25th November, 2010
The Cathedral School of St Peter and John,
Mount Street,
Meeting commenced: 6.35 p.m.
ended: 9.30 p.m.
PRESENT: Ann-Marie Pickup – in the Chair
Graham Stringer MP
Councillors Coen, Connor, Humphreys, King, McIntyre and Mold
P. Ball – ISCOPE
S. Calver – Screaming Green
A. Bickerton – DGUGG
L. Sidwell – Salford Crescent Neighbourhood Association
J. Stone – BRA
l. Stone – BRA
P. Brodie – Vertical Villages
A. Searle – Friends of Kersal Moor
l. Eastham – GAINS Residents Association
J. Murphy – Catholic Fellowship
N. Tomlinson – Wellington Residents
I. Waite – Resident
R. Gregg – NBRA
G. Waite – Clowes Gardners and Broughton Artist
L. Craven – St Thomas Church
L. Carr – Lower Kersal Residents Association
L. Marsland – Lower Kersal Residents Forum
H. Davies – Kersal Vale Allotments
B. Kitchingman – Friends of Kersal Moor
S. Grant – Binoh
D. Page – Lower Broughton Optimist Group
C. Sumner – The Broughton Trust
G. Cooper – Olivers Youth Club
D. Crowcroft – Wellington Street West Residents Association
E. Jones – Resident
M. Thorpe – The Broughton Trust
D. Nicholas – Hill Street Residents Association
A. Barclay – TARG
H. Dunn – Resident
A. Dunn – Resident
S. Carson – SDM
B. Carson – HBAC
S. Kingston – Salford Star
N. Harvey – The Angel
S. Fisher – SDF/Link
M. McDonagh – Resident
OFFICERS: Roger Baldry – Neighbourhood Manager
Paul Walker – Area Co-ordinator
John Chapman – Neighbourhood Development Worker
Bernadette Elder – New Deal for Communities
Linda Richings – University of Salford
Jack Sharp – Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Leo Clifton – Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Andy Stockton – Urban Vision
Mary Rolfe – Salix Homes
Leanne Nealon – Democratic Services, Salford City Council
Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Merry
Inspector Bailey, Stephen Ord, Paul Dennett, Rev Mark Haworth,
Father Jonathan Ellcock, Gerry Stone, Kevin Coakley, Keith Groves
and Joe Tobin.
Ken Gee from Salford Probation Service gave a brief outline of what
Community Payback is and the role and work they undertook in the
Community. He left contact details and asked that if any Community
Groups had any work that Community Payback could assist with to
contact him.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the last meeting held on 30 th
September, 2010 be approved as a correct record.
Environmental Task Group
John Chapman informed that Committee that extra free skips would
now be distributed across the East Salford area as promised at the
last meeting. He also informed the Committee that a sub group of
the Environmental Task Group had been set up and would be
meeting next week to discuss issues around waste and recycling
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
Cherry Trees Nursery
The Community committee were informed that Cherry Trees
Nursery would not be able to be based at Salford FC as the building
had been deemed inappropriate for the nursery to use.
The Committee expressed their concerns with how the nursery had
been treated and were disappointed that Cherry Trees had been
assured at the consultation for the new build of the football club that
they would be accommodated at the new facility. Committee
requested a response as to why Cherry Trees were not allowed to
use the new facilities. Roger Baldry stated that he would seek an
answer from Salford FC.
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.
RESOLVED: (2) THAT Roger Baldry contacts Salford FC and
obtains an answer as to why Cherry Trees cannot use the new
football club facilities after being assured they could.
Mink on the River Irwell
RESOLVED: THAT a further update be given at the next meeting.
Equalities Act
Graham Cooper questioned the policy adopted by public houses in
Salford that disallows any one under 25 from entering when the
license clearly states that anyone over 18 can be served with
alcohol. He stated that this was discriminating to under 25 year olds
and asked could this matter be investigated and an update be
provided at the next meeting.
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.
RESOLVED: (2) THAT an update be provided at the next meeting.
Proceeds of crime
Graham Cooper questioned whether some of the proceeds of crime
or any money confiscated from criminal sources could be given to
Community Committee to assist in tackling community priorities
such as reducing crime and anti social behaviour and asked what
Greater Manchester Police would think about this idea. He asked
for an update at the next meeting.
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.
RESOLVED: (2) THAT Greater Manchester Police provide an
update at the next meeting.
Wallness Lane toilets
Roger Baldry reported that a contract for tender had been issued to
have the toilets demolished.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
Highways Devolved Budget
John Chapman provided an update in relation to completion dates
and costs for works being funded by the Highways Devolved
Doctor Brian Hope, Medical Director at Salford Primary Care Trust
attended the Community Committee to answer questions in relation
to the proposed closure of the Walk in Centre based in Pendleton.
The Chair requested that Members of the Community Committee
ask Doctor Hope questions and they be forwarded on to him for him
to provide sufficient answers.
She asked Doctor Hope where members of the public were
expected to go if they needed to see a GP that day as it was difficult
to get an appointment at surgeries and patients normally had to wait
several days.
Amanda Bickerton asked why Primary Care was being cut in the
poorest areas and why the GP Practice that served the Cities
homeless people had been cut to one day per week with just a
nurse serving them.
Linda Carr suggested that all Doctors surgeries be improved and
ready to deal with more patients if the Walk In Centres close as
patients currently cannot get to speak to doctors or see them on the
same day making the Walk in Centres peoples first choice to go to
and to be treated immediately.
Mike Thorpe questioned whether GPs were signed up to the GP
Graham Cooper enquired about the Walk in Centres being moved
to the Gateways and Healthy Living Centres?
Councillor King asked if there were any proposals to have a Walk in
Centre at Salford Royal Hospital and if there was how would
residents from the Broughton area get there?
George Waite asked if GP Surgeries could become Walk in
Councillor McIntyre as asked if the Walk in Centre at Pendleton was
part of the Private Finance Initiative and questioned how the
residents from Broughton were expected to get to Salford Royal
with no direct bus service?
Stephen Kingston asked if the Walk in Centres were in deficit.
Paul Brodie stated that there was no logic in what the NHS was
doing by closing the Walk in Centres, and asked where information
was that demonstrated walk-in centres were being incorrectly used
by the public, on complaints against the Centres and complaints
about GPs for the public to view.
Councillor King questioned what would happen to the staff currently
working in the Centres?
The Chair thanked Dr Hope for attending and stated that any
questions put towards him would be noted and forwarded on to him
for him to answer.
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.
RESOLVED: (2) THAT the questioned and issues raised at this
meeting be noted and forwarded on to Dr Hope.
Steven Kingston informed the Committee that the Salford Star had
made an application to the Budget Sub Group in April that was
rejected as Salford City Council did not fund publications. Salford
Star appealed against the decision which was rejected again.
Steven informed Committee that since then he had been informed
that another publication had been granted funding of £5000 and
questioned why this had happened, whether it had been subjected
to the same scrutiny as the Star's application and why this
application had been granted when the Salford Star had not?
Roger Baldry informed the meeting that the application had been
scrutinised by his Directorate in equal measure to that of the Salford
Star. Legal opinion had been sought and considered along with the
details set out in the application by the Budget Sub Group who
approved the application.
Some members of the Community Committee suggested that they
felt that Salford Star had been singled out and discriminated
Paul Walker, Area Co-ordinator, stated that he would investigate
the matter and provide an update at the next meeting.
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.
RESOLVED: (2) THAT an update with regard to granting of funds to
local publications be provided at the next meeting.
RESOLVED: (3) THAT the recommendations arising from the
meeting of the Budget Sub Group held on 12th October, 2010 and
2nd November, 2010 be approved.
Graham Stringer MP attended the meeting to discuss with
Committee the issues and problems with public transport in the
East Salford area. Mr Stringer had copies of letters he had sent to
GMPTE complaining about bus services in Broughton, bus services
from Broughton, Kersal and Cheetham to Salford Quays and the
X41 and X43 services and copies of a number of complaints from
local residents. Mr Stringer informed the Committee that he had
written to the Secretary of GMITA Sir Howard Bernstein highlighting
to him the there was a provision in the Local Transport Act 2008
that allowed the PTE and ITA to take control of buses fares and
routes whom had responded saying that GMITA would not be
looking at this issue but would be willing to look at a
Voluntary/quality partnership with the service providers. He assured
Members that he would continue to pursue the matter and asked
that they to continue to raise concerns with the poor service of
public transport in the East Salford area.
Discussions ensued in respect of:
the poor quality of services in particular routes to Salford
Quays and Salford Royal from the area;
the effect cuts in budgets will have on services that are
already poor;
deregulating the bus services in Greater Manchester
free transport for the over 60s and this provision only being
useful if the services are there for them to use;
the need for an integrated ticket system in Greater
disabled scooters not having access to the Metrolink;
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
The Committee were introduced to Michael Bamberger the East
Salford Salford Royal Foundation Trust Governor. Michael gave a
presentation that included information on the following:
Information on the hospital;
The services the hospital provides in Salford and the North
The composition of the Council of Governors;
The statutory duties of the Governors;
Engagement work;
Community priorities in relation to the hospitals future
developments, how the hospital can improve the lives of the
people in the Community, how can patients and carers
experience of the hospital and it staff be improved and how
do the community think the hospital can safely reduce its
The Chair questioned how hospitals can safely reduce costs and
stated that hospital funds are not available for the public to view.
She suggested that the presentation made be given to Members
and this be an item on the agenda for the next meeting.
The Committee discussed the following issues:
The closure of the Maternity Unit;
The hospital becoming a fair-trade hospital;
Homeless people in the city and the facilities available to
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.
RESOLVED: (2) THAT this item be discussed at the next meeting.
Castle Irwell
Harry Davies informed the Committee of a proposal to bring back
the Manchester races back to Castle Irwell.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
Article in Life in Salford Magazine
Pete Ball informed the Committee of an article in Life in Salford
magazine providing the elderly with advice on how to save money
on fuel bills.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
Salford Crescent
Linda Sidwell informed the Committee that Salford Crescent
Neighbourhood Association had been grated a lottery grant of
£48,000 to make improvements to Station Square.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
New Deal for Communities
Graham Cooper informed the Committee that he had recently been
on an estate walkabout in the Whit Lane area and raised concerns
on behalf of the local residents in relation to the deadlines set by
New Deal for Communities regarding relocation of residents in the
area. He stated that the residents felt like they had been forgotten
about and requested an update from New Deal for Communities at
the next meeting.
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.
RESOLVED: (2) THAT an update be provided by NDC at the next
Vine Street/Bury New Road
Alice Searle informed the Committee that there were two grade two
listed buildings on Vine Street and Bury New Road that were in
need of repair work she questioned whether the City Council could
put pressure on the owners of the buildings to carry out such repair
Roger Baldry stated that he would speak to Alice personally about
this issue.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
Mary Rolfe reported that Salix Homes had funding for the cleaning
up of Grot Spots in the area and that 31 spots had been highlighted
up to now in the Central Salford area. She asked the Committee to
nominate any areas that might benefit from this funding then priority
sites would be agreed and work carried out.
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.
RESOLVED: (2) THAT Members of the Committee inform Salix
Homes of any areas that would benefit from this funding.
Roger Baldry submitted a report asking the Committee to approve
the establishment of a Community Learning Grant Fund of £3000
per annum. Members were asked to approve the following
a) Approve £1500 for the current financial year and £3000 per
year for the following two years.
b) Approve that the fund be administered in the same way and
in the same guidelines, as the pilot fund set up in 2008,
taking into account lessons learnt from the pilot.
c) Approve that after 3 years (October 2013), the fund and its
usage be reviewed with a view to seeking Community
Committee’s approval for a further period.
Discussions ensued in respect of:
What the grant should be used to fund;
Any of the grant that doesn’t get spent be transferred to the
following budget next year;
Allocating the money from previous grants that has not been
spent to this years grant;
Ensuring how the grant is spent is recorded and registered
RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted.
RESOLVED: (2) THAT the recommendations be approved.
Roger Baldry provided the Committee with a crime and disorder
update on the following offences:
Burglary dwelling;
Theft from a motor vehicle;
Theft of a motor vehicle;
Criminal damage;
The group were informed that there had been a surge in vehicle
crime over the past seven days and that the Police had responded
to this by ensuring officers were patrolling the affected areas at the
right time and that suspected offenders were being visited daily.
RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.
RESOLVED: THAT the next meeting of the East Salford
Community committee be held on Thursday, 27th January, 2011 at
6.30 p.m.