Part 1
FOR BRIEFING ON 19th February, 2008
FOR DECISION ON 4th March, 2008
TITLE: A strategy for sponsorship and advertising
That Lead Member for Planning approves:
1. That Urban Vision carries out a survey of all the main arterial roads within Salford
and provides a schedule of all hoardings to determine exactly what advertising is
in place.
2. That Urban Vision improves the use of the existing hoarding sites across the City
and appoints a consultant at its own expense to carry out the survey and to assist
in achieving the best rental income for Salford.
3. That Urban Vision works closely with the URC and Salford City Council to explore
the potential for developing a high quality and design lead approach to
advertising across the City including an integrated approach to branding,
gateways and landmark advertising.
4. That a 50/50 profit share arrangement is agreed between Salford City Council
and Urban Vision for any additional income generated above the existing budget
plans to recognise the work that Urban Vision will be undertaking on Salford’s
An opportunity has arisen to improve the street scene for Salford City Council
and improve the income levels generated through large format advertising.
It is recognised that it may be difficult to release additional management fee for
this work but it is recommended that a risk and reward model should be adopted.
The way forward is to agree a profit share between Salford City Council and
Urban Vision for any additional income generated above the existing budget
plans to recognise the work that Urban Vision will be undertaking on Salford’s
behalf. The suggested approach would be to split any additional income
generated, above the agreed plans, on a 50/50 basis.
The first step will be to carry out a survey of all the main arterial roads within
Salford and provide a schedule of all hoardings to determine exactly what
advertising is in place; this will include sites owned by Salford and sites in private
Urban Vision have been commissioned by the Urban Regeneration Company
(URC) in connection with the strategic transport and public realm delivery
programme. One of the key projects in this programme will involve exploring the
potential for the development of the area focussed around the M602/Regent
Road roundabout as a main gateway to the city, with potential to link into high
quality advertising.
Urban Vision have also produced studies on behalf of Salford City Council in
connection with enhancing the linear highway corridors and gateways to the west
of the city. It is therefore important that an integrated and design lead approach
is taken in exploring the potential for advertising across the city as a whole.
There is no risk to Salford City Council, the work will be undertaken on a risk and
reward basis by Urban Vision Partnership Ltd.
Urban Vision Partnership Ltd will undertake this work on a risk and reward basis.
Richard Lester x 2129
Comments: There are no legal implications as a result of this report. The consultant
will be appointed via a Letter of Commission drafted by Urban Vision.
Contact Officer and Extension No: Nigel Dickens X2585
Comments: Urban Vision will be undertaking this work on a risk and reward basis at
no cost to Salford City Council. By recommending this proposal, Salford will have the
potential to achieve greater rental income for its existing hoarding sites and income
through the development of a landmark site.
Communication has taken place with the URC to ensure that this proposal
compliments their strategy for central Salford. In the process of developing this
proposal both the Property team and Development Control team within Urban Vision
have been consulted.
A report was taken to the monthly monitoring meeting on the 18th January, 2008,
and this approach has been endorsed by Salford City Council.
The proposed works will enhance the local environment by identifying illegal large
format advertising across the city and by generating additional income for Salford
City Council. No additional management fee will be charged for this work.
There are no client implications.
Tenure of the existing large hoarding sites will be improved to ensure that Salford
have a greater control of the sites in the future.
There are no human resource implications associated with this report. Existing staff
within the Business Strategy and Development business unit at Urban Vision will
manage the project.
Jonathan Till
0161 779 6133
Urban Vision
Business Strategy and development.
Rob Pickering
0161 793 2818
Housing & Planning
Head of Partnership and Business Support
This advertising strategy is a citywide initiative.
An opportunity has arisen to improve the street scene for Salford City Council
and improve the income levels generated through large format advertising.
It is recognised that it may be difficult to release additional management fee for
this additional work but it is suggested that a risk and reward model should be
The way forward is to agree a profit share between Salford City Council and
Urban Vision for any additional income generated above the existing budget
plans to recognise the work that Urban Vision will be undertaking on Salford’s
The suggested approach would be to split any additional income generated,
above the agreed plans, on a 50/50 basis.
There are two main areas of advertising income that Urban Vision have
responsibility for, but it needs to be recognised that these defined areas need to
be ring fenced as there are different challenges facing us for each area of work.
Large format advertising
Sponsorship on the highway
- target for 2008/9
- target for 2008/9
Large format advertising
The proposal will be to look at large format advertising and advertising in general
across the city. By large format advertising we mean the large 48 and 96 sheet
hoardings that are managed by Urban Vision.
The first step will be to carry out a survey of all the main arterial roads within
Salford and provide a schedule of all hoardings (with photographs) to determine
exactly what advertising is in place, this will include sites owned by Salford and
sites in private ownership. This survey will be carried out by consultants at Urban
Vision’s expense.
The survey will identify the extent of advertising within Salford and Urban Vision
will establish whether the sites have the correct planning consents in place. Once
the position is known Salford City Council can then make an informed decision
concerning enforcement action against any illegal sites.
This process will contribute towards street scene by identifying illegal advertising
across the city and replacing, where appropriate, with fewer sites, with better
designs that enhance the environment.
The work Urban Vision needs to undertake is to gain control of the Salford sites
by seeking to move advertisers from a tenancy agreement to a licence
arrangement. In this way we can re-negotiate with the advertisers and realise the
true market value for the sites that the council own.
We will need to commission a consultant to advise us on the true market value of
our sites and to assist in re-negotiating the tenancy agreements.
We will work with the consultants to identify new sites and new opportunities
across the city.
Urban Vision staff will need to work with the consultants to improve the way we
manage the sites on behalf of Salford but no additional management fee will be
claimed for this work.
Any additional income generated, above the agreed revenue plan, would be split
50/50 to recognise the work undertaken by Urban Vision. This work would be
undertaken on a risk and reward basis.
Sponsorship on the highway
To meet future sponsorship targets we need to develop new forms of income
streams and the way forward is to develop a landmark site within Salford.
The development of a landmark site, which is currently outside the scope of the
existing management fee, will involve a great deal of staff time and the
appointment of consultants to drive the project forward.
The suggestion is for Urban Vision to bear this cost on a risk and reward basis
and split the income, above the existing threshold, on a 50/50 basis to recognise
the work undertaken by Urban Vision.
The development of high quality gateways/landmark site(s) will be explored
further with the URC and Salford City Council across the whole city.
Landmark site
Urban Vision have been commissioned by the Urban Regeneration Company
(URC) in connection with the strategic transport and public realm delivery
programme. One of the key projects in this programme will involve exploring the
potential for the development of the area focussed around the M602/Regent
Road roundabout as a main gateway to the city, with potential to link into high
quality advertising.
Urban Vision have also produced studies on behalf of Salford City Council in
connection with enhancing the linear highway corridors and gateways to the west
of the city. It is therefore important that an integrated and design lead approach
is taken in exploring the potential for advertising across the city as a whole.
This project will provide a good opportunity to think strategically across the city
and incorporate good design into our large format advertising sites. Urban Vision
have been given the challenge of generating substantial amounts of income
through sponsorship/advertising by Salford and the way forward is to develop this
landmark site.
That Urban Vision appoints a consultant, at its own expense, to carry out a
survey of all the main arterial roads within Salford and provide a schedule of all
hoardings (with photographs) to determine exactly what advertising is in place
across the City and advise Salford City Council of any illegal advertising.
That Urban Vision improve the usage of existing large format sites and appoint a
consultant to re negotiate existing leases and obtain the best rental income for
That Urban Vision identifies further opportunities for large format advertising
across the City to increase the rental income for Salford.
That Urban Vision works further with the URC and Salford City Council in
exploring the potential for the development of high quality gateways/landmark
sites across the whole city.
That Salford City Council agrees to split any additional income generated, above
the agreed plans, on a 50/50 basis.
That it is recognised that the two areas of work, advertising on the highway and
large format advertising are kept separate and that income generated in each
area is ring fenced.
Bob Osborne
Deputy Director of Housing and Planning