VER), voluntary severance (VS) and natural wastage. The savings programme for 2011/12 would generate further savings of £6.743m and £8.021m in 2012/13 and 2013/14 with further year-on-year job losses of 86 and 153 respectively. An extract from the budget report showing the distribution of the savings plan across directorates and the expected job losses for the years 2011/12 to 2013/14 is shown at Appendix 1. The revenue budget report to Council also identified that the future prospects for 2012/13 indicated that, in addition to the increase in savings expected from the 2011/12 savings programme, there would be a need for further savings amounting to £18.1m in 2012/13. An extract from the budget report showing the projection of the budget position for 2012/13 is shown at Appendix 2. Clearly, therefore, there will be a need to continue to seek volunteers for early retirement and severance to achieve the desired reduction in jobs, and that this will entail further redundancy payments needing to be made in 2011/12. Progress with Job Losses in 2011/12 The member panel established to consider VER/VS applications recommended by strategic directors for approval as a means of delivering their proposed savings have agreed a total of 371 applications for VER/VS against the 592 target job losses for the 2011/12 revenue budget. The remaining 221 are predominantly expected from the crosscutting, corporate savings proposals that have yet to be implemented. Of the 371 applications received so far, 237 were approved for staff to leave by 31 st March 2011 and therefore their redundancy and early retirement costs have fallen to be met in the 2010/11 financial year, with statutory redundancy costs of £1,805,517 being met from the capitalisation direction of £2,470,000 received on 24 th January, 2011. The remainder of the capitalisation direction, amounting to £664,483, has been applied to VER/VS applications earlier in the year relating to the delivery of savings for the 2010/11 revenue budget. Members will recall that the funding strategy for meeting all costs associated with approved VER and VS applications is as follows : Early retirement costs - agreement has been reached with Greater Manchester Pension Fund to spread the capital cost over three years through allowance made in the annual employers’ contribution rate as assessed by the Pension Fund actuary. D:\99195018.doc Statutory redundancy payments – seek to fund via prudential borrowing or usable capital receipts via a capitalisation direction from the Secretary of State. Enhanced redundancy payments – to be funded from revenue. In adopting the above strategy members were made aware that the capitalisation direction applied for in respect of statutory redundancy payments in 2010/11 was £6.5m but the final direction approved by the Secretary of State was only £2.470m, meaning that the number of approvals to VER/VS applications up to 31st March 2011 required to deliver budget savings in 2011/12 were limited so as to not exceed the capitalisation limit, with remaining applications being implemented on or after 1st April, 2011. Estimating the Potential Capitalisation Requirement for 2011/12 It is expected that statutory redundancy costs will be incurred during 2011/12 arising from VER/VS approvals in the following circumstances :For the 2011/12 revenue budget savings requirement : The 134 applications that have been paid out so far since 1st April. The remaining 221 applications expected to deliver the 592 total job losses. For the 2012/13 revenue budget savings requirement : A further 86 applications expected to deliver the additional full year savings of £6.7m expected in 2012/13 from the approved 2011/12 savings programme. A further 232 applications expected to deliver new and additional savings required in 2012/13 to meet the funding gap of £18.1m referred to in the future prospects section of the 2011/12 budget report to Council on 2nd March. A further 75 applications to achieve early delivery of the savings and job losses required for 2013/14 as identified in the 2011/12 savings plan, and A further 75 applications to provide for further job losses that may be required in 2012/13 should the delivery of the 2011/12 fall short of expectations, as is currently being indicated from some of the cross-cutting proposals. In addition, there are a further 50 applications expected from school-based staff. In total, therefore, provision needs to be made for statutory redundancy payments to a further 739 staff in addition to the 134 redundancy payments already made since 1st April. In determining an average redundancy cost, the following trend of statutory redundancy payments for VER applications has been evident :2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 D:\99195018.doc average payment average payment average payment (to date) £13,296 £12,263 £12,971 There is no obvious reason for the dip in average payments in 2010/11 and therefore an average of £13,000 is proposed to be used for determining total redundancy payments to VER applicants in 2011/12. The trend for VS applications is :2010/11 2011/12 average payment average payment (to date) £ 5,563 £ 4,823 Again, there is no obvious reason for the variation between the years and as VS has only been available for the 2011/12 budget round (and was not available in earlier years) it is proposed that the overall average of £5,330 is used for determining total redundancy payments to VS applicants in 2011/12. On the basis of the VER/VS applications approved since 1st April, 2010 there has been a 50:50 split between VER and VS. Therefore, using the above information and assumptions would give an estimate of total statutory redundancy payments during 2011/12 as follows : 134 VER/VS applications approved to date in 2011/12 £1,178,847 370 VER applications @ £13,000 each = £4,810,000 369 VS applications @ £5,330 each £1,966,770 --------------£7,955,617 = Total Say £8,000,000 ========= It is therefore recommended that approval be given to apply for a capitalisation direction from the Secretary of State for redundancy payments in 2011/12 amounting to £8m. The proposed application form is attached at Appendix 3. JOHN SPINK City Treasurer D:\99195018.doc Appendix 1 Extract from 2011/12 Budget Report to Council 2nd March, 2011 DISTRIBUTION OF SAVINGS AND JOB LOSSES 2011/12 TO 2013/14 Chief Executive Customer & Support Services Children's Services Community Health & Social Care - Neighbourhoods - Culture & Leisure - Adult Social Care Environment & Community Safety - Environment - Community Safety Sustainable Regeneration - Housing - Planning Cross-Cutting Total Efficiencies for the Year D:\99195018.doc SAVINGS 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 £000s £000s £000s 5,474 3,727 3,875 3,792 5,595 7,168 5,736 7,565 8,676 JOB LOSSES 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Nos Nos Nos 27 53 58 106 152 187 109 108 134 596 914 3,383 1,016 1,379 7,033 1,368 1,780 10,280 5 0 37 9 0 71 19 0 135 2,311 431 2,778 473 2,860 480 47 6 59 9 60 9 2,150 4,552 10,576 39,915 2,150 5,646 9,296 46,658 2,150 6,746 9,296 54,679 20 25 210 592 20 37 160 678 20 49 160 831 Appendix 2 Extract from 2011/12 Budget Report to Council 2nd March, 2011 PROJECTION OF THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET POSITION FOR 2012/13 Resources Available Council Tax Formula Grant Specific Grants £m 95.3 125.1 + 2.5% on 2011/12 Early Intervention Grant HB/CTB Admin Subsidy Preventing Homelessness Council Tax Freeze Grant Learning Difficulties Grant NHS Social Care Grant 13.3 2.7 0.2 2.3 7.3 3.5 ----------- 29.3 -----------249.7 Spending Requirement Base Budget (Revenue Spending Power) Adjustments for Commitments – BSF, Greengate Capital Financing Inflation Early pension costs (£4m to be spread over 3 years) 258.0 2.9 3.8 8.5 1.3 -----------274.5 Less : Savings – full year effect from 2011/12 budget - 6.7 -----------267.8 Less : Resources Available - Further Savings to find - 249.7 -----------18.1 ======= D:\99195018.doc Appendix 3 APPLICATION FOR CAPITALISATION DIRECTION 2011/12 See Annex A attached. 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