PART 1 ITEM NO. (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) _________________________________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENT _________________________________________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR ENVIRONMENT ON 7th APRIL 2008. To Environment, Housing and Planning Scrutiny 21st APRIL 2008 _________________________________________________________________________________________ TITLE: ALLOTMENTS: A RESPONSE TO ENVIRONMENT, HOUSING & PLANNING SCRUTINY MINUTES, OF THE MEETING HELD ON THE 21ST JANUARY 2008 _________________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: That £5,000 be allocated from the 2008/9 capital programme for allotments to execute Action EHP5/GP5 in Table 1 below. APPROVED That £20,000 be allocated from the 2008/9 capital programme for allotments to execute Action GP2 in Table 1 below. APPROVED That £2,000 be allocated from the 2008/9 capital programme for allotments to execute Action GP6/13 in Table 1 below. APPROVED That £23,000 be allocated from the 2008/9 capital programme to reduce the waiting list by improve existing allotment plots. APPROVED (S _________________________________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report provides feedback on actions required by the EH&P Scrutiny Committee, as well as those proposed in the Green paper. It also recommends a way forward for allocation of capital to deliver elements of the action plan in 2008/9. _________________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (available for public inspection) Developing the Future Direction of Salford’s Allotment Service – A Green Paper Discussion Document _________________________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Low _________________________________________________________________________________________ THE SOURCE OF FUNDING IS: 2008-9 Approved Capital Programme _________________________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: _________________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: _________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Alan Rowley. Tel: 0161 736 0551 _________________________________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S) All _________________________________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: please delete those not appropriate Budget Monitoring Community Strategy Cultural Strategy Environmental Strategy Equalities Health Planning Strategy Procurement Policies Regeneration _________________________________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: A report entitled ‘Developing the Future Direction of Salford’s Allotment Service – A Green Paper Discussion Document’ was present to the Environment, Housing & Planning Scrutiny Committee on the 21 st January 2008. Minutes from the meeting were received in early February requesting feedback on a number of issues which are identified below. Note: The Items coded EHP refers to the action number on the Action plan contained within the Minutes of the Environment, Housing & Planning Scrutiny Committee held on the 21st January 2008. The GP reference refers to the green paper action plan reference, as presented to the Scrutiny Committee on the above date. Item EHP1 Table 1 Progress on Actions Actions contained in E,H&P Scrutiny Minutes Update Review the aims outlined on page 14 of the green The pledges were reviewed by the meeting of the paper - discussion document. Full report on action Salford Allotment Association on the 1st April 2008 so far and planned actions for the future with and agreed as they stand. timescales and costings to be presented to the April Environment, Housing and Planning Overview and Scrutiny Committee. EHP2 Review the admin processes in respect of issuing invoices for future years to avoid the present situation from arising again. Being undertaken as part of the pricing review. GP4 Establish Chartermark working group to bring allotment customer services up to required standard. Complete September 2008 Feedback from tenant surveys has identified this as a key area for improvement and steps are now being taken to address the issues. EHP3 GP1/9 Implement appointees to run allotment sites and monitor accordingly. Full report on action so far and planned actions for the future with timescales to be presented to the April Environment Housing and Planning Overview and Scrutiny Committee. From April 2008, four allotment sites will be entering into a self-management arrangement with the council. The four sites are, Cawdor Street, Destructor, Lorne Street and Tindall Street. Trustees from each of the sites will be appointed to run the day to day affairs of their sites. EHP4 With regards to Cleavleys; clarify the contract with the mobile mast company with regards to putting right the damage caused when driving on and off the site. To be reported on at the meeting. GP2 GP2 proposed that the Council liaises with major partners such as the PCT to identify joint working initiatives A first meeting was held with officers from the PCT in February and it has been provisionally agreed to work together on a bid to restore Cleavley allotments which has 17 sub-standard plots and 16 on the waiting list in an LAA target area. The PCT has now committed £15,000 to this project and the Council £20,000. Item EHP5 Table 1 Progress on Actions Actions contained in E,H&P Scrutiny Minutes Update Audit of all sites to be undertaken. Audit to be Appendix 1 identifies the condition of sites presented at the April 2008 meeting of E H & P Scrutiny GP5 Item 5 of the Green Paper action plan proposed that a detailed report identifying what needs to be done at what cost to bring the 112 sub-standard plots back into use and to maintain them. £5,000 has now been allocated from the Council’s capital programme to undertake survey work and produce estimates for restoration. Review Salford’s CC’s charging policy regarding discounts for OAP’s disabled people and those on benefits. Considerations and forthcoming actions to be reported at the April 2008 E H & P Scrutiny. Secure policy decision on charges and concessions for the period Apr 2010 – Mar 2015. Item 15 of the Green Paper proposed the production of a detailed Lead member report in October 2008 to determine policy on charges and concessions for the period Apr 2010 – Mar 2015. This would leave sufficient time to introduce these charges for 2010. The review leading up to the draft report will be undertaken between April and September and as a result, no progress has yet been made on this item. EHP7 GP5 Poorlots - report on the situation regarding the 22 disused plots including ideas on what can be done to resolve the situation and bring back the unused but much needed plots back into use. As stated above, Item 5 of the Green Paper action plan proposed that a detailed report identifying what needs to be done at what cost to bring the 112 sub-standard plots back into use and to maintain them. EHP8 GP5/12 Action Plan to be presented to April Committee regarding disused sites especially Cumberland Avenue and Addison Road and how they could be brought back into use. Ideas on how this could be achieved costs involved timescales etc. As stated above, Item 5 of the Green Paper action plan proposed that a detailed report identifying what needs to be done at what cost to bring the 112 sub-standard plots back into use and to maintain them. EHP9 Action Plan for enforcing rules on allotments sites to be presented to April E H & P Scrutiny Committee Procedure to be presented at the Scrutiny Meeting. EHP10 Update on Lower Kersal allotments regarding empty plots etc to be presented to April E H & P Scrutiny Committee In January 2008 there were six substandard plots at this site. Since that time, three have been brought back into use and have been offered out to prospective tenants. EHP11 Report to April E H & P Scrutiny Committee regarding proposals to join up the finance and lettings sections so they can work in partnership. Being undertaken as part of the charges and concessions review EHP12 Protocol to be presented to April E H & P Scrutiny Committee regarding letters (Notices) to quit and follow-up procedures so that plots can be re-let more speedily following someone relinquishing a plot. EHP13 Report to April Committee regarding infrastructure issues on allotments - security water supply and drainage Actions contained in Green paper but not included in E,H&P Scrutiny Minutes Include allotment performance information for key areas such as waiting lists, site quality and If a plot is deemed to be uncultivated, the tenant will receive an ‘A1’ warning letter. The plot is then inspected one month later. If there is no change, the tenant will receive an ‘A2’ warning letter. If there is no change by the next monthly inspection the tenant will receive a ‘Notice to Quit.’ The notice allows the tenant thirty days to vacate their plot. After that period the plot is offered to the next person on the waiting list. The process takes three months to complete. See Appendix 1 EHP6 GP15 GP16 GP3 The feedback from the 2007 allotment tenant survey identified that all areas have shown some Item Table 1 Progress on Actions Actions contained in E,H&P Scrutiny Minutes Update customer feedback, into 2008/9 performance improvement but the most significant gains have management framework by March 2008 been: Communication: Improved from 24% considering good to very good in 2006 up to 42% in 2007. Recycling 33% in 2006 up to 51% in 2007. General appearance 51% in 2006 up to 67% in 2007 Level of information 31% in 2006 up to 46% in 2007. Targets are now being set for 2008 and will be discussed at the meeting. GP6/13/14 Liaise with colleagues within Housing and Planning and local prospective tenants to identify areas for new allotment garden sites. Provide funding for and produce report on sites identified in 1.3 above, providing details, capital and revenue estimates for establishment and maintenance (£2,000). Secure policy decision on way forward with creation of new September 2008 Discussions have taken place and a site has been earmarked in Ordsall. The next stage is to determine what is required at what cost to make any venture a success. £2,000 has now been set aside from the Council’s capital project to work with partners on the development of a project. GP7 Identify possible resources to support the creation of a community allotment development post and produce a report on way forward GP8 Identify and pursue external funding opportunities to improve the standards of allotments within the City of Salford Identify ways of engaging with the wider community on the value of allotments. Officers are liaising with the PCT and other partners such as the Salford Allotment Association on the possibilities for a joint bid to the Big Lottery Food programme. See GP2/6 above GP10 GP11 Update SCC Allotment Regulations GP17 Produce ‘partnership’ strategy for the future direction of the service, with vision; clear plans and funding for achieving the vision As GP7 above This is on the agenda for the next meeting of the Salford Allotments Association and Officers will attend this meeting to discuss possible amendments. There will be a sub committee of delegates and Officers to review current regulations and proposals for actions. The Allotment charter for 2008/2009 was reviewed and approved without any amendments at the meeting of the Salford Allotments Association held on April 1st 2008. Ongoing ________________________________________________________________________________________ Appendix 1 ALLOTMENT SITES Location Allotment Site Littleton Road Weaste Beechfied Bingham Street Clovelly Cotton Street Destructor Moss Lane Townsend Road Victoria Park Blackleach Cawdor Street Hilton Lane Mountain Street Toad Lane Tynesbank Cleavley Lorne Street New Hall Ave Tindall Street Addison Road Cumberland Ave Dixon Street Poorlots Car Park Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Communal Hut Yes Yes No No No No No UNDER No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No UNDER UNDER No No Council Shed Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Re-cycling Centre Yes Yes No No No No No REVIEW No No No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes REVIEW REVIEW No No Pigeon Stock Toilet Water Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Site condition GOOD GOOD DERELICT POOR FAIR FAIR FAIR DERELICT POOR FAIR FAIR GOOD GOOD POOR GOOD GOOD FAIR POOR FAIR GOOD DERELICT DERELICT POOR GOOD