SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 14 July, 2010 Meeting commenced: 4.00 p.m. “ ended: 6.45 p.m. PRESENT: Steve Hopkins (Primary Schools Governors) - in the Chair Schools Members Martin Hanbury Pat Wilford } } } } ] ] ] } } Special Schools Secondary Schools Head Teachers and Senior Management Team Members Primary Head Teachers and Senior Management Team Members - Faith Communities Teacher Trade Unions The 14 - 19 Partnership Paula Summersfield Rob Sides Daphne Downing - Peter Kidd - Principal Group Accountant Management Accountant Principal Officer, Commissioning Team (SEN Team) Senior Scrutiny Support Officer Joe Bourke Ann McQuirk Daniel Gauld Lee Pridden Catherine Provoost Paula Howe Secondary Schools Governors Non-School Members Alex Klein Judith Elderkin Steve Garner (for Jon Stonehouse) Officers 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Steve Aveyard and Philip Harte (Secondary Heads) and Jon Stonehouse (The 14 - 19 Partnership). 2. MEMBERSHIP OF FORUM E. Haddock (Academy representative) has failed to attend any meeting since her appointment. The Chair suggested that as per the constitution, she be removed from the forum and the Oasis Academy be approached to provide a representative for the Forum. R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf140710.doc SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 14 JULY, 2010 RESOLVED: THAT the Oasis Academy be approached to provide a representative to replace E. Haddock. 3. FORUM RESOLUTIONS – UPDATE Members have found this to be a helpful and worthwhile document. The Chair suggested that the time is right to reduce its size and look to remove completed items. Members clarified the purpose of the Music Standard Funds Grant (11) – a government grant to local authorities for music service provision. RESOLVED: THAT a copy of the Department of Education’s response to the funding review submission (150) be circulated to Forum members. 4. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS The minutes of the meeting held on 16 May, 2010, were approved as a correct record. 5. MATTERS ARISING (a) Forum Constitution The chair asked if members were happy with the revised version of the terms of reference and constitution, which include the recent changes to the forum membership. A discussion took place with regard to item 4.2.2. and the final bullet point in 4.2.4. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the two points be joined together; the chair will agree the wording with Mike McHugh, Clerk to the Forum. (2) THAT subject to (1) above, the terms of reference and constitution be approved. (b) Harnessing Technology Grant Update The precise figure for numbers signed up was not available, it stands at around 80% but numbers were still coming in. RESOLVED: THAT the finalised figures be presented at the next meeting. 6. REPORT TO SCHOOL GOVERNORS The Chair presented the draft version of the annual report on the activities of the Forum. 2 R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf140710.doc SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 14 JULY, 2010 A discussion took place on how governors should be elected to the forum. It was suggested that nominations should be sought from governing bodies rather than write to all governors. The nominations will be used to fill vacancies as they arise. If there are more nominations than places then the Chairs of Governing bodies will be asked to select a preferred candidate. Members discussed the potential timing lag between the ending of a governor’s term of office, which can be premature, and the conclusion of an election process. Members agreed that governor representatives could continue as full members until the conclusion of the nomination and election process to prevent any gaps and preserve continuity. Members asked how this could be communicated with governing bodies. It was suggested that a note could be added to circulars produced by governor services. RESOLVED: (1) THAT Governor representatives could continue to attend the Forum as full member until the nomination and election process is completed. (2) THAT the constitution is reviewed to determine if it needs adjusting to reflect the above resolution. (3) THAT governing bodies be informed of the process by Governor Services 7. CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLES TRUST In Mike McHugh’s absence, Daniel Gauld (Primary Head) provided a verbal update on the development of the newly established Trust. The Trust is one of the mechanisms to help coordinate the work of the council and its partners in delivering the range of services that impact on young people. The new Trust reports to the Strategic Partnership, it will develop a Children’s Trust Plan, setting out the priorities for the city and it will have the power to commission changes to services from partners to address the national performance indicators that directly or indirectly impact on children and young people. It was suggested that there should be a mechanism to report the work of the Trust to Head Teachers and to Schools Forum members. The Trust may look to the Forum to support funding if something needs to be done in the partnership. A line in the Section 251 budget statement allowed for this. Members wanted someone to come to a future meeting to discuss the development further. Paula Summersfield will talk to senior managers in Children’s Services to find out who would be the best person to attend. RESOLVED: THAT a nominated person attend a future Forum meeting to discuss the development of the Children and Young People’s Trust. 3 R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf140710.doc SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 14 JULY, 2010 8. SCHOOLS FORMULA REVIEW GROUP UPDATE Rob Sides provided a verbal update; the group has met on 2 occasions to work through the formula and its effects. There are some quite alarming differences between Primary sector funding levels in Salford and the regional and national comparisons, in particular for age weighted pupil funding. The group is to examine this closely along with other areas in future meetings and will return to the Forum with its recommendations. It was suggested that schools be made aware of the Review Group and be invited to contact the members should they wish to. This information can be added to the next e-bulletin to schools. RESOLVED: (1) THAT a written update on the work of the Review Group be brought to the next meeting. (2) THAT information on the Review Group and member contact details is circulated to head teachers via an e-bulletin. Also the chairs of Governors are added to the circulation list. 9. MEETING WITH THE LEAD MEMBER 2010.11 WORK PROGRAMME The Chair provided details of a meeting, held on 28 June, 2010, with the Lead Member of Children’s Services. This was a useful meeting in which the Lead member recognised the support the Forum provides to the work of the directorate. In Future these meetings will take place once a term. The following work programme issues were discussed (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Formula Review- the work of the sub group is to continue. Forum Support for the restructure of the SEN Service – a special piece of work for the Forum may be considered in this area. Update reports on School Budget Deficits would come to the Forum. The Interim report from the 21 Century Learning Commission would be shared with the Forum. Updates from the Children and Young Peoples Trust Board. Training for members. Daniel Gauld informed the meeting about the involvement of the University of Salford in developing an accredited professional qualification for members of the Children and Young People’s Trust board. Perhaps this could be a training route to look at for Forum members. Member turnover was suggested as potentially limiting this possibility but it was also suggested that it could contribute to member retention. (7) The absence of a Governors Forum was discussed as possibly contributing to difficulty of developing governing bodies. RESOLVED: (1) THAT the Scrutiny Sub Group Report on school balances would come to the Forum after its presentation to Cabinet. 4 R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf140710.doc SALFORD SCHOOLS FORUM 14 JULY, 2010 (2) THAT the finance team will discuss training for members on Section 251 at the agenda setting meeting. (3) THAT Training for School Governors is considered for next years agenda. 10. DEDICATED SCHOOLS GRANT AND SEN UPDATE Due to the similarities in the 2 agenda items members decided to review them together. Paula Summersfield delivered a report on the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Outturn. It described the make up of the DSG, the areas of expenditure, overspends, the reasons for overspends and the actions to reduce expenditure. Daphne Downing presented a report on the Future Strategy of SEN provision across Salford. This report described the current SEN provision in Salford, it indicated the average costs per pupil and the impact of increasing demand for SEN on the budget, largely attributable to lack of places in maintained schools and the need to fund places in the non-maintained sector. Members clarified the different categories of need and the difference between learning difficulty and special needs. They were also pleased to hear that the service does its utmost to support all pupils’ religious and cultural needs and were given some examples. Member also considered what may happen in the future to restructure or increase SEN provision. The Children’s services directorate have made a commitment to thoroughly review the SEN provision. The Forum is keen to assist the review and decided to form a subgroup to look at the funding implications of the review. Members decided the subgroup needs to be ready to begin work in the autumn term, and so will announce the intention to create a subgroup and invite volunteers to join before the next meeting. Work will also begin on a paper for the Forum which will set out the remit for the group. RESOLVED: (1) THAT work will be started over the summer to establish a subgroup, that could be confirmed by Forum at the September meeting, to assist with the SEN review. Forum members will be invited to join via email. (2) THAT a paper on the remit of the subgroup be prepared ready for the September meeting. 11. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: THAT the next meeting of this Forum be held on Wednesday, 29 September, 2010, in a Committee Room at the Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, at 4.00 p.m. 5 R:\status\working\admin\omin\ssf140710.doc