Part 1 (Open to the public) ______________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF HOUSING AND PLANNING ______________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBERS FOR PROPERTY AND CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES ON 2nd JULY 2007 ______________________________________________________________ TITLE: DDA building improvement programme 2007/08 ______________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: That; 1. Lead Member for Property approves the revised building improvement programme for 2007/08 as set out in appendix 1, and notes the improvements to process proposed. 2. Lead Member for Customer and Support Services notes that the £200,000 DDA improvement allocation in the 2007/08 capital programme will be used to improve disabled access to the buildings set out in the 2007/08 element of the building improvement programme. ______________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report sets out a proposed programme of works to improve access to public access buildings using the £200,000 allocated in the 2007/08 capital programme for this purpose. This programme was produced after consultation with service managers and is recommended for approval. The report also sets out improvements to the process of identifying and delivering the necessary works. ______________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: DDA Access Audits ______________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Low ______________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Capital Programme 2007/08 ______________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Undertaking works in this Programme will assist the council in meeting its legal obligations under Disability Discrimination legislation to make its services accessible to people with disabilities. ______________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Funding to undertake the DDA programme of works is allocated in the 2007/08 capital programme. Urban Vision has provided some preliminary advice regarding costings to enable this year’s programme to be developed. COMMUNICATION IMPLICATIONS: D:\219515930.doc N/A VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS: The Council is required to carry out works under DDA legislation and where possible these work are carried out in conjunction with other schemes, which are in some cases part funded from other sources. Where the cost of securing DDA compliance in buildings is considered to be uneconomic, these buildings may be vacated and disposed of to reduce DDA liabilities. CLIENT IMPLICATIONS: N/A PROPERTY: N/A ______________________________________________________________ HUMAN RESOURCES: Urban Vision to deliver the programme. ______________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Mr Russ Nutter Ext 2321 ______________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): All ______________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Compliance with DDA legislation Improving BVPI 156 Social Inclusion Access to services ______________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 1.0 Background 1.1 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 came into force on 1st October 2004. Amongst other things, the Act affects all service providers and requires them to make “reasonable adjustments“ to remove barriers and enable disabled people to access services. 1.2 The City Council established DDA Action Plans for each key service area. The Action Plans detail the changes to policy, practice and procedures by providing auxiliary services or aids to comply with the act and the physical alterations required to the built environment. 1.3 The council has allocated £200,000 in the capital programme for 2007/08 to continue to fund the DDA improvements to public access buildings. In addition there is a carry forward from the 2006/07 funding allocation that is sufficient to cover the cost of several uncompleted schemes. 1.4 It is proposed that as in last years budget, out of the funding allocated for 2007/08, £20,000 will be held to cover fees for all the schemes, if required. D:\219515930.doc 2.0 Building Improvement Programme 2.1 A review of the five-year programme has been carried out with the help of all service providers and the following issues have been considered: The completion of DDA works to properties from previous years of the programme. A review of the prioritisation of properties within the remaining three years of the five-year programme. The carrying out of additional minor works to properties already deemed compliant. The inclusion of non-public access properties into the programme. 2.2 Priority has been given to properties in the first two categories and the revised 2007/08 programme is set out in appendix 1. 2.3 At this stage the programme has not yet been fully costed. As full surveys are carried out and detailed costings are provided the programme may require adjustments and it may be possible to include works to properties in categories 3 and 4. 3.0 Current Performance 3.1 Progress towards fulfilling the authority’s legal requirements under the DDA legislation in respect of public access buildings is monitored through the Corporate Health Best Value PI 156, ‘percentage of buildings accessible for disabled people’. 3.2 As of the 31 March 2007, 54 of the authority’s 104 public access buildings, or 51.92%, were deemed to be BVPI 156 compliant. This figure is ahead of the authority’s target of 46% for March 2007 and is close to the target of 55% for March 2008. 4.0 Review of performance and compliance 4.1 At the Lead Member for Planning meeting on the 11th September 2006 approval was given to the appointment of an Independent Inspector to undertake surveys of two buildings where DDA works had been carried out to ensure that they were fully compliant. This was undertaken to provide assurance that the council’s approach and works programme was allowing it to fulfil its obligations under DDA legislation and that the correct assessment of BVPI 156 compliance data was taking place. 4.2 The Inspector advised that, whilst the significant physical building works had been satisfactorily undertaken, there were deficiencies in certain areas such as signage and the clear approach to buildings. 4.3 Officers have considered the inspectors report and consider that an improvement to the council’s processes is required as follows: The process of identifying the necessary works can be improved through the inspection and identification process strictly following the guidelines originally produced by the former Personnel Directorate The relevant service manager for each scheme should take responsibility for agreeing the necessary works, in association with any changes in the way the service is delivered. (Currently responsibility is not clear) D:\219515930.doc If the relevant service manager needs additional expert advice (and a lack of expertise is recognised as an issue) this should be provided. The cost would need to be met from the DDA budget. 5.0 Consultation with the Disability Forum 5.1 It is considered that to meet equality and diversity expectations and requirements it has been recognised that consultation with people with disabilities may improve outcomes. Currently, the Equal Opportunities Forum is advised of the council’s DDA programme only. It is considered that more active involvement may be beneficial. 5.2 It is therefore proposed that consideration is given to agreeing an appropriate consultation process. 6.0 Conclusions 6.1 Approval of the programme will enable a further series of improvements to take place. 6.2 The advice provided by the external consultants is being reflected in improvements to process outlined above and should provide improved outcomes for service users. Malcolm Sykes Strategic Director Housing and Planning Mike Bleese Head of Human Resources D:\219515930.doc D:\219515930.doc APPENDIX 1: - DDA BUILDING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME 2007/08 Updated by Russ Nutter on 18th June 2007 Schemes carrying forward from 2006/07 and in progress Ctte Assetgrp Address bldg H&P CS ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING CIVIC CENTRE CHORLEY ROAD SWINTON MINERVA HOUSE PENDLEBURY ROAD, SWINTON CH&SC ES CH&SC LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC ACC RECREATION CENTRE IRLAM LIBRARY HURST FOLD FIDDLERS LANE WORSLEY COURT HOUSE WORSLEY ROAD WORSLEY ECCLES REC CENTRE BARTON LANE ECCLES TREASURY MINERVA HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING LIBRARY WORSLEY COURT HOUSE ECCLES RECREATION CENTRE IRLAM COMMUNITY CNTR FERRYHILL RD IRLAM IRLAM COMMUNITY CENTRE OPPORTUNITIES CTRE CHURCHILL WAY SALF. 6 LITTLE HULTON LIBRARY LONGSHAW DRIVE LH 45, HANKINSON WAY, SALFORD PRECINCT OPPORT.CNTR. LIBRARY PROPERTY SHOP £2,500 £5,000 £30,000 £5,500 BRIERLEY HOUSE LONGSHAW DR LITTLE HULTON AGECROFT CREMATORIUM LANGLEY RD SALFORD AGECROFT CEM LODGE LANGLEY RD SALFORD OASIS 21 SILK STREET SALFORD 3 WESTWOOD CENTRE GRASMERE CRES ECCLES WINGATE RD FAMILY CNTR 31 WINGATE RD WOR JUBILEE HOUSE 51 CRESCENT SALFORD 5 SALFORD MUSEUM ART GALLERY CRESCENT S3 BANQUETING HALL BUILE HILL PARK WEASTE BLACKLEACH COUNTRY PARK WORSLEY RD NRTH PENDLEBURY REC CENTRE CROMWELL RD PENDLY ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING CREMATORIUM LODGE 1 (NORTH) YOUTH CLUB COMMUNITY CENTRE WINGATES FAMILY CENTRE WORKING CLASS MUSEUM MUSEUM PEEL PARK BANQUETING HALL VISITORS CENTRE PENDLEBURY REC. CENTRE £5,000 £20,000 £11,100 £10,000 £15,000 £1,400 £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 £5,000 £32,200 Schemes carrying forward from 2006/07 and not yet in progress CH&SC COMMUNITY CENTRE H&P IND COM BUILDINGS CH&SC LIBRARY H&P PROPERTY SHOP 2007/08 CS ES ES CS CH&SC CH&SC CH&SC CH&SC ES ES CS ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING CEMETERIES CEMETERIES CIVIC YOUTH CENTRE COMMUNITY CENTRE DAY CARE FACILITIES LIBRARY MUSEUM PARK/ BUILDING PARK/ BUILDING RECREATION CENTRE D:\219515930.doc Total DDA Cost £24,000 £30,000 £24,000 £10,000 £91,500 ES CH&SC RECREATION FACILITY RECREATION FACILITY Compliant Properties requiring minor additional work in 2007/08 CH&SC LIBRARY CH&SC LIBRARY CH&SC LIBRARY CH&SC LIBRARY FALSE CEMETERIES CH&SC HO CS HO COMMUNITY CENTRE ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING CIVIC YOUTH CENTRE ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING LAND AT ALBERT PK ALBERT PK RD SALFORD 8 NEW WATERSPORTS CENTRE - 18 THE QUAYS SALF 5 CHANGING ROOMS NEW WATERSPORTS CENTRE £1,000 £10,000 £125,700 CADISHEAD LIBRARY 126 LIVERPOOL RD CAD HEIGHT LIBRARY KING STREET SALFORD WORSLEY VILLAGE LIBRARY WORSLEY RD WORS WINTON LIBRARY OLD PARRIN LANE WINTON ECCLES CEMETERY LODGE 716 LIVERPOOL ROAD ECCLES BOOTHSTOWN COMM CTR STANDFIELD DR BTOWN ORDSALL NEIGHBRHD OFFCE 2 ROBERT HALL ST BEACON RESOURCE CENT., LONDON ST., SALFORD VARIOUS LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LODGE ADMINISTRATION BLDG £1,000 £1,500 £1,000 £1,500 £10,000 COMMUNITY CENTRE & LIBRARY ORDSALL NEIGH. OFF. & LIBRARY YOUTH CLUB Area Housing Office £1,000 £1,000 £10,000 £6,300 £33,300 VETS PAVILLION £23,259 Properties where DDA works are ongoing but are not public access ES PARK/BUILDING VICTORIA PK MANCHESTER RD SWIN D:\219515930.doc D:\219515930.doc