– 6 February 2006. Strategy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Strategy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 February 2006.
Action Sheet
Members of the Scrutiny Committee:
Councillor Smyth (chair)
Councillor Harold (Vice chair)
Councillor Ainsworth
Councillor Broughton
Councillor Compton
Councillor Jones
Councillor R Garrido
Councillor Jolley
Councillor King
Councillor Owen
A - Apologies received.  - Present.
Officers and invitees present: Councillors Salmon and Potter (Planning, Housing and Environmental SC), Russell Bernstein,
Karen Lucas, Sue Ford, Siobhan McCoy, Stuart Kitchen, Stuart Bestwick - Alexander Consultancy, Marc Walley - National
Management Trainee, Mick Walbank
Members of the public: Jon and Pat White and Kenneth McKelvey.
Apologies: John Willis due to being called at short notice to a meeting with the Home Secretary. Councillors Harold and Jones.
Required by
Declarations of There were no declarations of interest.
Housing Market Members from the Environment, Housing and Planning SC were in attendance
as HMR is a cross cutting issue between both scrutiny committees.
Members attended a tour of HMR areas within Salford prior to today’s meeting.
Strategy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 February 2006.
Action Sheet
The Manchester Salford Partnership was allocated £125m of HMR Resources
for 2003/06.
Scheme Update was lodged with ODPM on 7 October 2005
Updated strategic aim of the pathfinder:
To support the economic growth potential of the Manchester City Region by
creating neighbourhoods of choice that meet the needs of existing residents and
are attractive to new and former residents.
Key outcomes by 2018:
•Number of Properties vacant for more than 6 months – no more than 2% of
•House Price Sales – Number of sales at the 5th, 15th and 25th percentile are
equivalent to GM averages
•Net Change in housing dwelling stock in the Pathfinder area +22,602
Next steps:
•Awaiting ODPM announcement on allocation
•Project appraisals approved
•Continue to deliver and transform neighbourhoods
•Continue to improve
Priority areas for interventions are the east west corridors with a 6 to 10 year
time frame.
Strategy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 February 2006.
Action Sheet
Issues raised by members of the public:
 Concerns were raised regarding the lack of funding available in the
Weaste area and how any progress appears to have ceased. Siobhan
explained that regeneration is a long process, there is not a market
collapse or high level of deprivation as in other areas of the City. The area
action planning strategy is due to commence shortly in the Weaste area.
This is a statutory process and is a comprehensive strategy for long-term
investment. Consultation with the local communities is vital to the process.
(Area Action Plans will replace Master Plans).
 There was some apprehension as to whether the council are actually
moving forward and learning, the members of the public present said it
appears to be about making money not about making it better for the
community. It was explained that there is a programme of activity to
improve hosing conditions using a professional judgement and work with
the community.
Concerns raised by Members:
 With the mass clearance of some areas, it includes the demolition of
some good housing stock and some houses that have in recent years
undergone improvements. Taking this into consideration we need to
consider our longer-term objectives.
Members thanked officers for their presentation and organising the tour.
Members also raised issues about the attendance of Lead Members in the future
enable scrutiny of policy, the Leader confirmed Lead Members would attend if
As required.
Strategy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 February 2006.
Action Sheet
1. Siobhan to provide a copy of the tour notes and presentation.
Central Salford URC has brought together the City Council, the North West
Regional Development Agency and English Partnerships.
The Government see URC’s as an effective means of organising and delivering
major regeneration projects in key urban locations, and as an important vehicle
in the renewal of towns and cities and for delivering sustainable communities.
With the City Council retaining responsibility for planning issues.
Members raised concerns that the URC Board lacked representation from local
communities. Councillor Merry explained that as Leader of the Council on the
URC Board he represents the whole of the city.
Members requested further information pertaining to the way forward, priorities
and timescales; Councillor Merry suggested that the scrutiny committee consider
the URC’s Business Plan.
Action sheet
1. Scrutiny Support to clarify when the University’s appraisal of consultation
will be available to Members.
2. To schedule the URC’s Business Plan for presentation at a forthcoming
meeting, May 2006 was suggested. Members requested that they are
able to consider the business plan in its entirety and are able to make
observations prior to the plans finalisation.
3. Members asked for clarification on the role of the City Council and the
URC as they remained unclear as to who coordinates and who leads.
Karen Lucas
The appraisal
is due to be
presented at
the URC
Board Meeting
on the 20 Feb.
a copy will be
David Evans
To confirm May 2006.
David Evans
As above.
Strategy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 February 2006.
Action Sheet
Forward plan
Any other
Central Salford Vision and Regeneration Framework is currently listed on the
forward plan.
No issues arising.
Karen Lucas highlighted the two meetings organised for Monday 6 March and
Tuesday 21 March to consider Section 17. Both commencing with a Members
Briefing at 1pm.
A briefing paper was circulated to Directors, Lead Members, Councillors Merry
and Lancaster and John Willis. Copy attached for information.
Councillor Ainsworth requested a briefing about the “super output areas”.
Deputy Chair
Assistant Director
Scrutiny Support Officer
Councillor Alice Smyth
Councillor Tony Harold
Russell Bernstein
Karen Lucas
Karen Lucas
0161 799 3077
0161 789 7052
0161 793 3530
0161 793 3318
March 2006.
Strategy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 February 2006.
Action Sheet
Subject: Strategy and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee – Section 17.
I am writing to confirm your attendance at the Strategy and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee in March 2006, please refer to the
schedule below:
6 March 2006, 1.00pm (normal meeting date of the Scrutiny Committee)
1.30pm - Alan Westwood & Cllr Hinds
2.15pm - Bruce Jassi & Cllr Lea
3.00pm - Anne Williams & Cllr Sheehy
21 March 2006, 1.00pm (extra meeting date)
1.30pm - John Willis
2.15pm - Jill Baker & Cllr J Murphy
3.00pm - Malcolm Sykes & Cllr Antrobus.
I have attached a briefing paper and ask that you respond to each of the points listed. If you require any further information please
do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Karen Lucas
Scrutiny Support Officer
Strategy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 February 2006.
Action Sheet
Strategy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998
Briefing Paper
As part of the scrutiny committees work programme we are considering various issues in relation to crime and disorder, section 17
being one of them.
Please can you respond to each of the points listed below. The deadline to forward responses for both meetings is Thursday 23
February 2006.
How does your directorate contribute to reducing crime and disorder, addressing the social, community and physical
aspects? Please provide examples of effective practices within your Directorate.
Is section 17 encapsulated into your directorate’s policies and service development? Please provide examples.
Please provide examples on how you consult with community safety?
How much of this years budget was proportioned to crime and disorder?
Do you attend the Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership meeting? If you do not does an officer with sufficient authority to
implement the actions from the CDRP attend?
Are all the planning applications vetted by the GMP architects and how do you take account of your section 17
Strategy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 February 2006.
Action Sheet
How do you measure the effectiveness of your service against the pledge – ‘reducing crime in Salford’
Are all your staff conversant with section 17? What training has been organised?
Karen Lucas