PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE LEAD MEMBER FOR COMMUNITY & SOCIAL SERVICES DIRCTORATE TO THE HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE ON 4 SEPTEMBER 2002 TITLE : BEST VALUE REVIEW - PEOPLE SUPPORTED RECOMMENDATIONS : THAT THE REPORT BE NOTED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : In line with the requirements of the Best Value Review process, a Best Value Review of Services to People Supported (Learning Difficulties) was commenced in March 2002. This report gives an update of work presently being undertaken by the review team. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : (Available for public inspection) All relevant Council policies Modernising Day Services Programme Maurice Hawker document (Benchmarking) King's Fund - 'Changing Days' Valuing People Joint Investment Plan (JIP) ASSESSMENT OF RISK THE SOURCE OF FUNDING IS LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED CONTACT OFFICER : D:\98942660.doc Eve Murphy, Deputy Director Alison Norton, PCSM Tel: 0161 793 2224 Tel: 0161 793 2319 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): KEY COUNCIL POLICIES DETAILS (Continued Overleaf) Updated : 19/07/2002 D:\98942660.doc All Update: Best Value Review - People Supported As members are aware, it has been necessary to determine the scope of the review and it was agreed that the following areas would be covered: 1. 2. Day time activities/services Dispersed Housing for people with learning difficulties. The following work has been undertaken to date. 1. A baseline study using summary service profiles: Dispersed Housing Day services Supported tenancies - private and non-statutory section Health Houses 2. Key 4Cs (communication, consultation, challenge and compare) from corporate toolkit/framework for applying person centred principles: In-house services have adopted this method of working Evidenced via Joint Investment Plan, service plans, unit business plans, task groups, service activities. 3. Making linkages with development of the Performance Management Framework in Community & Social Services Directorate: Supported tenancies Day services The Links Commissioning 4. Stakeholder challenge sessions (including Partnership Board): Agreed to submit 'Looking Forward to the Future' and 'Better by Design' documents, together with the Cabinet report on Section 31 payments for joint services funding and the Primary Care Trust/Community & Social Services Directorate planning structure, which demonstrates the stakeholder challenge sessions. D:\98942660.doc 5. Making linkages with Partnership Board and its sub-groups such as Salford Implementation Team. The members of this group will advise how they want to be involved in the review: The Partnership Board has a problem with the current formatting of report and would want versions they can understand, before they can be involved in decisions. Need to agree a different format. 6. Person Centred Planning for significant numbers of users attending local day services based on the social network model for progressing people into adult education and/or work: Social workers in process of completing service users' files in day centres to agree/sign off care plans for all services users. Waterside Resource Centre has been done and expecting to complete all by 30 September 2002. 7. A review of all relevant Council policies to ensure people with learning difficulties have fair access to mainstream Council services: Salford Work Development Unit's employment policies are designed to access mainstream services Joint policies are currently under review by Shirley Vaughan (community nurse based at White Moss). 8. Comparison of supported housing costs between inhouse/independent/health sector: Costs are available to enable comparisons to be made between the 3 sectors and then determine recommendations. 9. Research on commissioning strategies for learning difficulties services. 10. Development of regional and local performance indicators, targets and performance management systems. 11. Investigation of best practices: King's Fund publication 'Changing Days' which includes a useful checklist to be sent out to managers. Managers are involved with this and are developing action plans. D:\98942660.doc A course is available at Lancaster for all north west authorities. 12. A review of existing consultation processes and dates and the filling of gaps: Day services Dispersed Housing Joint Community Team De-registration is continual and ongoing consultation Joint provider forums - continual consultation Health Houses - need to check on this Staff consultation - meetings recorded 13. Review procedures and staff skills in risk assessment and management: Risk assessments (RA8) - we can determine that these are being completed for internal providers, but need to check with independent sector. A matrix is available to help show where we are vulnerable. Trafford's research report (bad practice issues) Health staff - have received a copy of procedures from Primary Care Trust. 14. Agree formal communication links to facilitate the integration of Best Value improvement plan with children's and adults' disabilities plans: A Transitions Group is established which includes adults and children and is preparing an information leaflet on this, which should be completed by 1 October 2002. 15. Prepare a Human Resource plan to inform training and workforce planning strategies. 16. Beginning to establish social networks in day services: Work has been done on 'Where People Live' An analysis undertaken of social networks 17. Complete assessment for people who attend day services: Activity programmes provided with in-house services Service users' care plans to be completed 18. Arrange support for people involved with Partnership Board and for development groups in day services: D:\98942660.doc Some service issues are arising in supporting people on the Partnership Board. We need to identify the resources needed in centres and highlight this with the Partnership Board. 19. Identify transport needs and link both reviews together. Much of the above mentioned work has been completed and will be ready for the mid-point challenge at the end of October. The anticipated outcomes at this stage are: a) b) c) A redesign with associated targets for the Dispersed Housing network to provide better value services. To agree joint working arrangements with Health in supported tenancies. To ensure that day services enhance opportunities for those supported to reach their full potential. The review team is presently engaged in pulling all the pieces of work together in order to meet the timescales of the review. A further update report will be submitted following the mid-point challenge. EEM/IJP 26 August 2002 D:\98942660.doc