PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM No. REPORT OF THE CITY TREASURER TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES ON MONDAY, 3RD DECEMBER 2007 TITLE: BUDGET CONSULTATION 2008/09 RECOMMENDATION: Members are asked to consider the results of the September to November 2007 budget consultation process and the arrangements for the January 2008 consultation meeting. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The report outlines the priorities of the public arising from the first stage of the 200/09 budget consultation process. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Various working papers and reports. (Available for public inspection) CONTACT OFFICER: Geoff Topping Tel. 793 3240 ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Not applicable SOURCE OF FUNDING: Revenue Resources LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: Not applicable FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: The Finance Division of Corporate Services has produced this report. WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE (S) : KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: All wards Budget Strategy 1. Introduction 1.1 A report was submitted to Budget and Audit Scrutiny Committee on 5th September 2006 outlining the budget consultation process for the Council’s 2008/09 budget. The first stage of budget consultation was completed in November 2007 and this report informs members of the results. 2. Consultation Framework 2.1 The budget consultation process for the 2008/09 budget has comprised a number of elements with the aim of attracting an increased number of responses from a reasonable cross-section of the population of the city including: Big Listening consultation group Budget consultation database (including community committee members) Distribution of questionnaires by Eccles CVS and Age Concern Questionnaires in libraries and public buildings Salford City Council website via an on-line form and e-mail 2.2 The results of the consultation can now be reported for consideration by the committee in relation to the development of the council’s budget and council tax level for 2008/09. 2.3 The number of responses on which the results are based are as follows: Consultation Group Big Listening Budget consultation database Questionnaires issued 7000 Number of responses 1163 2590 82 Website and e-mail Total 2.4 % response 17 3 18 9590 1263 13 It was intended, with the support of the Youth Service to undertake consultation with young people during National Youth Week in November 2007. The Youth Service have not been in a position to undertake consultation at this stage and it unlikely that it will take place until the new year. 3. Consultation Results 3.1 Overall results combining Big Listening questionnaires – a total of 1263 responses. and all other completed Services people thought more money should be spent on Community committees Libraries, museums & art galleries Sport centres & swimming pools Street lighting Refuse collection Economic development & regeneration Service Housing services Traffic management & road safety Parks & open spaces Street cleaning Recycling Youth services & facilities Education Maintenance of roads & pavements Health & social care Crime & community safety 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Proportion of total replies Services people thought less money should be spent on Crime & community safety Maintenance of roads & pavements Health & social care Education Street cleaning Refuse collection Service Parks & open spaces Recycling Street lighting Youth services & facilities Traffic management & road safety Economic development & regeneration Housing services Libraries, museums & art galleries Sport centres & swimming pools Community committees 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Proportion of total replies Response to question: In 2007/08 the average council tax paid in Salford was £941 per household. Which of the following options for next year do you feel is most appropriate? An increase in council tax above 3% in order to improve priority council services A decrease in council tax levels even if it meant a reduction in the level of services Council tax to remain at the current level with some reduction in the level of service An increase in council tax of 3% to maintain council services at existing levels 0 5 10 15 20 Percentage % 25 30 35 Opinions on council tax and value for money Do you agree/disagree with the following statement: Salford city council has its level of council tax about right Do you agree/disagree with the following statement: Salford city council provides better value for money compared to a year ago Do you agree/disagree with the following statement: Salford city council provides good value for money for the council tax that residents pay 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Total proportion who agree / disagree % Overall satisfaction level with the services provided by Salford City Council Satisfied Dissatisfied 0 10 20 30 40 50 Total proportion who are satisfied / dissatisfied % 60 70 3.2 Where residents were dissatisfied with council services they were asked to state the service they were dissatisfied with and reasons. In both the Big Listening survey and from other questionnaires the two main areas of dissatisfaction were: Environmental Services o Issues with recycling services o Bins not emptied or waste left o Dirty streets, fly tipping and litter Transport Services o Poor state of roads and pavements o Quality of street lighting Comments were also received on a wide range of issues including: 3.3 Lack of help, assistance or interest from the council Untidy or poor workmanship Closing high achieving schools Lack of funding for social services Walkden town centre is run down Lack of youth services and facilities Level of rent arrears Parking in Swinton town centre Call Centre is difficult to contact Lack of police presence Closure of public conveniences Cost of Mayor’s office Some comments were also made about the level of council tax and council efficiency including: Council Tax should not increase by more than the rate of inflation The cost of bureaucracy need to be considered separately from the direct cost of maintaining services Too many council employees 4. Next Steps 4.1 The results from the September to November 2007 consultation process will also be reported to the Lead member for Customer and Support Services for consideration in finalising budget plans for 2008/09. 4.2 A further public consultation meeting is to be held at 6 p.m. on 15th January 2008 at the Civic Centre. An advertisement for the meeting will be placed in The Advertiser on 3rd January 2008. 4.3 The consultation meeting will be led by the Lead Member for Customer and Support Services and the City Treasurer and will include: An update on the council’s financial position for 2008/09 Feedback of the September to November 2007 consultation results Inviting views of the public on budget options for 2007/08 Questions and answers on budget and Council Tax issues 4.4 Members are invited to give their views on ways to improve the effectiveness of the public meeting John Spink City Treasurer