REPORT OF THE HEAD OF REGENERATION TO COMMUNITY PLAN CABINET WORKING GROUP May 16th 2005 COMMUNITY PLAN PROGRESS UPDATE Recommendations 1. The Cabinet Working Group endorses the draft vision 2. The Cabinet Working Group endorses the next steps in relation to the LSP identifying lead officers responsible for each of the actions identified. 1. Introduction 1.1 The third and final workshop was held on the 21st March 2005 at the Digital World Centre. The aim of this workshop was to agree a vision statement for Salford and to identify the key actions which need to be delivered in the short, medium and long term in order to achieve the vision. 1.2 The following report is a summary of the final report which the Henley Centre have submitted in draft format prior to it being agreed on behalf of Salford LSP. The report outlines the draft vision, key actions to be undertaken in the short term and a set of actions related to the strategic imperatives. These were developed by the LSP at the workshop. 2. The Vision 2.1 The vision which emerged from the scenario exercise was as follows: 2.2 “In 2015, Salford will be a beautiful and welcoming city, driven by energetic and engaged communities, of highly skilled, healthy and motivated citizens, who have built a diverse and prosperous culture and economy which encourages and recognises the contribution of everyone, for everyone.” 2.3 There was a general consensus that the preferred vision for Salford involved a relatively rapid rate of change in the city’s knowledge and skills mix, along with a continuation in the shift towards a service delivery model which views the citizen / community as a partner to the Council. 3. Key Actions 3.1 Participants at the workshop were asked to consider the actions which needed to be addressed straight away in order to create immediate momentum towards the desired vision for Salford. These so called ‘strategic preferences’ are (largely) distinct from the imperatives as they are the actions which are required to seize opportunities and 1 manage the inherent risks in moving to the realistic and preferred future. Tables 1 & 2 provide a summary of these key actions. Key actions required over the next 12 months to create momentum towards the preferred Vision for Salford: to improve knowledge and skills 1. Make the most of economies of scale where possible. E.g. Where we know which training initiatives have been successful, we should expand them to take advantage of economies of scale in their provision 2. A 6th fold increase in education and skills is required. One way this can be achieved is by viewing knowledge in a broad sense i.e. improved housing and health can create the conditions for better skills and knowledge 3. Promote a campus concept when we make the case for new schools in Salford. A ‘campus’ which consisted of primary school, secondary school and further education buildings on the same site would help to promote the benefits of further education amongst school children, whilst also helping to raise aspirations Table 1 Key actions required over the next 12 months to create momentum towards the preferred Vision for Salford: to promote the move towards greater partnership in service delivery 1. Promote a greater belief that change can be made amongst all levels of Salford’s communities. The role that each community can play needs to be made clear, with consistent investment so that all communities can play their part; this will help to gain commitment at all levels. The question, “who is best placed to deliver?” needs to be asked each time actions are required 2. It’s critical that Salford’s citizens ‘own the vision’ with a shared understanding of what it means for the city going forward 3. Greater devolvement of budgets to individual communities is required (although there are some risks in doing this) 4. Create a consortium approach to engagement and consultation Table 2 4. Strategic Imperatives 4.1 In addition to the short term actions identified above, a set of ‘imperatives’ were also developed; these are issues which Salford should address regardless of the scenario develops. These were as follows: Improving secondary school educational attainment Reskilling the adult population Reducing polarisation and inequalities Raising aspirations / motivations Increasing community engagement Attracting newcomers Improving environmental sustainability 2 4.2 These imperatives do not replace the 7 themes in the existing Community Plan, which remain intact, but are priority areas and issues for action that are crucial to driving forward progress within the 7 themes. The final imperative – improving environmental sustainability – was not explored in great depth as there was general agreement that it was a cross cutting issue which needed to be reflected across the other actions, rather 1. Secondary school educational attainment Situation now – In terms of this issue, Underachievement at secondary level and lack of aspiration and anti- where are we now? intellectualism Poor perceptions of Salford secondary schools by the community 2005-2008 – To reach the success Raising the quality of leadership; management and governance of the city’s outcome, secondary schools with a culture of high expectation what are the 3-5 most important things we need to do in the next 3 years? Promote the value of education in the community at large – a role for the broader voluntary/ community/ statutory/ business sectors (not just education) Resource audit for development of shared facilities across sectors and institutions Partnership with university – get students into schools and mentoring programmes 2009-2015 – What are the 2-3 things Adopt a campus approach where we build new primary, secondary and we’d need to do in the medium term to tertiary education on the same site, in order to promote staying on in achieve the success outcome? education and to raise aspirations Use these campuses to provide a broader hub for the communities of Salford – i.e. provide services such as health, welfare and jobs advice Success outcome – In terms of this Raise the positive profile of secondary schools across Salford by utilising the issue, what would success be like? LSP’s marketing and involving the local press Raise educational attainment in Salford – ensure that Secondary schools perform above the national average than considered in its own right. 2. Re-skilling the adult population 3 Situation now – In terms of this issue, where are we now? Below average skill employment Low economic activity rates Low levels of basic skills 2005-2008 – To reach the Appoint a skills supremo i.e. an individual who can raise the profile of skills across the city success outcome, what are and demonstrate the importance of skills in terms of improving individual aspirations the 3-5 most important things we need to do in the next 3 years? Adopt a partnership approach to finding the funding to support raising basic skills Build effective skills strategies with individual employers Ensure people are aware of changing skill requirements in the wider economy Sell the skills case to Salford’s population (i.e. tell them their life will be better) 2009-2015 – What are the 2-3 things we’d need to do in the medium term to achieve the Provide flexible help for individuals i.e. should not be too prescriptive Improve our facilities to ensure we can provide better skills training success outcome? Success outcome – In terms of this issue, what would success be like? Greater proportion of the adult population with improved basic skills Greater proportion of the city’s population economically active Make Salford feel like a ‘learning city’ that seeks to improve its skills 3. Reducing polarisation and inequalities Situation now – In terms of this Considerable inequalities remain in four key areas - Health education, wealth, income issue, where are we now? and crime and need to be tackled Social cohesion remains a low profile issues but needs to be addressed 2005-2008 – To reach the Need to have a clearer understand of the current situation and what can effect it. i.e. success outcome, what are improve the evidence base. the 3-5 most important things we need to do in the next 3 years? Make services responsive to cultural traditions (e.g. school timetable, school year adapted to religious festivals) as well as allowing public sector employees to celebrate different religious festivals Banning smoking in public places 2009-2015 – What are the 2-3 things we’d need to do in the medium term to achieve the Scale up the programmes which are successful e.g. training and skills programmes Continue economic growth success outcome? Success outcome – In terms of this issue, what would success be like? ‘Shifting the curve’ so that fewer people face inequalities Increased average household income in Salford 4 4. Raising aspirations/ motivations Situation now – In terms of this issue, where are we now? Poor staying on rates and drop out at 16/17, low numbers going into Higher Education Poor self-image and relatively low community engagement – except in some areas 2005-2008 – To reach the Take advantage of changes to curriculum that will take place 14-19: building schools for success outcome, what are the future, strengthen links with industry the 3-5 most important things we need to do in the next 3 years? Promote concrete examples of how things have changed – regular reminders of the positives; don’t focus on the negatives Encourage links between people – less silo working – honesty with people about how things will change. Local government to engage with community residents – how do the residents want it to work? 2009-2015 – What are the 2-3 things we’d need to do in the medium term to achieve the success outcome? Improvement in rates – set targets and monitor the output Report/ measure on how major strategies have impacted There should be a significant number of people ‘active/ involved’ in their local community Success outcome – In terms of this issue, what would success be like? 5. All young people to aspire to stay in education and training to at least the age of 18 Change the view that “nothing will ever change in Salford” Increasing community engagement Situation now – In terms of this Patchwork quilt of community committees; communities of interest issue, where are we now? 2005-2008 – To reach the success outcome, what are the 3-5 most important things we need to do in the next 3 years? Develop skills and knowledge to allow engagement Promote the existing opportunities amongst the community and raise awareness of the benefits which engagement can lead to Make being involved easier by reducing the amount of jargon used by those already involved Measure the targets in community action plan Audit of current mechanisms of community engagement and identify the critical gaps Ensure sustainable resources are available for groups to access e.g. meeting venues etc. 2009-2015 – What are the 2-3 Conduct regular surveys or audits of community groups to identify gaps/ trends/ issues things we’d need to do in the which need addressing medium term to achieve the success outcome? Develop community owned facilities which all groups could utilise Success outcome – In terms Increase in level of community engagement – % of people who feel they can influence of this issue, what would decision making in local area success be like? Increase in the level/ size of devolved benefits to local communities 5 6. Attracting newcomers Situation now – In terms of this issue, where are we now? Attracting visitors but losing families Significant variation in terms of different parts of Salford – some are attracting newcomers, whilst others are losing residents rapidly. Currently little choice in terms of housing Perceptions that crime is high; CCTV potentially has a role to play Economy currently strong in terms of creating jobs locally 2005-2008 – To reach the success outcome, what are the 3-5 most important things Make the case for building new schools in Salford Improve the health of Salford’s people we need to do in the next 3 Improve the city’s libraries years? Work to attract high quality jobs to the area Reduce crime and fear of crime, year on year Promote partnership approach to tackling crime; working alongside the police Conduct market research to gain a better understanding of why people – particularly families – leave the area Ensure that engagement with new comers is more effective and welcoming at the local level 2009-2015 – What are the 2-3 Ensure that there is a range of affordable housing alternatives for those wishing to move things we’d need to do in the to the area medium term to achieve the success outcome? Improve school attainment levels Tackle perceptions of the city e.g. on crime via marketing campaign Success outcome – In terms Success would be a 5% increase in the city’s population (11,000) by 2015 of this issue, what would success be like? 5. Next Steps 5.1 Taken together, the vision, short term actions and critical issues identified by the scenario planning exercise will be an important source as the Partnership develops the Community Plan and other strategies over the coming months. If this momentum for change is to be maintained, it is critical that the organisations or individuals responsible fur further actions are identified, and that a clear action plan is formulated. This draft will form the basis for further discussion as the Community Plan is developed. 5.2 The results of the scenario planning project will inform the development of the balanced scorecard. The full scenario planning report will be circulated to the City Council Directors team and the Cabinet prior to the balanced scorecard workshops taking place end of May/early June. 5.3 The report will be circulated to the LSP board and the lead officers of the strategic delivery partnerships. At the next meeting of the LSP (13th July 2005) lead officers will be identified for each of the activities which have been identified in this report. 6