PART 2 (CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE CITY TREASURER TO THE LEAD AND EXECUTIVE SUPPORT MEMBERS FOR CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES ON 6TH AUGUST, 2007 Subject : FINANCE DIVISION – PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR Q/E 3OTH JUNE 2007 RECOMMENDATION : That the report be noted. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : The report identifies performance against service plan targets and other performance issues for the June 2007 quarter. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : Not for publication by virtue of paragraph 1 (staffing matters) ______________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK : None ______________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED : Not applicable ______________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED : Not applicable ______________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER : John Spink Tel No : 793 3230 E-mail : WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATES : KEY COUNCIL POLICIES : None None 1 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR THE QUARTER Awards and Recognition IIP accreditation – May Annual CIPFA Benchmarking 2007 Creditors : o Cost per invoice at £1.69 is 21% below average o 99% paid on time against average of 91% o Top score for best practice 94% against average of 85% Debtors : o Cost per bill £5.69 is 38% below average o % debts cleared is 99.7% against average of 91% o Best practice 88% compared to average of 72% Accountancy Completion of the Statement of Accounts for 2006/07 and approval by Accounts Committee Negotiation with Inland Revenue on the composite tax rate for equal pay settlements – agreed at 12%, which is significantly less than some other council’s (lowest in GM) and saving £487,000 against the anticipated rate of 22% Working with the Greater Manchester Community Foundation on the transfer of dormant trust funds with the Salford Community Fund being launched in July 2007 Agreeing SLAs with housing organisations – Salix, HCP, NPHL SAP Team Development of new financial systems in SAP for Salix Homes, Housing Connections Partnership, Urban Regeneration Company undertaken with existing SAP team resources (when NPHL was created consultancy services were engaged at a cost of around £80,000) which demonstrates the development of in-house skills and capacity Payroll Supporting equal pay events in cooperation with HR Audit and Risk Management Unit Annual savings of over £350k made on property insurance premium 2 Performance Improved sickness absence rates in Finance – reduced to 2.3% in the six months to June 2007 KEY OBJECTIVES FOR 2007/08 Divisional BSc - Learning and Growth To achieve IIP accreditation – achieved May To continue to provide high quality/low cost services To reduce sickness absence to 3% or less – currently 2.4% BSc - Customer To maintain 3* rating for the CPA use of resources assessment BSc – Finance To review, develop and deliver the medium-term financial strategy BSc – Internal To maintain and develop services that customers want – Salix/NPHL/HCP SLAs agreed Debtors To reduce debt over 60 days old by a further 10% by 31/3/08 (KPI) Creditors To pay at least 98% of undisputed invoices within 30 days (BVPI 8) Payroll To continue to process payroll promptly and accurately, introducing further automation of input processes Accountancy To continue to maintain efficient and effective financial advice and stewardship To close the 2006/07 final accounts by 30th June – achieved E-Trading To continue to introduce and develop electronic solutions to financial processing transactions 3 SAP Team To implement the development plan Internal Audit To deliver the audit plan, develop further the risk management process and identify further energy savings QUARTERLY REVIEW OF SERVICE PLAN TARGETS AND ACHIEVEMENTS A graphical summary of the key operational and balanced scorecard targets is shown in Appendix 2 attached. Progress is as follows :Key Operational Targets Service Area Accountancy Accountancy Accountancy Accountancy Debtors Creditors Payroll E-Trading Finance Division Position at 30th June Achieved Achieved Target Closure of accounts by 30/6/07 Complete monthly bank and cash reconciliations within 3 weeks of month-end Submit monthly VAT returns within 2 weeks Submit grant claims by the due date Reduce debt over 60 days by 10% Pay 98% of invoices within 30 days Submit statutory returns/documents on time Reduce no of paper invoices by 24,000 Savings of £616k Achieved Not yet applicable Behind target – see report On target Achieved On target 3 proposals £82k behind target Balanced Scorecard Objective Category Internal Finance Customer Learning & Growth Cabinet Workplan Priority Total Targets 24 21 11 15 1 72 Completed 1 4 5 On Schedule 23 21 11 11 1 67 Behind Schedule Cabinet Workplan Priorities The City Treasurer, Assistant Directors and/or outstationed Principal Group Accountants are closely involved with supporting members and directors in progressing the following Cabinet priorities :- 4 Workplan Ref 1 2 4 6 9 16 17 18 26 35 40 43 45 Priority Maximising investment through regeneration schemes Working with partners - Local area agreement Delivery of CCTV strategy Continued development of Media City and support to BBC Establish new housing organisations Building Schools for the Future programme Secondary schools PFI Implement Primary Schools capital programme Waste recycling I I P accreditation Think Efficiency programme Medium-term financial strategy Asset management plan OTHER DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE ISSUES DURING THE QUARTER SENIOR MANAGEMENT 2008/09 Revenue Budget Production of initial medium-term financial forecast for 2008/09 to 2010/11 and commencement of planning budget strategy for 2008/09. Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Work has progressed towards finalising the Outline Business Case and section 151 officer letter for submission to PfS and approval by the Treasury PRG in June. Waste Disposal PFI Participation in discussions with other GM authorities and GMWDA officers and providing advice in progressing the £3bn 25-year waste disposal PFI contract towards preferred bidder selection and financial close. Salford Science and Innovation Park Participation in working group and providing advice on the proposed transfer of assets to Manchester Science Park Ltd in exchange for a shareholding in the company. Investors in People The formal IIP assessment took place on 8 th May and the IIP panel awarded IIP status to the Finance Division. 5 Housing Stock Options Arrangements to set up the financial infrastructure for the new housing companies – Salix, HCP – was co-ordinated and successfully completed, with new companies created in SAP for Salix and HCP and FSG services co-ordinated to accommodate the new companies. Equal Pay and Pay and Grading Review Payroll resource was provided for the final equal pay sessions. Negotiations continued with HMRC to agree a combined tax/NI rate on equal pay settlements. JE models have been assessed for the impact on the Finance Division. SAP Apart from the new Housing companies, a new company has been set up for the URC to enable them to use SAP. Project plans for 2007/08 have been developed and preparations were made for go-live with the Employee Self Service facility in April. Salford Community Fund Work continued with Community Foundation on the transfer of dormant trust funds culminating in a successful launch at the Lowry on 11th July. SLAs Agreement has been reached with NPHL, Salix and HCP for SLAs for 2007/08. Some SLA issues with UV have now been addressed, but outstanding issues with insurance and call centre charges remain. Pre-paid cards Discussions have been held with Alliance & Leicester to discuss the potential use of pre-paid cards to replace cheque payments to individuals (e.g. employees, benefits) to achieve cost savings. Similar proposals are to be invited from the Co-op Bank and RBS. Greater Manchester Police Authority The main focus during the quarter was supporting meetings of the Authority, its committees, working groups and panels, together with officer meetings, the main aspects of which covered budget preparation and associated matters. ACCOUNTANCY The main focus of the service during the quarter was the preparation of the final accounts for 2006/07, culminating in achievement of one of their major performance targets with their approval at Accounts Committee on 29th June. 6 Budget monitoring also commenced during the quarter with regular monthly reports to directorate senior management, lead members and Budget Scrutiny Committee. Bank and cash reconciliations continue to be completed accurately and promptly, with the June quarter being completed by 17th July. All outstationed groups continued to provide the necessary routine support required by directorates in dealing with a myriad of issues around budget preparation, budget monitoring and financial advice. PAYROLL P11D notices of taxable expenses for 2006/07 (normally issued in June/July) were issued before the year-end on 30th March. The Multiple Employments process went live successfully in May, with some minor cosmetic problems, eg payslip display, that did not affect employees’ pay were identified and corrected. June was a hectic period for Payroll with many new challenges: Salix Homes / HCP / URC formations, industrial action recoveries from pay and various internal and external audits, all of which have been responded to well. A significant amount of time was devoted to the TUPE transfers of staff from NPHL with Payroll staff putting in additional hours to set up the initial pay runs for the new housing organisations. Equal Pay settlements have all but disappeared although a few cheques continue to be issued each week as employees decide to accept the offers made. Payroll continues to investigate the implementation of electronic timesheets with SCL. Electronic Absence Recording – A revised live date of 1.10.07 has been agreed. Schools remain the only opt-out to this process. DEBTORS This Quarter Last Quarter Total Net Debt Net of land charges £17.453m £16.862m 12 months ago £13.246m £16.722m £12.712m £16.166m Target by 31/3/08 of which :Over 30 days old Over 60 days old Over 120 days old Subject to :-instalments/payment agreements - land charges - legal action £3.062m £1.955m £1.049m £1.617m £2.894m £1.300m £1.799m £1.109m £1.295m £0.567m £0.508m £0.475m £0.504m £0.581m £0.452m £0.426m £0.517m £0.518m 7 £1.455m £1.170m £0.998m Total debt outstanding has increased substantially in the quarter across the 30 and 60 days debt categories, although the 120 day debt has reduced. April saw the raising of annual invoices for Community Health & Social Care accommodation charges and Environment trade waste, which resulted in over £16m of debt raised. The majority of these invoices are payable by instalments over the next 12 months so the total debt will appear artificially high at this stage of the year, but will reduce on a monthly basis as the year progresses. Collection of over £12m of debt during May helped to offset the position, but a further £9.9m of invoices were raised during June. Outstanding mortgage debt has reduced from £111k (31 cases) to £104k (27 cases), of which 15 cases are in arrears by £35k. Discussions have been held with Urban Vision and legal to implement a fast track process for companies withholding payment. CREDITORS Performance in processing invoices for payment within 30 days of receipt is as follows :This Quarter Statutory Target Local Target Performance 2007/08 Performance 2006/07 April May June 99.2% 99.9% 99.6% 99.3% 98.2% 99.7% Cum YTD 100% 98% 99% 99.7% Last Quarter Cum YTD 99.4% The quarter saw excellent performance above 99% in April and May, but a dip in June to 98.2% to give a cumulative performance for the year to date of 99%. Whilst this is still above the local BVPI target and remains above all GM authorities by a margin of 4% from the nearest, it is a slight drop on performance this time last year. The reason for the dip in performance during June was due to a batch of 26 Housing invoices that missed the 30 day deadline due to a problem within the Creditors Team. Cumulative performance for NPHL is 89.3% and for SCL 100%, the latter now having achieved 100% for each of the last 6 months. 76.3% of all payments were made by BACS, comprising 85.2% for trade vendors and 71.5% for non-trade. The number of invoices processed in the June quarter was 160% less than 12 months ago, which was 15% less than 2 years ago following improvements in electronic processes and the use of purchasing cards. Staffing has been reduced by 37% over the 2 year period. 8 E-TRADING Purchasing Cards Purchasing cards for building repairs and maintenance expenditure are being explored for UV. A purchasing card account for Salix has been set up. A routine for sample checking of card transactions has been developed to enable managers to be provided with details of purchases. A further 10 cards were issued in the month. The scanning of purchasing card receipts/invoices commenced in April to enable the images to be indexed to the GL posting in SAP and viewed on PCs. Electronic Ordering and Invoicing Reviews are currently taking place in these areas to identify options to improve efficiency in these areas. INTERNAL AUDIT Salford Team 12 final audit reports and 13 drafts were issued during the quarter. 21% of the 20070/8 Salford mainstream plan was achieved by 3oth June. External Contracts Team A number of audits commenced at North Shropshire, a new client, although we have lost a client at Conwy due to them engaging their own computer auditor. However, they have informed us that the Wales Audit Office were very impressed with the ICT Governance in Schools audit done for them. The Contracts Audit Manual was highly commended in the Cliff Nicholson awards and it has been posted on CIPFA website for national use. Salix and NPHL SLAs for 2007/08 have been agreed. Energy Audit Team The potential for joint working with the intention to identify areas of potential savings is being explored at the RCE at Tameside. The team is offering sustainable learning to schools to promote energy efficiency. Insurance Claims A successful tender for property insurance cover was completed in May with a change of insurer from Zurich to AIG and annual savings of over £350k made on the premium. 9 Appendix 1 sets out comparative details of liability, motor and property claims over recent years. Liability claims for the first quarter of the year show a mixed position at present : a continued reduction in numbers and value for the current year compared with the same quarter in previous years, although claims for 2006/07 showed an upturn in numbers and value when compared to the position at the same time last year. JOHN SPINK City Treasurer 10