Meeting commenced: 9.30 a.m.
adjourned: 9.50 a.m.
" recommenced: 1.40 p.m.
ended: 1.45 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Derek Antrobus - in the Chair
Councillor Norbert Potter
Steven Lee, David Evans, Rob Pickering, Matthew Maule, Phillip Holden and Nikki Park
Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Malcolm Sykes and Chris Findley
Item No./Subject
Action Sheet Arising from
the Planning Lead Member
Briefing held on 30th July,
Action Required
Action sheet approved.
That it be noted that in relation to item 1(iii) - Former Oakwood
High School, the call-in of that decision had been considered by
the Environment, Housing and Planning Scrutiny Committee,
and the reasons stated were not supported, therefore, the
original decision was upheld.
Responsible Officer
Lead Member Decisions
(Part 1)
Planning Guidance for
Ordsall Riverside
That the preparation of informal planning guidance for Ordsall Riverside Barry Whitmarsh
be approved.
Car Parking Charges
That the increase in off-street car parking charges within Salford,
to be introduced in line with the recommendations, be approved.
Bill Earnshaw
Salford City Council
Supplementary Planning
Document: Sustainable
Design and Construction:
Consultation Draft
That the proposed charges to be introduced on the Worsley
Courthouse Car Park, from Monday to Friday inclusive, be
That the introduction of charges on the Civic Centre Visitors Car
Park on Saturdays not be approved, as the (a) Planning and
Transportation Regulatory Panel had promised local residents in
Swinton that the Visitors Car Park would be available for free
use at weekends, and (b) introduction of the Registration Service
and conference facilities at the Civic Centre would require free
parking to be available.
That the draft of the Supplementary Planning Document
“Sustainable Design and Construction”, the Sustainability
Appraisal, and the Consultation Statement be approved for the
purposes of consultation.
That the proposed consultation arrangements be approved.
Matthew Maule
Draft Salford Landscape
Character Assessment
That the Draft Salford Landscape Character Assessment be approved,
as a background document, in support of the Design Supplementary
Planning Document and the Core Strategy, for consultation with
stakeholders. .
Marion Raines
Salford City Council
Planning Document: Design
- Consultation Draft
That the draft of the Supplementary Planning Document
“Design” the Sustainability Appraisal, and the Consultation
Statement be approved, for the purposes of consultation, subject
to the amendments as detailed in Appendix 1.
Simon Glynn
That the proposed consultation arrangements be approved.
Decisions of the Strategic
Director of Housing and
Planning (Part 1)
AGMA Joint Waste
Development Plan
Document - Sustainability
Appraisal and Appropriate
That the decision of the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning to
(a) retrospectively approve the award of the tender bid by Scott Wilson,
to undertake the Sustainability Appraisal of the Joint Waste
Development Plan Document (JWDPD) on behalf of AGMA, (b)
approve the work on the appropriate assessment of the JWDPD, also
to be undertaken by Scott Wilson, (c) authorise the City Solicitor to
prepare the contract award documentation, and (d) authorise the
Corporate Procurement Team to inform Scott Wilson of their successful
bid, be noted.
Carolyn Williams
Implementation of Weight
Restrictions on Phase 1 of
Network Rail Owned
That the decision of the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning to
approve the implementation of weight restrictions on Phase 1 of the
Network Rail owned bridges, at a target cost of £46,123.41, be noted.
Stuart Molyneux
Demolition of St. Clements
That the decision of the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning with
regard to the demolition of St. Clements School, be noted.
David Evans
Disposal of a Piece of Land
to St. Clements Church
David Evans
Exclusion of the Public
That the decision of the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning with
regard to the disposal of a piece of land to St. Clements Church, be
That under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the
public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business,
detailed in items 5 and 6 below, on the grounds that they involve the
likely disclosure of exempt information, as specified in paragraph 3 of
Schedule 12A to the Act.
Key Decisions (Part 2)
Disposal of Greenbank, 470
Bury New Road, Salford
John Nugent
That the appropriation of the land and premises comprising the
former Greenbank Children’s Home, 470 Bury New Road,
Salford, for planning purposes, under section 237 of the Town
and Country Planning Act 1990 be approved.
Land at Bridgewater School,
Worsley, Salford
Disposal of Orchard Mount,
Chorlton Fold, Monton,
That the disposal of Greenbank by way of auction, subject to a
report to the Resource Planning Group supporting this
recommendation, be approved.
That the proposed reserve price and the guide price, as detailed
in the report, be approved.
That the City Solicitor be authorised to complete the disposal by
way of a 250 year lease.
That the surrender of the current 25 year lease, held by Parents
Association (Bridgewater) Limited, be approved.
That the granting of a new 125 year lease and associated
easement to Bridgewater School Limited, Worsley, Salford, for a
premium and revised annual rental, on the terms and conditions
provisionally agreed, be approved.
That the City Solicitor be authorised to complete the legal
That the disposal of Orchard Mount, Chorlton Fold, Monton,
Eccles, by way of auction, be approved.
That the proposed guide price and reserve price, as detailed in
the report, be approved.
That the City Solicitor be authorised to complete the disposal by
way of a 250 year lease.
Katie Rowan
Barrie Simpson
Stowell Spire Public House,
Eccles New Road, Salford
Disposal of the Former
Clifford Street Depot,
Patricroft, Eccles, Housing
and Planning Directorate
Land at Former Ascension
School, Lower Broughton
Lead Member Decision
(Part 2)
Proposed Surestart Facility,
Leicester Road, Salford 7
That the modification of the restrictive covenant, to enable
residential development of the property to be progressed, be
That the provisionally agreed consideration of the amount, as
detailed in the report, in staged payments, plus overage, be
That the City Solicitor be authorised to complete the legal
That the disposal of the former Clifford Street Depot, Patricroft,
Eccles, by way of auction, be approved.
That the proposed guide price and reserve price, as detailed in
the report, be approved.
That the City Solicitor be authorised to complete the disposal, by
way of a 250 year lease, with restrictive covenants attached to
the sale, to restrict future use to comply with planning policy.
Andrew Cartwright
Lynne Bennett
That the provisionally agreed consideration, as detailed in the report,
arising from the Church of England Diocese’s disposal of the former
Ascension School site, Lower Broughton, be approved.
Andrew Cartwright
That the proposed leasing arrangement be approved.
Angela Martens
That the City Solicitor be authorised to complete the necessary
legal formalities.
That it be noted that the respective leases would not be
executed until such time as the financial and other necessary
Swinton Residents’ Car
Parking Scheme (Update)
arrangements had been approved by the Lead Member for
Children’s Services and the Lead Member for Customer and
Support Services.
That it be noted that (a) the target date for enforcement of the parking
restrictions was 15th September, 2007, (b) there would be one weeks
grace during which warning notices would be issued, (c) there would be
no exemptions for disabled users, as parking bays were provided, (d)
clarification was sought with regard to disabled users, and it was
indicated that discretion would be used, as disabled drivers would
always be given a warning for the first offence, and (e) discussions
were currently being held with regard to the final price for the former
Police Station Car Park.
Steven Lee