ITEM NO. 8 REPORT OF The Head of Planning and Development and The Assistant Director of Economic Development TO Regeneration Initiatives Cabinet Working Group ON 19th February 2007 at 2.00pm TITLE: Salford’s City-Wide Employment Land Study 2007 RECOMMENDATION: That cabinet note the progress made and draft timetable for completion of the study EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report seeks to give an update on the progress made on a city-wide Employment Land Study. This study is a joint piece of work between the Housing and Planning Directorate (Spatial Planning) the Chief Executive’s Directorate (Economic Development Section) BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) ODPM Employment Land Review Guidance Note 2004 Salford City Council Unitary Development Plan 2004-2016 ASSESSMENT OF RISK: SOURCE OF FUNDING: LDF Budget, LABGI, NDC contribution LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: D:\98928610.doc CONTACT OFFICER: Chris Findley TEL. NO. Stuart Kitchen WARD (S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE (S): City-wide KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: D:\98928610.doc 0161 793 3654 0161 793 3441 DETAILS: Introduction This report is intended to give an update on the progress made on the employment land study, since the last verbal update was given in November 2006. Purpose The employment land study will be used for a variety of purposes. It will supplement and enhance the economic development strategy for the city. It will also inform the production of documents within the Local Development Framework (LDF) and will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. The key outcomes of the study will be: An employment database containing baseline data on sites and premises across the city. Qualitative assessments in respect of employment areas across the city and strategic guidance in respect of their future role. Recommendations in respect of future economic growth forecasts and the requirements of this growth. Recommendations in terms of the capacity of the city’s existing stock of sites and premises to provide for the identified growth, together with the characteristics of any additional requirement. The study will also provide the mechanism by which more advanced employment development monitoring procedures can be put in place. Thereby ensuring the conclusions of the study can be continually updated. Progress Since the last update given to Cabinet Working Group, good progress has been made on this key area of work. An employment land working group consisting of council officers from the Economic Development Section and Spatial Planning Team has been formed. The group has met regularly since November 06 and has agreed the parameters of the study, the human and financial resources required, the sources of funding and the likely timescales for carrying out and completing the work. D:\98928610.doc A project and consultants brief has been jointly worked up and is now at the final draft stage. The project will be undertaken in partnership with the commissioned consultant, with council staff leading on individual elements. The study has been thoroughly priced and the final cost is estimated at between £46k and £50k. Both Central Salford URC and the NDC have been offered the opportunity to join the working group and a contribution of £5k per organisation, towards the cost of the study has been requested. The remaining costs will be split equally between Planning and Economic Development. The URC are still considering the brief and their future involvement. The NDC have indicated their willingness to contribute and join the working group, notwithstanding 1 or 2 queries, which are being worked through. Manchester Enterprises have also been invited to join the group, they have accepted the invitation. Next Steps / Timetable A Housing and Planning Lead Member report is being prepared, which will ask for; approval of the project / consultants brief, permission to invite external tenders for the work and authorisation to release the appropriate funding The Lead Member report will be submitted on 23 rd Feb, following legal and financial advice. It will be considered at the formal briefing on 12th March. Allowing a week for call-in, the advertisement / invitation to tender will be made on the 19 th March. The consultants will be appointed in May 07, the first draft of the study is timetabled for August 07 and final sign off of the completed study is expected to take place in early October 07. Conclusions The employment land study is now progressing well. Both ED and Planning have committed human and financial resources to the project, which is moving forward as a true cross directorate piece of work. Membership of the working group has been widened to include external partners who have a particular interest in this area of work in the City. D:\98928610.doc