Part 1 ______________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF URBAN VISION ______________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR PLANNING TO THE LEAD MEMBER CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES ON 27th March 2006 ______________________________________________________________ TITLE: HIGHWAY INVESTMENT WORKS PROGRAMME CONSULTATION ______________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: That Lead Member note the content of this report and authorise officers to prioritise the appended schemes into a five year programme (taking cognisance of the principles mentioned below) and then consult with the Community Committees on its content. ______________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: One of the reasons that Urban Vision was originally created was to reduce successful tripping claims in order to release funding for highway improvements. This report gives details of those streets where it is believed that the greatest impact on these variables can be made. ______________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Improvements to Pavements and Carriageways Pilot Scheme – Westwood Park/Walker Road Estates, Eccles. Cabinet report of Wednesday 29th September 2004. Highway Infrastructure Investment – Initial Works. Report to The Lead Member for Planning and The Lead Member Customer and Support Services Monday 4th April 2005 Highway Investment Funded through Unsupported Borrowing - Report to The Lead Member For Planning and The Lead Member Customer and Support Services on 28th November 2005. ______________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: The implementation of the works that will be funded through these monies will contribute to reducing the cost of tripping accident claims within the City of Salford. Additionally Best Value Performance Indicator (BVPI) figures for footway and carriageway will be improved contributing to an overall improvement in the CPA score. There is a risk that the reduction in the cost of tripping claims is insufficient to fund the capital financing costs of the unsupported borrowing. Through the implementation of a stronger inspection and claims handling regime this risk will be minimised and through annual reviews of progress the risk will be monitored. ______________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Unsupported borrowing funded through reduced tripping claims payouts on an invest to save basis. ______________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Pauline Lewis. ______________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; By the end of 2005/06 Investment Works in the region of £5m have been undertaken against the approved amount of £22m to be funded through unsupported borrowing. In the approved 2006/07 Capital Programme there is an original approved amount of £4m for schemes to be undertaken. COMMUNICATION IMPLICATIONS: Press releases will be required. CLIENT IMPLICATIONS: PROPERTY: N/A ______________________________________________________________ HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ______________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Steven Lee – 799 4871 – ______________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): All ______________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Enhancing Life in Salford, Think Efficiency, Improving the Environment ______________________________________________________________ 1.0. BACKGROUND: 1.1. One of the reasons that Urban Vision was originally formed was to reduce tripping claims and improve Salford’s highway BVPI’s. In order to achieve this it has always been recognised that there would need to be substantial investment in the highway condition, and in November 2005 a report was brought before the Lead Member outlining the level of funding required. 1.2. The purpose of this report is to inform the Lead Member of the draft programme of works to be prioritised along with some precursors to that prioritisation can take place. This will then enable a consultation exercise to be carried out. 2.0. CONSIDERATIONS TO EDUCATE THE PRIORITISATION PROCESS: 2.1. Highway Condition Lead Member will be aware that all footways and carriageways within Salford are inspected at least twice a year. From these inspections actionable defects are identified and the aim is to repair them within 28 days. Alongside this process, however, a coarse visual assessment is made of the overall condition of the carriageway which ranges from 1 – 4 (four being the worst). It is therefore recommended that those highways identified as being in the worse condition should form the basis of this programme. It should also be noted, however, that some streets not yet included in this list may also fall into the programme dependant upon their rate of deterioration or as the result of further on going asset management survey work. 2.2. Statutory Undertakers The Highway Authority is not the only body authorised to excavate within the highway boundary, the statutory undertakers (water, gas, electric, cable TV etc etc) also have this power. Obviously, before determining overall priorities, it would be useful to obtain as much information as possible about the utilities intended programme of works. This information will then ensure that newly constructed schemes remain undisturbed (for the longest length of time). 2.3. Streetlighting In some areas the current condition of the streetlighting is raising concerns. It is therefore suggested that the relative priority of those streets where streetlighting renewals are identified in conjunction with footway renewal schemes should reflect the fact that as yet there may be no obvious funding streams in place for streetlighting renewals. 2.4. Other Works Programmes As well as the highway investment programme, throughout Salford there are many other regeneration works already taking place or being planned for the future. In order to ensure that the City Council obtains maximum value for money and also maximum funding opportunity it is essential that the prioritisation be discussed with other relevant parties. 3.0. BASIS OF THE 5 YEAR PROGRAMME: 3.1. Detailed studies have now been carried out on the highway network within Salford. From this those streets most in need of repair (class 3 / 4 from para 2.1 above) have now been identified. Details of these streets and the suggested works are given at Appendices 1, 2 and 3. 4.0. RECOMMENDATIONS: 4.1. That Lead Member note the content of this report and authorise officers to prioritise the appended schemes into a five year programme (taking cognisance of the aforementioned principles) and to then consult with the Community Committees on its content. Bill Taylor Managing Director Urban Vision