PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF HEAD OF HUMAN RESOURCES TO LEAD MEMBER FOR CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES ON MONDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2008 TITLE: CRIMINAL RECORDS BUREAU DISCLOSURE PROCESS RECOMMENDATION: For information and update only. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report outlines the progress made since the dedicated CRB (Safe Employment Team) was established in November 2007 having been agreed as necessary via Lead Member in September 2007. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Report to lead Member 3rd September 2007. (Available for public inspection) ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Lead Member recognised that failure to discharge CRB responsibilities represented a significant risk to the Authority and that this could result in failure to safeguard the children and vulnerable adults being served by Local Authority staff and Client Organisations. SOURCE OF FUNDING: Directorate budgets LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: CONTACT OFFICER: n/a Irene Topping Debbie Brown WARD (S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE (S): Document1 TEL. NO. 793 3523 KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: 1. Background. 1.1 The CRB was established in 2002 in response to public concerns about the safety of children and vulnerable adults. The Disclosure Service was introduced so that relevant information held by different police forces and government agencies could be made available from one source, to appropriate organisations in a more efficient and effective way. 1.2 If an individual is employed by ourselves or is a volunteer for the organisation and that work will bring them into contact with children or vulnerable adults, they must have the appropriate CRB check in place. For example, if they work as a teacher, care worker, scout & guide leader, registered childminder, sports coach, youth club worker, foster carer or adoptive parent. 1.3 Some service areas (predominately social care) have been subject to an inspection regime which has required existing employees to be CRB checked. Some services have taken the opportunity to check all existing employees as they have become new organisations. For example SCL (Salford Community Leisure) decided to check all existing staff as part of their arrangements for establishing SCL as a new organisation. Officers within the Fostering Service are re-checked every 3 years as are staff within the Youth Service. 1.4 The Safe Recruitment and Vetting Policy (which was agreed by Lead Member on 31st March 2008) made clear the intention to check all staff based within its schools and to recheck these individuals every 3 years to ensure that any convictions following the initial CRB check are identified and considered. 1.5 In addition, the ‘Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006’ provides the legal framework for the new Independent Safeguarding Authority Scheme. This scheme requires all appropriate individuals employed by ourselves or volunteers for the organisation to be registered to the scheme. In essence this is the same group that require a CRB Disclosure. 1.6 To register for the scheme a CRB Disclosure form must be completed. The Scheme will commence in Autumn 2009 and Salford City Council will have to Document1 ensure that all appropriate staff and volunteers are registered. Employment of staff or use of volunteers who are not on the scheme will be regarded as an offence under the Act. There will be in excess of 7,200 staff who will need to be registered on this scheme during the timeframe specified. 2. Current Situation 2.1 The Safe Employment Team became operational on 12th November 2007. The Team comprises of: 1 x Manager 1 x Senior Advisor 4 Safe Employment Team Assistants. Totalling 216 hours per week 2.2 Since that time the Team have concentrated their efforts upon the large number of staff based in Schools for whom the authority did not have CRB Disclosure evidence in place. This has meant that 3700 schools based staff in 99 schools across Salford now have a completed CRB in place and will be subject to a recheck every three years – this includes those staff employed pre 2002 when CRB legislation first came into place. 2.3 Salford City Leisure services staff had previously been checked at the time that the CRB process came into being and subsequently the Safe Employment Team has revisited their staffing numbers and have rechecked 355 existing staff as well as bringing new staff into their checking process. 2.4. Since the local elections in May 2008 all newly elected Members and those reselected but with a CRB older that three years have also been brought into the checking programme. 75 councillors have been contacted and there remain 27 Members outstanding. 2.5 Ofsted required that all schools based staff should be checked and as such the Safe Employment Team has processed 630 CRB applications for Citywide cleaning and Catering staff. 2.6 The early adoption of Contact Point, the new national system for the protection of vulnerable children will also require significant number of staff who have not previously been CRB checked, for example IT Consultants to be enhanced CRB checked by January 2009. At the present time the Safe Employment Team is assisting the Children’s Services Directorate to check over 50 staff who are to be engaged in the pilot run of Contact Point from January 2009. It is likely that there may be several hundred employees or users of Contact Point in the future once the system is embedded and this will form an ongoing work programme for the Team. 2.7 The Safe Employment Team utilises an access database to manage and record progress in all of the CRB cases and at present there are 8788 records stored upon it. The database has been developed and improvements made to refine processing and so each Safe Employment Team Assistant Document1 manages a caseload of Schools or Directorate areas with performance management data available to help them to track progress on each CRB case. Elements of the process are linked to SAP so that the central SAP staff record holds data about a Person’s CRB status as necessary. Discussions are in progress with ICT Services to refine or replace the access database to come in line with the Think Efficiency programme. 2.8 The Team was also resourced to undertake CRB checks for other public/private organisations for a fee enabling the Team to become self funding. To date there are 16 Umbrella groups being supported via the Safe Employment Team with 46 plus 21 Sports Council and 20 GMPA CRB applications having been processed. 2.9 Additional work has been ongoing with other Directorates within the City Council for example within the Children’s Services and Community Health and Social Care directorates there have been 430 applications processed. Smaller Directorate areas have also been supported – Chief Executive’s, Housing and planning as well as 50 new applicants from Customer Services – some of which were in support of the newly developed Gateway staff (see Summary Table at point 3). 2.10 Other key duties of the Team have been (and are ongoing) To review, create and develop fit for purpose policies and procedures for the CRB Team. Prepare reports for presentation on the changes to legislation, policy and organisational arrangements for service delivery. To undertake audits of customers internal processes to ensure compliance with CRB guidance. To act as an effective liaison officer with a range of external bodies To monitor and control team workloads, performance, direct priorities and take action to ensure that targets are met. To ensure that the necessary training and development is provided to all staff within the team and to contribute to the wider organisational development of the CRB Process. 3 Summary Table of work completed. Directorate/Section No of Applications processed Schools 3700 Citywide (clean/cater) 630 Members 75 Contact Point 50 Salford Comm Leisure 355 Umbrella Clients 46 Sports Council 21 GMPA 20 Children's Service 390 Comm Health & Social Care 140 Chief Executive 20 Document1 Housing Customer Services Total 20 50 5517 4. Customer Feedback In planning for a Team development day we have sought to have some feedback from our Directorate customers. Enclosed below are a few testimonials which add credence to the work that we are doing and which we can use as a platform to further enhance relationships and gain more customer areas. .1” We have found the contact with your team to be extremely helpful. All contacts from our team have been met with friendly, helpful and knowledgeable advice. Advice on policies and processes has aided our organisation. Speed of process is much improved, although would still like it speedier! Our managers are very clear and confident in your team’s expertise and support for us. We have had a number of “more interesting” issues to deal with over the last several months and together have considered each on its own merits – your team’s understanding of the issues and willingness to find solutions and work through issues has been refreshing. All in all we have been extremely pleased with how things have progressed and would like to thank you and your colleagues for your support and involvement with us.” (SCL) .2” Telephone /face to face - The team always respond quickly. Everyone I have dealt with has been very professional and helpful and had a very customer oriented approach. Lovely telephone manner and helpful emails from all concerned. Management information - I get regular feedback from individuals which is great and very helpful. It would also be helpful for each recruiting manager to receive a report on the status of all requests you have made as a manager so you could tie this up with your own information. This would be great as a once monthly return. Al my requests for information are dealt with quickly and effectively and I have great confidence in the advice given. Please forgive my ignorance but have you got a website that we can look up the latest guidance or could you produce an e-newsletter to keep us all up to date?. It is very good that staff/governors can make an appointment to get help with this. I have received good feedback from staff and governors alike. The support for the governor training programme has been excellent. Generally I have seen the setting up of this team as a very positive development for the council services. It has helped me and my team a great deal. The team are very easy to work with and the procedures are clear and easy to follow and I have a lot more confidence in our safeguarding systems since the team was set up”. (Governor Services) .3 ” May I start by passing on a huge 'thanks' to you and the team, I think your work with the Skills Centre Staff is making a real difference, and it feels like we are on top of the CRB requirements. I like you feel that now we have started to work with you, the processes will become much more smoother, and should be going on in the background. The staff feel it is going to work well.” (Salford Skills Centre) Document1