Part 1 ITEM NO. ___________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE REGENERATION ___________________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR PLANNING ON 5TH APRIL 2011 ___________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Highway Investment Programme Phase 43 Carriageway Surface Dressing Programme 2011/12 ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That Lead Member: 1) accepts the tender in the sum of £409,656.60; and 2) approves the Target Cost submitted by Urban Vision Highway Services (which includes the successful tender sum) in the sum of £633875.56 to deliver the Carriageway Surface Dressing Programme 2011/12. ___________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: One of the reasons that Urban Vision Partnership Limited was created was to reduce successful third party claims in order to release funding for highway improvements. This report seeks approval to the expenditure of £633875.56 from the Highway Investment Programme in order to improve the condition of the carriageways. ___________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Appendix A -List of streets to be treated. (Available for public inspection) ___________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: YES – this project forms part of the Highway Investment Programme that is already included on the forward plan ___________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: Tenders were invited from specialist surface dressing contractors to subcontract to Urban Vision Partnership Limited to supply and lay an end performance surface dressing programme. The following companies were invited to tender: Colas Limited, Birmingham; Kiely Brothers Limited, Birmingham; Road Maintenance Services, Knutsford; and Lancashire County Council, Preston. Three tender prices were submitted: £629222.70; £409656.60; and £467556.00. It should be noted that one firm did not return a tender. The tender in the sum of £409656.60 did not include treatment for two streets, which the contractor suggested were unsuitable for surface dressing. However when taking this into consideration, the tender supplied is still £29946.15 less than the next lowest tender submitted. The two streets deemed unsuitable shall be considered for alternative treatment such as Micro Asphalt. Colas Limited submitted the lowest tender, in the sum of £409656.60. In addition to the tender rates, an allowance for the replacement of road markings, along with the overheads incurred by Urban Vision Partnership Limited in managing the works is required. The overall estimated cost for the works is £633875.56. and includes the following provisions: Preliminaries; Measured Work; Risk; and Overhead. An element of the risk provision has been made within the Target Cost to allow for surface dressing to be laid to Leigh Road, Boothstown and Worsley Road, Worsley. These roads had been identified as suitable candidate roads for surface dressing, but the tenders had already been invited prior to their inclusion. It is proposed that these roads shall be included by means of a variation order to the contract and the risk provision within the target cost will cover that work. ___________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Connecting people to opportunities, Local Transport Plan ___________________________________________________________________ EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: Better maintained footways and carriageway make it easier for less able bodied and visually impaired people, to move around the City. The amendments to the revenue budget have been made in an attempt to ensure the continued safe movement of the public. However, the budget proposals, whilst potentially having an adverse effect on some of the highway maintenance service areas, are not intended to be discriminatory. ___________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Medium – The implementation of these works shall contribute to the reducing the cost of third party claims within the city. This treatment shall provide a waterproof surface that will preserve the structure of the highways in question. Failure to treat these roads will result in further deterioration, requiring more expensive structural repairs and leaving the council at risk from increased third party damage and/or injury claims. As a consequence, works can be targeted at other parts of the highway network. ___________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Highway Investment Programme ___________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by Tony Hatton ext 2904 The recommendations in the report will strengthen the Council’s position in defending third party highway/tripping claims. As the report refers to, it is legally accepted that it is not possible to maintain the highway completely free of all defects. Section 58 of the Highways Act 1980 provides the council with a possible defence to claims if it can adequately show that there was a sufficiently robust regime in place to inspect and maintain the highway, provided it is adequately carried out and the Council had no prior knowledge of the defect before any alleged incident date. By implementing the recommendations the Council will be better placed to either repudiate more third party highway claims entirely, or reduce the level of damages payable should settlement be deemed appropriate. In respect of the proposed variation to the existing contract, there is a risk that other tenderers may challenge the decision by arguing that a formal tender process ought to be / have been adopted for the variation to the contract to allow for surface dressing to be laid to Leigh Road, Boothstown and Worsley Road, Worsley, but it appears that the risk has been built in to target costs. ___________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by Alison Swinnerton ext 2585 There is sufficient funding available to support the Highways Investment Programme budget as detailed in this report. The Highways Investment Programme capital budget was agreed by Council in March 2011. ___________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: The works shall be programmed in accordance with the noticing requirements of the Traffic Management Act 2004. In addition, it is usual to consult with the Environmental Services Directorate to ensure that disruption to refuse/ recycling collections is kept to a minimum. In addition, all ward councillors shall be circulated with a copy of the programme of works, once available, and signs shall be erected on site prior to the commencement of operations to warn drivers. In addition, a letter drop shall be sent to all affected residents and businesses. Surface Dressing is a mobile operation and disruption is minimised in that regard. Out of hours notification shall be agreed with the Environmental Pollution Officers. ___________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Steve Mangan TEL. NO. 0161 603 4034 ___________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S):Barton, Boothstown and Ellenbrook, Broughton, Cadishead, Claremont, Eccles, Irlam, Irwell Riverside, Langworthy, Ordsall, Pendlebury, Swinton South, Walkden North, Walkden South, Winton. Appendix A.xls